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10746974 No.10746974 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like it when girls in eroge go around having sex with random men?

>> No.10747000


>> No.10747008

Post the rest of that image

>> No.10747006

Yes, sex being treated as something casual is a huge turn-on for me.

>> No.10747023


>> No.10747027 [DELETED] 

hi tokiko

>> No.10747037

Sure, I'd love to see heroines in an eroge having, you know, a life outside of being part of whatever pathetic self insert of a MC is being featured.

>> No.10747039

What game is this?

>> No.10747054

Mezameru to Itoko wo Mamoru Bishoujo Kenshi ni Natteita

>> No.10747085

Black Ops II

>> No.10747609

Only if I'm the girl.

>> No.10749611
File: 314 KB, 955x1400, 1a4b387117c054192d04e891f54254f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah niggress

>> No.10749614


>> No.10749627


>> No.10749634


Why would you say such a thing?

>> No.10749639

Yes I do, actually. NTR annoys me a bit but I love reading eroge about sluts, even though the whole "empowered woman who don't need no man" gets on my nerves.

>> No.10749640

Why is that?

>> No.10749653

I called a cunt a cunt. What's wrong with that? btw you're also a cunt.

>> No.10749665

But, why are you upset?

Does posturing make you feel better?

>> No.10749674

You mean Pygmalion? Yep. I love her. She's a beautiful, wonderful girl.

I love the things she's into.

>> No.10749729
File: 62 KB, 745x493, eksopl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean the female tripfag who used to post here? Or are you referring to some kind of waifu?

If the former: It's kind of funny how Eksopl still desperately wants her after all these years. Remember when he white knighted the fuck out of her by deleting all that stuff on the archive?

>> No.10749754
File: 76 KB, 600x450, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfags on twitter

>> No.10751821

Luckily there are a number of eroge that do that.

>> No.10751842

Yeah, but in a disgusted sort of "what a filthy whore" sort of way. Sadly I'm only sexually attracted to sluts whom I loathe. I admire pure girls and want to cuddle with them, not have sex.

>> No.10751878

I don't get why ntr gets such a bad rep. They're just amusing stories to me. Though, I don't feel the need to put myself in the mc's shoes.

>> No.10751887

You missed the point of NTR.

>> No.10751892

They're bad because they tend to be too cliche. I can understand the objectification and degeneration of the women involved, but it's way too convenient when the women turn on the MC for no reason and/or break into ahegao-faced subservience.

When you try too hard for betrayal, it becomes fake. Betrayal is something that needs a more believable and compelling reason than "magic dick makes me slave."

>> No.10751904

Are there people on this earth who don't insert as the alpha male taking some beta nerd's GF?

>> No.10751917

The ``alpha male'' is just some faceless rapist (or just some guy with no personality) 99% of the time. Don't fool yourself, NTR is all about the cuckolding/mc self-insert.

>> No.10751918

You should self-insert as the girl being turned into a slave to the dick instead.

>> No.10751921

>The ``alpha male'' is just some faceless rapist (or just some guy with no personality) 99% of the time.

stop reading shit doujin nerd

>> No.10751929

Better go play some ye olde eroge

>> No.10751993

Are there any stories told from the antagonist's perspective? Like an ongoing story of him building up his stolen girl harem. It has to be a long one, though. Can't come to care enough for the characters within 24 pages.

>> No.10752009

What you're thinking of is Netori, not NTR. There are plenty of eroge with that:

>> No.10752023

Jealousy is the most stronger human feelings. Because of jealousy, some people kill other people, and sometime kill themselves ( suicide ) . Not exist any other human feeling that can bring up so much tragedy and sadness. For instance, Is very rare a husband commit suicide becasue his wife is dead. However, is common a husband commit suicide when he found out that his wife is betraying him. And sometimes, he kill his unfaithful wife before to commit suicide. Unfortunately, at least in Brazil, this happens a lot. This is terrible.

Then, to play with this kind of stronger feelings in a innofensive game is for sure a experience unique and awesome. Becasue of this, I like so much NTR.

WARNING: 寝取り ( NETORI) and 寝取る (NETORU)

Do not misunderstood 寝取られ with 寝取り or 寝取る. Is unbelievable the BIG number of japanese sites that misunderstood these words ( seems that several japanese people not understand their own grammar ) a example of this is the site below:


in this site, they put all together games with NETORARE and NETORI, however, NETORARE and NETORI are OPPOSITIVE words when we talk about a GENRE of eroge. see the explanation:

寝取る is a verb and 寝取られ is the passive form of this verb. I not wanna to enter in details about japanese grammar, then, in resume:

寝取られ ( NETORARE ) = your wife/lover being stolen by someone else.

寝取り/寝取る ( NETORI/NETORU) = you stealing the wife/lover of someone else . 寝取り is just the verb stem/noun form of the dictionary form 寝取る, then, 寝取り/寝取る is the same thing.

>> No.10752028

I love some loli NTR, shame it's quite rare.

>> No.10752032

Have you played this?

>> No.10752082

>Meaningless Choices
How fitting.

>> No.10752099

NTR heroines can be classified as follows:

- Dumb
- Sluts
- Dumb sluts

And all the NTR'd men are spineless/clueless idiots. Not even once can you feel pity for any of them. Now, the guy(s) who fuck the sluts are all universally evil, with no redeeming qualities besides having a huge dick and/or shady date rape drugs.

It's. All. The. Same. Shit.

>> No.10752108

Which is my only real problem with it. It's backed itself into the corner with how predictable it is.

>> No.10752155

I wonder if there's porn from the perspective of the girl being stolen away. Perhaps this might be seen as an example of that:

>> No.10752374

I wish there was ntr where the girl gets stolen by another girl. one time I heard about a guy who divorced his wife because he came home and found her in bed with another woman.

>> No.10756224

Searching for Yuri and NTR gives a bunch of results on Sadpanda, though I guess that most of these will be of the "convert the lesbian" variety.

>> No.10756231

Anyone have the brazilian NTR kopipe?

>> No.10762374

I'd love to see some VN with a romantic challenge. Challenge being the key word. Not choose which heroine you're going to instantly fuck i.e. one you like or all at the same time. But rather wok your way into a relationship with the heroine via some dating/job/gift/dialogue system. And have an actual challenge by having this process be difficult. But most importantly, have the heroines have other romantic options and actually pursue them. That would have so much creative potential. And winning over a heroines heart would actually feel like you won, rather then chose her to love you.

The closest I've seen is Tsumashibori. But it's almost impossible to have you love interest stolen or even challenged. You actually have to try hard to get NTRed.

>> No.10762481

I'm particularly fond of dumb sluts.

>> No.10762486

Both are NTR.
Netoru is the verb and Netorare and Netori are merely conjugations of Netoru, so that's why most Japanese sites do not even separate the two.

Because to them, the difference is to fuck, fucking and being fucked. They are all the same word, just different perspectives. One small switch of perspective (like you don't care for the MC and use the pov of the asshole stealer) changes netorare into netori and vice versa.

And this is the very reason why most Japanese lump netorare and netori into NTR when they use the word frivolously in their stream sites, blogs, message boards, and shitsites like yaraon.

>> No.10762493

No, you cold also have very loyal women, but get raped and end up enjoying the dick.

Toko-ya and Mashiraga Aki do this kind of work. The women weren't dumb, nor were they sluts. However, they ended up feeling too good.

>> No.10762497

I wonder if anyone in Gensokyo could fall under this definition.

>> No.10762574

Something about that anatomy disturbs me greatly. I think most of the unease comes from not knowing exactly where. The right foot apparently vanished in the aether, the waist is super thin, but that's pretty normal for an eroge artist.

>> No.10763241

Isn't what you're describing a standard dating sim? The purpose of their gameplay is to win a girl's (or boy's) heart.

>> No.10763249

especially if the girl is my girlfriend

>> No.10763259

Kind of, yes. But few if any have that element of romantic challenge. The heroines (or heroes if you're into that) are just kind of there. Waiting for you to choose and woo her. I'm talking about a more dynamic world, where the heroine can get romantically involved with someone other that the MC through gameplay, rather than it be a part of a usually very cheesy story.

Oh well, a man can dream.

>> No.10763266

I don't like it when girls in eroge have sex with any men, it has to be Yuri or just a dick on its own so can pretend its mine. It feels too NTR-like.

>> No.10763329

How do you feel about dickgrils?

>> No.10763337

That would be a weird grill.

>> No.10763380


I'm cool with that, in fact, I like that even more. Its just men.

>> No.10763465

You insert way too hard, my boy.

>> No.10763501

You'd be the king of jealousy if you ever got yourself a real girlfriend.

>> No.10763519


Maybe, subconsciously.


Strangely enough, I don't give a shit about real women. Its only characters I love.

>> No.10766642

If it were self-insertion I don't think he'd have a problem. He'd imagine he was the dude and he'd feel no jealousy.
