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10774744 No.10774744 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst thing in Touhou fanon?

>> No.10774750

Pictures that involve fetishes I personally find distasteful.

>> No.10774762

Sexualizing 2hus.

>> No.10774760

Anything popular

>> No.10774766

Killing off the canon character's personality for something stupid.

Such as pussified reisen or a retardedly 'trying-so-hard-to-be-cute' youmu.

>> No.10774771

Touhou abuse

>> No.10774778

English names. "Alice", "Flandre", "Cirno", etc.

Funny how people won't use the creator's English name for the series ("Project Shrine Maiden") but they're happy to call characters by fan names (and even mispronounce them based on an English spelling).

>> No.10774783

People bitching about it

>> No.10774781

the fans

>> No.10774788

The community of 'fans' who find the series via Youtube videos.

>> No.10774792

>fan names
Are the Touhou fighters non-canon to you?

>> No.10774804

Secondaries of the highest level who don't even know there are Touhou games and think stuff like fan-vids are all Touhou is and that ZUN stole his music from McRoll.

Purists of the highest level who can't grasp the fact that not every piece of Touhou is bullet hell and that artists other than ZUN are drawing official art for games and manga.

>> No.10774813

Yuugi x Parsee

Maybe not the worst, but I hate it.

>> No.10774825

Of course, they're fan games.

You might as well consider MegaMari canon, or Touhou Unreal Mahjong canon.

Hell, the Sakuya pads meme comes from the fighter games. You could make a case for Sakuya wearing pads to be canon if you're considering Tasofro's awful art to be an official depiction of characters. It's not too far-fetched when fanon has actually received ZUN's blessing before.

>> No.10774828

>pussified reisen

Even if you explain Inaba&Inaba away, she's still officially a coward.

So wait, are you saying Alice, Cirno and Flandre are "fan names"?

>> No.10774836

There is that purist again. I bet you were the one who was so anal about Yuugi the other day.

>> No.10774844

The elitism.

I see nothing wrong with people liking IOSYS videos and not being aware there are games. I thought Touhou was just an anime some weeaboo was spamming before I googled it. So what if some 14-year-old likes fun videos and music but hasn't played the games they're based on? How many Naruto anime fans have read the manga? Have Haruhi fans all read the light novels? Not to mention Touhou is a series largely known for its fan works.

Note that I do think these people are usually annoying, but it's either "lol sakuya's pads *knifed* xDDD" or pretending they *know* about the games (when they don't) that I take fault with, not the fact that they're "secondaries".

>> No.10774847

This thread

>> No.10774852

>Of course, they're fan games.
This is how dumb you are.

>> No.10774856

I think all the fanon is okay personally, but some of the fans make it tiring and unfunny after a while. It's not so much the content that bother's me, it's the joke being beaten into the ground endlessly.

>> No.10774853

what a *gay* post

>> No.10774859

Well this is generally true for anything.

>> No.10774864 [DELETED] 

Quick question then I'll delete my post and fuck off. I'm trying to play Touhou 12, but the z and y buttons are swapped. The key config won't let me change anything either.

>> No.10774865

Not as dumb as people who take the Wiki as gospel. ZUN has had direct involvement in other fan games. Tasofro has made other fan games. Are they not fan games now?

If "Touhou Unreal Mahjong" was listed under "Windows Games" on the front page of touhouwiki.net, you'd take it as a canonical, official game just like Imperishable Night. Most of what you know about Touhou canon is written by Pooshlmer, not ZUN. That's why you get idiots arguing about whether Youmu is half-ghost or half-phantom.

>> No.10774869 [DELETED] 

Delete your .cfg
Also just to be sure: Z is supposed to be shoot and X is supposed to be bomb. Not sure how that maps to game controllers.

>> No.10774873
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Fanon > canon

>> No.10774880

Officially a coward?

She stood against everyone who entered Eientei, including a ghost who could instantly kill her, an invincible vampire, and the queen of youkai.

Cut it any way you'd like, but that's not the sign of a coward.

>> No.10774887

The worst thing in Touhou is everyone on /jp/.

>> No.10774890

I guess the endings ZUN drew for them are fanon shit as well DESUYONEEEE?

>> No.10774888

Somewhere on the internet there is a circle of Japanese mythology buffs, and they're complaining about secondary mythologists who only discovered what a kappa was because of Touhou.

>> No.10774893

Please post source of ZUN saying that say are not canon and should never be regarded as canon even if their characters later appear in other works. They are Touhou[number][name] for a reason and not just Touhou[name] like fangames. Do you think Fairy Wars isn't canon as well? What about Double Spoiler or Shoot the Bullet? They all have non integers for numbers. Does that make them not canon? Do you think none of the manga are canon because the artists also might have drawn other stuff before, including Touhou doijins?

You are the worst kind of fan, the kind who just labels everything he doesn't like as not canon. Secondaries at least just don't know any better.

>> No.10774898

>Do you think none of the manga are canon because the artists also might have drawn other stuff before, including Touhou doijins?

Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth is not canon.
Plastic Heart by Aki Eda is not canon.

>> No.10774903

You should still know the basics before you call yourself a fan. If someone cosplays a character, I expect them to know a couple spell cards or something. It's just incredibly annoying to see people latch onto things just because they're popular.

Mind you, this is coming from a "secondary." I've only played a small handful of the games so I won't pretend to know more than I do. I would just appreciate if others did the same. Unfortunately, most of these people do not and just regurgitate old memes.

>> No.10774909

The Shitty Priority List Of Canonicality!

Definitive Canon:
1) Zun statements (recent > older)
2) Zun-created canonical media
3) Plausible fanmade official media

Relevant Sources:
1) Zun-created non-canon media (eg his music in Touhou Unreal Mahjong)
2) PC-98 canon (for windows canon) or Windows canon (for PC-98 canon)
3) Implausible fanmade official media (eg most of the details in Inaba & Inaba)

Strict Fanon:
1) Non-canon fanmade media
2) Opinions
3) Memes

>> No.10774939


Why does any of that matter considering it was a Spellcard Duel in the first place and her life was never on the line at any point in time?

Also are you saying all 4 teams went through the storyline simultaneously?


Oh you are the saddest and buttpainest of the faggots aren't you.

>> No.10774941
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Plastic Heart never even claims to be canon, is listed nowhere as canon and i don't think i have ever seen anyone who would even remotely think that it's canon. Why would you even bring it up? Does it somehow makes SSIB not canon because it's also drawn by Aki Eda?

>> No.10774954

We could set up tiers like Star Wars does.

1. Z-canon or ZUN canon, the integer Windows games and statements by ZUN.
2. G-canon or game canon, the non-integer Windows games.
3. C-canon or comic canon, the main comics.
4. D-canon or dubious canon, humorous comics and PC-98.
5. N-canon or non-canon, everything YouTubers like.

>> No.10774957

That's a good idea. Someone more experienced than me should do it.

>> No.10774963

Fanon is good, when it fills in the blank of and is coherent with canon. ZUN agreed, don't bother him about it.
Fanon is utter shit when it disregards or just plainly and brutally try to overwrite the canon. good old days /jp/ agreed.

End of story.

>> No.10774973
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>D-canon or dubious canon

Incorporating "drunk canon"?

>> No.10774987

Didn't drunken ZUN say that Keine is as old as history/time itself? Because i remember reading something about that. This claim is probably of dubious value at best.

>> No.10774988


>> No.10774991

Sorry dude, but she ran away from the lunar war, leaving her comrades behind.
She is a coward

>> No.10774992


>> No.10774994

The worst thing about fanon is that you don't shut the fuck up about how much you hate it.

>> No.10774997

We've already gotten at least four layers of meta past that ITT. Try to keep up.

>> No.10775138

>What is the worst thing in Touhou fanon?
Shipping and yurifags

>> No.10775165
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"fans" who hate certain touhous just because they're popular fantard targets.

seriously, who cares. you shouldn't let people get to you.

>> No.10775260
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sorry if this is off topic, but I didn't want to make a new thread.
What was the name of this character? I am really basing this off memory (which isn't very good)

Oh and to stay on topic
>The Fans

>> No.10775282

>English names. "Alice", "Flandre", "Cirno", etc.
Those are ZUN's own english names.

>> No.10775284

iTouch is a horrible meme.

>> No.10775285

cirno isn't even a real name, duder

it could have just as easily been translated as chiruno or chillno or some shit and people would pronounce it that way

>> No.10775308

Utsuho Reiuji, or Okuu.

>> No.10775340

He said they were fan names. They're not fan names. I don't care if you think Chiruno is more proper.

>> No.10775350
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>Utsuho Reiuji
Thanks man

Have something I drew

>> No.10775363

did ZUN decide c-i-r-n-o?

serious talk here, guy

>> No.10775376

Yes, he did.

>> No.10775381


i mean she appeared in eosd. when was it translated?

>> No.10775386

He did write her as Cirno in POFV and this isn't just something the Touhouwiki added because it's on every wiki, even the jp ones.






>> No.10775383

She didn't get her English name until PoFV.

>> No.10775389

PoFV, EaLND revised.

To my knowledge, the only names without any romanization whatsoever are Renko's and Maribel's. Renko is easy to deal with since it's just straight-up kanji/hiragana. Maribel on the other hand has a difficult katakana name; fuck translating that.

Doesn't help that ZUN is internally inconsistent with some of the English names too.

>> No.10775395

thanks dudes

what about hong meiling and tewi? i remember /jp/ used to argue about those a lot like two years ago

>> No.10775419
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>> No.10775428

Zun has spelled Tewi here, right in her first game.
 ○5面中ボス 地上の兎

  因幡 てゐ(いなば てゐ)
  Tewi Inaba


As far as i know there is nothing for Meiling.

>> No.10775432

Meiling's seems to be the only name that the English fanbase really defies, as ZUN has stayed pretty consistent with Meirin. Whether it's because it looks better as a Chinese name, I dunno.

Tewi came first, but really it boils down to whether you want to preserve the ゐ. Spelled like Tewi てゐ, pronounced like Tei てい. Also applies to Tenshi Hinanawi.

>> No.10775443

it's tei in iamp

>> No.10775447

fuck i mean pofv

>> No.10775450

Looks like all the wiki-readers got told!

>> No.10775454
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Yeah that's the trouble

  因幡 てゐ(いなば てゐ)
  Inaba Tei

>> No.10775466

Great, we have two canonically valid names thanks to dialect problems! Are you guys willing to admit that transliteration isn't always deterministic yet?

>> No.10775465

Because some EOP will complain:

Yes, it's in the unpatched game.

>> No.10775472

Touhouwiki only lists chiruno as the direct transliteration. It shows cirno as the english name.

>> No.10775475

But if you pretend it's latin then it sounds like Tewi again.

>> No.10775471

We should call her Tevi because it's half-way between Tewi and Tei.

>> No.10775480

No, what I was referring to is the fact that PCB comes before PoFV.

>> No.10775487

he thinks dialect is a synonym for accent

laughing linguists.tiff

>> No.10775492

yeah I downloaded the demo to make sure

>> No.10775500


For the longest time I had only ever seen Meirin used on Japanese artist's works when they included the character's names in the picture. I simply assumed it was just more silly engrish to giggle at.

Still not sure how to feel about it now though. I definitely prefer Meiling over Meirin though.

>> No.10775535

Yes, because spelling is an accent issue...
Oh, okay.

>> No.10775545

>Yes, because spelling is an accent issue...


>> No.10775548

There is also Hoan vs Hong which sometimes shows up.

>> No.10775573

Meirin is a straight-up transliteration of メイリン. Although going by that logic, Hong would be Hon ホン.

Also, just checked this now, but "Hong Meiling" is defensible since it stems from the pinyin romanization, which would be appropriate for a Chinese name.

>> No.10775617


There's also the obvious association to the Hong Dragon that fits so obviously well with her besides.

Though I've no idea if that is still present in the original Japanese.

>> No.10775621

Extreme forms of Scottish are dialects, not accents.

>> No.10775648 [DELETED] 

Thank you.

>> No.10781087

I actually heard cirno is an italian name and is roughly pronounced chirno which can easily turn into chiruno in Japanese.

>> No.10781126

LOL NEET meme kaguya fags ruining my fucking monthly Kaguya threads.

>> No.10781240


Agreed. Fucking stupid.

>> No.10781283

The people in the "fandom". Branch out to other things at least you fucking losers.

>> No.10781680

bully culture

>> No.10781746

I hate how vocal the Touhou fanbase is.

>> No.10781930


it's pronounced "see-AIR-no" with a Euro accent

>> No.10781935

That's /jp/ exclusive not touhou.

>> No.10781948

I hate how instrumental Touhou fanbase is.
