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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1079921 No.1079921 [Reply] [Original]

Anonymous, how did you get introduced to /jp/-related material--what graduated you from an ordinary weeaboo to a /jp/-level one? Did you first discover /jp/ and then get convinced to play a VN, or was it something else?

>> No.1079926

Death Note

>> No.1079931


>> No.1079933

I can't remember anything past yesterday.

>> No.1079944

I don't fucking remember.

>> No.1079949

I want to be your knight, chihiro.

>> No.1079958

Become a weeaboo with DBZ. Got more into animu, realized I hated everyone else that liked it. Couldn't find any visual novels, because I didn't know what to search for (didn't know they were called visual novels). Found 4chan, now my powerlevel is over 9000.

>> No.1079967

>first discover /jp/
Only applies to omega newfags

>> No.1079973


>> No.1079970

I kept seeing Tsukihime shit on /a/ back when I had all kinds of misconceptions about visual novels and dating sims and shit. I thought they were all just the most retarded possible delivery system for porn and somehow had this crazy distinction in my mind that despite every other immoral or nerdy thing I do, that would really be over the line. Either that, or they were horrible girlfriend simulators like that Megatokyo faggot loved. But everything I was seeing about Tsukihime was different from that and eventually I had to try it, and I liked it.

>> No.1079986

I remember seeing /jp/-related stuff back on /a/ before the split, but I didn't try any of it until the split. Then I tried F/SN...

>> No.1079996

Well, I used to go on alt.binaries.erotica.blahblah for anime porn when I was 10 years old or so. Then, I used to save my lunch money in order to buy VHS fansubs from creepy oldfags over the internet.

So yeah, my power level has always been maximum. I have been /jp/-level since birth.

>> No.1080029

Tsukihime. Then I moved on to other visual novels and other /jp/ games. I haven't watched anime in ages

>> No.1080026

>Did you first discover /jp/
GTFO newfag... /jp/ isn't even a year old yet.

>> No.1080027

Being stationed in Japan when I was in the RAF

>> No.1080060

I first got into /jp/ material when I was stationed overseas while I was still in the RAF. Not exactly sure what or when caused me to continue elevating but it started with little things like taking an interest in the culture and language when I was there. I do know that it eventually turned into liking anime and such later on.

>> No.1080057

I blame Bible Black and True Love for getting me into this mess.
And FUCK 4chan for getting me into Touhou.

>> No.1080073

Go back to /b/

>> No.1080076


>> No.1080067

4chan has been trying to get me into tohoes, but I still don't know wether touhou is a game, manga, anime or wtf it is. all i ever see are shootan games, that all there is to it???

>> No.1080078
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Touhou is everything.

>> No.1080128
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I dunno, but the touhou x shiki porn is nice

>> No.1080175

Hmm, let's see... It started with Mugen when I downloaded Melty Blood characters and took a liking to White Len. A little research later and I found out where they came from and decided to watch the anime since there was one. Wasn't very impressed but wasn't very turned off from it. Investigated the Fate/Stay Night anime from there. Still too lazy too actually download the VNs and translations and whatnot. Not too long after I got into 4chan, started browsing /a/, thought the characters from the Touhou-jacks were cute, looked into their origins, and from there it's been a downhill slide.

>> No.1080199



>> No.1080355


>It started with Mugen

10/10. At this moment in time, there is nothing I want more than for you to die the most horrible, painful death possible.

>> No.1080387

Eh, it was something that I found entertaining for a brief period of time and even then I recognized the serious issues plaguing it (lol balance)

>> No.1080441

It was probably True Love. I remember playing that a while ago and loving it. I'm still not into the Toehoes, though. It feels like the NO SOAP RADIO of the internet.

>> No.1080470


>> No.1080494

leaving the old (DOS based) hgames/eroge aside, I'd say around the time Hirameki first localized Ever17.

>> No.1080683

I'm an anime weeaboo. Like, really, the only reason /jp/ is more interesting to me than /a/ is because /jp/ is where all the pedophiles are, and /a/ is pure, concentrated faggotry. I don't play/read/watch/collect/fap to touhou, I don't play melty blood, I HAVE played Ever17 but those threads are rare, I hate 3D, I can't speak the language, I've never traveled (nor plan to travel) to Japan, and the list goes on.

Yeah, it's pretty much the loli. Oh, Elona was kinda fun... for a very short period.

>> No.1080719

I am Anon. I agree w/ your post and I fap to lolis too. If you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages, I will spam this thread with memes.
