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10808533 No.10808533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever wanted to play with a loli who has long hair? Maybe afterwards her hair would be ruffled and you'd brush it for her.

Doing stuff like that seems like it'd be really nice. Has anyone here brushed a loli's hair? What was it like? If not, have you ever played with a loli? What did you do? Was it fun?

>> No.10808538

Children are filthy and stupid. I can't wait until they don't exist in 50 years.

>> No.10808539

All of that sounds nice. Unfortunately, I haven't played with many loli.

>> No.10808540

This image sexually arouses me. Damn lolis, being this appealing should be illegal.

>> No.10808545

I have a sister who just turned 9 this monday! She doesn't like me much, but when she's actually happy to see me, we have a lot of fun together!

>> No.10808552

Having a little girl in your life always makes things better.

>> No.10808561

The problem with having a little girl in your life is the knowledge that you'll see her grow up.

>> No.10808571

If you live in a third-world country maybe. Why are we letting these apes on the internet?

>> No.10808572

Stop being such a perverted loli

I can relate to that..

my little sister is now 14. why couldn't she stay little...

>> No.10808577

I like to pretend i'm a loli with friends that are willing to treat me like one.

>> No.10808581

I live in what I consider a pretty nice house in a nice neighborhood in the nice part of town, and I always look forward to the times when I can see my relatives who are cute little girls. It's always the highlight of my day.

Aside from that I look forward to food. I live a somewhat easygoing life.

>> No.10808593

That would be very fun!

>> No.10808588

If you were a loli, I would like to brush your hair.

>> No.10808590

I only have one experience back in high school. My father's boss came over for dinner with his whole family, which included a girl I believe aged 8 years old. I played with her in another room while dinner was prepared. I teased her a little and I remember her playfully biting my arm. It ended up with her sitting on my lap in a rocking chair. I even got to hug her while doing it.

It only lasted five minutes but it was great.

>> No.10808600

Those kinds of experience are the best. I wonder why lolis don't mind being held by or having physical contact with people they don't know very well.

>> No.10808603

When I used to take care of my cousins when they were younger, one of them had an obvious crush on me. She was 10, at the time. I liked her back, but was too afraid to take things further.

When she asked me to brush her hair, I was too embarrassed at my lack of skill to do it properly, and she never asked again, since I was terrible at it.

Her hair was silky smooth, and deliciously short, just the way I liked it. I still regret not manning up and brushing her hair properly.

>> No.10808604

I think so! You'd be very cute. Do you prefer longer or shorter hair?

>> No.10808608

I hope you aren't expecting it to be like that forever. Food will soon be completely pointless as we rapidly become machines. Why these third-world countries still have children in the 21st century is beyond me, they will be completely worthless in a few years as the singularity will occur before they reach maturity.

>> No.10808612

My whole family went to my cousin's orchestra performance before she went to perform overseas. We didn't have enough seats, so they made my sister sit on my lap. We played with eachother the whole time, and eventually she fell asleep in my arms. I was so happy!

>> No.10808616

I like it long and very straight.

>> No.10808629

Me too. I would keep it straight for you.

>> No.10808631


I think it's not impossible for some sort of immortality to be possible in 40 years. Hell, the internet as a fully-commercialized entity hasn't even existed for 20, and look how much our lives revolve around it now.

So yeah, 50 years, no one younger than 10? Seems wonderful.


Depends on the age. My mother has a friend who uses her as a last resort for babysitting. This little girl is fairly run-of-the-mill, but holy fuck she is so irritating. She wants to play, but all of the little games and activities she wants to do are repetitive, simple-minded, and boring. Because she has boundless energy, she never wants to stop playing, so she'll get loud and annoying if you ever quit.

I'm the youngest sibling in my family, so I don't have experience in dealing with children in general. I'm home for the weekend, trying to play Metal Gear Rising since I don't have a 360 at my own house, and this fucking brat is running around, stomping, shouting, and my older brother who LIKES dealing with young children is following her around, also being noisy. I'm turning the volume up to hear what's going on, and she gets louder to compensate because she's a fucking idiot like all children are.

Because I dislike her, I deliberately ignored her when she tried to get my attention. She, in her stupidity, thought this meant that I just wasn't noticing her. She shouted my name from the top of a staircase for what felt like five minutes, wondering why I was so weird for not responding.

Maybe the experience would be less unpleasant if she were older (her speech is barely comprehensible; it's that thing where you have to repeat every sentence she says back to her as a question to make sure you can understand), but God damn I hate young children.

>> No.10808642

What kinds of things does she want to do in specific? She doesn't sound all that bad to me.

>> No.10808654

>Why these third-world countries still have children in the 21st century is beyond me, they will be completely worthless in a few years as the singularity will occur before they reach maturity.
Maybe it's because your zealous crusader buttbuddies bombed their fields and hooked them up in economical schemes. Children bring security for your later life.

>> No.10808653

She probably thought you hated it if you were acting awkward about it.

>> No.10808655

This thread is making me look forward to the day I have a daughter. Don't get me wrong - I'm no pedo. I'd just really love to make my daughter happy by being a cool dad that she can talk to and look up to. I'd like to be the one to teach her many things in her childhood. I'd want to sometimes brush her hair and have her sleep in my arms after a long day of childhood games.

Thanks OP, now I have to at least have one son and one daughter.

This is all assuming I drop out of wizardry school and abandon wizardhood forever.

>> No.10808658

The singularity isn't gonna happen. Technology is already hitting a plateau as we reach the limits of what is physically possible.

>> No.10808667

I cuddled with my little cousin last... December I think. She jumped onto me and wrapped her legs around my body. We rubbed each other's cheeks together. It was cute.

>> No.10808669

Where is the evidence of this plateau? Computing power is still accelerating at an exponential rate.

>> No.10808674

I was sitting next to my cousin who was under a blanket and shivering, and I offered that she lay against me to warm up. She insisted on staying by herself.

>> No.10808671

I want to brush a girl's long hair too.

>> No.10808672


Apologies for putting sage in the wrong field. I wasn't paying attention, but I am nevertheless ashamed.


There's a path in my house from the kitchen, to the living room, to the entry hall, and back to the kitchen that makes a loop that has a bunch of stairs. She led my older brother around on this loop for several minutes, just stomping her way around and shouting... something? It was some variety of pretend; what was going on outside wasn't nearly as exciting as what she was imagining, but she was shouting as loud as if it WAS that exciting.

The issue is that she would repeat this same phrase over and over and over again. And then, when she had decided that all that shouting while running along this loop had accomplished whatever goal she had decided it was supposed to accomplish, she would embark on a new quest that involved shouting a different phrase along this loop. Occasionally there were hand gestures involved.

I honestly don't know her very well at all, but I know that all of my experiences with her have been unpleasant. She chases my cat around and tries to grab her my just reaching her hand out and trying to grab whatever part of her she can reach. My cat doesn't seem to mind this for some reason, but it still bothers me.

>> No.10808678

The fact that we use multiple small processing cores now instead of one big one.

>> No.10808681

Indeed, and the tubes are being laid everywhere. The third world is gaining access to the internet with noticeable speed, which is a wonderful thing.

>> No.10808684

That's not stopping computing power from increasing.

Fastest computer last year: 10 pflops
Fastest computer this year: 20 pflops

There will be a 1000 pflop computer by 2020.

>> No.10808688


Moving to different architecture because one method of doing things is beginning to produce insufficient gains for the investment being put into it does NOT mean that technology, as a whole, is reaching some kind of 'limit'.

>> No.10808693

But after that she seems pretty keen about those kinds of things. When I visit she sometimes puts her hands on my shoulders from behind and pulls back like she wants to ride on my back. Other times she just pokes me or taps on my shoulder opposite of where she is.

She has hair down to the middle of her back.

>> No.10808805

Whenever I am down loli pictures like op's cheer me up.

>> No.10808817
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That they do!

>> No.10808830

What happened to that one guy who was feeding a loli?

>> No.10808830,1 [INTERNAL] 

Even with a janitor deleting threads, this one probably won't be deleted for a while.

I wonder why loli threads aren't deleted as quick as shitposts.

>> No.10808839

little girls don't like their hair brushed, it hurts

>> No.10808848

But that's not a loli

>> No.10808852

I tried running my fingers through a loli's hair once, and it snagged. Her hair was not as soft as it looked. I instantly felt bad and she said nothing.

Maybe she needs some sort of conditioner or just needs to brush it. I don't know, I'm not an expert on hair.

>> No.10808854

Stop spreading misinformation. My little girl specifically asked for me to brush her hair.

It was clearly a joyous activity that she only allowed people who were close to her heart to do.

>> No.10808857

It's not difficult to get close to a little girls heart seeing as they're stupid. Even a dog could do it.

>> No.10808859

loli's dont care if their hair looks nice

>> No.10808862

That's a horrible thing to say. Please apologize to the little girls.

>> No.10808863

Kill yourself. I won't stand to hear such vitriol from trash.

>> No.10808865

She has to care at least how it looks because the next time I saw her the ends of her hair had been curled. She may not care how it feels, but I think she does care how it looks.

>> No.10808868

That's because gods are cute and fluffy and little girls like that.

>> No.10808869


Sorry, I'm just bitter since I was really close to my dog and he died when I was little.

>> No.10808872

Get a new dog.

>> No.10808870

tomboy loli's dont care, the best loli's

>> No.10808871

Don't say sorry to us, tell it to the lolis.

>> No.10808874

>Sorry, I'm just bitter since I was really close to my dog and he died when I was little.

At first glance, I didn't understand what the fuck you were getting at, here. Then I reread your previous post.

Kill yourself, trash. Women are disgusting pieces of shit who should immediately kill themselves once they stop being cute little girls.

>> No.10808879

No, I can't forgive myself for getting close to it. I know any other little girl would do the same and be hurt just as much.

>> No.10808905

Since when opening one's heart is being stupid?
... oh I get it, you're either a woman or a normal.

That being said, it's fucking sad to know that people think of the very act of opening one's heart to someone as being stupid. No seriously, it's sad.

>> No.10808917

Maybe the word naive is better? The point I was trying to make is that children open their hearts far too easily without any regards for the consequences that might happen.

But I'm just being bitter because of something that happened to me, sorry.

>> No.10808975

So anyone have any more stories about brushing a loli's hair?

>> No.10808980

No but I have a story about how I killed a loli

>> No.10808986
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Please, no.

>> No.10808990


>> No.10808991

One time I was playing in a hammock with a loli. We were kind of wrestling (not seriously because we would fall off). Then she got off the hammock and started swinging it to try and make me fall off. I decided to play and fall off on purpose. However it didn't work well, the whole hammock swang over and she got hit in the face by the wooden part. She was bleeding from her mouth and crying. Then I comforted her and she felt better.

>> No.10808993

Why are none of you talking about fugging lolis? Is this just a guise so that you don't get reported to the FBI?

>> No.10808998

Do you wish to hear about the time where a loli jumped into my arms, wrapped her legs about my waste, and slowly leaned into my face expecting a kiss, and I did nothing and set her back down, once the moment was passed?

It's almost like we fugged.

>> No.10809003

One time I touched an 8 years old loli's flat chest.
I was 7.

>> No.10809000



Just kill me right this minuteness.

>> No.10809001

Well, now I'm masturbating to your post. Great work.

>> No.10809002

check mate

>> No.10809006

Has it crossed your mind that maybe nobody here has had sex with a loli?

I have a feeling it's either that or people here are content with just seeing the lolis being happy and just being an innocent little girl.

>> No.10809012 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10809013
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>> No.10809018

I could have made the post better, if masturbation was your intent.

I didn't even describe the exquisite feeling of her warm crotch being ground against my barely restrained boner, or the euphoria I experienced as I kneaded her ass with my hands.

That's about it, though. I was too afraid of the reaction of my family to go any further.

I miss those days. I would definitely do things differently, heh.

>> No.10809031

I have this really weird story... I almost don't believe it happened.

Anyway, I used to live in an eastern European country where daycare had naptime after lunch. The beds there were in a staircase formation, the ones which you can fold out. There were maybe five or six levels in each set. Anyway, right above me, there was this loli with whom I had strange sexual relations with. We used to join each others blankets (so that the teachers wouldn't see), and then I would grab her hand from above and start kissing it, and well, making out with it, really. She liked it a lot, and we did it many times. We also tried kissing behind the school one time. We were by somebody, though.

Unfortunately, I don't remember many details. It still feels like that was just a series of dreams when I think about it. We were only five or six. If anything, it proves that kids can have real sexual feelings on their own will.

>> No.10809036

We were caught by somebody*

>> No.10809035

>I would grab her hand from above and start kissing it

>> No.10809054

I'll be stuck in a car with some lolis in about a month, one of which I kind of have a crush on. I hope that we either play some games together, or eat some snacks together, or she falls asleep against me. She's the same cousin who sat next to me at the pizza place, then pulled me by my hand to the games, and then held my hand at the prize counter.

I hope I don't sound to weird, but I'm really looking forward to it. It's all that's on my mind at the moment.

>> No.10809072

Either /jp/ has an unusually high number of denizens associating with lolis, or I'm a gullible fool.
Either way, I'm jealous.

>> No.10809074

anyone give a loli the d?

>> No.10809079
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im so jelly right now

>> No.10809094

People here probably get dragged to family stuff, where there's almost always a loli. Usually she starts everything, which is great for the people here who would sit in the corner otherwise.

>> No.10809102

>sit in the corner otherwise.
That's not true, I always initiate my interaction with children (both girls and boys). I make them laugh and play with them so they like me. It's especially easy if they're the only children around because the other adults will bore them and they have nothing to do. I hae a hard time dealing with other adults but I'm fine around children. If I'm ever forced out of my NEET life I'll probably become a clown.

>> No.10809112

Don't become a clown. Try to become some sort of teacher or something.

>> No.10809116

But clowns are funny and make children laugh... teacher have to teach them stuff they don't care about and children hate them.

>> No.10809144

At the end of it all though, you're still a clown. There has to be something other than a clown and a teacher.

>> No.10809151

Every single goddamn one of us is nothing but a clown after all is said and done.

>> No.10809159

why not be a school or camp councilor?

>> No.10809165

This is something probably better than both a teacher and a clown.

>> No.10809167
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Maybe I could be santa at the mall

>> No.10809173

Protip: Children don't actually go to counseling. You'll have to put up with teachers. Hahaha.

>> No.10809193

How should I know, I haven't been to the mall since I was a kid.

>> No.10809187

Is that sort of thing even allowed anymore? I would imagine the practice has been completely outlawed with how hypersensitive soccer moms have been lately

>> No.10809198

Definitely still around here in the southwestern USA, but you really don't get any kids older than 5 or 6.

>> No.10809424

It's not like little girls are rare or anything, so it's not really surprising.

>> No.10809441

>It's not like little girls are rare or anything,

Oh man, I just imagines what it must be like to be a Chinese in China. Grown women are already rare, imagine what the chances of seeing a little girl (who isn't in a dumpster) are.

>> No.10809456

Well at least where I am they don't seem rare. Maybe it's because I only notice them though.

>> No.10809486

but that's not exponential growth, that's geometric growth

>> No.10809512

bad teachers do that, good teachers make the children like them and things they teach

>> No.10809549

Classy thread guys, keep up the good work

>> No.10809560

You aren't gong to make anyone care about a multiplication table no matter how good a teacher you are.

>> No.10809565

Classy comment completely void of substance, massa.

>> No.10809707

it'd be better if he posted the pflops from a computer 2 years ago.
But technology won't "peak" anytime soon. It'll keep growing well into 2050, and once we get 3D printing and carbon nano-tubes who knows what we'll get!

>> No.10810105

I haven't interacted with a loli, but I would enjoy brushing eachother's hair.

>> No.10810171

This thread is fucking GREAT and I'm bumping it.

>> No.10810196

My aunt son have two girls, one of them is ok and pretty cute, but another one is walking nightmare. She's noisy brat that fuggen bullied me cause she know that I won't really do shit, cus I'm afraid of family reaction. I was visiting my aunt house with my family twice, and this visits were one week nightmare. I couldn't really have fun with the other loli cause she this little noisy shit was always around her. Fortunately they live in the other side of country so visiting them is such rarity. Some time ago I heard that she failed primary school cause she can't read and apparently is too stupid to learn reading. I'm fucking overjoyed.

Another loli that I was able to interact with comes from the family of fat people(they are friends with my parents), so she is as disgusting as her parents. All she do during the visits is playing some stupid online nickelodeon games on my computer and then eat everything she can. My keyboard and mouse is fucking greasy after that and there's food lying everywhere around my computer.

I'm wondering how can I still like lolis after experiencing all that. I was fuggin bullied by 6 year old!

My only good experiences with 3D lolis is when some random, stranger loli look at me for a while when I'm somewhere out. Some of them are really cute and they even smile at me. But then someone have to go and this wonderful moment ends.
That sucks.

>> No.10810223

You type like you are only 15 years old.

>> No.10810221

The nerds will like it.

>> No.10810226

He seems like a Flip to me. Could also be the Thai who posted the other day

>> No.10810232


>> No.10810228

I am. Mentally.
I'm eurofag.

>> No.10810257
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>> No.10811098


>> No.10811136
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>that book
Oh god, this was so good. But I'm pretty sure you can't call that loli anymore.
I think a part of me died when I read it.

>> No.10811141

Short hair master race

>> No.10811155
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Does /jp/ still have a lower limit or have you already ventured into the forbidden zone?

>> No.10811172

I've played with little girls some years ago. It was her birthday party and since our parents knew each other I decided to join in for the free food. She played with a large group of her friends for a while whilst I was busy socializing with the old hags and fat oji-sans but after a few hours most of the kids that were from out of town had to start going home with their parents (the girls were all around the age of 9-11 I'd say).
At that point there were only 2 of her friends left (I'd assume they were from the neighboring houses so they were like her best friends probably).
Now here's the fun part. Would you believe me if I told you they were very similar to our -dere archetypes? One of her friends was very tomboyish and liked to wrestle with me and fist fight me. The other was a very quiet and shy little girl that they would make me touch her (id pat her head) because she would start blushing and hiding behind the other girls (it was insanely cute because she kept coming back for more patting). And the birthday girl was a very fine example of a birthday girl ojou-sama. She'd have exclusive access to my lap to sit on and she would have the absolute authority to order me and her friends around.
As to what we played, I took them around the neighboring houses(not too far away) and would tell them scary stories as we walked around darker places, we'd also get ordered around by the birthday girl, I'd be forced to carry them like princesses. They were all very soft :3c /blog

>> No.10811182 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10811202

Anything that looks younger than 3 is too babyish looking for me.

>> No.10811214
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That's my limit, and it really depends on the artist. The less realistic the better.

>> No.10811295

I had this one. But I can't find anywhere.
Does anyone have a download link?

>> No.10811298

Reading sure is hard.

>> No.10811298,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this deleted?
