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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10801003 No.10801003 [Reply] [Original]

Kami-sama offers to make you into the little girl, but in return you'll lose your home and belongings and have nothing but your memories and a pretty outfit.

Do you accept His offer?

>> No.10801011

I'm a pretty girl why should I need money?

>> No.10801015

Hahaha, as a little girl, I'd get myself a new home and money in less than an hour.

That being said, nice turdblr filename, asshat.

>> No.10801024

If I had my memories I'm sure I could easily convince my mom that I'm now a little girl and get back into my home.

>> No.10801025

Can I lose my memories too?
They'd be pretty useless.
Also, I want to be a lesbian.

>> No.10801027

How little are we talking and where will I "start" if I don't have my home?

>> No.10801032

You awaken in your girl form in an alleyway in downtown Tokyo.

You're a little Japanese girl.

>> No.10801041

Can't it be somewhere better like the USA?

>> No.10801050

10 years old and 4'7" tall.

>> No.10801051

Go to the embassy and call me mum.

>> No.10801056

I seduce a gullible /jp/sie and live at his place.

>> No.10801081

>Better than Japan
Get back to >>>/usa/, you pathetic Westaboo loser.

>> No.10801112

Well, I'm PhD in math
>every job i want
>became cute girl

Nothing to worry about.

>> No.10801133

Or you could be make tons of money playing in Mahjong tournaments with the gimmick of being a cute little girl.

>> No.10801145

You can't keep your paper when you become little girl.

>> No.10801156

You clearly aren't... Ph.D in math are technically gods but are paid shit compared to engineer, so, unless you discover some wonderfull things or do financial activities. However I give you the fact that you'll certainly be able to set up a nice situation with such knowledge.

Well, I'd say about the same as him but with muuuuuuch less salary.

>> No.10801173

I already am a girl, and becoming younger sounds nice, but it's not worth losing my house and belongings.
Can I become a magical girl instead?

>> No.10801174

but you keep your knowledge. If you show off your skill, (pretty easily, just scribble thing you're able to teach and are pretty skillfull), people will see your powerlevel this way.

>> No.10801192

If I become a Japanese little girl, does that mean I can speak japanese? If that's the case I'll ask for directions to a cyber cafe and tell my tale to /jp/.

>> No.10802257

i might as long i'm 奇麗

>> No.10808169


>> No.10808365

btw i'm girl

>> No.10808368


>> No.10808381

how would you rebuild your life from scratch as a little girl without going full slut?

there are tons of little girls in orphanages around the world

>> No.10808383

There is no point to still have your memories if you are a little girl. Especially when you are constantly getting raped

>> No.10808388

I would become a cute /jp/sie's girlfriend and later wife.

>> No.10808425

Am I stuck as a little girl forever? Or do I get to grow into a beautiful japanese lady?

>> No.10808434

Who said anything about being Japanese?

>> No.10808468


>> No.10808484

Well that sucks. I won't trade my master race genetics even if it is to become a little girl.

>> No.10808555

>math PhD
>become 10 year old little girl
>Go to investment firm
>Offer skills in exchange for bare minimum to go to Ivy League
>Ivy Leagues have top notch financial aid program
>become welfare queen for 4 years
>get job, become graduate
>get math PhD or whatever the fuck you want all over again
>18 year old PhD student
>300k starting
>any job you want

>> No.10808609
File: 419 KB, 768x1024, snail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes.

I'll be knowledgeable, wise and pretty.
