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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 760 KB, 1000x1000, 僕儍働.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10755872 No.10755872 [Reply] [Original]

why does /jp/ music suck so hard? i can't take it easy at all.
what happened to the cool umineko and hip touhou songs?

>> No.10755920

What is "/jp/ music"?

>> No.10755941

Because "anime/otaku" music is fucking garage

>> No.10756022

your taste must be shit.

>> No.10756048

no, your taste is shit if you liked /jp/ music.
all they got is spamming "smoke weed everydayyy~' fucking looser

>> No.10756072

haha take your pills gramps.

not bad

>> No.10756068

Anime music goes in /a/.

>> No.10756080

Is Vocaloid "/jp/ music"?

>> No.10756083

denpa music whatever nerd my dick goes in your mom's ass

>> No.10756087

it's shit but yes, /jp/ related

>> No.10756091 [DELETED] 


>> No.10756093
File: 73 KB, 356x452, remiliajam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ music died a long time ago.

>> No.10756108

Are you talking about the radio? Nothing is worse than having a nice song followed by some shitty touhou arrange that you've heard a thousand times.

>> No.10756216

Which is my only real problem with it. It's backed itself into the corner with how predictable it is.

>> No.10756221

Choke on a cock, I get still get my comiket uploads twice a year.

>> No.10756258

The 16/17-year-old twitter generation invaded and brought along their dumbstep and whatever other hipster shit they came across on their way here. I blame the people giving honest answers to blatant /mu/ crossboarders who don't even lurk before making a trhead demanding to be spoonfed.

>> No.10756298
File: 1.56 MB, 662x1409, Obi_inner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ちぃむdmp has a dubstep-inspired song that is actually one of my favorites from them.


>> No.10756344

yes, you are right.

>> No.10756406

>implying lolicompi2 is bad
shit taste detected

>> No.10756410

that's not dubstep at all, but it was my favorite song from that album

>> No.10756414

Some parts seem a bit dubstep-like to me, specifically the bass modulations.

>> No.10756420
File: 968 KB, 290x200, tumblr_mfl1psETyQ1qiw0gvo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said my pic was related
just most songs are spamming shiiiit

>> No.10756433

Because it's not supposed to be good you retard, it's supposed to be fun and it exists solely for escapism and fun, just like everything /jp/ likes.

There are better games than Touhou, there's better literature than VNs, there are more useful languages than Japanese, and there's better music than doujin/vocaloid/denpa stuff, but we like them. If that bothers you then this board isn't for you.

By the way I'm not mad, I'm just upset.

>> No.10756439

That modulated bass is pretty popular in electronic music, it's just that brostep spams it everywhere.

By the way old ちぃむdmp is the best ちぃむdmp.

>> No.10756448

>spamming shiiiit
you don't belong here, get out.

>> No.10756472

why would this board be called 'otaku culture' if nothing other than 2ho can be discussed at all? everyday this board gets filled with shit pop idol and which2howouldufug thread. I have no idea wtf neither of those garbage have to do with otakus at all. everyother japan related topic gets deleted by buttmad janitor. apparently otakus can't like anime nor anything related to their own country.
i am also upset by your post on defending this retard board. there is no 'we'.

>> No.10756501

>have to do with otakus at all
says the "otaku expert". go away.

>> No.10756515

>if nothing other than 2ho can be discussed at all?
There are many other topics discussed in /jp/ like doujin stuff, comikets, idols, otaku life, denpa music, vocaloids, figures, VNs, just to name a few.

criticize this fagget 8======D

>> No.10756519

>umineko songs
you know nothing, and therefore you are unable to contribute anything, even to /jp/.
If you can't even contribute to /jp/, what good is your life?

here is a denpa mix.

>> No.10756532

leave this board
wtf you talking about? have you not heard of umineko?

>> No.10756548

I happen to have completed all 8 episodes, why do you ask.
We never talked about good umineko songs here, stupid. Show me one good umineko song.

>> No.10756567

i asked you because i can't understand your post.
what does umineko song have to do with my contribution to jp?
i just really liked umineko BGM. its a personal taste.

>> No.10756614

>leave this board
Jesus Christ, you are such an obvious crossboarder it HURTS to read.

Please go. Now.

>> No.10756619

What is /jp/ music beside Touhou? J-core? That shit is horrible.

>> No.10756672

Denpa, Vocaloids, and most doujin music I guess.

>> No.10756685

>what happened to the cool umineko and hip touhou songs?

There was never discussion about cool umineko songs, new cross-boarder.
You say /jp/ music sucks and ask for spoonfeeding of "good songs", when you contribute nothing but whining. Typical /jp/ visitor.

>> No.10756713

doujin music

>> No.10756726

i was refering to the /jp/ radio, which rarely never broadcasted umineko BGM.
i have no idea how you interpreted '/jp/ music sucks' as a music contribution thread.
are you sure i am new here or are you just fucking dumb at reading.

>> No.10756738

Oh, the /jp/ radio. Actually 50% of the music in the /jp/ radio are just joke songs that aren't really "/jp/-related".

>> No.10756757

Then please explain what you meant to express when you said, "/jp/ music sucks"
Are you shitposting or are you just shitposting?

/jp/ radio played some, but never played much umineko bgm from the start, what are you expecting?

>rarely never
Please stop, you're hurting my head.

>> No.10756758

so /jp/ radio doesn't belong to /jp/? even with their 2ho shit avatars spammed everywhere on the site.
and their viral advertisement on this board like once a week

>> No.10756772

jp music..
hmmm. what could /jp/ music possibly mean? is it referring to the /jp/ radio or a /jp/ related music thread that gets posted about once every never?

>> No.10756779

I don't know what you meant,
but if you do listen to /jp/ radio, a large portion of it is shit, either consisting of:
nigger rap trolling
repeating annoying songs (conjure the spirits of the computers with our spells)
weird al yonsasomething

Of course, this OP guy >>10756726 would know nothing about this, as a /jp/ visitor.

>> No.10756788

What are you even trying to say, nobody understands your words, even here in /jp/, in english.

>> No.10756839

buttfrustrated OWNED i bet u lik men LMAO.

>> No.10756841

i was asking you why you said jp radio isn't jp related when everything on their site is referring to this board ie, 2ho. i know jp radio is shit, that's why i fucking asked the question; 'why does jp radio sucks'. i can't understand why you would reply jp radio is shit with 'because its made of shit'. you don't even make sense.
and wtf does that last sentence have to do with aynthing?
does it make sense to you if after replying you i add: 'knowing that you are a homosexual anyway, i don't expect a serious response.'

>> No.10756854

>here in /jp/
nice use of the board jew scum. try learning how to debate 101 before i reply to you seriously.

>> No.10756863

>i know jp radio is shit
>why you would reply jp radio is shit with 'because its made of shit'
>you don't even make sense.
God, my head, I don't even. If something is made of shit, it is usually shit. do you comprehend?

I enjoy /jp/ radio, I've been listening it since it's start up many years ago, the touhou avatars were a fun addition, a lot of good work was done, and many thanks to ponyta-kun and yandere stalker for keeping it going alive and well.
There have been many retards that request retard songs, but they come and go. the "conjure the spirits of the computers with our spells" trolled me effectively.

Well, you obviously didn't understand what he meant by "joke songs," because you haven't listened to /jp/ radio. You also have nothing constructive to say. Hey, try to make a single constructive sentence. I dare you.

>> No.10756870

Do more than 10 people listen to /jp/ radio at a single give moment anymore?

>> No.10756886

It's clearly a typo of rarely ever.

>> No.10756904

Vocaloids ruined Japanese music just about.

Jesus christ what attracts these simpletons to this stupid shit.

>> No.10756910

Well there are 7 listeners (myself included), which isn't too bad.

It's clearly a typo of an autist who cannot be understood by either public society or even a shut-in web forum of /jp/.

>> No.10756927

This thread is awful. OP is an obvious crossboarder who is barely intelligible and you people are actually arguing with this guy.

>> No.10756930

what about covers of vocaloid songs?

>> No.10756932

as much as on topic your post makes, it doesn't answer the direct question.nor does it make your post turn the table on the topic.
i asked why jp music is bad, your reply:
>"but if you do listen to /jp/ radio, a large portion >of it is shit, either consisting of:
>nigger rap trolling
>repeating annoying songs (conjure the spirits >of the computers with our spells)
>weird al yonsasomething"
that's like the same as what i asked.
again, with that last sentence.
because you can't answer properly, that's why your whole post is invalid.

>> No.10757115

What the fuck is "/jp/ music"?

Nigga, my gun go off.

>> No.10757159

God you're good at this, it's like I'm talking with a mexican with a deep 3 inch gash in his head. That guy was pretty delirious.

What are you asking? What answer are you asking for?
I answer what you were asking for, so:
>it doesn't answer the direct question.nor does it make your post turn the table on the topic
I read that 7 times in my head, I still don't comprehend your english (?)

Hopefully you didn't go to sleep yet, you autist baby. Here's my last sentence.

>> No.10757190

Does this count as "/jp/ music"?

>> No.10757237

k-waves is beautiful.
This thread is shit by the way, I was just pushing the retard because I just finished Irisu and I am lonely.

>> No.10757366

i just told you what i asked in my post. need me to quote?
>"i asked why jp music is bad,"

>it doesn't answer the direct question.nor does it make your post turn the table on the topic
like which part don't you understand?
'it' refers to your post.
the 'direct question' is what i just stated.
'turn the table on the topic' meant the way you think you answered me correctly and that i am at fault.

>I answer what you were asking for, so
yes, you sorta answered me with >>10756863
by referring to your own thought on WHAT happened to jp radio.
but not with this>>10756779
where you were simply repeating what i just said. (and that's what >>10756841 and >>10756932 meant)
i asked you twice on why you answered the way you did, and i get
>omg you retard, I! WHO REPRESENT the /jp/ community, do not understand your babbi english.

>> No.10757418

Oh god you're still awake.
I still get a laugh out of this, you're genius at this man, I still have trouble reading though these words.

Okay, you ask "why does /jp/ music suck so hard?"
What do you want? Are you trolling?
Do you want an answer like, "I believe the music of the otaku industry, specifically of the denpa variety, has degraded because of the lack of its appeal in 2013"
Or are you shitposting as usual and want, "cuz ur mom suck LMAO."

>'turn the table on the topic' meant the way you think you answered me correctly and that i am at fault.
I've read this like 15 times, it's so badly worded it is genius. I should save this line.

/jp/ radio used to "suck" because of all the shit music that was requested by trolls, such as repetitive music and nigger rap. That was why I listed the type of music that ruined /jp/ radio, which answered your question.
None of this is "what you just said," because you said nothing but "i know jp radio is shit", when you haven't even been listening to /jp/ radio. Typical.

Shit talking aside, I must say that your use of english is horrible, and most people must have great difficulty in understanding you. Put some effort into it, kiddo. I'll be up all night.

>> No.10757425

If you're just taking it easy, come talk with me on /jp/ radio IRC, my nickname is mikospark.
Unless you are intimidated by me, which is completely understandable, it's okay.

>> No.10757437
File: 73 KB, 490x386, 1364605269621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'turn the table on the topic' meant the way you think you answered me correctly and that i am at fault.

>> No.10757451

>There was never discussion about cool umineko songs, new cross-boarder.

Yes there was. I took part in them myself.

>> No.10757466

Pls guys, stop this mindless discussion, let's take it easy together.

>> No.10757493

Okay, seems like the illiterate autist has cried himself to sleep in defeat.
Janitor I think it would be appropriate to delete this shit thread.

>> No.10757495

>None of this is "what you just said," because you said nothing but "i know jp radio is shit", when you haven't even been listening to /jp/ radio. Typical.
you should repeat what you wrote yourself a couple times. maybe you will then see why you are delusional.
why the fuck would i say jp radio is shit if i haven't being listening to it. like how the fuck do you even come up to that? how could i make a topic about a subject that i don't even know existed?
>/jp/ radio used to "suck" because of all the shit music that was requested by trolls
> requested by trolls
but you didn't say that in >>10756779
you just listed a bunch of songs i already heard and am now complaining about. you defended yourself by changing your own sentence.
if you think my english is bad, say where you can't understand. i can also quote your entire post and say it makes no sense. make you reread everything and think what i was refering to. but i don't think i can act more retarded than you already are.

>> No.10757497

who the fuck are you and what's jp radio IRC?

>> No.10757836

This is a very amusing thread. But why did it head into /jp/ radio's direction halfway through? We all know it's dead.

>> No.10758371

I'm not the guy you have been arguing with.

I just had to chime in to call you an illiterate retard. God DAMN your butchering of the English language is atrocious.

You are either some foreigner with only the faintest grasp on the language, or you are a highly advanced monkey with access to a computer. Either way, you should kill yourself for this thread.

>> No.10758458

The autism is strong in this one. I love it.

>> No.10762996

I don't know what to think about this

>> No.10762997
File: 480 KB, 642x900, 1365359193118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10763038

whoa jaypee radio just got rid of like 45gb worth of songs

>> No.10763279

Who JAZZ here?

>> No.10763299

Who DEAD here

>> No.10763515

you got trolled, son.

doujin jazz? i do

>> No.10768922
File: 329 KB, 500x500, jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you guys get your copy of Felts Blue Drop? It's the only one I'm missing :I

>> No.10768933
File: 530 KB, 1250x1250, collage.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz /jp/ music is shit

>> No.10768941
File: 4 KB, 224x250, 1363113070341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not listening to skrillex

>> No.10768945


>> No.10768953

what are you, 13?

>> No.10768955

Underage people are not allowed to browse this site.

>> No.10768956

Good stuff.

>> No.10768963



>> No.10768977


Once when I was playing CSS I requested the only Skrillex song that was uploaded to /jp/ radio and I had my worst 3 minutes in that game ever.

>> No.10769003

Why css when you can play dota?

>> No.10769741


>> No.10769755

google.com. i'm not kidding, at least 3 links are still there.

>> No.10769805

Not my fault you suck.

>> No.10769815

sorry if i'm being annoying but what links? I have looked through toranoana, melonbooks, d-stage, akibaoo, grep, yahoo japan and amazon japan. It's sold out everywhere. Unless you thought I intended to just download it?

>> No.10769835

>not my fault having a shit taste for black metal
hahaha oh wow

>Unless you thought I intended to just download it?

>> No.10769841

>having a shit taste for black metal

>> No.10769857

yeah, also all black metal discussion should be on /mu/

>> No.10769870

I don't browse /mu/, and I don't listen to very much black metal.

>> No.10770115

nevermind now, managed to find it...

>> No.10770219
File: 338 KB, 600x596, onegai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no Taishi
>this thread still alive

why is /jp/ so shitty

>> No.10770336

If you really wanted it you would have bought it.

Now fuck off.

>> No.10770489

>tfw no japan

>> No.10770593

I'm fine Japanese or doujin music but most Denpa is fucking terrible.

>> No.10770700

>play dota
its seems like you have a couple of friend m8

>> No.10770792

It's up.

>> No.10770844

where? i dont have PD or share configured on this machine yet.

>> No.10770851

YOU are terrible.

>> No.10770858

Fug u

>> No.10770939


>> No.10771390

ill wait

>> No.10771931

ye i have 2 friends who play dota with me
u jealous bruv?

>> No.10772350

Does anyone have any idea what this song is?


>> No.10772426

Link me I don't see it and it's not coming up when searching.

>> No.10772508
File: 96 KB, 362x263, 1364252044097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this brainwashed into liking shit

Well, at least you aren't hiding it. Thank you for confirming that otaku are basically mongoloids that indulge in an objectively shit and vain consumerist culture that lives off sucking the wallets of maladjusted 20 year old manchildren. No wonder there is such a link between this garbage and video games, the jews know where the money lies.

>> No.10772781

is this it? i don't have an astost account so i can't login.

>> No.10772875

shut up

>> No.10772958

It's in the self-rip section/forum.

>> No.10773540

Congratulations for discovering that the earth is round. Also, most of us don't buy shit.

>> No.10774802

I like those a lot.
