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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 440 KB, 1159x991, Learnthedifference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10742940 No.10742940 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a serious discussion on this for a second, /jp/. I want to be a little bit meta, but I think this is actually very important regardless.

Many people defend their use of the word 'otaku' (Normally to describe themselves) against a number of people who criticize them and say the word is for more dedicated fans, not just anime fans or whatever.

The common retort to this 'truota' argument is that "Words change and therefore we just have to accept that otaku applies to less dedicated fans too".

What is your opinion of this?

Do you think the word "otaku" should be reserved only for the hardcore fans?

>> No.10742946

Not 'otaku'... 'otacool'.

>> No.10742947

How about i shit on your face?

>> No.10742954


>> No.10742960

I think the old definition great.
It co-notates an unhealthy obsession. Why can't they just accept that they didn't know the proper definition, and get on with life?

It's not like the world will end if they need to use an umbrella term (geek/nerd) or TWO FUCKING WORDS (anime fan------although that's a whole other can of worms for me. Spoiler: Anime is not a genre)

>> No.10742967 [DELETED] 

"otaku" should never be something to be proud of.
There is no positive connotation to the word, at all.
Those who self-identify as otaku are either deluded and ignorant, or know full well what it means and have lost hope.

>> No.10742968 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 881 KB, 900x683, lolsuchanerdXD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but then we have "lol im sucha nerd xD"

the problem is just shifted from one point to another.

>> No.10742970 [DELETED] 

Otaku is a term used to describe people with obsessive interests. It can't be used for anything else.

>> No.10742976

Whoops, I put the subject in the name field. I hope this thread isn't overlooked as a result.

Anyway, I personally think that people just want to change the meaning of the word "otaku" so it's a label they can fit. I don't understand why someone will casually say it's okay for words and terms like "otaku" to change yet we consider use of the words 'YOLO' and 'SWAG' as dumb. Why are we letting old words change when we should be making new words, it just means we're dumbing down our vocabulary.

Their motives are questionable, why are they trying to change this term? Are they embarrassed by diehard fans and want to make their hobby look 'cool'?

It makes no sense, I have always felt a sense of cheer when I hear the dedicated fan story. I am happy when someone marries a dakimakura or a DS, I get a sick sense of cheer and understanding when someone threatens to throw grenades around comiket because they're mad that something is popular.

I've always appreciated these people and identified with them...they do things I relate to, I honestly think being 'otaku' is something that is in your blood. Even before you knew of eroge and anime, you were probably obsessed with something else, even at a young age.

I celebrate these people, I don't know why we should be shaming them or pretending they don't exist.

>> No.10742983

>"otaku" should never be something to be proud of.
Well the English meaning of that word just changed. The majority of the weaboos accept it as a way to talk about people who share their interests.

>> No.10742988


Can a word truly change? If so, what is the new term for the hardcore, dedicated fans?

>> No.10742989

The guy in the lower right corner with the yellow shirt and long hair kind of looks like me if I was Japanese. I even wear glasses, too.

>> No.10742995 [DELETED] 

>Well the English meaning of that word just changed.
>just changed
please cite.

>Even before you knew of eroge and anime, you were probably obsessed with something else, even at a young age.
>I celebrate these people, I don't know why we should be shaming them or pretending they don't exist.
Well that's because that's indicative of a mental disorder that resides in the obsessive-compulsive spectrum. It even falls under /v/'s (incorrect) definition of "autism".

Mental disorders are either swept under the rug or mocked. They aren't celebrated unless they are certain paraphilias that are somehow okay.

>> No.10742996

Otaku are people for whom hobbies are life.

>> No.10742997

Of course it can. Just look at "gay". Dunno how about nolife fag?

>> No.10742999

Words only have meaning because most of us assign meaning to them and use them as a means of communication. Does anyone these days use the word "awesome" the way it was used anymore?

So yes, words can change easily.

>hardcore, dedicated fans
They're swept under the rug because hardly anyone shares the same appreciation for them the same way you do. Same goes with nerd in the West. Everyone's a "nerd" and people who were "nerds" before it was cool are just creeps and weirdos.

>> No.10743002 [DELETED] 

What's the point of making a new term to describe it if it's just going to be adopted as a label for the normative media fans in the same manner?

>> No.10743005

Pick a word that already has pejorative connotations. Like "fanatic."

>> No.10743012

It's not like you can force it anyway. One day there might be a new term but atm "otaku" is lost in the west.

>> No.10743011 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 392x510, 1359175226440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any otaku culture otaku otaku here?

>> No.10743016

is this a no true otaku argument?


>> No.10743019

Otaku (n): Somebody who likes anime or manga.

Don't even bother fighting it.

>> No.10743021

I should not have clicked your spoilered picture.
I am now ashamed of myself.

>> No.10743023

Seconded this somehow.

The fact is, I don't know when it happened but this word became, excuse the word : mainstream.

Back then, being a NERD/GEEK wasn't really something to be proud of, you would avoid talking about your nerdy interests in public. At some point, normals thought that it was "kool" and now everyone using a PC or playing a MMO to some extent will label themselves as "LOL IM SUCH A NEET"

The same thing happens, or is still happening, with the 'original otakus'.

Let me add that it was somehow the same thing with video games back then. It was seen mainly as 'some shameless habit for men', then someone decided to put a model with a XPad in her hand and somehow everyone started to state that "playing a video game is ok".

>> No.10743032

Sorry but I laughed too much on that statement.

ITT: I'm a JAV otaku, I spend every waking moment of my day searching,downloading, and watching JAV if I'm not in my job. It's getting to pretty unhealthy levels.

>> No.10743054


It's true, any nerd who is proud to be a nerd has a modest pride, not a big HEY LOOK AT ME GUYS pride.

It might not be the coolest thing to be, but it's dedicated and I'm proud of it. I like what I like and that's that.


Do you know any good batsugame JAVs? I've been watching some on fc2 and I really liked the watching boyfriend/magic mirror one and especially a girl/girl one with two schoolgirls who pick cards blindly to win money and get double teamed by two other lesbians.

If nobody has seen the latter it's pretty short but I can upload it for you. It vanished off fc2 a while back but I have the whole thing.

>> No.10743057

Left of that pic is otaku, but it's otaku fantasy --otaku as cool, attractive, and heroic. Obsessive guys to be lionized for their interests and disposition and scoring cute girls; cute girls being interested in entertainment directed toward males.

>> No.10743075


That's pretty much it.

My opinion was that at the time, the nerds/geeks/social outcasts were seen as being in some sort of secret club. If you look at it broadly, they were. I'll get back to this in a moment.

Many items that had been deep obsessions for some people, obscured by their "nerdiness" never met the mainstream before until those nerds who obsessed over them were in a position were they could bring their niche media to other like-minded fans like never before. I think it really started happening when suddenly, books and comics were being made into movies, shows, games, etc. The thing was, they didn't just appeal to those who had been fans of the content for a long time, but the most normal of normalfags. Soccer moms and jocks for fuck's sake. LOTR and Spiderman. They enjoyed the content to such an extent that they wanted more. The nerds already had more, and they've had it for a long time. They already knew everything and anything about something the normals were discovering just now. This I think played a part in beginning the "secret club" movement.

When a new generation of nerds got older, they started to produce more "nerdy content". Think TMNT, Scooby Doo, Spiderman, X-Men, etc. These were things that everyone had seen at some point or another and enjoyed. When the remakes arrived, people who were more serious fans were already there. Those who knew of these things from when they were younger saw a chance to be part of the "collective". Another nail in the coffin.

To be continued. (I'm not proof reading any of this, if I'm lucky I won't miss any of the important shit in the cesspool of garbage that I am trying to type out.)

>> No.10743095

Video games were starting to peak too. What had been a form of entertainment for either 12 year olds or serious hobbiests was now becoming mainstream. Halo:# would somehow end up being in the media. "The cool new hip game all the young gamers are playing makes record sales!". It started to get references in other popular media everyone was consuming. Suddenly characters in movies and shows were cool gamer d00dz. I think this all suddenly exploded in this particular section though, especially with the release of Portal (more on this later).

The internet was at the elbow of an exponentially growing rate of media consumption. Ebaumsworld, 4Chan, Myspace, Facebook, etc. People started seeing funny pictures of cats and cheeseburgers. They spoke in a strangely bizarre form of broken English. What were these? Where did they come from? Oh look, Tim the office nerd just happens to know the origins! What secrets of this universe can he reveal? Memes came into existance. Outside of the original place of creation, they were arguably used for a single purpose alone; as a calling card.

Itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat.
I don't believe it.

People who came from the places were these memes would originate left these calling cards to oust anyone else into revealing that they frequented those places too. A secret handshake that was mysterious and alluring. These individuals in their secret clubs shared secret inside jokes with each other in public and other memes and tales of /b/tarded levels of faggotry. People got curious.

>> No.10743104

I wish people that barely like things wouldn't call themselves otaku and I really wish people would stop assigning otaku to anime fans only.

It's not a nice term but atleast use it correctly.

>> No.10743111

Isn't it only niwaka otaku who seriously and proudly call themselves otaku?

>> No.10743109

Anyone who describes themself by what group they're part of is automatically full of shit. You're not an anime fan, you like anime. One connotes a stereotype, the other doesn't. If you like being seen as a stereotypical member of a group, then I won't hesitate to treat you based on my worst prejudice.

>> No.10743121

you can judge me by the "miserable loser dwelling in his basement stewing in his own filth" one but not the "teenaged boy running around screaming dattebayo with a naruto headband on" one

>> No.10743134


Why I say this really exploded with the release of Portal was that everything was right there. All of the ingredients of a bomb that would lay waste to everything that had before been hidden and obscured for fear of ostracism. Video games were now main stream and acceptable, but that wasn't just it. Portal was accessible. Portal was easy, it was 2 hours long and did not require much investment, and most important of all, it had its own secret handshake/calling card. "The cake is a lie." So cute and funny, lets see who else played Portal!

This shit was everywhere. Written on walls in bathroom stalls, heard from the giggling circles of a growing audience, and if you didn't know what it was from, you were curious, and would find through friends/every place on the internet at the time.

Two hours later you were part of a secret club too. How easy was that?

I think this brought the 'secret club' mentality out in a lot of people. The video game and 'secret clubs' would allow people to come out about the fiew 'references' they 'get'. OMG!!! I LOVED SPIDERMAN! (16 year old kelly who noticed her brother watching it while browsing Facebook). They could be part of the secret club of people with the "inside track" on what's new and "hip". The nerds and geeks were suddenly on the 'in' and 'in the know' about almost all of the media that would be produced from then on after everyone saw how people reacted to these new rehashes. Comicbooks were cool because everyone knew Spiderman, X-Men, Batman, and Superman. Easily referenced, and understood by a now VERY large amount of people that WANTED TO DISPLAY TO EVERYONE AROUND THEM THAT THEY GOT THE REFERENCE, this shit started to become a massive cash cow.

>> No.10743148


It's all a clusterfuck now that is turning what used to be a shunned and belittled 'hobby' (see: a way of life for people who had been ousted form every single social circle but the few dudes and maybe ugly low-self-esteem girl who all played DnD in the basement).

What would have been a way to offend "nerds" was now a status symbol. See: that shit were people call themselves "NEET" while being on summer break/taking a planned year off school.

Everyone wants to be part of the cool, hip, "in crowed" that gets all the cool references and inside jokes in what now constitutes for most of television/movies.
God damn, I should have made a mind map before writing this shit. Mind the inconsistencies, I don't remember the last time I wrote an essay.

>> No.10743150

Why do you need a word to describe yourself?

>> No.10743152

I can't take it easy without a sense of identity and coming up with my own is too hard.

>> No.10743153

Almost, but not quite.

Staying on the NERD subject, even when talking about comics there's some sort of misunderstanding.

The original NERD, i'm using a plain word here, wouldn't be the one who happens to read Spiderman, but the one knowing the exact details of the creation of Spiderman, the "unknown" releases + the story, etc... Basically, he'd be the guy knowing all the stuff and also the guy people would call creepy in school/work because he'd rather spend his time with his comics than in parties or fucking girls (let's be rash here)

To be honest, I suspected that some of the ex-party people got fed up with their way of life, discovered things like comics and that they're usually the ones yelling around how much they know about the ones they're reading, primary to show off, where the original NERD wouldn't really talk about it, unless he can confirmed that the guy he's talking too is also a NERD.

As for the media mainstream, some guy just noticed how much money he could make with this thing, so the best way to make people buy is making the think COOL'n IN.

>> No.10743157

Cultural commodification. Here's a video from a guy that I'm fairly sure browses /v/. Regardless, it's a good watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7A5OgfP4NA

>> No.10743163 [DELETED] 

I wish normies didn't ruin videogames

>> No.10743165

I support the original definition and I don't like the twisted meaning ignorant people give it.

I agree completely. I find it disgusting when someone says "I'm in the Touhou fandom" instead of "I like Touhou". I've seen people list their hobbies exclusively as "fandoms" (sometimes even "current fandoms", so one day you like something and the next day you're "into" another thing), it makes me puke.

And to the essay guy, I think you're right too. Nerdy stuff has somehow become "cool" thanks to a bunch of factors, including commercial interests.

>> No.10743167

>making the think COOL'n IN.
& making the thing. Though of the 2 words here sorry.

Also :
Is right. When I think back about it, most of the real NERDS wouldn't even label themselves as such, rather say something like : "I just like comics", which even that was seen as unhealthy before.

>> No.10743168


Convenience. But people forget that words are simply vehicles.

>> No.10743173

Why do you even care?
Just do what you like. Would you concede that since "truOtaku" are losers separated from the world, they wouldn't care about what others think about them?

Go spend your time doing something more constructive, fucking retarded thread.

>> No.10743189 [DELETED] 

I'm a sociology otaku.

>I've seen people list their hobbies exclusively as "fandoms" (sometimes even "current fandoms", so one day you like something and the next day you're "into" another thing), it makes me puke.
I like to characterize these people as being part of the fandom fandom. Being part of a fandom is important. They're probably somewhat invested in the idea of being in some fandom or another. Which fandom it is doesn't matter so much, so you can shop around. People dislike them for the same reason they dislike hipsters (which I'm defining for the time being as people who do "subculture shopping," for whome adopting the characteristics and trappings of the subculture take precedence above what lies beneath them.)

>> No.10743190

There was also this one video that was about 9 minutes long I think it was by obnoxiousdouchealt where he talked about how reddshitwas just a "instant gratificiation im instantly n-the-know churning-out-shit" factory that I really liked. Can't find it now though.

>> No.10743199

I'm a sociology otaku.

>I've seen people list their hobbies exclusively as "fandoms" (sometimes even "current fandoms", so one day you like something and the next day you're "into" another thing), it makes me puke.
I like to characterize these people as being part of the fandom fandom, or just "the Fandom." They're probably somewhat invested in the idea of being in some fandom or another. Being part of any fandom means you have access to a collection of in-jokes and cultural quirks which make you feel like part of a community. Which fandom that happens to be is doesn't matter so much, so you can jump around.

People dislike them for the same reason they dislike hipsters (which I'm defining for the time being as people who do "subculture shopping," for whom adopting the characteristics and trappings of the subculture take precedence above what lies beneath them,) particularly members of said looted subcultures.

>> No.10743207


Found it.

>> No.10743208

I like this explanation... you've put my disorganized thoughts into words.

>> No.10743217

I've never understood videos where people just talk to you about things. At least provide a text version.

>> No.10743222

How are Kirino,Keima,Nogizaka and Konata not otaku?

Get out of here with your shitposting.

>> No.10743233

A slightly dated video where weeaboos ask people in Akihabara about Akiba-kei and otaku:

The varied responses are interesting.

>> No.10743244


I think the person behind it is complaining about it being fanciful.

>> No.10743252

I actually like this sort of format.

Personally, I see it more like a documentary. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so I view them as the main content in the slide-show. The voice-over is just the Morgan Freeman explaining the science behind why the flashy shiny space stuff is doing the crazy shit that it does.

>> No.10743253

Apparently it's because they're attractive

>> No.10743258

I just get impatient because I like the ability to jump back and forth. I wouldn't mind text plus pictures or even powerpoint so much. I have the attention span of a squirrel.

>> No.10743263

Sitting with good posture in an upright position helps sustain attention, and stave off drowsiness.

I won't look for source.

>> No.10743265

This is a good explanation. Also, not everything has to be a "fandom". I like cake but there isn't a "cake fandom".

Shii wrote a nice article on furries that's worth a read. He deleted it from his website because he's a pansy faggot, but a furry mirrored it here:
(there are HTML comments added by the furry if you want some extra laughs)

>> No.10743271
File: 17 KB, 210x210, sheldon-cooper-167142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konata is an otaku in the same way Sheldon is a nerd.

>> No.10743273
File: 94 KB, 600x800, kurokona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futaba Channel tried to solve that problem.

>> No.10743277 [DELETED] 

>still using otaku
>not using OTA

>> No.10743278

It's not Sheldon's fault that a group of people keep following him and laughing at his every sentence. It makes him seem likable. Which is not what being an otaku is about.

>> No.10743281


Saori's attractive.

>> No.10743279

A much rounder face and slants for eyes would help. Reducing her hourglass shape and having her legs be more like manly tree-trunks would help.

No Ahego, and even shittier hair with ugly streaks and visible roots would be much more realistic. Sweatpants and a hoody, tracksuits are slav-kawaii.

>> No.10743280
File: 191 KB, 889x1218, div.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're interested in early Western anime fandom, Colony Drop wrote a few good articles on it for their zine:

>> No.10743283
File: 64 KB, 459x600, fa9d80fb0196c48f98c1b40a72b95f3b873a0146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa there nigger, they're not trying to make her THAT unattractive. She still has to be jack-off material for lonely nerds, just with the added gimmick that she's more realistic and "only I can understand her!"

>> No.10743287

Otaku related, this is the worst show they could make for them. And if you really want to go down the anime route, just notice how the supposed Otakus heroines are always cute with lots of friends, definitely the opposite of the real phenomenon in society.

They're always sending the same stupid messages through animes like that, my little sister can't be blabla, or dramas like Densha otoko.

To be honest, I'm pretty sure the reputation of Otakus went straight down even more when people realize that "wtf ?? he's not like the anime/drama I saw ! how creepy !"

>> No.10743290
File: 160 KB, 375x500, 1357431759210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we were going for realism.

>> No.10743293


>> No.10743294

> but I think this is actually very important regardless
It's really not.
If some drawers people or yourself can put you in are your biggest concern then you should maybe should up and spend your time better by doing things you like

>> No.10743296

Because they're popular.

>> No.10743304

I feel bad because I really wouldn't mind meeting up with anime or video game fans, but I wouldn't know how to act, and I think there'd be pressure to act a certain way. Either you'd be the fedora-tipping, otacool narcissist, or you'd be a bitter old fart who hates fedora-tipping, otacool narcissists.

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.10743306

Read the thread, we get it.

>> No.10743314 [DELETED] 

Konata is actually pretty much a valid complaint, since she actually exhibits much of the qualifying otaku behavior.
All those other anime screencaps? How exactly is that otaku? It's just screencaps of audience-pandering anime. There might be people who are otaku of those anime, but it's not like there's really much offered by any of those anime that would feed an otaku. The storylines aren't very deep (hurr durr DEEP); there's not obscure facts hidden away in some special source that was only released at a private venue for one day. There's nothing to obsess about outside of the superficial.
In all reality it seems those pictures are just "there" to take up space and make it not seem so empty.

I guess the demolition of the "secret club" was brought about by spoonfeeding those who were curious instead of brushing them off, or in the online case, responding with "lurk the fuck more".

>> No.10743318 [DELETED] 

You mean ahoge.
I think you had a half of a freudian slip there.

>> No.10743321 [DELETED] 

Reported for meta and misuse of the name field

>> No.10743324

Really doesn't like there's much continuity with the present day. Or any, really.

People have long gotten over the need to obsess over deep things. Shallow things are fine too.

>> No.10743326

So how long until people think it's cool being bullied? Like "OH YES I WAS BULLIED AT SCHOOL I'M SUCH A LOW-LIFE LOL" While their "bullying" was just that people laughed when they fell or something like that all people do.

I give 3 years. Bullying culture is everywhere nowadays.

>> No.10743327

Konata and Tomoko really need to trade manga.

Anyway the most realistic character in LS is Patricia Martin who is the average white female weeb.

>> No.10743335

You're sort of making that reality for yourself by only seeing it like that.

I've met people who like video games/anime. They aren't all bad.

>> No.10743337

It's already happening just go read tumblr and how they talk about how they "survived" bullying.

I am not old enough to to appreciate conservative America (90s baby here and yes I know) but it seems better than everyone embracing negative traits and defending them like we do today.

>> No.10743339

Give it a few years. Now we're getting at the stage where having mental illnesses is cool ("lol i have ocd and i'm a bit autistic haha" "i'm borderline and bipolar so be careful when dealing with me" and such). It's ridiculous.

>> No.10743341

Probably, both are a fetish of mine.

>> No.10743342

People already do that. "I was bullied at school. Someone even called me "fat" once...B-But don't feel sorry for me, or anything!"

>> No.10743345

That's been happening for a long time.

>> No.10743346

So we all can agree 00's generation is the worst since baby boomers?

>> No.10743348

One of the worst cases is self-harm. I was depressed and used to self-harm before the emo fad came along. Then all of a sudden there were these dumb stereotypes and people quite happy to live up to those dumb stereotypes.

Raising awareness can be a terrible thing.

>> No.10743349

You know, you should make more posts like these instead of other stuff.

>> No.10743351 [DELETED] 

Have they? Have they really?
There's people who have obsessively analyzed every detail of the Sonic 2 beta.
Same thing for Pokémon. Documentation of all of the glitch Pokémon, their attacks, their stats, their cries and general oddities. Just about a year ago a hidden musical track was discovered in the Gen I games. It had no pointers to the data, which is why it went undiscovered for so long. But people continued to obsess, and they found it.

Obsessive people haven't gotten over their need to obsess. They've always been present and always will be, as a minority. They've just been overshadowed by people who mistakenly believe it's cool to pretend to be them.

>> No.10743357

>Obsessive people haven't gotten over their need to obsess. They've always been present and always will be, as a minority. They've just been overshadowed by people who mistakenly believe it's cool to pretend to be them.

This. If you are interested in something, go ahead and DO something. Write drivers like the thousands of unknown names on the LKML, don't just parrot Richard Stallman quotes because he's your ironic poster boy.

>> No.10743362

Tell that to:

/g/ - Consumer Electronics and "I'm better than the guys on Macs browsing facebook in CompSci"

>> No.10743363

I liked the baby boomers and their whole culture, but yeah 00s generation are the fucking worst. No winners and no losers, everyone gets a medal, etc. It's nightmarish. 80s-early 90s were best generations.

>> No.10743364

I misspoke. What I was wanting to get at was that a work doesn't have to be deep for people to obsess about it.

There are fanatics in every field and I salute them.

>> No.10743373


It's fantasy for (male) otaku. Note that main girls are not even into otome games, boy love/gay sex, or anything, but games and reading material in which you're a male trying to net/fuck girls. It's nothing surprising; a woman with a gun in fiction may have been shocking at one time and feminists saw it as a form of empowerment, but now it's a male fantasy to see a hot girl wielding in gun and know everything about them. Or having a girl without her being a tomboy.

Nerds want an attractive girl with similar interests, attitude, and lifestyle (a bro and a lover), even though in reality most of said girls would be unattractive, have off-putting interests, and/or would be unpleasant to be around.

>> No.10743377

I don't want to deviate too much from the main topic, but I think it's not really their fault. They were just born into a pretty cancerous environment.

>> No.10743382

>They were just born into a pretty cancerous environment
And sadly that was The Internet.

>> No.10743392

>Nerds want an attractive girl with similar interests, attitude, and lifestyle (a bro and a lover), even though in reality most of said girls would be unattractive, have off-putting interests, and/or would be unpleasant to be around
Pretty much this, the main reason most of us will never get laid. Yet girls get (mostly) nice and attractive guys with similar interests, even if not hardcore into them. It seems so easy to get laid as a girl...

>> No.10743409

Yeah parents of the 80s generation are horrible and let their children do anything these days. My family told me that my cousin who is 12 turning 13 is on facebook acting like white trash while his father sits home playing video games on his time off work.

>> No.10743420

>Colony Drop

Aren't they those guys who cry and whine about modern anime being shit and say everything in the 80s is amazing?

No thank you.

>> No.10743438

nice graphic, well done.

fuck danny choo.

>> No.10743440
File: 1.23 MB, 2816x1402, Otacool Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10743443

>while his father sits home playing video games on his time off work
This is my father too, he truly would be worse than me if not for the fact he has a job.

>> No.10743445

>The Internet
The late 00s internet, you mean.

I was born in 1991. My father is an amateur radio enthusiast and I've been using computers since I was really, really little. The internet was nothing like it is now, neither its content nor its users. There wasn't any Facebooks, Twitters or Tumblrs and ironic/hipster/nerdy/meta ("pop culture reference" tshirts) stuff wasn't nearly as popular.

Yeah, most of the stuff is a direct consequence of slacking parents and cancerious influence by TV shows and social media that gets them into the mindset described in >>10743134 and >>10743148. There are 12 and 13-year-old on Twitter than describe themselves as "Gamer/Otaku/Random xD, music/games are my life". Seriously, do a quick search for "otaku gamer site:twitter.com". In the Spanish speaking world this has reached a ridiculous degree, so I can't imagine how bad the situation must be in the US.

>> No.10743445,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was going to make a reply, protesting along the lines of "but I do!", but reviewing my archived posts, I don't make so many quality posts under this tripcode as frequently as I had believed. But, fwiw...

There's some other things that I remember posting, but those were all either anonymously done, or posted under another tripcode, so you wouldn't believe them to be mine anyway.

This thread just happened to be one of those rare occasions where a topic's discussion interested me enough to make some invested contributions. I do wish that would happen more often.

>> No.10743445,2 [INTERNAL] 

You are eighteen. You are incapable of making good posts.

>> No.10743454


Konata's okay because it's cute comedy and she's representative. If she was a male, you can bet your ass the series would become romance.

Keima is if one could use the knowledge and skills acquired from playing video games their entire life to win girls' hearts and save the world. But he's 2D-only and his looks aren't anything to write home about, he mostly avoided by others.

The other two are "pandering" heroines.

>> No.10743459 [DELETED] 
File: 570 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_mj4rdhZJBA1qbm8abo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug milky-chan.

>> No.10743462 [DELETED] 

I-is this what they call "let's see if we can get this thread deleted" otaku??

>> No.10743469 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 960x1222, ecafyklimel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never share a kissu with milk

>> No.10743470 [DELETED] 

Modern anime: pandering to the audience to maximize profit.
80s anime:
You should be able to solve this.

>> No.10743475

>The late 00s internet, you mean.
And that's what I mean, implying the 00's generation is late 90's and 00's they grew in web 3.0 already.

>> No.10743471 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 1600x900, hellyeahnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get drunk with milky-chan

>> No.10743471,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's probably because you do a good job of making phenomenally shitty posts day in and day out, so that the only thing people have left to wonder is whether or not you're an ironic shitposter or whether you just make unironically awful posts.

And you never fucking reply to me.

>> No.10743478 [DELETED] 
File: 570 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_mj4rdhZJBA1qbm8abo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.10743482 [DELETED] 


>> No.10743486


You know this is seen as a very cliche point of view, one that I would normally ignore but I do agree with this to some extent.

Even in the past 5 years or so the quality of anime has dramatically decreased. It's like they can't think up a good story to save their lives.

It reminds me of how eroge ended up going: Everything getting churned out with little variation producing only enough entertainment for the duration it takes to make the next game.

Eroge has never been great if we're honest but it sure as hell has been a lot better than it currently is.

>> No.10743487

I hope that someday the internet population will drop again I love the internet but all these angry people online being rude just make it a terrible experience now.

I remember when I was younger and a forum or message board was full of nice people bonding over a common passion now everyone is out to tell everyone how much they hate someonsle or something.

I'm not saying the old net was perfect but it was much better than now.

>> No.10743488 [DELETED] 

We seriously can't have a nice discussion without a faggot spamming shit in the thread?

>> No.10743497

It won't drop, it will just continue to increase and the quality of the net to decrease, just like T.V. The solution is making a new Internet.

>> No.10743494 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 960x720, 398393_158199010955197_1848066702_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, milk.

>> No.10743495 [DELETED] 

Don't kid yourself, this discussion is pretty shit.

It may be not as shit as some other discussions that /jp/ has but that's not a very high bar.

>> No.10743498 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1013x767, 1353269333928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no milky gf

>> No.10743504 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1362089086030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743505

You can already carve out a little slice out of the internet for yourself where you don't have to interact with people you don't want to.

>> No.10743507 [DELETED] 

>Don't kid yourself, this discussion is pretty shit
We are interchanging thoughts, this thread has been nice at least.

>> No.10743511 [DELETED] 

Dat feelio when I love milk xDD

>> No.10743514 [DELETED] 
File: 488 KB, 488x448, 1365154545000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so pretty

>> No.10743519 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 640x480, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743519,1 [INTERNAL] 

22. You have yet again mistakenly thought I am Robert. You should stop doing that.

I don't feel required to reply to someone's post if it doesn't contain a query.
I guess a lot of my posts are pretty bad. I also guess I'm somewhat blessed to have people who point out when my posts don't make the cut. I'll further go on to guess that my periods of shitty posting happen when there isn't really much of a quality discussion going on, and are a reflection of my very influential surroundings.

>> No.10743522 [DELETED] 

So why did milkspammer decide to stop discussion again?

>> No.10743525 [DELETED] 

Don't feed the troll. Just report him.

>> No.10743526 [DELETED] 

Post the one with the mustache.

>> No.10743530 [DELETED] 
File: 519 KB, 768x1024, mj4rdhZJBA1qbm8abo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743531 [DELETED] 

Because everywhere in /jp/ should be shitposting, he's just contribooting to the board culture.

>> No.10743532 [DELETED] 

Milk's feet where?

>> No.10743533 [DELETED] 

Who's feelings got hurt in this thread and decided to spam? I though we were having a civil discussion.

>> No.10743536

They are free to call themselves otaku, but they're also free to be wrong. Barely anybody knows what it actually means, like NEET and hikkikomori, and just like to label themselves with more kakoi nipponese words. They're ignorant to the fact that none of these things are positive descriptions of people.


Yes and no. Words will be given new meaning over time, like cool, awesome, or queer. They still retain their classic definition, though, because anybody who thinks all words have one definition is an imbecile. Just because a new common usage for a word arises does not automatically annul the previous definition.

>> No.10743537 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 478x478, tumblr_static_317352_111376845637414_821467591_n_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10743545 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck cares? If you can't ignore a single guy manually spamming a thread you're a retard.

>> No.10743546 [DELETED] 

Bahaha, I laugh every time.

>> No.10743540 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 1024x796, le milky foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10743549 [DELETED] 
File: 543 KB, 668x412, le milky face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so cute?

>> No.10743554 [DELETED] 

No matter how much makeup milk cakes on she still can't hide that nose.

>> No.10743560 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 720x960, 431177_166714100103688_1857368970_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't make fun of her nose. It's not even that big.

>> No.10743561 [DELETED] 

ironically the makeup shows her nose even more

>> No.10743562 [DELETED] 


>> No.10743566 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 391x283, truly epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743567 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 701x773, milky meets jp at a convention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743575 [DELETED] 

You should make her eyes reflect upon the real milk and edit them to be 4 inches apart

She has cow DNA or something

>> No.10743571 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 1400x1000, do it for her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743578 [DELETED] 

It's not that anyone really cares it's just interesting to know (And why he chose Milk instead of traditional spam)

>> No.10743580 [DELETED] 

Fuck you janitor, fuck you and fuck /jp/.

>> No.10743581 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 960x1280, tumblr_mknd6a9Kv01qbm8abo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't bully

>> No.10743584 [DELETED] 

You're always free to go somewhere else.

>> No.10743586 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 779x960, le milk sit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like a bug

>> No.10743588 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 320x240, le feel when milk posts new content.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell her to get in this thread she ignores me on her twitter

>> No.10743597 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 454x604, tumblr_mi422aYxQC1qbm8abo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so cute.

She blocked me on Twitter.

>> No.10743595

>Even in the past 5 years or so the quality of anime has dramatically decreased. It's like they can't think up a good story to save their lives.

I don't think you watch anime.

>> No.10743596 [DELETED] 


She's ignoring you because she thinks you're a creep.

>> No.10743596,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah that's about the size of it.
"lol these guys are having wordy discussions fuck that im gonna kill the discussion with milkspam"

I'd mostly be able to ignore it, but it just sort of bothers me that this will be retained in its posterity in the archives, forever serving its purpose as an annoyance.
And that begs the question: what should be done about disruptive spam in the archives? I'm not an advocate for censorship in any case, but disruptive spam serves no purpose to be faithfully archived and its removal would undeniably be an improvement. I just don't really like the subjectivity of choosing what is and isn't worthy of being purged.
The ghost-mode display has useless garbage threads that are bumped up to the top of the display queue solely for the purpose of being disruptive. Should those threads be purged? Neglecting to do so would mean that they would only continue to be bumped up to the front. But even if those threads were purged, people would still likely find otherwise fine threads to bump to the top just to be shitheads. Those threads wouldn't deserve purging, but they'd be unnecessarily bumped up to the top; what would be the solution then? A way to revert a bump? Sure, I guess that might be possible, but even then, what use would it be? People would just retaliate by continuing to bump threads for the purpose of being disruptive, and those threads would be pushed back down, and it would become some strange game of returning the volley.

I don't know.

>> No.10743598 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 512x288, 1365648822347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the thread is over...?

>> No.10743600


I watch everything that comes out every season.

>> No.10743605 [DELETED] 

Nobody is stopping you from talking about how the internet is ruined or modern anime and VN are shit. It might be that nobody cares, though.

>> No.10743608 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I'm going to kill myself out of /jp/ right now, I can't stand it.

>> No.10743618

> a hidden musical track
is it on YT? i wonder what it is...

>> No.10743608,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't feel required to reply to someone's post if it doesn't contain a query.
I have queried you many times but usually you don't respond.

>I guess a lot of my posts are pretty bad.
You should work on that. Ideally I would call out all bad posts on their badness but some people just start rabidly shitposting in response.

>And that begs the question: what should be done about disruptive spam in the archives?
You can ignore it.

As for the shitty threads that get bumped constantly, it's either that or beg warosuman to ban him and hope he's not autistic enough to spam with proxies. Most people settle for ignoring it.

>> No.10743629

Not really, the average white female weeb doesn't know conversational Japanese.

>> No.10743637 [DELETED] 

Fuck the lot of you

>> No.10743647 [DELETED] 
File: 1007 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_miybykYveU1qbm8abo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the janitor stop oppressing us milk otaku?

>> No.10743651 [DELETED] 

When he lobbies to get Idols taken out of the rules like he did to NEET lifestyle

>> No.10743655 [DELETED] 


She has a boyfriend.

>> No.10743656 [DELETED] 

I know.

>> No.10743656,1 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you see this post. The janitor decided to mute me for some reason.

ROM offsets 822F-8230. replace their values to 1369
8232 and 8233: replace their values to CF69
8335-8336: replace their values to 6F6A

Go to Pallet Town.
sound channel 3 ends up re-routing to viridian, so go ahead and mute that channel.

>> No.10743656,2 [INTERNAL] 

I guess this was the offending post?
Alright then.

>> No.10743717

Why would we care? Being an otaku has stopped being cool a long time ago in the western world.

>> No.10743727

otaku is a nerd is a geek is a loser is a wierdo is a blah blah its all the same

if you want to take pride in it, i won't stop you.

>> No.10743731 [DELETED] 
File: 1.57 MB, 1200x1600, 1362741154314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Milk is not in the picture?

>> No.10743739


Are you talking about the animation quality or the story quality? Characters archetypes getting too repetitive for you?

>> No.10743741

I don't really care. Tru-wota anime will never be mainstream. No one will ever say "I'm such a lolicon." No one will admit to liking or discuss any of the artsy-fartsy or super moe shit I like watching either. They can call themselves whatever they want. You don't have to associate with them.

>> No.10743750 [DELETED] 

Photoshop is an unholy tool.

>> No.10743751 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 180x180, 1357528015396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who homu here

>> No.10743753

>No one will ever say "I'm such a lolicon."
Maybe in 2050 when pedophilia is legalized.

>> No.10743761

How long were the Romans homo pedos until they fell?

>> No.10743756 [DELETED] 

Now aren't you a cock sucker janitor kun?

>> No.10743757

You really love Gainax.

>> No.10743758

No, we already had one of those, but he went to prison.

>> No.10743762


>> No.10743762,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking Janitor.

>> No.10743765

RIP his black asshole.

>> No.10743770

He's been out.

>> No.10743768

I thought he got out last year.

>> No.10743772 [DELETED] 

but MadThad was /a/

>> No.10743774

Doesn't means he still didn't got raped in the first day.

>> No.10743779

Why would anyone rape a black semi-fat man?

>> No.10743782

It's prison.

>> No.10743783 [DELETED] 

This janitor is a huge queer, we can talk about thad but can't say shit about milk?

>> No.10743785


Agreed. Don't put all your eggs in one basket nerds. What is cool today is not cool yesterday, and likely will not be cool for long into the future.

Why I hate western civ right now. Everyone is busy trying to either join new and novel identity groups, or recruit others into their group. It's like religious warfare or something.

You can't have a normal conversation anymore - it all seems so cold and calculated.


Yeah. I just want experience cool things and sex a whole variety of girls via escapist mediums.

I can't wait for the billions of Chinese and Indians to get rich enough to waste their time producing escapist content in fact.

>> No.10743788

Kona-chan isn't otacool?

>> No.10743792

I'm a bit late to the party, but I wanted to contest this (commonly heard) statement.

>"otaku" should never be something to be proud of.

I'm proud to be an otaku (in the original form of the word, not the Otacool(tm) definition). I'm not proud of it in the sense that I try to use 'being an otaku' as a social appeal, but I am proud in that I often think to myself, damn, I sure am glad to be an otaku.

>There is no positive connotation to the word, at all.

Otaku describes a collection of qualities including an unusually strong dedication to one's hobbies, a tendency to prefer fantasy over reality, and a general lack of social skills. Unless you are deeply religious, there is nothing objectively "positive" or "negative" about these qualities. I understand that the majority of society believes them to be negative, but that doesn't mean that I have to believe them to be negative as well.

>Those who self-identify as otaku are either deluded and ignorant,

This part I agree with, because as with most everyone else here, I feel that there are many members of the anime "fandom" who abuse the word. But...

>> No.10743795


> ...or know full well what it means and have lost hope.

This is what bothers me the most. Lost hope for what? You're basically admitting that somewhere, deep down, you wish you were "normal". Why? Why not enjoy what you enjoy, and be happy about it? I despise the idea that somehow only depressed, self-hating otaku are legitimate, and that everyone who is actually happy being an otaku is some kind of poser or hipster. I would challenge that these self-hating otaku are in fact maybe even less legitimate than the con-going Naruto fags, because apparently, they would rather not be otaku at all if they could help it. True self-hating otaku who "have lost hope" are simply using 2D as a crutch for their social awkwardness, and don't really understand the joy of loving 2D. At least the Naruto fags actually enjoy Naruto.

In my opinion, to be an otaku you have to be both socially retarded, and you have to LIKE being that way. If you're only the former, you're nothing but a loser, and if you really think that otaku = loser, you'd be better off spending your time learning to pick up real 3D girls rather than playing eroge, because you'd probably live a happier life as a normalfag than an otaku.

Now, I understand that many people who say what >>10742967 said actually do derive great enjoyment from their hobbies, and are simply using the "otaku = loser so don't call yourself that" argument as a defense mechanism to distance themselves from the Otacool fags, without actually thinking too hard about what they are saying. But it still bugs me when people people say it, as does the fact that so many other /jp/ers seem to accept it as a good identifier of what separates us from the hipsters.

>> No.10743797

Portrait of an otaku was fake though.

>> No.10743802

Not very long.

>> No.10743804

I am pretty obsessed with anime and manga. That's what I do all day and everyday. I think I might classify as otaku but I don't really care.

>> No.10743808

But people do say this, to be edgy.

>> No.10743814

Danny choo is an otaku culture otaku, quit hating because he goes out, doesn't mean that he is less obsessive about it. Butthurt /r9k/ fags make me so mad, just yourselves.

>> No.10743821

Inspection otakuism is the worst.

>> No.10743834

If you don't hoard and aren't fat, you ain't no otaku.

>> No.10743842

Otaku is an insult. You are literally the autistic kid who goes around "I'm just different. Autists are special. You should treat me with respect!", not realizing that that's not how the world works.

>> No.10743844 [DELETED] 

tru otaku don't spend their precious time eating
they skip meals so they can spend more time with their hobbies

>> No.10743853

Why do you have to be fat? I don't have time to eat a lot, I have to much to keep up with to eat all day.

>> No.10743857

I was using op logic...

>> No.10743858

Otaku is forced autism.

>> No.10743869 [DELETED] 

epic thread of the day

>> No.10743871

Ey mate we in /jp/, not in your real world. I am sorry I don't feel bad about being obsessed about things I like you self-loathing facebook faggot.

>> No.10743874

That's how you get fat. Healthy diet involves small snacks throughout the day, fatty diet involves binge eating.

>> No.10743875

You're largely missing the point of my argument. I don't care whether other people treat me or my hobbies with respect; in fact, I don't really care about other people at all.

I'm saying that you should treat yourself with respect, and not give a rip whether other people do or not.

>> No.10743892

>I'm saying that you should treat yourself with respect, and not give a rip whether other people do or not.
You have adopted a predefined label, given to you by other people who ostracize you and you are proud of the exact shit they make fun of. Things that are clearly faults and inadequacies of your person. That's not a form of self-esteem. That's delusional and childishly defiant.

>> No.10743899

>given to you by other people who ostracize you
Now it's starting to make sense. Hope life gets better for you anon :)

>> No.10743901

>given to you by other people

>> No.10743905

"I enjoy anime because other people told me to do so"

>> No.10743911

Otaku is an insult. It was born as an insult, it is still used as an insult. Just because nobody ever said this to your face doesn't mean that it's not an insult. I'm repeating myself, you see, because I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to tell me.

>> No.10743912

"unhealthy obsession"

>> No.10743919

That's exactly what self-esteem is. Self-esteem means that you accept yourself for what you are and what others see you as without feeling insecure about it all.

>> No.10743920

It's used to refer to child molesters and serial killers.

>> No.10743923

I want everyone who posted in this thread to die.

>> No.10743927

like u?

>> No.10743949

>It was born as an insult
Eh no, it was a way to refer to each other in the otaku community. The obsessive fans referred to each other as otaku and this was the same as "you" for them.

Why are you still talking about this subject when you have no knowledge of how it came to be?

>> No.10743956

They're trying to tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10743952

No. Self-esteem doesn't mean you have to take pride in your faults. You should accept them, not wallow in them like an idiot.

>> No.10743959

I take no insult to it. Should I be insulted because you told me that I should be insulted by it?

>> No.10743970 [DELETED] 

I'm an imageboard otaku therefore I belong in /jp/.

>> No.10743986

I think people are going to use the word regardless of what it actually means.

>> No.10744008

There is a difference between the word being used as a pronoun and as a proper noun. I assume that it was adopted as a proper noun by outsiders, but you're right in that I actually don't know that.

An insult doesn't need to hurt you feelings to be an insult. My point is that it is used to point out faults which you should not be proud of because they're objectively faults. Let me give another simile besides the autism one: >>10743792 is rationalizing the exact same way as the girl who says "I'm fat but I feel beautiful."

>> No.10744023

>objectively faults
ob·jec·tive (b-jktv)
1. Of or having to do with a material object.
2. Having actual existence or reality.

>> No.10744035

(of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts:
historians try to be objective and impartial

>> No.10744048

>faults which you should not be proud of

Sure is factual, no personal feelings involved.

>> No.10744062

So are you saying that otaku are objectively faulty people?

>> No.10744063

Which spelling of otaku?

>> No.10744067

>general lack of social skills

>> No.10744070

It's not an insult unless a Japanese person says it to you.

>> No.10744072

yeah because like they are bad and gorss and stuff, well objectively speaking of course
*tips hat 2 u*
le good day sir.

>> No.10744078

Surely there is more to the term "otaku" than "general lack of social skills."

>> No.10744083

This has nothing to do with being an otaku.

>> No.10744089

I am confused. You are saying I take pride in being an otaku which means that I take pride in lack of social skills? I take pride in my hobbies, I am apathetic to the lack of social skills because that really has nothing to do with my hobbies. Feels like I am arguing with someone from /b/. This is boring. l8r

>> No.10744099


Pretty long, but if anyone wants to listen to it, it's about 3 guys talking about otaku culture in Japan (in English, of course).

>> No.10744102 [DELETED] 


>> No.10744107

We are not talking about your hobbies. Taking pride in hobbies is good. We are talking about labeling yourself with a word that has broad positive and negative connotations.

It's part of what Otaku means. That is a direct quote from >>10743792

>> No.10744110

Otaku tend to be anti-social.
The NHK is breeding otaku.

>> No.10744111

I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about anymore. Somebody doesn't feel insulted when somebody tags them with a label associated with certain qualities, some of which are considered positive and some of which are considered negative. You claim that he should feel insulted. Why?

>> No.10744117

I feel fine about the fact that I'm not that good at interacting with others in real life, because personally I'm not really that interested in interacting with most people anyway. Is this a problem?

>> No.10744117,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janitor approved thread.

>> No.10744126

He thinks that he's been arguing with the same person this whole time. It's a common mistake for people who haven't been posting here that long.

>> No.10744156

I'm not. Nice try though, I use that same line sometimes.

However, we are drifting away from the post I originally replied to which makes this a bit confusing. I have nothing against accepting yourself as you are, including faults.

I'm talking about otaku pride here. When you take pride in being an otaku you take pride in things that others have defined the word means. For one this is lack of social skills. Surely that's not "evil" or something, but you shouldn't being delusioned that a lack of skill is something to be proud of. Same, but maybe less "objectively" so, with other things.

>> No.10744173

Which post is the one which you originally replied with?

>Surely that's not "evil" or something, but you shouldn't being delusioned that a lack of skill is something to be proud of.
Nobody is claiming to be proud of this.

>> No.10744177 [DELETED] 

How is this thread Otaku culture?

>> No.10744179

Fuck you, asshole.

>> No.10744180

too much angry

>> No.10744184

It was >>10743792
I might have backed off from my position a bit just now. I still think only accepting the label itself necessitates being proud of it in a way. But I find it hard to put that in words right now. I think it has something to do with saying "I'm an otaku" isn't be understood in the way it should be. Compare with "I'm a loser."

>> No.10744190

When people take pride in being gamers, they are not proud of lack of social skills and being losers, they take pride in gaming. They are not taking pride in having no social skills nor are they denying it fuck you fucking retard delete

>> No.10744191 [DELETED] 

It was >>10743792
I might have backed off from my position a bit just now. I still think only accepting the label itself necessitates being proud of it in a way. But I find it hard to put that in words right now. I think it has something to do with saying "I'm an otaku" is only understood as a form of boasting.

>>10744184 stealth edit.

>> No.10744195

I blame the rampant consumist madness of the capitalist system for this.

>> No.10744197 [DELETED] 

Is this what they call a retard otaku?

>> No.10744198

Gamer is a case were the word can reasonably refer to just the act of playing games. But that's borderline. Why not just say you like gaming if that's what you mean.

>> No.10744202 [DELETED] 

Hello Mr Janitor.

>> No.10744206

Gamer does not refer to the act of playing games.
And saying I am a gamer is more natural than saying I like playing games.

>> No.10744214

>I think it has something to do with saying "I'm an otaku" isn't be understood in the way it should be.
Yes, you think it should be understood as an insult, and I've asked you why in >>10744111. Which is why you even bothered comparing it to something like "I'm a loser."

>Why not just say you like gaming if that's what you mean.
To say that "I am a gamer" is a statement of group identity.

>> No.10744214,1 [INTERNAL] 

>don't just parrot Richard Stallman quotes because he's your ironic poster boy.
If you're talking about /g/: I thought they've just been laughing at him all the time. I saw one of the meltdown video threads in December because of a link somewhere else.

>If you are interested in something, go ahead and DO something.
When you have something that isn't strictly hostile towards anything non-business, you're bound to have endless waves of hangarounds and gossip. Is it wrong or even annoying? I think not. Worshipping the old bearded fellows without being anything like them at least demonstrates that you're able to recognize their positive influence. It might be a juvenile approach but you'll have to start somewhere. Explanations can be tested and interests can be fruitfully nurtured. People who just keep explaining are no problem because they reveal what they're about in no time. Doers who refuse to switch to talking when the moment is right aren't saints either.

>Write drivers like the thousands of unknown names on the LKML
If you don't care, you don't care. People are unknown. Computer-related subjects are convenient in the sense that you genuinely don't have to care about anything that goes on in the community. Just keep reinventing the wheel -- or don't. You can freely skip all the drama and annoying butt flies if you'd like to. Getting to know the right people is completely irrelevant unless you're aiming to make money. Getting to know cool people is also completely irrelevant unless your sanity and motivation depend on it.

I'm not sure why every second person thinks that it's important to act like a kernel hacker when not posting on the LKML, which probably doesn't happen anyway.

>> No.10744221

Nobody agrees? disagrees?

please respond.

>> No.10744223

I dont know but Kirino is pretty disgusting.
She definitely fit right in to the right picture. Blatantly show her embarrassing otaku behavior in public and just act like an otaku scum. Danny poo is just a poser though. He is just doing it for the money.

>> No.10744233

The word is clearly an insult. It doesn't carry only negative connotations, but it does carry many.

If you identify yourself with a group then you necessarily take the prejudices against that group onto you.

>> No.10744234

>He is just doing it for the money.
He doesn't need money. His dad is loaded.

He does it for con-goer/cosplayer/normal poon.

>> No.10744242

I have those magic mirrors, and but none of the other things you've said.

I collect the weird ones, the sentai series, Rocket gameshows, rape rape and more rape, tentacles, puking, anal amongst other things.

It really irks me whenever they use xvid for new files instead of h.264, the JAV standard is so obsolete already.

Please do upload that fc2 since I'm very curious about it.

>> No.10744260

>The word is clearly an insult.
Now there's a convincing argument.

>It doesn't carry only negative connotations, but it does carry many.
Well, yes, it has those.

>If you identify yourself with a group then you necessarily take the prejudices against that group onto you.
Some people are gay, but not effeminate (or bears). Some people are black but not lazy. People who part of these groups will be affected by the prejudices, that's true. What does this have to do with whether someone should be offended by the word "otaku"?

>> No.10744262

>rampant consumist
Otaku in a nutshell.

>> No.10744295

Otacool in a nutshell, you mean.

Otacools have rooms full of crap but they know jack shit about their things. Take danny poo as an example. Didn't he say that most dakimakura are of girls from obscure porn games or something?

>> No.10744303
File: 64 KB, 376x255, fuckin jap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10744302

Who are most dakimakura of?

>> No.10744305

The word is used as an insult. You saying "Haha, you can't hurt my feelings" is irrelevant.

Unlike black or gay, words like otaku, nerd, geek and dweeb are not descriptive. They are solely used to refer to a group of people. Being black and saying you are black isn't the same as boasting that you are part of the black community. That is however often hard to tell apart.

>> No.10744307


>> No.10744311

man, I bet danny poo has fugged hundreds of girls that look like milk :(((((((

>> No.10744313

Nice picture. Yes, I think the word "otaku" should be reserved to hardcore fans - as opposed to ugly fat losers. (But I'm glad that we're at least free of the "old otaku are real otaku, they liked mecha and all that shit, not little girls" bullshit here.)

But what I don't like here is that people seem to talk of a word "otaku" in the western setting. And there's nothing to discuss. It's wrong by definition, but not because people using it as self-description are not "tru otaku". It's wrong because it's a pointless gratuitous Japanese that I would hope at least /jp/ would know better than to use.

>> No.10744315
File: 150 KB, 549x601, 渡してください.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Konata is a false otaku, is Tomoko a true one?

>> No.10744319
File: 171 KB, 375x375, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The word is used as an insult
>Unlike black or gay

>> No.10744326

>He doesn't need money.
I call bullshit on that. How can anyone seriously enjoy doing promotional and marketing activities toward fat landwhales and obese otakus?
He is in it for the money.
I mean he doesnt even enjoy any otaku medium. I bet he doesnt even play touhou or have watch more than 10anime.

>> No.10744325

So you're saying real otaku don't have doujinshi, gunpla, manga, wall scrolls, dakimakura, or anything at all related to their anime interest? They don't buy ridiculously overpriced DVDs and Bluray? They don't get figurines of the characters they like? They don't buy dumb outfits of their characters?

>> No.10744330
File: 189 KB, 367x440, 1365469708099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not an otaku

here's a real otaku

>> No.10744333

>someone says "I'm in the Touhou fandom" instead of "I like Touhou"

Do people really do this? I don't know, maybe I'm in a 4chan bubble, but I only see the word used with a negative connotation. I'm a fan, you're a fan if I like you, but fandom is this dumb mass of outsider people sprouting bullshit and making fools of themselves and of our hobby as a result.

>> No.10744339

I didn't say that.

I said otacools have rooms full of crap they're not even dedicated fans of.

Dedicated hobbyists have those because they like those series, novels or games enough to spend money on.

>> No.10744344

She is just a chuuni.
Their kinds are even worse than otaku.

>> No.10744347

Do you just hate the word fandom? Me too.

>> No.10744355
File: 50 KB, 300x504, 129229293992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd explain to you how fucking stupid you are but you're too stupid to understand my explanation.

>> No.10744353

>in a 4chan bubble
Wow, that's a really useful phrase. I've always wanted a quick and easy-to-understand phrase that expresses the understanding that one has a tinted view of the internet/society at large as a result of spending most of their online time on 4chan. I think I'll make use of that phrase from now on, thanks Anon.

>> No.10744361


>> No.10744362

Do you dress yourself in public like a dark vampire?
Do you call introduce yourself as blackdog in public instead of your real name?

>> No.10744369
File: 77 KB, 300x300, 1289008027003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical reply from a subhuman imbecile.

>> No.10744378

Do you own a fedora too

>> No.10744379

What if someone is a figurine otaku?

>> No.10744384

Who do you think are you quoting dude?

>> No.10744387

>The word is used as an insult. You saying "Haha, you can't hurt my feelings" is irrelevant.
"Gay" is also used as an insult. And yet some people manage not to be offended by it.

You have, from the start, insisted that people should feel offended by otaku because it is somehow an inherently insulting term, not because people sometimes use it as one.

>> No.10744402

I guess it's more like labelling yourself as a faggot or a nigger or a spic or whatever, and feel proud about it, then? I don't know, fuck, this thread is horrible, what's it even doing on this board.

>> No.10744405

Left pic: still socially acceptable and kinda attractive people with geek stuff
Right pic: not attractive people at all with same stuff

Is otaku used to refer to looks now? Both side own the same fucking stuffs but the right are just less socially aware of themselves.

>> No.10744410

"Nigger" is a racial slur directed against blacks. "Spic" is a racial slur directed against Hispanics. "Faggot" is a pejorative used to describe gay people. "Otaku" is a descriptive term used to describe a large group of people which seems to have no other name as of now, often used by members of that group to refer to other members of that group. The difference is blatantly obvious.

>I don't know, fuck, this thread is horrible, what's it even doing on this board.
It's the "Otaku Culture" board.

>> No.10744421

Not that guy but otaku also began as a pejorative, that is an undeniable fact, and it still has largely negative connotations in Japan. In the West weeaboos who don't understand the word use it as a term of identification and pride. And it's not good as a descriptive term because there are many kinds of otaku: anime otaku, train otaku, gun otaku, etc. and it doesn't make sense to group them together. Saying "I am an anime and video game otaku" isn't any more convenient than saying "I'm into anime and video games."

>> No.10744427

Any cool ota-girls out here? With headband and large glasses? Anyone?

We could paint figures together. I think it would be fun.

>> No.10744435

>otaku also began as a pejorative
The word was first used between "otaku." It was popularized later and may have entered popular discourse with negative connotations, but it most certainly did not "begin as a pejorative."

>In the West weeaboos who don't understand the word use it as a term of identification and pride.
There are Japanese people who do this also.

>> No.10744439 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 640x480, Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add me

>> No.10744442

>often used by members of that group to refer to other members of that group.
Like how black people call each other niggers? Doesn't make it any less of an insult though, and somewhat like otaku in its original context, is used by people not part of said collectives to refer to people they deem inferior or somesuch. Like, fuck, it's associated with creeps and sexual deviants and closeted killers, how is that not an insult? If one intended to be politically correct, he would instead use the term, I don't know, enthusiasts or something.

>> No.10744451

go away, cameron!

>> No.10744462

>Doesn't make it any less of an insult though, and somewhat like otaku in its original context, is used by people not part of said collectives to refer to people they deem inferior or somesuch.
It's also used as a descriptor of people. Anybody referring to black people as niggers is out to insult them. People referring to otaku as otaku may merely be applying a descriptive term.

>Like, fuck, it's associated with creeps and sexual deviants and closeted killers, how is that not an insult?
Because it also applies to hundreds of thousands of people who are notably not serial killers. Although they may be sexual deviants and creeps. Again, you should explain exactly how it's an insult instead of just demanding that I prove it isn't.

>If one intended to be politically correct, he would instead use the term, I don't know, enthusiasts or something.
Nobody should ever give a shit about being politically correct unless their livelihood depends on it.

>> No.10744475


>> No.10744515

>The word was first used between "otaku."
Are you saying the word as a noun, not just as a pronoun, was used to refer to others without any bad connotations?

Also, are you trying to make some point or do you just want to correct the guy who claimed that it's an insult?

>> No.10744513

Konata is an otaku because I love her and I want her to share my interest, and since she is fictional and we can argue about this in circle forever without reaching a point, I can project whatever I like on her and there isn't a god damn thing you can do to stop me.

>> No.10744537

>the word as a noun, not just as a pronoun, was used to refer to others without any bad connotations

Not that guy, but just for the record, if he is saying that, then he's right. How the word came to be is pretty well documented and I don't know why is this even being discussed.

>> No.10744538

I can tell you to suck my dick, but I don't think you'll accept me.

>> No.10744541

Guess again, fellow faggot!

>> No.10744545

The term was apparently first used to label the group by a journalist who was unfavorably disposed, but people from that group started using it to refer to the subculture that they were in more generally, because they had already been referring to each other with that term anyway.

>Also, are you trying to make some point or do you just want to correct the guy who claimed that it's an insult?
My point is that said person is wrong.

>> No.10744553

No, I'm not gay. It's only gay if I'm doing the sucking.
I'm straight as an arrow, is all I'm saying.

>> No.10744557

It's okay for you to believe that. I was confused about my sexuality once too, so I understand.

>> No.10744562

As long as we agree.

>> No.10745227

Yes, from my experience most people (especially girls) in sites such as Tumblr or those attention-whoring pages that let you create an internet identity with lots of personal information usually state something along the lines of "Current fandoms: Touhou, MLP, Homestuck, Past fandoms: Pokemon, Hetalia". You get the picture.

4chan is fortunately a bubble apart from this kind of shit, though I don't know for how long.

>> No.10745227,1 [INTERNAL] 

>And that begs the question: what should be done about disruptive spam in the archives?
>begs the question

Normally I don't nitpick about these things, but "begs the question" has a specific meaning.

>> No.10745991


It runs deeper than that. There is a very big difference between people who pretend to be 'otaku' and people who actually are.

On the left you have:

Danny Choo who not only simply sees 'otaku' as being some kind of marketing tool to line his wallet, he has also shown distaste for the real otaku. He was disgusted by the guy who stole some Seiyuus water bottle for an indirect kiss. He has made allusions to 'losers' who really dedicate themselves to anime yet makes money from throwing the term 'otaku' around.

On the left you have a Japanese guy with a handful of figures which were mainstream popular during the figure explosion of the late 2000s. Everything he has is from that era and from very well known shows, he isn't representative of otaku, just a bandwagon jumper.

Nogizaka Haruka, Kirino, Keima, Konata and the two from Durarara are characters who claim to be otaku or are depicted as such yet care more about acceptance from their peers than their hobbies; therefore they are not otaku.

>> No.10746128

Kirino is a great example. She's more dedicated to her otaku stuff than most TruOtaku™, yet is shunned by them because of her good looks and taste in fashion. In the exact way the picture is attempting to shun everyone who does not look the part of a TruOtaku™ - fat, ugly and dirty.

Kirino's seeking acceptance among people sharing the interests she already has, yet they're just as unaccepting of others, including her, as the mainstream fashion world is unaccepting of her hobbies. And she needs the acceptance of the fashion world much more, because her income depends on it. But I guess working is a big no-no for the otaku in the first place, right?

>> No.10746188

Do you think that picture is a bit funny in that Kirino and Keima are under not otaku even though they're hardcore fans? However they're attractive, so they kind of don't fit.

Is that part of the joke?

>> No.10746194

>Nogizaka Haruka, Kirino, Keima, Konata and the two from Durarara are characters who claim to be otaku or are depicted as such yet care more about acceptance from their peers than their hobbies; therefore they are not otaku.
This is what I get for replying before scrolling down.
Anyway how does Keima care more about acceptance from peers than his hobbies?

>> No.10746318

I respect "otaku" from the bottom of my heart. And by that I mean people who invest a lot of time dedicated to their interests, seek and possess extensive knowledge of fine details about their favorite pastime and deeply care about them in general.

I just can't seem to give two real shits about anything other than jacking off and posting inane shit on imageboards. I just wish I could love something to that extent.

>> No.10746325

>I just can't seem to give two real shits about anything other than jacking off and posting inane shit on imageboards. I just wish I could love something to that extent.

80% of /jp/. See third-rate otaku.

>> No.10748070

>Anyway how does Keima care more about acceptance from peers than his hobbies?

He doesn't. Unless he's talking about how he has to win girls over, but his life is at stake.

>> No.10748135

That was supposed to be a joke, just FYI.

>> No.10748141


>> No.10748189

What about using the actual meaning of the word, and not anything else?
The word originated from the pronoun otaku, it refers to those socially retarded guys who can't help but use that rare formal pronoun when talking to strangers, as a psychological shield. This is not a myth or anything, shit happens. I'm a living example; I had to use an (obsolete) formal pronoun when talking to somebody because I was too embarassed to treat her casually.
No "obsession" and not clinically awkward means not otaku, and it's never a positive term. If somebody is only awkward you can call them social retards. If somebody is only "obsessive" you can call them hardcore fans.

>> No.10748315

Yeah I figured it was just in their for no reason oh well. That's why I liked Arita in accel world so much, he was a loser protag who looked like a loser and acted like a loser.

>> No.10748549

You can't be serious. This is how much /jp/ knows about otaku? Just please use couple days of your life and read this https://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/10727983/#10727983 (there is download link in the thread) Then you will atleast know BASICS of being an otaku.

>> No.10748555

Also this. Kirino is PERFECT example of otaku.

>> No.10748557


>> No.10748572

No one should describe themselves as otaku if they aren't Japanese. I know Hiroki Azuma disagrees with that perspective, but I stand firm in the idea that cultural movements and labels should only be applied to those actually involved. That is to say if you wake up with otaku symbols all around you--in your room, on television, and in the street--and you have a hand in it, you can call yourself an otaku. There must be this sense of inseparability between the subculture and who you are.

To offer an example for my argument: Though the Japanese have futaba, it would be absurd for them to refer to themselves as "channers" in the western sense. The cultures are different.

>"otaku" should never be something to be proud of.
Not true. Japanese otaku will self-apply the term in a defiant and self-deprecating way. When they wear the label, they're rejecting society's stigma and display group solidarity. At the same time, they find a perverse pleasure in possessing such a label. It's like how people on this board half-joke about being hikikomori, or NEETs, or just general assholes and socially deficient people.

>> No.10748602 [DELETED] 

Saito also disagrees with you but he noticed Western otaku are bit different, but difference is not significant. There is cultural factor but there is also much greater factor; psychological factor.

Also you need to take account that on modern internet era even western people can be centered around Japanese otaku culture. Even western person who uses internet can have better access to otaku media than local Japanese people.

>> No.10748618 [DELETED] 

Saito also disagrees with you. He firstly thought western people couldn't be Otaku, but he changed his mind after survey he made. He found out western Otaku have very similar symptoms than Japanese Otaku, but there were some differences. Yes, there is the cultural factor too, but the psychological factor is much greater when defining the otaku.

Als you need to take into consideration, that on modern internet era, western person can be very influenced of Japanese culture and otaku culture. Nowadays western person who uses internet can even have better acces to otaku media than some local people.

>> No.10748657

>No one should describe themselves as otaku if they aren't Japanese.
That's not true. Saito is also disagrees with you. First he thought non-Japanese couldn't be otaku, but after survey he made on internet, he found out there are indeed western otaku who share very same mind set than Japanese otaku. You are right, there is the cultural factor too, but psychological factor is much more greater when defining the otaku. My opinion is, in otaku circles, cultural factor was greater around 70s, 80s and 90s, but 00s and 10s, psychological factor is greater because cross cultural influence, techonology development and internationalization. Definition of otaku isn't static, it is dynamic, while world changes, otaku culture changes too.

Also his survey was made 10 years ago. On modern internet era it is not impossible, but actually very likely that western person is greatly influenced by Japanese culture and otaku culture. Western person can have even better access to some otaku media than local Japanese person because of internet. Like some Japanese person who lives bit outside Tokyo might not be aware of some anime shows airing(because he doesn't have access to tv-channel), while western otaku knows all of them. Like many western people who are interested in otaku culture and know Japanese, use Japanese discussion boards and websites. Internet is in my opinion much greater influence than TV or streets.

And yeah I had to write and delete this post multiple times. I am very tired and previous texts were full of brain farts.

>> No.10748666

Guys, I've been reading this thread here:
Since someone threw the link at me and told me to read it.

And I gotta say, I see things like this:
>Otaku culture, as exemplified through comics and anime, still often maintains an image as a youth culture. However, the generation of Japanese people born between the late 1950s and the early 1960s— thirty- and forty-year-olds holding positions of responsibility within society— are actually its core consumers. They are no longer youths enjoying a period of post-college limbo and freedom before taking on social responsibility. In this sense, otaku culture already has some deep roots in Japanese society.

Is it just me or is "otaku culture" highly related to NEETdom? In that case, the NEET Lifestyle threads were totally on topic and there is no reason why we can't at least be allowed 1 such thread.

>> No.10748676

Oh, I see, I think I misinterpreted that wrong.

>> No.10748680

Yeah, nah.
The world is hardly homogeneous. There is no big global culture, there is nothing that can replace the experience of being a Japanese child living in japan, eating with chopsticks... having a certain mindset. That is something you can't transfer, you may influence westerners but you will not make them Truotakings...
That is if you accept that the psyche of an individual is built in it's majority by culture.

>> No.10748685

That's true. I'm not saying all Japanese can be otaku, and I overstepped when I said that non-Japanese cannot be otaku. However, it's very unlikely to find a dyed-in-the-wool otaku outside of otaku culture. Even considering Azuma's cause of otaku (i.e. the postmodern condition), I have to say that cultural forces further shape individual identity beyond that. We have our own expressions of postmodernity distinct from that of otaku culture.

We have to understand that otaku live in a world filled with otaku symbols to the point of hyperreality. Everything is digested and understood through an "otaku" lens as a result of the peculiar environment they live in and their understanding of the label is taken in the historical context (i.e. Tsutomu Miyazaki, 1995 Subway attacks). They are inseparable from their subculture. Because a western environment is largely ignorant of these things, assuming the label here necessarily undermines its connotations and renders them irrelevant. Otaku (the label) here and otaku there have a huge gap between them which is obviously apparent in how westerners use the term. I question the need to apply it. Sure, there are some serious fans over here, and they are probably otaku in every sense of the word, but they are exceptions to the rule when it comes to fans of otaku culture.

Psychological factor is important, and I see strong similarities between the mentality of otaku and the users of 4chan, but seeing how it's a sociocultural phenomenon and label, I prioritize the cultural factors above all else. I remember Azuma mentioning how otaku have a deep attraction to Japanese cultural symbols; I can't imagine many western fans having the background to even recognize most of them.

tl;dr I didn't mean to say that it's impossible for western otaku to exist (to the extent of Japanese), it's just incredibly unlikely.

> I am very tired and previous texts were full of brain farts.
Yeah, me too.

>> No.10748705

If you actually read the book, you'd know it's not actually about otaku; just a work of literary criticism about the fiction they produced and consumed at the time it was written.

>> No.10748708

While you understand, you misunderstood the text you quoted. Still this whole neet question is pretty interesting. Back then person could be otaku only if he had money so neets couldn't really be otaku. But otaku media greatly fantasies about freedom and youth, could living as neet be "the otaku dream"? Who knows. In modern culture fan of something isn't person who spends the money, more like person who spends his social possesion and free time into something.

But still I don't think neet lifestyle belongs in otaku culture.

>> No.10748716

Wow, I digged through the comment section and the uploader has an argument with someone that ends like this
>...You know what? You're right. I see I was wrong. Thanks for responding, you've changed my mind. I understand now.
I didn’t think that actually happened. Huh.

>> No.10748731

I've only skimmed it, but wouldn't an analysis of the content and consumption (otaku culture) also be an analysis of the creators (otaku)?

>> No.10748765

>I can't imagine many western fans having the background to even recognize most of them.

We're absorbing them through otaku culture's artifacts. Whatever they're attracted to, we can easily become accustomed with.

>> No.10748768

He's mostly writing about "otakuism" as a social phenomenon at a very, very broad level.

>> No.10748780

Certainly. The point is not that it's not about otaku as much as that if you want to learn about otaku as people, their lifestyle and subculture(s), the book's scope is way too narrow to be of much help.

>> No.10748792

I even used caps and you still missed the word "basics"?

Good thing we have come to agreement. It's true otaku culture consumes a lot symbols in Japanese culture, but who of western otaku media consumers doesn't know what sailor uniforms or miko outfits mean in Japan? Thanks to internet, it is fairly easy to learn these things. Personally I had become interested in Japanese culture thanks to anime and manga.

Yes there are and will be something that cannot be transferred, but still, in my opinion minor things like that are very irrelevant for, is person truly an otaku or not.

And I also agree with you that many people in west are using word "otaku" in very incorrect way (like we see in this thread). It's shame, but I have impression normal people are using word "otaku" incorrect way in Japan too (but incorrect way in different context than westerns).

>> No.10748816

True, but it loses a level of clarity when we engage in it through derivative works.

>who of western otaku media consumers doesn't know what sailor uniforms or miko outfits mean in Japan?
We may know what it is, but it's much more difficult to say we know what it "means." I haven't gone to school there and I've never been to a Shinto shrine. I can know everything about that, but if I haven't experienced it, it takes a little something away.

Nowadays, though, I'm seeing that otaku culture is drifting away from any established set of real symbols into it's own database of constructed representations. If we can learn these symbols, we can engage in otaku culture and in turn "become otaku." Still it would be an exhausting endeavor considering how deeply rooted and dense the cultural language is.

>> No.10748847

I did not, however, fail to miss the ostensibly wrong "of being an otaku" part. The book is not about being an otaku, plain and simple. Unless you somehow believe you become an otaku just by reading the same fiction as them, a position that has already been repeatedly ridiculed in this thread and elsewhere.

>> No.10748858

>We may know what it is, but it's much more difficult to say we know what it "means." I haven't gone to school there and I've never been to a Shinto shrine.
Acceptable point but I still think difference is very minor and irrelevant. From my experience symbols come from historical Japanese culture and history can be learnt by everyone.

I see the database theory is very true and today most anime and other otaku media are just full of recycled otaku jokes and stereotypical character types. In that sense, the original symbols from Japanese culture are losing their meaning (which I was trying to point out how I think cultural factor isn't so great anymore).

>> No.10748882

If you can't understand what is the fiction they are consuming, how you think you could understand otaku? That's why I said it is basics, basics to understand the content of otaku culture. Because one cannot be otaku if he doesn't consume it, but it doesn't mean just consuming it makes one otaku.

>> No.10748883

The shrines and schools that show up in Japanese media are idealized bastardizations of shrines in schools that actually exist in real life anyway. Fiction built on fiction. None of us have ever had a "real Shinto experience" but most otaku probably haven't either, at most they've gone through the motions.

Also, Japanese media is sometimes also loaded with churches and nuns that have nothing to do with real churches and real nuns. You can posit that we're not able to connect the distinctly Japanese elements and thus we're missing out on some deeper level of the work but sometimes there just isn't a deeper level there.

>> No.10748902

That's good point too.

Bit related to that, I think AKB48 anime is symbolism how cruel and raw life of idol can be. Western person who doesn't understand idol culture in Japan, cannot interept it in that way.

>> No.10748925

>You can posit that we're not able to connect the distinctly Japanese elements and thus we're missing out on some deeper level of the work but sometimes there just isn't a deeper level there.
It's much more apparent in older works. Rumiko Takahashi employs tons of Japanese cultural images that would be lost on the average western fan. Takashi Murakami wrote that anime is an outlet for post WWII sentiments--roots that those outside of Japan and removed from their blend of western/eastern culture would be unable to comprehend.

>The shrines and schools that show up in Japanese media are idealized bastardizations of shrines in schools that actually exist in real life anyway
True, but they appeal to a particular understanding of the world. For the otaku who is approaching/in middle age, these idealizations are meaningful escapism that resonate stronger than for someone removed from that context.

Again, it seems to be drifting away from that. Anime feels recursive now. Maybe it's because otaku culture is growing larger in Japan and otaku want to close it off by scrambling their symbols. Fiction upon fiction until the representations themselves no longer represent anything. At this point, no one gets it but the otaku--at the same time, it democratizes otakuism.

>> No.10748930

>one cannot be otaku if he doesn't consume it

Not all otaku consume the same fiction. Not all otaku consume fiction at all. You're defining otaku as "anime fan". Stop.

>None of us have ever had a "real Shinto experience" but most otaku probably haven't either

In fact, the memory of the experience of the actual, mundane thing might have made them even more detached from the idealized version than we are. (Might have. That's a necessary qualifier. I wouldn't know. We may guess, and we may even be right, but we're too far removed from actual Japanese culture to ever be certain. That is the main caveat here.)

>> No.10748941

>Not all otaku consume the same fiction.
Please tell me where did I say all otaku consume same fiction. Pointless straw man argument, again.

>> No.10748954

>It's much more apparent in older works. Rumiko Takahashi employs tons of Japanese cultural images that would be lost on the average western fan.

I love Takahashi as much as anyone who learned a lot of Japan's idiosyncrasies through her manga, but her Japanese cultural imagery is ultimately pretty shallow. You can't really treat it as an example of older works deeply rooted in the culture when something like Touhou exists now at this very moment, lest you want to defeat your own point.

>> No.10748970

>one cannot be otaku if he doesn't consume it [the fiction otaku are consuming]

Either there's some otaku-specific fiction and you just said what you claim to have not said, or there's no otaku-specific fiction and anyone consuming fiction can be otaku (but train or weapon otaku who aren't consuming fiction still aren't otaku by your definition). Choose your poison.

>> No.10748987

>one cannot be otaku if he doesn't consume it [content of otaku culture]
Fixed for you because you seem to lack ability to read. Didn't you read other parts of the post?

>> No.10748988

That was just off the top of my head. Anything that references Japanese/otaku culture would be more difficult to penetrate. I wouldn't know how deep or relevant it gets because I haven't actually gotten into it. Also, the point about postwar symbolism is still up in the air, though I'll just say right out that the themes found in those works can be found in western work as well.

Maybe cultural differences are largely irrelevant. Still, I can't be certain because I don't live in an otaku-disneyland. Who knows what influence something like that has on a person's psyche.

>> No.10749038

Sorry I assumed you were replying to what I said (and that we were still discussing that one particular book) and not attempting to move the goalpost halfway through.

And ironically, it doesn't help you one bit. I can still write "Either there's some otaku-specific content and you just said what you claim to have not said, or there's no otaku-specific content and anyone consuming some content can be otaku", and my point will stand.

>> No.10749045

The test of the true "otaku" is when you ask them about their hobbies and rile them up about it. They'll refute you in the most manic and passionate ways possible. Not just common knowledge about that the subject but encyclopedic knowledge of it.

If your suspected "otaku" can't even diss you for saying something wrong or stupid about his hobby, he's not a true otaku at all.

>> No.10749069

I've never said this one book defines everything which is content of otaku culture. I said:
>That's why I said it is basics, basics to understand the content of otaku culture.

99 % (I am pulling number from my ass, yea) otaku consume anime or bishoujo games, therefore it is very good basic information about content of otaku culture and understanding otaku.

Military and train otaku are consuming information regarding trains and guns. Don't you agree? Person who just collect guns without knowing anything about them, isn't military otaku.

>I can still write "Either there's some otaku-specific content and you just said what you claim to have not said, or there's no otaku-specific content and anyone consuming some content can be otaku", and my point will stand
Or don't you think information regarding guns or trains isn't included in content of otaku culture? Then maybe train and military otaku aren't otaku at all.

>> No.10749119

Over 50% of otaku are females, yet the book doesn't cover their part of the story. Train and military otaku are otaku, yet the book doesn't cover their part of the story. It's a very specialized book about a very specific subject.

It's an important subject, and I may agree that one shouldn't be learning about otaku without reading it, but that's another story entirely. One won't learn about otaku (just) from reading it either. Not even the most basic of basics. It contains only as much information about otaku as is needed to provide context for its narrow subject, and much of said information requires further Japanese cultural context that's assumed to be already known by the reader.

Moreover, what it contains is more of a hypothesis about its subject matter rather than a guide on the subject matter itself. It's best read when you're already immersed in the otaku culture. Not instead of doing it.

>> No.10749148


>> No.10749237

I wouldn't say book which covers roughly 50 % of otaku community is bad for entry level stuff. (Which isn't even true, most female otaku consume same content than male otaku. See the most common female cosplay outfits in comiket.) Female otaku who are into yaoi, train and military otaku can be assumed to be very minority (example Saito doesn't mention either train or military otaku in his analysis).

Azuma's theories can be applied to content which huge part of otaku are consuming. It may be narrow subject, but book covers very big part of nowaday's otaku media and I definitely think it is the best entry level stuff for people who are already into otaku culture (no matter if they acknowledge it is otaku culture or not). I think it would be safe to assume most people here are into otaku culture in some level and Japanese cultural context is somewhat familiar. Problem (according this thread) is, people don't know what otaku culture is and this book should help to cover it.

And of course big reason is, it is available on digital format, unlike other literature about otaku culture (like Little Boy & Beautiful Fighting Girl), I assume.

>> No.10749307

Naah, it's good to be aware that you happen to belong to one group or another but it's bad to let it get to your head.

>> No.10749322

I hate talking about my hobbies and discussions because I love them

and if someone doesn't know as much as I do about a subject, I would not hate that person because I'm not arrogant enough to expect everyone to have same interests as myself

sue me

>> No.10749351

Is this same as Otaku no Hon which is supposed to be the first collection of essays about otaku?

>> No.10749376

>282 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

You are pathetic /jp/.

>> No.10749403

i didnt read a single word of this thread lol

>> No.10749451

thats awsome d00d

I did, it was ur nice post

>> No.10749759
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1365705871418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over 50% of otaku are females

>> No.10749786

I think they were trying to say that statistically 50% of the population is female so it should transfer to a small subset too, which is wrong.

>> No.10749820


me either.

>> No.10749823

And here I am, learning japanese so I can play porn games ;_;

>> No.10749823,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10753919


>> No.10753924

Looks like your efforts to transform /jp/ into /a/lite are working well. 90% of the threads on front page are 3D Japan meta-weeb shit. Congrats man!

>> No.10753939

>And here I am, learning japanese so I can play porn games ;_;
you do well son you do well

>> No.10753982

If you didn't read and understand this entire thread you really shouldn't be posting on /jp/.

>> No.10757876

What's the name of that otaku who apparently got killed in a forest?

>> No.10757925

Anime fan isn't that bad. A person who actively follows film production and such is a film buff isn't he?

>> No.10757935
File: 36 KB, 300x300, Rikka_Takanashi_Door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you learn a self proclaimed anime otaku doesn't own any DVDs, manga or bishoujo figures.

>> No.10757960

>own any DVDs, manga
nigga, we live in digital distribution times.

"owning" physical animus and mangos is what faggots do. today it's all on torrents and streams.

>> No.10757979

But isn't wanting to own animus and mangos in physical form and/or more than one form somewhat otaku?

>> No.10757991

Jacking off onto figures is also an otaku thing to do, but it's not a requirement.

>> No.10758009

streaming is low quality and torrentling is bad

>> No.10758017

>torrentling is bad
no it's not. for a real "otaku" it's the best option since it gives him his required item instantly and in high quality. often within hours of airing the show so he can almost watch it in real time.

only corporate criminals who want to have total control over the masses whine that it's bad.

>> No.10758020

Not that guy, but fuck you. I like collecting physical things. I couldn't care less about muh IP, but I do enjoy having a shelf of DVDs or games.

>> No.10758022

LOL i agree dude, I was just joking.

That being said, I do own a few anime on blu-ray. just my favorites that i re-watch often, like FLCL and Revolutionary Girl Utena.

>> No.10761244

Spoiler: spoiler

>> No.10761244,1 [INTERNAL] 

>If you didn't read and understand this entire thread you really shouldn't be posting on /jp/.
