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File: 140 KB, 1024x576, dragon cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10790038 No.10790038 [Reply] [Original]

Which Kamidori could take a full sized dragon cock? Edition.
Hellmodo: No Sharty.

>> No.10790046

is dis the cockthred?? :)

>> No.10790202

>Which Kamidori could take a full sized dragon cock?
Kohakuren? Mylen Ploa?

>> No.10790207

Probably Leguna.
Barring that, Asmodeus.

>> No.10790285

Asmodeus, of course.

>> No.10790328

Stop misusing spoiler function.

>> No.10790341


I've finally farmed the 3000 Jupiter Stones I needed to max my stats.
Tomorrow I get back on the plot. Then I work on getting the 4 ultimate weapons I'm missing.

>> No.10790359

>farmed the 3000 Jupiter Stones
Please tell me you're joking

>> No.10790398

I've been working on it since I woke up this morning.

I had already farmed all the other stones I needed to max my stats. I just didn't want to do the Jupiter Stones until I got a second Meteorite.

>> No.10790401

By the way, with 2 meteorites it's 5 stones per 30 day period.

>> No.10790406

Yip yip yip

>> No.10790852

I love that scene.

>> No.10791062

>Haku, Sharty and Melo, lezzing it out.
>Wil watches, then goes away.
What the fuck, dude. You just lost any respect I had. D:<

>> No.10791066

He cant stand there fapping.

>> No.10791067

He should go in. It is not gentlemanly to make the girls do all work.

>> No.10791070

Then they would stop lesing out. Congrats you just ruined the scene. Queer.

>> No.10791077

Ohh forgot to mention, this is why you are not banging several girls of many different races all at the same time with their full knowledge.

>> No.10791103 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10791247

Very nice. Just killed Asmodeus in the first encounter as the giant devil.

Using Emelita at 84
Undress III, Prevail III, Demonic terrain, Divine Phalanx. Asmodeus was at 302hp, 117 damage a shot, second one went critical.

>> No.10791255

>Demonic terrain
Darkness blessing?

Also, how did you get Emi that high?

>> No.10791275

Shes a bulldozer. I cant stop her from leveling. Stuff comes at her and she annihilates everything.

Mostly as stated in previous threads, she got a wind attack early on from the frog suit and in the first game, she just killed everything like it was nothing. Pretty much every boss is weak to wind. Then later I got her goth rocker outfit due to availability of materials and from that got sonic scream and double action. Now she kills indiscriminately.

I run her normally with soul shield III, projectile defense, double action(previously regenerate) and Whatever attack is most devastating at the time. She rarely takes more than 5 damage from anything.

>> No.10791283
File: 226 KB, 1024x576, CG000004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh man, just Unlocked Elftits Elfslave outfit, goddamn, best outfit in the game right here.

Fags keep going on about emo maid outfit, fuck that shit. Best Elf is a slave elf.

>> No.10791419

I agree with everything you said. That's also exactly how I run Emilita. Sonic Stream, so fucking overpowered.

>> No.10791649

Soul shield III AND projectile defence? Isn't that a bit overkill? She can't into melee anyway.

Too bad all of elftits' armors have shitty abilities. Yuela has Flurry III, and loli gets a free flight. Elemental is just bad.

>> No.10791663

Sure she can. Emilita is a total tank with blood drain.

>> No.10791664

Enemies just love to attack Emilita (I'd ``attack'' her too, if you know what I mean), and she's frail as fuck. Projectile Defense and Soul Shield makes her unkillable. Well, might substitute Projectile Defense with Blood Suck from time to time.

Besides, you don't really need any skills other than Sonic Scream and Double Action. Anything else is just gravy, really.

>> No.10791671

Elftits has Flurry on a few of her bows, too.

>> No.10791684

Well yeah, you can tank with her if you want, but she won't be killing anything above a putetto just hitting them with her stick. (not talking about maxed/fountained chars of course)
My point is: one ability for attack (sonic stream), one for double action, one for proj. def. (since sonic is a range 5 this isn't even useful sometimes). Giving her soul shield as that last ability is pretty much useless, ranged attacks will mostly hit for 1 already anyway.
I just use bloodsuck III for general play, and swap if situation absolutely requires.

>> No.10791693

Yes, but that does not change the fact her armors do not offer anything really good.
Though the good side is she can just wear whatever you like her to, and you're not really gimping her in the process.

>> No.10791698

If you're not wearing the armor that gradually strips her down, then you're gimping yourself.

>> No.10791701

If by "gimping yourself" you're talking about your penis, then yes, I'd have to agree.

>> No.10791702

I don't know what you're pissing and moaning about. Serawi gets free flight too.

>> No.10791705

>Besides, you don't really need any skills other than Sonic Scream and Double Action. Anything else is just gravy, really.
Yeah, that's true.

>> No.10791723

Oh wait, it's the fairy tunic right? My bad.
It's just that I never, absolutely never wear it. Don't even remember it exists.

>> No.10791740

>not wearing the best armor in the game

>> No.10791775

Why does Serawi suck so much?
She has the lowest strength out of everyone and can't kill anything bigger than a terminally ill bat. Even the pink loli is stronger than her. Serawi's strength never seems to rise at all.
Same with Crayl. Crayanne is running circles around him while I have to wonder how can he even lift up his bow with such a low strength. He is not manly at all.

>> No.10791850

>Even the pink loli
Her name is Emilia, try to remember it in the future please.

>> No.10791852

Sorry, she is just too forgettable you sicko.

>> No.10791859

If you forget one of only three main heroines in a game you're playing then it's probably your brain that is at fault, not anybody else.

>> No.10791861

It's not difficult to remember. Do it, you son of a b*tch.

>> No.10791866

Serawi, pew pew, Critical Snipe. Or, just use her Wind spells. Every enemy cowers in fear when he sees Wind magic.

>> No.10791894

Oh, and since Serawi has such balanced stats, she becomes a monster when Prevail kicks in. Yuela becomes a monster too, but of a different kind - her offense skyrockets like a nuclear warhead, but her defense still sucks due to low base stats, so one good hit, and she'll still go down.

Serawi, on the other hand, is near invincible with Prevail.

>> No.10792696

I give her succubus embrace for those melee moments. I used to give her Bloodsuck, but I realized I'd rather keep her HP low to activate Prevail and Undress.

Because the only thing better than an invincible death-dealing loli is a NAKED invincible death-dealing loli.

>> No.10793533

Where do you get the Eushully Bucket? I have everything I need for Anastasia's bucket except that, and there's no recipe for it.

>> No.10793569

Make the previous bucket, level it up to max by killing monsters, a new recipe should appear.

>> No.10793592

Also, I leveled everything to max... how do I get Meister rank?

>> No.10793784

NG+; become Lord of Yuidora; recruit Mylen Ploa, Phinilly and Asmodeus.

>> No.10793922

Went through looking at character stats. Never noticed before but Yuela has some of the worsts stats for anyone her level and below. Shes a butcher for her high strength but other than that she is nothing.

>> No.10794022

Yuela survives on the strength of her power and evasion. I've had her walk into a field of monsters that can kill her in one hit and absolutely destroy them all. And then I've had her wiped out by a weak mob because she caught a critical at the wrong time.

>> No.10794567

Why was everyone calling Phillinilly a slut?
she was a virgin

>> No.10794584

Well, she must have been REALLY stretchy on the inside.

>> No.10794596

>Accelerated Thrust

>> No.10794786

Where can I get a divine claw?
And is there anyway to avoid "death" from those Tengus?

>> No.10794808

There's this water dragon in the last mission of that beach map (sorry, forgot the name; it's one of the NG+ quests that unlocks pretty early) that drops it.

>> No.10794816

Is that it?

>> No.10795321

Hey Eushully-fags, Madou Koukaku is out in share

>> No.10795413

The 3 bosses at the bottom of one of the level 95 Mines drop them.

>> No.10795417

Unfortunately it's not out in ENGLISH

>> No.10795423 [DELETED] 

you dont know japanese?

rofl...why are you even on jp

>> No.10795446

My save data was deleted and I don't feel like re-playing 50 hours of the boring part of the game

RIP... This game was so fun.

>> No.10795485

Ah heck, I was hoping B Eushully's ultimate weapon would give her a melee attack. It would have made leveling the ridiculous thing easier. Almost everyone has a melee of some kind but her. Ah well, only one ultimate weapon left to go. Leguna's. Not only to I have to wait til the end of my 4th playthrough to get it, but he's one of my favorite units. Crud.

>> No.10795491

I fully intend to learn one day...or so I've said for 2 years.
I should have already learned it by now if I hadn't been putting it off.

>> No.10795494

Didn't mean to quote that.

>> No.10795592

>she won't be killing anything above a putetto just hitting them with her stick
Succubus Embrace. Use it.

Critical Snipe and Enhanced Barrage. Who sucks now?

>Where can I get a divine claw?
Storm Dragon in Roka's quest, and 3 Halphases in lvl95 mine map.
>And is there anyway to avoid "death" from those Tengus?
High Dark resist, being mechanical/undead, or anti-death ring.

>> No.10795831

>Madou Koukaku
So? Is it another tragedy like the older games? Or does it have the same tone as Minnia Daisuki and Kamidori? I'm hoping for the latter.

>> No.10795845

I have to face the Tengu god or whatever on LVL M Arena with only Wil. Where can I get the anti death ring? And I might try the unholy method. Either way I need to level up first... his prevail kicks my ass because I don't have wind hammer.

>> No.10795848

Amazoness Axe is wind element. Go get one.

>> No.10795888

Where? I'm assuming it's a rare-drop or something... but where?

>> No.10795891


>> No.10795892

Rare drop from Tribal Soldiers. Yusof Riverbed.

>> No.10795898

>Get a sharty
>talks about how strong being naked is
>no undress skill
>Get a Mylen
>pretty much the same think as sharty with a beachball
>no undress skill
>Get a Lily
>loli version of sharty
>no undress skill

Stupid fuching nips, two nukes were not enough.

>> No.10795902

Thanks man. Killed one Tribal with Ful's Mil and got the hammer.

>> No.10795907

Although, it doesn't really help considering what level the tengu is.

>> No.10795953

You don't have to complete it right away, you can wait til Meister/Magnus.
Get dark res from nyx gems, use flash step. Double action allows to attack, then go away from the tengu's next turn (including the ranged attack).

>> No.10796025

I am meister.
Have double action.

>> No.10796030

Who is this boss that you are talking about? I did the gauntlet in my first game and Wils was a piece of cake. Is there another gauntlet?

>> No.10796050
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>> No.10796061


Well that is obviously NG+, so you are one of those noobs that didnt craft the Fairy hammer. Good luck with that.

>> No.10796064

I'm not him, I just posted the profile for Daitengu

>> No.10796066

Not a noob. I had the tools necessary. I could have crafted it. I didn't. I chose to be lazy instead.

>> No.10796068

And being lazy results in being assraped by a Tengu god. Enjoy your angel cock.

>> No.10796069

Not like it matters too much. If I fuck up this time around and can't beat it no matter what, I still got two more run throughs to beat it.

>> No.10796178
File: 240 KB, 1024x576, CG000006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats with this fucking game and its hate for Suina. This is a good roll with Marwens.

>> No.10796182

Sadly she's probably the worst playable character in the game, Bowling Ball aside. But I still use her anyways because she is so cute, I want to hug her and have her call me oniichan

>> No.10796186

>But I still use her anyways because she is so cute, I want to hug her and have her call me oniichan
You are a good person. Sharty and Suina are the best girls followed closely by Kohakuren.

>> No.10796189

She has some good abilities that would make her a decent character with decent stats. The game just seams to hate her.

>> No.10796192

Sharty IS a good girl, I can even look past how many dicks she has tasted.

>> No.10796198

I never had a thing for virgin heroines despite being an eternal virgin myself. It fit her character and she seem to have a fun personality.

>> No.10796210

I dont really think virgin status is important but you really do have to think about how many dicks a succubus has had. lets say she just had one dick a week to live, thats 52 dicks a year. By the age of 12, the female prime, shes had at least 624 dicks.

>> No.10796219

Maybe Wil accidentally took her anal virginity

>> No.10796235

On her sister's grave.

>> No.10796241

To be honest, my first reaction to her name was that it sounded like a combination of shitty+fart, so I has half-expecting her to poop on her sister's grave, but I guess the game's too vanilla

>> No.10796243

Hey, she may still be alive. There was no body. That doesn't mean some random demon came along in her weakened state and ate her alive.

>> No.10796402

Sister/sister 3some, yay! \o/

>> No.10796677
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Best scene

>> No.10797145

That's no Earth Armor.

>> No.10797325

>Earth Armor
Do you mean Beast Armor?

>> No.10798381

Yip...I mean, Yup.

>> No.10798765

So we're talking zombie succubus here?
I can dig it.

>> No.10798768

We never got one with Yuela and Ragmuena

>> No.10798807

Yes. Highly depressing. Yuela and Ragsmuena could've been so much more fleshed out, even if it was only in Yuela's route.

>> No.10798852 [DELETED] 

I'm kind of a schtickler for virginity in a way. If a girl has had that many dicks... I don't think I could fuck her even if I get her anal virginity. That's why I gotta make sure I find a virgin girlfriend soon. I'll have a hard time dealing with a girlfriend who's already had a dick or two in her.

>> No.10798867

not this guy again

>> No.10798958

Please don't post in Kamidori threads any more.

>> No.10799472

So why aren't you guys playing the new game?

>> No.10799474

The endless yelling is more than I can bear.

>> No.10799493

There appears to be some sort of bug in the game where all the text comes out in some sort of gibberish, looks like ancient runes. Got to wait for them to patch it.

>> No.10799494

That annoyed me a lot too

Tried and dropped, it's shit

>> No.10799497

What is the name of it. Whatever I need to look it up on nyaa.

>> No.10799500


>> No.10799502

This better not be hardgay nip porn.

>> No.10799506

>implying you wouldn't enjoy that

>> No.10799511

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10799525

Your mother.

>> No.10799530

It isn't. I am disappoint.

>> No.10799532

That's impossible - she doesn't speak English.

>> No.10799540

She could if she would take those dicks out of her mouth long enough to do more than moan my name.

>> No.10799738
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Too busy playing and enjoying it, no matter what other people say I am atleast having tons of fun

>> No.10799753

That scar looks so retarded.

>> No.10799845

I just noticed something odd. Level caps are supposed to release at level 50. I just leveled Meledonia to 51 and her level caps are still unreleased. Can anyone enlighten me.

>> No.10799855

I think she uncaps at 55.

>> No.10799860

So, everyone but her upcaps at 50? Jesus, what bullshit.

>> No.10799865

Crayl, Uya, Paraskevas and Elizasleyn all uncap at 55 as well.

>> No.10799884

It's about a title change, not some invisible barrier at level 50.

>> No.10799933

The voice acting is so bad.

>> No.10799940

The male characters are good, the females are horrible.

>> No.10800409

I finished Kamidori for the first time about a week ago. thinking if I should replay the game with NG+ or drop it for a while to let me forget the plot so it will be more like new. any suggestions?

Also, what NG+ settings should I take? I'm afraid that importing the old items will make it easy since I had many items ready and especially if I import money since I was literally swimming in it by the end of the game. but then again, gather all the shit again is a drag.

and what should I do for levels? I unlocked golem and Leguna only after my first playthrough, when my characters are all level 45+

And lastly, noticed Hanna the priest has some CG too. is it only unlocked after NG+?

>> No.10800426

There are about 40 more dungeons starting at level 50 and going up to 90. Forcing yourself to level and gather items all over again is just torturing yourself.

>> No.10800456

For NG+, importing character levels and equipment is a must; money is highly recommended; the rest is up to you.
"Main" game is indeed very easy, but there is a lot of new NG+ content with corresponding levels.
Leguna, Golem and Lily (if you don't have her yet, unlock her before starting NG+) start at level 1; but they cannot be used until NG+, so you shouldn't worry about that.
Hannah has events and is recruitable in NG+.

>> No.10800461

There are two other routes to do so the plot will be different anyway.

>> No.10800468

Your NG equipment won't be worth shit in NG+ dungeons so you don't have to worry about making the game too easy. And by "swimming in money", I hope you mean in a pool of several million, because that's how much you'll need to complete some of the NG+ quests.

Just use Mercy Bracelet to level Leguna and Stone Golem. Since they come with uncapped stats, they'll likely outperform your other characters at similar levels.

Hanna's first H-scene is unlocked by spending a lot of money in the church and is not restricted to NG+. You need to recruit her for the second scene, so this one is NG+ only.

>> No.10800500

Hannah's first scene is NG+ only.

>> No.10800504

>Hanna's first H-scene is unlocked by spending a lot of money in the church and is not restricted to NG+
Yes it is.

>> No.10801737

Any good ideas where to train Black Eushully's weapon mastery? Think she's like the only character with absolutely no way to melee.

>> No.10801781

I think weapon skill levels up based on killcount, not on actual melee

>> No.10801812

No. Weapon levels are kills. Weapon usage you can just equip a mercy bracelet and skip turns until you get tired of things swarming at you.

>> No.10801843

Too bad defending doesn't bump weapon mastery, so I need a map with shitload of ranged enemies instead. Can't think of any.

>> No.10802204

Maybe try the Troll's Lair? That's where I did it. It's only like 1 enemies spawning at a time, so the grinding is slow, but make sure you have a 3 panel spell and camp just where they can't reach you and you won't waste a lot of turns defending.

I wish I knew of a better one.

>> No.10802261


>> No.10802293

Someone please tell me if someone is interested in translating Soukoku no Arterial

>> No.10802343

Looks like a good game, but why is there so much group sex between "one female and several males"? Does someone try to jump in when the MC tries to fuck all the time?

>> No.10802352

also, the small but still there, NTR, sexual slavery, rape, and "avoidable heroine rape" scare me.

>> No.10802405

I'm not sure. I just want to play it for the card game and visuals along with that angel girl.

And that girl wanted a gangbang from what I heard

>> No.10802438 [DELETED] 

If you are on a NG+ then there is hardly any reason not to use deadbeat dungeon. You will need to use it for your level 1 gimps. Otherwise you are kicking your self in the balls for no reason at all, but the pleasure of pain and agony.

>> No.10802445

If you are on a NG+ then there is hardly any reason not to use deadbeat dungeon. You will need to use it for your level 1 gimps. Otherwise you are kicking your self in the balls for no reason at all, but the pleasure of pain and agony.

>> No.10802515

>using deadbeat
Sure is casual around here.

>> No.10802542

When do you get the Gothic scene? I got all 3 costumes enhanced... although I have to get fabric miracle to FULLY enhance Yuela's.

>> No.10802546

Sure is masochist around here.

>> No.10802547

Put them all on.

>> No.10802551

I agree. Hardcore people just use SpoilerAL to hack the game.

>> No.10802557
File: 991 KB, 1023x575, ragsmuena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My one true love.

>> No.10802575

they are all on.

>> No.10802581

Shes dead Jim.

>> No.10802649

Leave tosn and come back in?

>> No.10802653


>> No.10802668

Maybe I'm just not far enough into the story. My original question was "when" you get it. I am on chapter 1 after all.

>> No.10802673

Sometime chapter 4 or 5

>> No.10802681

The same time every other costume scene unlocks.

>> No.10802701

You need to have fucked one of them first.

>> No.10802736

I am defiantly seeing evidence that this game pigeonholes you in to playing certain characters. Trying to level up Melodiana with marwens now and its not going well. Her rolls are constantly terrible. Rags or Philiny were rather quick and easy, the rolls were consistently good. Doesnt really make sense to me that they would purposely gimp certain characters with this sort of set up that allows you to play whomever you want.

>> No.10803184

Is your Melo uncapped already?

>> No.10803375

Yes. Some characters simply suck. I leveled Melodiana to level 99 and thought I'd go wild in one of the level 50 dungeons, but she couldn't even hold her own against 4 to 5 monsters. She died around turn 6.

But then again, considering how beautiful Melodiana is, she simply isn't made for combat. She is made as a sex toy for Wil.

>> No.10803562

Can any of you 100% completion freaks help me out?

I have 4 ???? left to fill in my info screen:
Weapon 240
Furniture 172
Skill 259
Skill 278

I know the weapon is Leguna's ultimate weapon and I have to go through Yuela's route to get a Maria Heart to make it. I don't know what the others are though or how I go about getting them.

>> No.10803984

The furniture is Water Circle (map reward in Yuma Lake - Western Shores, Yuela route only).
The skills are Cero Anfini (Evelyn's higher-level innate) and Burning Fist (granted by Leguna's ulti).

>> No.10803988

Cero Anfini is learned at lvl70.

>> No.10804011

I believe that with proper training stats will make her good. Its just a bitch with her terrible stat rolls. Takes 5 times longer to get one than it does with the main cast or the higher level characters. Ill also note that Elisa, who was a mid game recruit also falls in the middle in terms of difficulty in obtaining decent rolls. I would like to have a word with the discriminating bastard that wrote their RNG.

>> No.10804020

Thanks a lot! Tomorrow I restart on Yuella's route.

>> No.10804089

Since i still have to clear the lvl70 dungeon where you have to take Aht, Suina and Crayl, and no items, I started training each of them... not having prevail sucks for training in the NG+ dungeons. Those who said the stone golem was the true tank where oh so right.

>> No.10804100

>oh so right
Like, totally.

>> No.10804129

All of them can be leveled easily in Beshtora Seal. Earthmen for Aht and Crayl (he needs an earth res boost), undines for Suina (if they melee her to death, cover her with Wil w. high ice res).

>> No.10804235

That's it, gonna start a new game since it's been so damn long since I played and I can't remember where I was up to. So do I go Elftits or the loli?

>> No.10804249

The game is designed for you to save the best for last. So probably go with Elftits.

>> No.10804252

Elftits has mining bracelets, loli has HFS missions on first playthrough.

>> No.10804260

Elftits it is then, thank you. It's probably going to be a bit harder this time around without Yuella being as powerful as she was. Do the three heroines powers vary that much when it's not their route? I guess you're just missing out on their event specific items?

>> No.10804265

>Do the three heroines powers vary that much when it's not their route?
They do? They retain their strength

>> No.10804267

The only difference is that you won't have the route-specific weapons.

>> No.10804269

No. Each heroine has several unique weapons that can only be made on her route (except Yuela, who has her sword on any route), Emelita has a unique accessory (just like the secondary chars), but it's not too much of power difference.
Although, each heroine's ultimate (Magnus) weapon requires to beat or at least start her route.

>> No.10804294

Wil was so against her eating the souls of some lowly monsters while the first thing he did in the game was murder some weak ones for their body parts in a cave. Must have known this way he can give her the D.

>> No.10804298

He is a good liberal. They are all for letting things live, until they need it dead.

>> No.10804324

I'm pretty sure there's a difference between killing something and eating it their soul.

>> No.10804357

I am pretty sure that Wils problem was "Killing is bad, unless I do it" Also, who gives a shit about the souls of random woodland creatures?

>> No.10804389

I'm pretty sure Wil's problem is that dicking her back to health is more fun.

>> No.10804393
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Ohh wow. I just saw Emelitas undress skill in action for the first time. There are no words to describe it.

>> No.10804398

"Make love, not war."

>> No.10804403

>Overpower Emelita
>1 potion
>Run around completely nude the whole map. 1 damage max taken.

>> No.10804417

It's all fun and games until an enemy reflects your own crit back at you.

>> No.10804424

Add Soul Shield for overkill def.

>> No.10804427

Then dont be a moron and attack an enemy with reflect with that set up. Are you brain dead?

>> No.10804431

Well if he had said that after the deed, then it would be. Until then he was perfectly OK with letting her sit in the corner in starvation if it mean that no one else was doing something as horrible and loathsome as killing but him.

>> No.10804445

I didn't know it had reflect active. It was just a joke dude, please calm down

>> No.10804448

No, you ruined my taking it easy, you better take responsibility.

>> No.10804457

Why are you pretending to be me?

Either way, yeah, it was clearly meant as a joke.

>> No.10804460

imitation is a form of love anon, you should be flattered.

>> No.10804462

I stick up for all my /jp/ brothers.

>> No.10804466

Reflect and Instant Death are really the only things that can hurt you by your 4th play through.

>> No.10804471

He didn't realize she was starving, he's a moron like that.

>> No.10804479

Much like the duplicity of this liberalism.

>> No.10804740

I love how easy this game is to grind while watching netflix. I cant even bring my self to play WoT. Its been 3 weeks since I played it.

>> No.10804941

Hannahs combat art is pretty nice.

>> No.10806921

that's also why Elizasleyn is better

>> No.10807072

Fuck that 5 of each gems Hannah quest. Spent the last two hours scumming emeralds

>> No.10807150

It would have taken you about a minute if you had grown them in your yard like everyone else.

>> No.10807198

How do you grow gems?

>> No.10807206

Completing the series of quests where you give the barkeep lots of money gives you an item that grows emeralds. I dunno about sapphires though, those are a bitch.

>> No.10807245

I paid the fucker the million already but he haven't delivered yet

>> No.10807275


>> No.10807282

Is there any reason to level the Eushully-tier weapons before crafting them into their stronger versions?

>> No.10807291

Yes, OCD.

>> No.10807322

Good enough reason for me.

>> No.10808125

Sapphires are trivial. Forest of Souls, first map, dark undines. Took me about 10 minutes of save/loading to get 3 sapphires.

>> No.10808914

The new Eushully game actually voiced the male characters?

>> No.10809221

Looks like I have some money farming to do

>> No.10809350

Yeah, big names too. But honestly even then they sound pretty bored most of the time. It gets worse in battles because they keep on shouting the same lines. The voice acting of the female cast is atrocious.

>> No.10810203

I see that the vulcan stone only drops in Yusof Riverbed. Anyone know what map it is? The wiki does not say.

>> No.10810258

Sealed Darkness, lvl55. Envoys drop them.
It's part of the NG+ Lyphia quest line.

>> No.10810268

Just to add: you can only visit said map once and only one enemy drops the stone. It does respawn infinitely until killed in a particular manner though.

>> No.10810277

So that is the only place to get them?

>> No.10810287

It'll respawn but does it drop loot multiple times?

>> No.10810298

Yeah, you can farm them for as long as turn limit allows. Can even kill them multiple times in a single turn if your characters are strong enough.

>> No.10810308

Yes. However I'd only bother if your characters are strong enough to farm them easily and you actually need them. If you're just doing it for completion sake, you'll later be able to literally farm all the stones, as in grow them in your backyard. And you still wouldn't need to actually use them except as a backup since you can max most stats in another way.

>> No.10810327

The only stone you'd actually want to farm using this method is the Jupiter Stone, which you won't be able to.

>> No.10810373

Ok. I need to know exactly how much constitution that I need to make it so that Emelita will be come invulnerable, down to 1 damage maximum, with undress and prevail but not enough that she will be invulnerable with out prevail and undress... I mean, I do need undressing to be possible.

Its important not to get so much Constitution on her that she can no longer become undressed. That would be catastrophic.

>> No.10810389

She won't be invulnerable until she undresses/starts prevailing, if it's what you're asking.
If you get too much Con/Res (I doubt you will), go to workshop and disable Con/Res buffs on her armor.

>> No.10810390

why do lolicons always have to be so creepy

>> No.10810425

Why are homosexuals always so desperate for attention?

>> No.10810437

*sucks ur dick*

>> No.10810500

Because they can thats why.

>> No.10810555
File: 36 KB, 400x267, Gaylord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesnt think an undressed Emelita is the most glorious thing in this game.
>his face.

>> No.10810820

>has this picture saved on his hard drive

>> No.10810825

Do weapons gain more experience from higher level enemies or is it the same amount for everything?

>> No.10810838

Never mind

>> No.10811481

Same amount for everything.

>> No.10812927

Does SP cap at 100 or is phinilly just unbelievably bad at getting sp rolls?

>> No.10812961

100 is the cap for SP, yes

>> No.10813033

That seams really odd to me. Why would they cap that at 100 but all your base stats are capped at 200.

>> No.10813052

100 is the cap for all stats except HP.

>> No.10813060

Because stats are for scaling to enemies, which just keep going up.

SP is to scale to your technique costs, and your SP costs stop increasing after an earlier point. This way, you at least have more incentive to occasionally use weaker techniques to save SP if it'll do the job anyways.

>> No.10813062

But HP/SP/the movement one I forget the name of...can never go above their cap, but all other stats can be raised over that with equipment.

>> No.10813070

No, SP=MP, CP is the skill cost stat

>> No.10813098

CP is command points. Which is how many points a girl takes away from Wils attention span. Over 200 and hes thinking how about tits than his own life.

>> No.10813217

CP and Command points are distinct from one another in Kamidori.

>> No.10813244

There's no reason to not have hundreds of Ethers, so you can cast as many spells as you want.

>> No.10813283

I wonder what ever happened to the guy that said he had the full rip. I guess he was just a troll.

>> No.10813287
File: 226 KB, 1024x576, yuela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Yuela sure was hungry.

>> No.10813648

Killing everything on the planet single handedly works up quite an appetite.

>> No.10814056

Is it possible to get more than one Ful's Tear in a single playthrough?

>> No.10814091

What does Ful's tear do? I think I might not have got it my first NG+ runthrough.

>> No.10814112

I'm pretty sure you can't get more than one.
You get 2 extra items when you kill something

>> No.10814182

No, there is only one.

>> No.10814345

Ohh god this is horrible. Emelita, who happens to be the personification of Armageddon, has stat rolls just as bad as Suina. I dont know how she manages to do as much damage as she does when her rolls are so horrible.

>> No.10814491

Outfits give great boosts to the heroines

>> No.10814495


>> No.10814517

Does anyone have a clue how the unpacking software from Saiha works?

>> No.10814519

So they have much better stats in actuality that the stats you see on level up would imply.

>> No.10814534

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Did you know, that the sky is blue?

>> No.10814563

Hey, you wanted to know know why she's powerful despite her stats being subpar, I told you. Thus ends out discussion.

>> No.10815123
File: 214 KB, 1024x576, CG000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the contrary to the shitrolls that other characters get, Hannah is shaping out to be a beast. I have not even tried her yet but with her range of elemental staves, I expect shes going to devastate when I am done with her.

>> No.10815182

Except that she never gets HP ever.
Leveled her to 99 twice and still needed 300 Jupiter Stoned to get her to 500.

>> No.10815184

HP is the second most worthless stat in the game. Its only use is to create a buffer so Emelita can take undressing damage.

>> No.10815218

Well done, sir.
Reprobate status: TOLD

>> No.10815275

Even if you have a thousand potions, seriously, I'm neck deep in the things, you still need some HP until you get your defenses maxed. Hannah never gets HP. Which limits her usefulness early on.

>> No.10815280

>83 con
>91 res
Yeah, I better find me some vulcan stones.

>> No.10815586

Fuck, I just noticed that you can get 4 extra devil beads if you can oneshot asmodeus on the quest where you're supposed to just damage her under 50%

>> No.10815599

True, but you don't need to be too concerned about it if you missed out on that opportunity.

You'll have more than enough Devil Beads to craft everything by the end of your four playthroughs if you've been judicious about using Ful's Mill+Ful's Tears.

>> No.10815620

There is a strategy for killing her in this thread that I posted. Search giant devil. If that strategy works for you. I dont know anything about your characters.

>> No.10815631

My lvl99 Eukleia with her ultimate wep crits her for well over 300 so I don't have issues with oneshotting

>> No.10817877

Is anyone else disappointed that the generic Guild Clerk didn't get a scene? I mean, I she earned me a few million dollars, you'd think that would warrant at least a "Hi, how you doin'" or a "Please let me gobble you knob, sir".

Or a name or something.

>> No.10817881

Didn't mean to quote, sorry.

>> No.10817906

Considering all the good girls who don't get a scene, I'd have to say she is rather far down my list.

>> No.10818019

She was probably working all that overtime so she could help Wil discover new Alchemy techniques. Her hard work went unrewarded.

>> No.10818052
File: 76 KB, 184x192, cutegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, cute girl too.

>> No.10818059

She was a slut though. Doubt Wil would be interested in such a girl.

>> No.10818170

He doesn't seem to mind the other sluts.

>> No.10818203

Clerk girl didn't even have any lines. On the other hand, I was disappointed to find some important voiced characters like Rosanna didn't get any scenes.

>> No.10818211

I know, she had a name and a voice. Thats more than enough reason to have the MC fuck her!

>> No.10818228

Stupid Alchemist, even nameless NPCs need love too!

>> No.10818232

Your incurable disease can only be treated with the healing power of Wil's dick.
It worked for Ragsmuena.

>> No.10818337

So i downloaded this game on saturday from a /v/ thread and still havent played it. How is it? It is fun? They said it takes at least 8hours or 12 to get your first sex scene.

>> No.10818387

No, its not fun.

>> No.10818389


>> No.10818417

Please speak english, we're on 4chan, an all american webpage.

>> No.10818425


>> No.10818438

My Hannah wrecked shit in 2.0 dungeons at lvl50.

>> No.10818464

do any of the torrents still work?
they seem dead. stuck on retrieving metadata.

>> No.10818495

Kamidori is not fun. It is tedious and most of the time feels more like a second job than a game. The story is very barebones and lackluster and the characters aren't particularly fleshed-out or memorable.

I don't know why I'm still playing this.

>> No.10818499


>> No.10818508


>> No.10818513

タエク ヨ オダ プレアズ?

>> No.10818524

This is now officially a Weeaboo© thread.

>> No.10818535

that's a kawaii idea anon-chan

>> No.10818645 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10819041
File: 79 KB, 488x451, 1352057687449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now playing my 3rd round of game.
I skipped the ominous portals the first time.
>The two fuckers can't die
>~90 lv tigresses or something with snipe
>one turn kill pretty much guaranteed
>there's exactly 1 square far enough not to be hit
>The first event surrounds Lyphia with ghosts
Thank goodness I didn't go for shadowfire gems... (makes Kohakuren guest)

>> No.10819090

Don't those 2 not join your party as permanent (guest) characters until the NG+ playthrough AFTER you beat that level in a NG+?

So you're gonna have to play through again. Well, you have to play through a 4th to get all the Ultimate weapons, but you're goin gto have to wait for that round to get them in your party permanently.

>> No.10819110

they appear on the queen of souls quest on 50 lv. While everything is around 95. They pretty much are fucked unless you displace a double action character and oneshot one of the snipers. Then you have to stand adjacent to the event square so one ghost appears diagonally, kill two of them, wear Dark RES and hope that the 4th one doesn't kill you. All while fighting swarms on the other side without items. Kamidori sure is fun!

>> No.10819120

>I don't know why I'm still playing this.
Because it's fun.

>> No.10819233

You are not supposed to wait till lvl90 before doing that quest.

>> No.10819483

And so on.

>> No.10819638 [DELETED] 


>> No.10819688

So what's your favorite Lily form guys?
I like teen myself.

>> No.10819690


all the others have awkward arm positions

>> No.10819733

Adult Lily master race reporting in.

>> No.10819885

Adult as well.
Emelita already fills the vampire loli spot.

>> No.10819974

>Bloodsuck preventing pierce from activating
What the fuck. I know flurry and ferocity can't proc at once etc., but bloodsuck blocking skills is news to me. They really do hate Sharty with a passion.

>> No.10819985

Well, they are Nips and Sharty IS a floozy. Im sure pathetic otaku would hate her even though she has to fuck to live. Much as a cow would hate a human for their fondness for McDonalds.

>> No.10820008

but im otaku and i love cuckoldry and sloppy seconds and sluts

>> No.10820016

So I just tested it with Lily, and then googled a bit.
And yes, bloodsuck does indeed work like any other skill and overrides pierce, flurry etc. with its 100% chance. That's not cool. For all this time I thought it was just a passive like evasive or focus.

>> No.10821415

Well that's weird. I guess it means I can replace the Flurry on my Lily. I'm thinking with Ethereal

>> No.10824515

Considering the way every single woman in town reacted...

>> No.10824543

She fucked all their husbands and probably game them bigger orgasms than all their orgasms combined.

>> No.10824627

Anyone else having a really hard time getting crit on Yuela?

>> No.10824639

Not here. Did you make sure to turn on all luck enhancements on her armor?

>> No.10824675

Armor enhancements are weak compared to levels. You can get at most a handful of them off armor. I have noticed that on my game she has a few rolls that include luck that have almost nothing else in her stat pull. The best rolls include almost everything but luck. Mine has less luck than she does intelligence right now.

>> No.10824695

>armor enhancements useless!!!! leveling stat gains better!!!
>bawwww yuela never get luck!! WHY
pls go

>> No.10824729

Do you even know what luck does? Yeah, didnt think so.

>> No.10824738

Criticals and nothing else.

You just got bad luck (no pun intended).

>> No.10824748

My Yuela gets almost half her total luck from armor alone. 12/29.

>> No.10824756

Half of shit, is still shit.

>> No.10824769

I won't dispute that, but at least she gets easy crits. I'm not the retard who came to /jp/ pissing and moaning about getting none.

>> No.10824771

I doubt you get easy crits at those levels.

>> No.10824800

>not knowing how crit chance is calculated

29 luck = ~10-15% chance to crit against most enemies

without the armor, his chance would be reduced to ~0-2%

>> No.10824813

And that refutes anything I said?

>> No.10824832
File: 93 KB, 600x674, 1336612223509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does.

>> No.10824837
File: 256 KB, 378x477, nerd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15% chance to crit is good

>> No.10824838

Just checked out of curiosity. My Yuela (99) has 30 luck. The only one having less is Asmodeus. So yeah, I think she just has shit luck in general.

>> No.10824839


obviously. 10-15% means on average 1 crit per every three fights. moreso if flurry or counter are used

>> No.10824841


>> No.10824845
File: 252 KB, 316x511, Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 16.04.55 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, she's strong as fuck. And that's her first 99, no rebirth yet

>> No.10824852

How did you get 170 strength on her? Does the ultimate weapons give those high numbers?

>> No.10824857
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>> No.10824859


not sure what you're trying to say

at least try to lose an argument gracefully

>> No.10824862

So what you are saying is that you cant count? I cant help you then. I am not a kindergarten teacher.

>> No.10824868

>whines about no crits
>thinks 15% is bad
Do you even arithmetic?

>> No.10824869
File: 125 KB, 319x481, stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Eushullies are nice.

>> No.10824871


>> No.10824890


as i said, >gracefully

>> No.10824896

I dont know what grace has to do with your being unable to count. Or are you from Bizaroworld where the logical order is reversed?

>> No.10826288

Am I the only one who thinks advent bay is fucking hard if you haven't transmigrate your characters a few times? Ranged and magic immune shit (mostly) that reflects damage, has flurry 3, and hits like a fucking truck. Sometimes even my lvl99 characters got a nice oneshot without actually dealing any damage.

>> No.10826326

How did you acquire the fountain of youth without first completing Advent bay? Yes, I'd say it's the hardest map in the game.

>> No.10826505

>How did you acquire the fountain of youth without first completing Advent bay?
He cheated.

>> No.10826524

I only found reflects to be an annoyance, otherwise it wasn't really bad. Done it recently and it was smooth and easy, but then again I had most chars at 99 already.

>> No.10826538

I thought the first few turns were difficult to get through, but everything after was easy since I managed to find two Byakko from one of the slimes.

>> No.10826569

I didn't. I mean that it's tunes as if you already had a few reborns, but that's impossible.

>> No.10828578

So I know that constitution gems are dropped from a one time only dungeon. What other stat boost gems are situational like constitution.

>> No.10828734

None? You can grow every stat stone in your yard.

>> No.10828802

I don't understand what you're asking, but some stones drop in Advent Bay.

>> No.10828814

Most stat stones can be dropped in repeatable dungeons. The constitution ones are limited to a quest dungeon that can not be repeated. I want to know if there are any other ones that are like that.

>> No.10828839

Roka's quest line has an area full of growth stones, but they are not farmable (you get them from "cards") and pretty hard to get.
Other than that, I think there are no such locations.

>> No.10829325

Just build those buildings that shits out those stones.

>> No.10829378

I dont feel like waiting for them.

>> No.10829392 [SPOILER] 
File: 1019 KB, 320x240, disrespect.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just click the
Also, just got mylen scene. Pic strongly related.

>> No.10829435
File: 152 KB, 1024x576, CG000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish other characters had stat boosts as good as Lily.
