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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10758292 No.10758292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is going to be a /jp/ meetup in Portland, Oregon on Saturday at Powell's Books in its cafe at 5pm.

If you are interested in details, please email <rust.glitch@gmail.com>. So far three /jp/ers are confirmed for meeting up. Please post in this thread if you are interested and bump to spread the word.

>> No.10758298

Imagine the awkwardness.

From what I've heard, the /fit/ meet up was a bunch of guys getting lunch together before eating silently then parting ways after 15 minutes.

I wonder how this'll turn out.

>> No.10758296
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>/jp/ meetup in Portland, Oregon

>> No.10758306

slay the gays

>> No.10758308

I thought fitfags were alpha as fuck?

>> No.10758315

This is still 4chan we're talking about. Everyone is 'at best' beta, if they even try to be normals.

>> No.10758313


Nope, what they did was stage some really awkward photos where it looked like that.
It's funny, they were all eating at separate tables or on their phones.

There are photos from that same meet where they're out on the town and shit.

>> No.10758318

Fuck off Tokiko.

>> No.10758319

/jp/'s meetup is bound to go better. We have the best icebreaker and conversation starter conceivable at our disposal.

Which Touhou would you?

>> No.10758324

I'm going to shoot up this place.

>> No.10758337

Please give us your IRC handle so we know just exactly who we're dealing with.

>> No.10758338

*truOtaku fist bump*

>> No.10758340

i'm going to blow up that place for Allah

>> No.10758341 [DELETED] 

You told you that you weren't going to post in /jp/ without your trip.

Once again, you proved yourself to be a liar.

I don't know why I bother believing a single fucking word you say.

>> No.10758342

You told me that you weren't going to post in /jp/ without your trip.

Once again, you proved to be a liar.

I don't know why I bother believing a single fucking word you say.

>> No.10758346

I just want to kill some cancerous /jp/'eers, pls meetup

>> No.10758347

I like how this supposed /jp/ meetup got planned outside /jp/.

>> No.10758350

Please do not misuse spoilers.

>> No.10758353

be glad I'm not in Portland, homos.

I'd have all your heads on spikes.

>> No.10758359

It's not /jp/ if it's just your two IRC buddies who also happen to browse /jp/ are going.

>> No.10758361

Oh, I get it. An "offline meeting". Can we go to the Goonies island?

>> No.10758370

which irc channel are you fags from?

>> No.10758372

I swear to god, if I'd meet one of you fucks and you say "wch2hu fck" or some other stupid unfunny meme with a shiteating grin on your face I'll punch your fucking teeth out right there.
I've always wanted to do that

>> No.10758374


>> No.10758382

What if someone is genuinely interested in which Touhou would copulate with?

>> No.10758386


A scrawny nerd approaches and with a false stutter and feigned awkwardness he asks loudly, in strained tones "So, um... ehehe... Which 2hu would you... You know..."

You're justified dude.
Funny how these people think they're better than any other fandom just because they post on /jp/, home of the big dogs.

>> No.10758394

The jokes on you when it's Chris Handon there.

>> No.10758418

I'd stalk you guys if I lived there. Can anyone do it for me?

>> No.10758427

Breaking news, 3 fat nerds found murdered. Police don't give a shit.

"They said they were Otaku, but they weren't."
- C.O.P (chief o' police)

>> No.10758437

If you faggots do go to this, none of you will sit together because you're all to awkward to ask to sit with someone.

>> No.10758434

I'd punch him twice as hard

>> No.10758439

That's pretty rude. It's not like there are many other things you could talk about with him.

>> No.10758441


Why do you keep posting in this manner? Why do you try to force a fucking conversation whenever possible?

>> No.10758445

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10758452

You, also shut the fuck up.

>> No.10758447

But no one is forcing you. You could have just chosen to ignore me.

>> No.10758455

Should I bring my lewd Chen daki?

If I come, I'll have to make a three-day road trip in an '84 Honda Accord and I can't afford to stay in motels.

>> No.10758461

Please come to my circle jerk instead.

>> No.10758459


look @ this nerd thinking he's the boss lmao

>> No.10758463

There will be a bomb

>> No.10758469

You want to fight? I will end you, son.

>> No.10758466
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A bomb?

>> No.10758472
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>> No.10758478

Why Oregon, of all places? Why not a state that actually matters? I don't even fucking remember where Oregon is on the map.

>> No.10758477

Be careful if you decide to marathon a series while there.

>> No.10758476

Will there be dicks to suck?

>> No.10758482

i live in oregon

do i not matta 2 u

>> No.10758483

I could imagine someone from /jp/ just standing near the sidelines saying /jp/ Denton over and over again until people start talking about Deus Ex.

>> No.10758487

My ex-girlfriend cheated on me.

>> No.10758493

Hopefully I'll be able to molest a little /jp/er.

>> No.10758491

I'd unironically hurt you if I met you, Robert.

Maybe I need pills or something.

>> No.10758498

Hipster otaku.

>> No.10758500

i am truely sorry for your lots

>> No.10758517

Have there ever been non US/japan /jp/ meetups?

>> No.10758518

you can stay w/ me bby ;)

>> No.10758522

What has Japan to do with /jp/?

>> No.10758523

But it was a spoiler for the meetup :(

>> No.10758525

ok thanks

>> No.10758528

There have been a lot of japanese /jp/ meetups is all

>> No.10758542

Why when there are meetups in Japan, everybody looks like they're having a cool fun time but in US meetups everyone looks like they're trying too hard to be cool and trying to be better than others?

>> No.10758583

>/jp/ meetup
hahaha, get out crossboarder.

>> No.10758590

>/jp/ offline meetup

Kill yourselves, you trash.

>> No.10758618
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>> No.10758822

Let me know when we have one in CA.

>> No.10758844

How did your date go Tokiko?

>> No.10758856

You use VLC so I would rather die than meet with you.

>> No.10758865

Is it fine for a girl to show up? I don't want to make things awkward for anyone.

>> No.10758870

Are you pure?

>> No.10758877

bring a strap-on

>> No.10758884

shut the fuck up

>> No.10758891

Why are my shitposts deleted but this one can stay?

>> No.10758926

Cafe sounds like costing money.
A picnic in the park would be better.

>> No.10758942

Comiket and other doujin conventions.

>> No.10758944

On Robert Brown-kun's Google+ page (back when it had babby.jpg as the profile pic) he said they have a janitor on their side.

>> No.10758945

Who wants a hug when I get there?

>> No.10758950

Me! :3

>> No.10758952

Robert Brown has said a thousand things, most of which were totally bullshit.

>> No.10759020

what is comiket?

dumb crossboarder

>> No.10759040


Hope you like warm fuzzies!

>> No.10759090

Would love to see your face if a 39 years old foreigner showed up at you meeting.
And no, i am not going to make a 5402 Miles trip just to see you.
If i had 2500 euros to spare, i would, definitively, for the lulz.

>> No.10759090,1 [INTERNAL] 

