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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10772863 No.10772863 [Reply] [Original]

Why are protagonists of the most popular VNs always so idiots?

Shirou: "Girls shouldn't fight!!"

Takeru: "Let's be together as noble confidants forever ?"


Kurosu: "Let me see your panties"

Chris: "derp derp"

Maejima: "I don't want to dress like a girl!! Stop. How did this happen?"

Wil: "I can't say I don't want to have sex with you, but let's not...Okay of you demand..."

>> No.10772867

what is a vn?

>> No.10772870

Girls shouldn't fight.

>> No.10772872

"such", OP, not "so".

>> No.10772881

Girls really shouldn't fight. They're at a physical disadvantage.

>> No.10772897

That's what your mom said.

>> No.10772900

Okabe is crazy, not an idiot.

And Shirou is a retarded monkey/man.

>> No.10772909

Not in a gunfight.

>> No.10772915

Because you're not supposed to take them or anything happening seriously.

>> No.10772917

Shirou's problems are fixed in the final route. He's intentionally made to look like an idiot in Fate.

>> No.10772952

That's wrong though. They're still at a physical disadvantage in a gunfight. Their arms can't handle firing guns as well as a man's arms.

>> No.10772969


The difference is so negligible as to be non-existent.

>> No.10772976

That's a lie. No matter how much people try to brainwash you, you should at least hold on to common sense. Their arms could practically snap from firing a gun with a lot of kick to it.

>> No.10772982

>Their arms could practically snap from firing a gun with a lot of kick to it.

Sounds like you're the one being brainwashed, friend. Besides which, people generally don't use weapons like that in a gunfight. The weapons that get used in a gunfight can easily be handled by both men and women.

>> No.10772988


Shirou doesn't really give a fuck about gender.
Shirou doesn't think ANYBODY should fight. The "girls shouldn't fight" complaint was a paper-thin excuse he threw out to cover up his broken mentality that he couldn't explain, how his survival instinct is utterly shot and he intrinsically accepts everyone else as more valuable than him. (Thus, the possibility that someone could get hurt defending him, is completely unacceptable)

Read the fucking VN.

>> No.10773018


That doesn't change the fact that Shirou is a retarded monkeyman.

>> No.10773019

But he's actually putting on an act to try to make Mayuri feel better.

>> No.10773024

Naoe Yamato is pretty smart.

>> No.10773039


He's actually fairly intelligent once you get past the no-sense-of-self-preservation and ridiculously stunted social skills. He has a knack for analysis and strong intuition.

>> No.10773041

holy fuck she has long arms

>> No.10773045

How about Saya no Uta's Protag?

>> No.10773047

Because Japanese need a good self insert

>> No.10773048

What about まじこい?

>> No.10773072

>Shirou doesn't really give a fuck about gender.
Got anything to back this up? Example on Fate route he doesn't resist Rin orders Archer to go fight Berserker, but same time he is like "Saber, Saber please don't fight poor girl ;_;".

He is just idealistic and naive kid. No wonder why people on /jp/ like F/SN.

>> No.10773076

Annoying shithead.

>> No.10773077

u mena マジ恋

>> No.10773110
File: 55 KB, 450x360, lancer-and-tsun-tsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is F/SN has long arms.

>> No.10773125

I dunno, that Kurosu person sounds like he has his priorities set in the right order.

Here's a protip OP: stop reading poorly written VN.
Especially TM shit.

>> No.10773156

Question is, why VNs with shit protagonists, are the most popular?

If we are analysing only translated ones, only Akabeisoft's VNs have decent protagonists.

>> No.10773169


Shirou had no problem with Archer's sacrifice because it was to protect Rin and Saber too. He has no self-preservation, the preservation of others is important to him.
Saber at the time was ridiculously weak and letting her fight would be futile anyway.

He has absolutely no issues with letting Rin fight Caster in UBW or Rin and Rider battling in HF. He doesn't want anyone at all fighting to protect him. He doesn't appreciate them fighting at all, but he's not terrified about people fighting for their own reasons as he is of someone fighting to protect him.

>> No.10773179

He can't, he only knows English so he only has 5% of VN available and most of them are bad.

>> No.10773189

I think my top 5 protags are from VNs that are considered popular so I'm not really seeing the problem. That's a rather random list you have there in the OP.

>> No.10773368

cuz you can related to them. That's all.
Japanese men don't have personality, they're bored and pervert.

>> No.10773394

sakura gets me so hot and bothered even today must be the worms

>> No.10773492

There are also plenty of intelligent VN protagonists. As someone mentioned before, Okabe is just crazy, he's actually quite intelligent. Remember11's Satoru Yukidoh is also a genius. G-Senjou's Kyousuke is also quite capable considering how young he is, Majikoi's protagonist is known for being intelligent, Grisaia's protagonist is almost robot-like in his rationalism at times, and so on.

>> No.10773499
File: 562 KB, 503x851, Satoru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who is the most intelligent VN protagonist? I'd say Satoru ranks up there quite highly.

>> No.10773511

>serious discussion about fate/gay shite


>> No.10773518
File: 101 KB, 667x540, our-lord-and-savior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need more protagonists like this nigger here - even while being high as fuck on LSD he still maintains his calm and wit.

>> No.10773534

Your 'nigger' is white. What is this nonsense, Anonymous? Do you take me for a fool?

>> No.10773557

Makes it easier for you to relate

>> No.10773576

Remember11 was nonsense, so it doesn't count.

>> No.10773587

Because shit with retarded protagonists is mostly what gets translated

>> No.10773588

I apologize for making a misleading post, but please calm down, you are making me uncomfortable and to be frank a bit scared.

>> No.10774478

Gii from Sekien no Inganock is the best protag from a translated VN

>> No.10774665

They're supposed to be losers that the readers can project themselves onto. They're often boring, crazy, and/or perverted, kind of like otaku. A lame protag makes the affections of the girls more sincere because they unconditionally love such an average/awful person.

>> No.10774712


That's kind of depressing. Still, the average protag is more passable than the average reader.

Look at Shirou. Hard working handyman, can cook, polite, has goals, not afraid to fight for his woman/women. Bitches would be all over him.

>> No.10774867

forgot Rance
"lol rape gahaha"

>> No.10774927

Rance is not that stupid. When it comes to increasing his rape count he can be quite cunning.

>> No.10774945

Bitches would friendzone him.

>> No.10774964

yeah, he is not stupid. he is an annoying shithead though

>> No.10775006

You sound jealous.

>> No.10775011

>friendzoning a useful non-pansy

All well, not like he's seeking bitches. They come to him.

>> No.10775134

yeah man you got me, i'm mad jelly salty

>> No.10775457
File: 1.73 MB, 1440x1080, incoming party wipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rance definitely is stupid. He's a great warrior, but when it comes to rational matters he always goes with the easiest possible way or proposes something completely dumb.

>> No.10775506 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1440x810, NyarukoEeehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are people in real life

OP: "I'm a fag"

>> No.10778586 [DELETED] 

>Quoting the OP
Literally retarded.

>> No.10778633 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 256x192, arnoldsides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides.........

>> No.10782422 [DELETED] 

