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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.08 MB, 879x1199, 1366094345932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10755694 No.10755694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey kid, where do you think you're going?

>> No.10755703

nowhere, I was just heading back

see you

>> No.10755704
File: 27 KB, 238x329, 1293820109001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thug life, bitches *BANG*

>> No.10755718

What are you going to do, beat me up?

>> No.10755720

I remember when that happened. I had to walk away and hide in the bathroom until the next class started.

The girls were the biggest bullies.

>> No.10755721


/jp/ - /v/ reposts culture

>> No.10755731
File: 4 KB, 256x196, whips it out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come get some

>> No.10755734

>png-(1.08 MB,
You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.10755741

to yo mommas house bish

i'll see you after school

every day

with my penis
all ten of them

>> No.10755742

Ultima 2

>> No.10755738

sauce on game

>> No.10755740

Up your skirt, obviously.

>> No.10755745

so you bitches want to fighte huh

*whips out dick*

>> No.10755763


>> No.10755758

>Ultima 2
I wasn't born yesterday anon

>> No.10755771

to fug ur fav 2hu

>> No.10755786

OP couldn't make oc if his life depended on it.

>> No.10755801
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, sig_snipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIG is my favourite upotte.

Episodes 2 and 5 were good, and I rewatch them sometimes.

>> No.10755816

There's no way I could see girl-on-boy bullying as anything but a joke. Women are weak, both physically and emotionally.

>> No.10755833
File: 107 KB, 640x479, 3527652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you even femdom? I would gladly have some ganguro bitches call me kimoi and make me smell their feet

>> No.10755885


A girl broke my jaw and several teeth by throwing a rock in my face.

They're not completely harmless.

>> No.10755886
File: 181 KB, 1448x1449, Joy-Division_Unknown-Pleasures_Shes-Lost-Control-19791550305923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how a dumb moe gun animu got an in-depth look of its topic while a dumb moe music animu barely addressed music culture. I guess that's what happens when you produce for an audience of manchildren. Plebs everywhere

>> No.10755888

Check your estrogen levels you fuggin homolord. Your levels are too high for man, pussy

>> No.10755891


>> No.10755898
File: 94 KB, 432x640, 0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


insult me more...

>> No.10755902


I don't get it.

>> No.10755903


You talking about K-On?

That's not about music.

>> No.10755916
File: 282 KB, 879x1199, filesize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He could have used jpg, and had 1/9 of the filesize, with no visible difference in quality.

>> No.10755921


1/5, I mean.

>> No.10755924

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over me breaking your leg.

>> No.10755929

When it first came out I figured from the first episodes that music would at least get lip service. What with the references to DMC and a couple others I forget

I guess it is my fault for believing the hype.

>> No.10755932


Why is that so important?

>> No.10755938


OP is the kind of crossie faggot who saves pics from /v/ to post here. Do you really think he cares about shit like that?

>> No.10755940


Preventing waste.

>> No.10755945


I thought jpgs were the bad ones.

>> No.10755946


*whips out knife*

>> No.10755953

Please bully me.

>> No.10755967

What about women ufc fighters?

>> No.10755970


>> No.10755974

What are you gonna do? Hold me down and stick your feet in my face? Like I'd let that happen...

>> No.10755981


Different file formats have different uses.

PNG's size increases a lot with image complexity. It saves a perfect copy of the image, though. This is good for text, diagrams, and other simple images.

JPG's size is less dependant on image complexity, but it generates noise, which will be very evident on simple images.

If you are unsure, try saving it as both, and use the smallest.

>> No.10755978

You fucking gross nerd. Takes shoe off and stick foot in your face.

>> No.10755985

This happened to me when I was 8. I told them that I was going to buy lemonade then they started laughing and offered me a drink. I refused, but they hold my hand and forced to walk with them to girls toilet. You can guess what happened next. Some teacher found me crying and smelling like piss. They also took my money and it's probably closest thing I ever had to sex.

>> No.10755991


I see. Thanks for answering.

>> No.10755995
File: 910 KB, 777x1087, nue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a piss fetish now?

>> No.10756023

Yeah. I saw those girls again, but they just ignored me like nothing ever happened.

>> No.10756113

>posts an average album

>> No.10756111

What happened after they walked you to the girl's toilet and why were you crying and smelling like piss?

>> No.10756116


He tripped, and his piss bottle spilt.

>> No.10756121


I think they tried to hold his hand and he pissed himself

>> No.10756130

I hate it when that happens

>> No.10756154
File: 9 KB, 228x221, fbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this has actually happened to you in school.

>> No.10756170

I got a boner reading that. I wish I was bullied by cute girls in school.

>> No.10756217

It happened to me too but not with cute girls

When guys do stuff I don't know if I'm supposed to ignore them and go another way or hit them or what.

>> No.10756249
File: 8 KB, 300x168, teases-me(But will do it).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of happened to me to, but it was a hot Mexican girl. The thing was she was dating my friend and I was in the middle of practice when inside the school. She started shaking her ass bent over saying "Heeeey anon" I'm not sure how I would have done, but I would have complied if she hadn't been dating my friend. She was loose enough to do something with me. I just was like "Ah! No You're dating the other anon" as I said this my couch was yelling at me to come back over and stop flirting with with the girls. Then the girl was like "Anon! Wait! Ugghk, Anon Whe- Chh Whatever anon!". My team mates ranging from same age to seniors were laughing at me in a brotherly kind of way only seen in team sports. Some of them said "Way to cock block anon, couch. The other girls with the Mexican girl were giggling and saying, "but you're dating that other anon!". The mexican girl said something like "So what! (Angry) I'd rather have anon! Plus I love to see his reaction when I tease him <3".

Freindship and coaches can be over rated sometimes, especially when they cock block you. To think I went another 4 years without being kissed when I could have gotten some then and there.

>> No.10756255

Holy shit. I meant coach.

>> No.10756265

The difference in color is very obvious.

>> No.10756266

>ignore them and go another way or hit them or what
Don't you hate it that you can't even punch someone for fucking with you in school now, else risk expulsion or something put on your record. What has become of us?

>> No.10756270

Post more bullying pics from the POV of the bully victim.

>> No.10756286

Disgusting washed out colors. 1/5 the quality also.

>> No.10756287
File: 78 KB, 580x350, kokoro-connect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I surprisingly could only find two and they don't even have that classic sexual undertone that you also find in real life.

>> No.10756293


>> No.10756297
File: 574 KB, 1066x757, they see your dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10756299
File: 29 KB, 400x289, bullies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some teacher found me crying and smelling like piss.
Hahahhaha You mean they peed on you? Hhaha
Here is one. I have another though.

>> No.10756315
File: 501 KB, 1600x1200, bullying yama with komachi!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he wanted pov of victim :c

>> No.10756322

You're posting from the pov of the bully.

>> No.10756340
File: 348 KB, 724x955, hatate knows her place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I wasn't replying to to the guy wo wanted pov myself.

>> No.10756342

You guys joke about bullying but it sucks

I mean when someone just constantly talks shit and you can't do anything because if you try and retort verbally their friends will pretend it wasn't funny and laugh at you and if you hit them they'll beat the shit out of you as a group and then get you in trouble for making the first blow.

This is why so many people become passive-aggressive

>> No.10756355
File: 638 KB, 1600x1200, d1c91acd9193acdca3d1164109fbc743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help being aroused by seeing people bullied~

>> No.10756361

Are you trying to get bullied?

It's really simple to ignore it and be above them. When it comes to physical there's not much you can do besides find a way to defend yourself or get someone else to do it for you.

>> No.10756358

>joke about bullying but it sucks
No we're not. We're talking about a specific bullying that girls do to you when they have sexual undertones.
Yeah, like I said they're not sexual enough to be pov

>> No.10756378


Jokes are usually about bad things - it is one of their purposes.

A lot of people here were probably bullied to some extent.

Please, stop trying to be a victim.

>> No.10756388

Once some kids tried to bully me, when one of them softly slapped my head I jumped on him and tried to bit his face, then one of the others kick me in the head, the next thing I can remember is me in the infirmary and my parents talking to the principal, the kid I bit had a part of his face bandaged for days and left with visible marks for the rest of the year I spent with him, no one dared to touch me for the next 3 years.

If you let people bully you is your fault and no one else, what the fuck, if my son ever comes home with a beating from other kid without even trying to fend himself or ask for help I'll kick him too, one thing is being weak and other a passive bitch.
By the way, I was 5,1 and ~80 pounds when this happened.

>> No.10756393

Bullying isn't just limited to school, sadly.


>> No.10756423

To get some nugget food. Also to scope out some choice ass.

>> No.10756996


why does this turn me on so much

why do I want nothing more than to be pinned down by them and mercilessly violated sexually in a secluded stairwell
