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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.05 MB, 3264x2448, 20130422_183815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10784218 No.10784218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

loli outside my window (:

>> No.10784224

sex her up dude

>> No.10784227

Thats scary man
I couldn't take seeing shadows move across my window and hearing people talking outside my door like that

>> No.10784236

I was going to praise you on your lack of style scripts, but then I noticed the web2.0. socialshit bookmarks.

>> No.10784241

Kill yourself.

>> No.10784246

Please keep loli posts in the loli thread.


>> No.10784251

>that shadow angle
That's a tall ass fucking loli

>> No.10784252

me too

hold me ;_;

>> No.10784266

OP lives in the second floor.

>> No.10784268

>ass fucking loli


>> No.10784269

Does /jp/ use social networking?

>> No.10784272

I-It's like a Junji Ito story.

>> No.10784276
File: 16 KB, 347x120, Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only to talk to milk

>> No.10784292
File: 106 KB, 222x220, syper happy mari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I use 4chan/jp/!

>> No.10784302

Been thinking on making a twitter account. Don't know what would I use it for though.

>> No.10784325



>> No.10784328

She got really long legs.

>> No.10784336


>> No.10784337

You can use it to chat with all the /jp/ers that matter. Actually, most of them seldom use /jp/ and have almost completely migrated to twitter.

>> No.10784343

that's a penis, not a loli

>> No.10784341

Use steam guys.

>> No.10784347

Big mistake, pal. Prepare to be hacked.

>> No.10784357

That actually seems like a decent idea.

>> No.10784358

Without a doubt, there are really people that believe this.

>> No.10784390

Which part? The part about them being the ones that matter or the part about them having migrated?

>> No.10784395

Man that's creepy as fuck.

>> No.10784421
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>> No.10784497

But I do use Steam, anon!

>> No.10784758


OP are you 12 and this is 2003?

>> No.10784876
File: 87 KB, 245x273, DOCTOR D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capital one


>> No.10787253 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this.. and they will become feels...

>> No.10788191

Not the anon you replied to but I do know for a fact that a lot of /jp/ers have migrated to other chan sites, but twitter, seriously? I mean I know 4chan is shit these days but twitter? I don't get it.

>> No.10788202
File: 38 KB, 609x340, horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There goes my sleep

>> No.10788218

Twitter is just the cool new thing. Formspring is dead and Twitter is the next best service.

There are worse social networks. Just look at the /jp/ Steam group:
712 members all talking in memes instead of English. Disgusting.

>> No.10788229

Just go to another chan website? There are good non normalfag chan sites out there that are almost otaku paradise if you ignore how slow they move.

>> No.10788249

I still cannot understand the appeal of twitter at all. Even Facebook makes sense; I can see why it appeals to normals. But twitter has like nothing and aren't you limited to short posts? What exactly does it offer that everything else doesn't?

>> No.10788256

it's like a gigantic shitposting thread

>> No.10788264
File: 36 KB, 400x352, 1365995680872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10788297


>> No.10788295


It's best use is as a news source.

>> No.10788304
File: 48 KB, 387x424, tumblr_me6gh9CcJ31rd4md0o1_1280 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's what twitter is

>> No.10788307

The news source thing bugs me a lot. Twitter is the least attractive to me. Yet for some reason it really is used as the news source for lots of things like ZUN. I just don't know why people like it. What makes it better than Formspring?

>> No.10788310

Because Formspring is 1) for questions and 2) closing down.

Twitter is for "micro updates", whether they're "I just brushed my teeth!" or "Touhou 14 will be released at the next Comiket."

>> No.10788314


God damnt I don't even know if this is irony or not even more. For all I know I am posting ironically but I don't even know it.

>> No.10788318

So Twitter is basically like shitbook but with even more attention whoring and smaller posts. OK.

>> No.10788325

Tumblr is a blogging platform. As a website there's nothing wrong with it per se, it just has mostly horrible users (and one or two decent ones who make good use of it).

Basically, you shouldn't get offended by Tumblr filenames. They're often the first hits in Google Image Search. Same for Imgur (Reddit uses this!), WordPress, and many other content hosting sites.

>> No.10788331

I don't venture outside of jp much so I don't even know what that is. Can someone please explain to me what these things besides Facebook and Twitter are? I'm too scared to look at their pages ;_;

>> No.10788333


Never heard of it.

With twitter I can follow news sources, and official accounts that are relevant to my interests. I can also follow current event hashtags to watch things unfold as they happen.

For example, the twitter coverage of the recent Boston bombing was much better than the mass media coverage.


If your feed is filled with this, you're using twitter wrong.

>> No.10788336

>They're often the first hits in Google Image Search.

It is a well known fact that people who leave the tumblr name in the filename instead of simply changing it to something else are either new and didn't know that tumblr is frowned upon or know it is frowned upon but are trying to get replies by annoying people. Then again I don't really care THAT much I mainly felt like pointing out the raised level of ironic shitposting lately that I couldn't even tell if you were doing that to be ironic or not.

>> No.10788340

Tumblr is a microblogging website. Basically it's like regular blogging, except posts are smaller and you're more encouraged to reblog (steal) other people's content for your blog. So if you've ever wanted to know what pictures xxxkatiexxx was looking at on April 17, or what music jonny95 is listening to at the moment, you can!

>> No.10788345

I'm not even sticking up for twitter, but replace "the cake is a lie" with more /jp/-centric memes, and then take a look in the mirror.

>> No.10788349

I used to change the filename but I stopped caring. We aren't in the middle of an internet war with Tumblr, and there are good and bad Tumblr pages just like there are good and bad WordPress pages, or good and bad GeoCities pages.

I liked that one with the cute cat drawings. I think that's a good use of a site like Tumblr.

>> No.10788353

You're not alone. Outside of imageboards and Facebook and some forums I don't know jack shit about social sites.

At least we admit to being lonely losers.

>> No.10788355

What the hell. I just realized I made a twitter account way back just to see what it was like; I logged in and found it's hacked and filled with spam.

Does it really have so little protection? Seems like yet another strike against it. I've personally never come across Facebook hacking in those fake accounts I made for mousepads before.

>> No.10788359

I think there was some big incident a year or two ago where a lot of Twitter accounts get cracked.

>> No.10788360

I keep the tumblr filename for images that are good to get replies out of people, like that secondary Flandre confession. It amplifies the effect of some pictures.

>> No.10788371
File: 219 KB, 500x304, tumblr_mdab4mal461r3zknuo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I honestly think this is a very drawn-out troll by a /jp/er.

>> No.10788379

>I love Touhou hentai, ecchi, and yuri.

Wow what a fucking special snowflake.

>> No.10788382

so about that loli guys...

>> No.10788389

shame it stopped updating
it was my daily dose of why

>> No.10788390

Is it still there?

>> No.10788400

I think you mean she

>> No.10788404

Check your privilege CIS scum

>> No.10788406

No, it is probably an "it"

Refer to >>10784421

>> No.10788408

shoot her for trespassing

>> No.10788412


>> No.10788424
File: 316 KB, 425x450, 1365522424143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless ameriga

>> No.10788431

that feel when this literally happens in america

>> No.10788431,1 [INTERNAL] 

that was the point

the people i stalk do this 24/7


>> No.10788431,2 [INTERNAL] 

Typical response from suburban white yuropoors who've never lived around niggers.

>> No.10788431,3 [INTERNAL] 

They're probably niggers themselves.

>> No.10788431,4 [INTERNAL] 

>ship niggers into your country
>be displeased because you have niggers in your country
