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File: 1.30 MB, 1404x2000, vintage_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10773532 No.10773532 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like Grimdark Touhou

>> No.10773536

It's more dark comedy.

>> No.10773538

Why is one leg so much bigger than the other

>> No.10773539

Nobody cares about what you like.

>> No.10773541
File: 1.17 MB, 1404x2000, vintage_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10773555
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>> No.10773561
File: 1.27 MB, 1398x2000, hungry_tiger_33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10773563

that artist's interpretation of suwako sure is a bully

>> No.10773567
File: 1.37 MB, 1398x2000, hungry_tiger_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10773569

Meh, looks pretty tryhard grimdark.

>> No.10773571
File: 1.35 MB, 1411x2000, DODO_030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fite u m8 rite in the gabber

>> No.10773577
File: 1.11 MB, 1411x2000, DODO_031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10773582
File: 930 KB, 1406x2000, hunting_dog_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10773586
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Nitori why

>> No.10773589

Is that Suwako supposed to look scary or intimidating? Because she just looks silly and out of place.

>> No.10773592
File: 1007 KB, 1411x2000, DODO_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a Rider villain

>> No.10773601

This is not my Gensokyo, but I've come to like this guy. Not even in the "ha ha oh wow" way like, say, Chado. What he's doing is truly... respectable, for a lack of better word.

>> No.10773622
File: 600 KB, 992x1403, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this doujin.

>> No.10773623

His writing is pretty neat, and while it is pretty dark it is not over the top and seems like a believeable interpretation of Gensokyo

>> No.10773664
File: 729 KB, 510x4819, remi 30th birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like its time to post this again

>> No.10773668
File: 686 KB, 510x4812, remi 30th birthday-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10773685

Not the Gensokyo I imagine, but every interpretation of it should be covered for the sake of those who like it and diversity.

>> No.10773707


SION - Room Number 12

Lyrics & Chords

>> No.10773723

He fucks up every ending, though.

>> No.10773728
File: 568 KB, 689x1019, 32368efdb7b8c7882e9e937fa5ff6b33[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only real problem with him is his difficulty in wrapping up his doujins. He's been getting better, mind you, but it's still his weakest point.

Also his Suwako is great.

>> No.10775724
File: 70 KB, 616x1294, 1356466700628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you not like lesson of passing?

>> No.10775857

That's not grimdark, it's a truly deep masterpiece.

>> No.10775888

I like a bit of grimdark.

Melancholy and sorrow makes me feel alive, somehow.

Oh, so you want to play dirty?


>> No.10775893

Its hard to take these seriously when they keep directly contradicting stuff ZUN says.

>> No.10776102 [DELETED] 

Zounose, his story writing is good, and he also creative with his stories.
C'mon, did you really expect there's is a reference to dodo bird extinction in TOUHOU DOUJINSHI?

>> No.10776137

Zounose, his story writing is good, and he also creative with his stories.
C'mon, did you really expect there is a reference to dodo bird extinction in TOUHOU DOUJINSHI?

>> No.10776150

Dodo 2hu when!>?

>> No.10776159

>Its hard to take these seriously when they keep directly contradicting stuff ZUN says.
It's actually really easy. They're just stories.

Objecting to Touhou doujinshi because it doesn't line up with canon 100% is like objecting to Harry Potter because cars don't actually fly.

>> No.10776207

But Harry Potter isn't based on an actual existing person or character. This is more like if the Harry Potter series was actually starring Harold Ford and had flying Edsels

>> No.10776235

Yes, but Harry Potter London is based on real London, and real London is distinctly devoid of flying cars and magic trains.

Flying cars are obviously unrealistic in a movie that purports to be historical, but with Touhou magic is not inherently implausible. A better comparison would be alternate history stories.

>> No.10776296

I saw the second image first and the pants made me think it was Wriggle.

>> No.10776317

>Harry Potter London is based on real London
Yet Harry Potter is not set in real London. There is a definite difference.

>> No.10776374

And there's a definite difference between the Gensokyo where Flandre lost it and murdered everyone in the SDM sometime between IN and MoF and the real Gensokyo where that didn't actually happen, and a difference between the one where Perfect Cherry Blossom was settled through a series of mahjong games and the real Gensokyo where they played danmaku instead. What's your point?

>> No.10776652

this one was actually pretty good, if not the plot just with where it was go, not edgy, classy

>> No.10776657

? does one vampire year equal multiple human years or something?

>> No.10776704

Can we get sources, please? I'd really like to read some of these, especially the one about Myourenji.

>> No.10776738

pure battle, but light hearted chado. I like em.

>> No.10776749

If you read the thread, you'll see that the author name is explicitly said in one of the posts.

Barring that, if you google "Gensokyo" and "Vintage" together, you'll find the Gaku update featuring that release which has a direct download and mentions the author name.

>> No.10776793

Sakuya's abuse of time manipulation doesn't do her loved ones any favours.

Sure, she gets more done in a day than is humanly possible, but she also ages more in a day as a result.

>> No.10776941

They never really explain how her power effects her age. She could be aging with her power, which in theory would be making her age faster, or the one where she can stop her age that made that cute white devil story about her outgrowing all her friends and living alone in the scarlet mansion.

>> No.10777076


For those interested.

>> No.10777099

Sakuya stopped not only herself, but also all of her friends from aging. That's why no one's growing older in Gensokyo, or at least no one we know of.

>> No.10777187
File: 281 KB, 468x850, sakuya_young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who is finds the old 'waaahhh Sakuya dies' jingle to be a dead horse (or dead maid, in this case)? It's been done to death by countless doujin artists. When is there ever going to be a doujin where Sakuya still lives hundreds of years after the events of the games? And that's without any grim catches, like 'hurrr now Sakuya outlives all the other SDM members'. How do you even outlive a vampire anyway? Isn't immortality, or at least agelessness, their thing?

It'd be nice to see doujin artists at least trying to find a solution for Sakuya's short lifespan, or to go for an alternate interpretation about Sakuya's species. Hourai Elixir isn't an option, because obviously Sakuya wouldn't want to keep on existing for eternity if her Mistress may one day be slain. There should still be tons of alternatives though.

>> No.10777191
File: 287 KB, 468x850, sakuya_adult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a couple of possibilties:
> The obvious: Sakuya stopping her own aging with her time powers. She can just start her aging again if Remilia and Flandre are slain by the Belmonts or something.
> Sakuya is a half-youkai. Isn't it curious how the side-notes of Remilia's PMiSS article explicitly mention her fate powers could turn a human into a half-youkai? Not only that, but for all her human qualities Sakuya has just as many youkai ones. Her eyes turn from blue to blood-red during some of her spellcards in the fighter games, and Sakuya's PMiSS article mentions her experience and behavior make it seem she's been around for centuries.
> Sakuya is a homunculus. This is one of the theories Akyuu gives for Sakuya's origins in her PMiSS article. Being a homunculus explains the aforementioned inhuman traits but also the human ones (like looking tasty to the Prismrivers in PCB). Patchouli has a thing for alchemy, going by her Philosopher's Stone cards, so she could have made Sakuya. Sakuya might be running on some kind of 'fuel' (think Red Stones). Remilia wanted Sakuya to take the Hourai Elixir because this fuel is a pain in the ass to get, perhaps.
> Sakuya becomes a vampire, though this unlikely due to how Remilia can hardly hold a couple of pints of blood. The possibility still hangs in the air though.

>> No.10777199
File: 471 KB, 1121x1600, 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like grimdark when it's so forced it's stupid.

Especially when it's porn.

>> No.10777228

That was a good read, thanks.

>> No.10777233


>> No.10777293

You could go with the "Sakuya is a lunarian" idea. That's a pretty popular one. (I don't really like it, myself.)

>> No.10777544

What other doujin series that does a good job in world building Gensokyo's world?

>> No.10777766

But it doesn't really solve the non-aging problem. Lunarians don't grow old because the Moon is free from impurity. It might make her centuries old, but as long as she's living on Earth, it won't stop her aging from now onwards.

>> No.10777852

that's a bit far fetched since most powers are limited to the user's benefits only. In theory if you stop time for a hundred years, I guess you can say everyone stays the same age for a hundred years, but we're discussing if this time period makes her age more or less in regards to everyone else.

>> No.10777910

isn;t this a parody of that sakura song which was about reimu and that headblob thing?

>> No.10778076

It is a parody of that song, but it's not "about Reimu", just a regular pop song reused for that video.

>> No.10783541

So does Sukako have a dark mind?

>> No.10783548

I want to lick her stump
