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10787151 No.10787151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you be your waifu's househusband, /jp/?

>> No.10787160

Of course. That would be living the dream.

>> No.10787164

Do I get to control all her money like a housewife does and decide when we don't have sex?

>> No.10787168
File: 25 KB, 292x302, just tell me why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have sex

>> No.10787183

Fapped my balls off to loli all day after getting everything done 3x faster than a woman could. Too much of a headache to fuck the wife tonight. Penis head, that is.

>> No.10787197

But she's your waifu. How can you like just any loli more than your waifu? If you're into loli, shouldn't your waifu be a loli too?

I bet a loli in a business suit would be cute.

>> No.10787215

Imagine you could only fap to one image or eromanga chapter for the rest of your life.

Although if a loli waifu still got new fanart over time, that might work.

>> No.10787220

Wouldn't it be kinda shameful for a grown man to rely upon a little girl to provide for him?

>> No.10787222

Yeah, and?

>> No.10787224

Wouldn't it be shameful for a human being to be on 4chan?
If you always worry about what's shameful you'll never live your dreams

>> No.10787225

No more shameful than for your parents to expect you to get a job, give them money, or take care of them when they're older.

Besides if you could marry a rich loli, would you complain?

>> No.10787230

That kinda thing makes me hard. She'd have to take responsibility.

>> No.10787232 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this.... and they will become feels......

>> No.10787262
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I am tall, muscular and id like my gf to humiliate me at almost any way possible.

>> No.10787295

My dream is to live in a female dominated world and be a househusband of a successful career woman.

>> No.10787304

Me too anon, me too.

>> No.10787306

Can I be your gf?

>> No.10787309

A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. But if you repost this in 2 threads, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded­

>> No.10787316


>> No.10787318

Depends. Are you from europe?

>> No.10787320

Yeah. /fit/ /jp/ masterrace reporting in.

>> No.10787326

I'm japanese.

>> No.10787333
File: 85 KB, 600x649, 1324277795905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, Waifu goes out all day stealing money from ATM's and killing witches.

>> No.10787334
File: 302 KB, 600x800, 1364659039704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad. I`m not planning to visit Japan soon. But i guess you could be my gf. Its too hard to find a girl that into this kind of things...

>> No.10787337

How do you know he lives in Japan?

Japanese people can live other places you know.

>> No.10787345

Well maybe my question was incorrect. I wanted to know where is she lives at.

>> No.10787346

I'm not "he" and I live in Japan.

>> No.10787348 [DELETED] 


>> No.10787351


>> No.10787353

I believe her. And don`t need any proof.

>> No.10787352 [DELETED] 




>> No.10787356

Sorry, I should have used the gender neutral "they" instead of assuming.

>> No.10787363
File: 37 KB, 640x480, Pic0802002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not beta as fuck so no. Women only exist to serve as cocksleeves for alpha males such as myself.

>> No.10787369

Post cock pics please.

>> No.10787371

You dont look any alpha tho.

>> No.10787378

That's the joke.

>> No.10787404

Way too many non-ironic ``waifu'' threads over the past few days.

Guessing it's the latest fad from one of the secret shitposting circles?

>> No.10787422

Now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense for self-proclaimed alpha males to be fat neckbeards, since they think that everything they need to succeed in life is attitude. Meanwhile, insecure submissive guys will be constantly improving themselves so they can be desirable to their selfish and demanding loli ojousamas.

Which man is stronger, the man who just wants to look cool in front of the ladies, or the man who stands tall after being put through a hell of humiliation and abuse by a sadistic loli?

>> No.10787427

The one who fucks the loli.

>> No.10787436

Very well said!

>> No.10787461

There was some screencap of /fit/ where they explain why they lift, and I got this impression.

Maybe it's just a 4chan thing, but it strikes me that a lot of men who try so hard to improve themselves are pretty insecure. I think a lot of them don't even know why they're doing it, whether it's keeping fit or working their way up the corporate ladder.

>> No.10787474

If you're a mediocre person you're probably easily satisfied. Low expectations are linked to low self-esteem, actually.

>> No.10787498

Yes, so long as it makes her happy.

>> No.10787534

I just googled "How to cheat on your boyfriend/husband" and the results were mindbreaking. Why are females so horrible /jp/?

>> No.10787548

Try googling "How to cheat your girlfriend/wife".

3d in general is horrible.

>> No.10787559
File: 520 KB, 1548x2012, females.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't be a slutshamer. If one of your male friends cheated on their girlfriend, you'd see them as a "player" and slap them a high five.

>> No.10787565

With "slap them a high-five" you mean with our dicks, five times?

>> No.10787610

>I can cook spetacularly
>cleaning freak
>can do almost any house chores
>lazy fuck
Yeah, sure, she would motivate me enough, I guess.

>> No.10787627
File: 31 KB, 354x338, 1361500673028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind being a househusband at all.
Bitches love a man that can cook.

>> No.10787668

Not really. it'd be an awkward "okay" and minus -5 points of respect.
Cheating is pretty immoral.

>> No.10787674
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i know exactly how you feel. im incredibly lazy but i like cooking and cleaning.

>> No.10787688

While I agree with most of the picture, I think the 75% of divorces being initiated by women figure has a good reason. A man would benefit a lot more from just cheating on the side. Divorce always fucks over the guy regardless of who initiates it.

>> No.10787696

Don't forget. She also gets fucked everyday by her fat, rich and ugly boss at her office. She will also be taking said boss to your home from time to time and will drug you to sleep as he fucks her while laughing at you.
But you'll never be aware of it.

>> No.10787699
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I like to cook and clean as well, but I am lazy when it comes to myself and don't really care. If I was cleaning or cooking for someone else, I would be happy to do it and try my hardest.
But if it's for myself, I'm not hard to impress and don't mind living in a messy room or eating instant meals for dinner.

Cooking is better when done for someone else. When cooking and living by myself, there isn't much difference between instant ramen and a steak for me, as odd as that may seem.

>> No.10787715

Back when I had friends, I got upset and yelled at a friend that cheated on his girlfriend with two other girls at the same time. As in a threesome.

He was actually glad I did.

>> No.10787716

>Cooking is better when done for someone else.
What a nerd. I cook a lot of great food for myself, not just the taste but even the serving and all that jazz, I sometimes pretend I'm a princess, but if it's for someone else I don't because I feel like I'm wasting so much effort just to hear someone go "This doesn't taste good."

>> No.10787736
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Well I guess I'm more servant-minded while your more princess or master-minded.

Since it's for someone else, I put more effort into it. And I always work hard on presentation, as you taste with your eyes first.
But if it's myself, I don't care about garnish or decoration since I don't need to impress anyone. I already know what the food will be like.

But most importantly, I'm very self critical when it comes to food I made. If I make it myself, it will be hard for me to determine just how tasty it is and I can spot out flaws. Meanwhile most people tend to think it tastes good regardless of what little nuances I pick out.

>> No.10787765
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> I sometimes pretend I'm a princess

thats pretty cute dude

>> No.10787778

I like making elaborate meals even if it's just for myself, but when I succeed and make something really delicious, I get this empty feeling knowing I have no one to share it with. Part of me is even tempted to brag about it to my online friends, even though I know it wouldn't interest them, just so I can feel like I'm sharing my joy with someone.

>> No.10787779

>Well I guess I'm more servant-minded while your more princess or master-minded.

You two should live together and have lots of happysex.
