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107428 No.107428 [Reply] [Original]

Have a nice day Anonymous.


>> No.107436


All the humans die, and the youkai go on to live ronery existences.

>> No.107444

so ronery ;_;

>> No.107445

Flandre, I think we need to have a little chat about what a nice day is...

>> No.107450

Damn you, OP. ;~;

>> No.107458
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>> No.107459

On the upside, Flandre finally gets her full vampiric-youkai wings and matures enough to be let out by herself. Bad news is, everyone she ever loved except Remilia died a century ago.

>> No.107462
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As far as Flan is concerned, a nice day is not being turned into a pile of cinders.

>> No.107467
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Suddenly, BREASTS

>> No.107474
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>> No.107480


Remi alters Sakuya's fate to make her immortal (ZUN has stated she can make people half-youkai whenever she feels like it.) Patchy has extreme longevity as a one of the magician race, China is a youkai, and Marisa is too stubborn to die.

>> No.107481


Bah, makes no sense.

Will ZUN PLEASE explain the psuedo-crystal wings and full demonic wings thing? It's annoying me. Will she ever get the full wings like Remilia, or is that as good as it gets?

>> No.107482

Wait wait... why did Tewi and Reisen die ;__;?

>> No.107489

God damn you.
Making me face my own mortality so soon after waking up.

>> No.107490


I dunno. Isn't tewi like 5000? Rinnosuke is half youkai, so he should be dead if they are.

>> No.107493


Every youkai has different rules about how long they live. Everyone except Kaguya and Mokou have a definite lifetime. As far as I know, humans are the shortest, faeries after that, magicians after that, and everyone else I have no clue, but I'd assume vampires live insanely long.

>> No.107496
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They're just for decoration, really.

>> No.107498


She was born with them, they are her wings. From their appearance in touhou soccer, they would appear to be energy storage or amplification devices.

>> No.107505


Vampires are effectively immortal. They trade maturity of the mind and body for sheer power.

>> No.107514

Youkai. They don't make sense. Everything from flying turtles to half-ghost girls.

>> No.107519


But vampires are undead zombies, not youkai.

>> No.107521
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If we take fanworks into account we might as well explain them by saying they're weapons of mass destruction.

Also, it's never proven she was born with them, if I recall correctly.

>> No.107523

Vampires are youkai.

>> No.107531
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There's some connection with colors and the power of beings in Gensokyo. I remember reading somewhere that the more colors (probably associated with danmaku colors) you can control the more powerful you are. However I could mention various examples where that isn't necessarily true, like Meiling having access to all colors of the rainbow. Image related.

>> No.107535
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ITT people trying to quantify the character that makes the least sense in all of Touhou.

>> No.107537

Then they would be categorized under Youkai in PMiSS.

>> No.107536

Some even say she pierced her back with metal wires and fused with them to make pseudo wings. How the crystals got there? ZUN knows but he was probably to drunk to remember now.

>> No.107542

there is a tentative link between frequency and power red -> violet, read yukaris' entry on touhou wiki, but its not hard and fast.

as for the danmaku system in general, reimus entry in curiosities of lotus asia (or is it the other one?) briefly mentions it.

>> No.107546

I love flan, if only for all the remixes her song has spawned.


>> No.107560
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>> No.107564

All vampires are youkai, but not all youkai are vampires.

>> No.107585
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There goes Gensokyo.

>> No.107591


We're fucked. Game over, man, game over.

>> No.107588

Looking kinda Haruhi there Flandre.

>> No.107597
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I'd bone her sword, if you know what I mean.

>> No.107599
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Great, and she doesn't even let you continue!

>> No.107602
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>> No.107607

I always liked the idea she wasn't born with wings and that the wings aren't really needed for either of the vampire sisters. Flandre, wanting to be more like her sister fashioned her own wings by shoving a couple metal poles into her back, decorated them and called it good.

It would certainly be awesome crazy and given the mythic nature of Youkai it wouldn't surprise if they slowly became part of her form and more then just decoration.

There are loads of ideas about them with no real explanations. In a sense, I kind of like that about Touhou fiction, not everything is explained and leaves a lot to the imagination.

>> No.107610

indeed, there is something very cute and flan-like about that idea.

>> No.107612

Really? I always felt it was more she stapled old christmas lights she found in the Mansion basement to her back so she could resemble her beloved sister a little bit more.

>> No.107614
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Did someone say flan?

>> No.107618

So moe I took my pants off.

>> No.107617
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If it's by that artist, everyone looks like something made by KyoAni.


>> No.107621

Mukou Haruhi... If I see Aya on that site...

>> No.107623
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>> No.107652


That's more or less what I said I'd like her to have done. It's not like anyone (anyone who matters at least) has trouble flying without wings but Flandre has the kind of mentality that would do something like fashioning her own wings to be like her older sister (while making them pretty).

I just went further and figured Youkai being the way they are, like how long lived animals may become Youkai or inanimate dolls discarded forever in a field of poisonous flowers, her decoration would eventually by association just become part of her.

Most things in Touhou to me come across with a kind of fairy tail mentality where anything can happen if it sounds good enough for a story. Physically eating history to conceal a village fits well in that sense, it sounds cool as hell but practically is a headache to work out.

>> No.107660
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>> No.107676

Control of density anyone? What Suika does with her power in fan works and official works defies all possible laws. That's Touhou for you.

>> No.107684
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>> No.107686
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The thing about Touhou powers is that they're vaguely defined, so really, any character can do anything they want.

It was like the old Superfriends when the Flash would scream about vibrating and would suddenly be flying.

>> No.107688
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How about a patchroll?

>> No.107726


The less said about Suika and Yukari the better, most characters are at least limited to a degree as to what they can do. Suika and Yukari have some of the most broken awesome abilities imaginable, both explored to a degree in fan works.

Also funny how ZUN made a point of explaining how Yukari could manipulate barriers both real and fictional. That was pretty wtf.

>> No.107740

Yeah. Yukari can manipulate the boundary between reality and fiction, making real things fictional and fictional things real.

It's crazy fun.

>> No.107741
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Of course, final Touhou series ending (if ZUN ever gets to that point, it's still going strong) would be awesome if when you finally defeated the last extra mode boss with Reimu/Yukari team it has Meribel wake up and realise the whole thing has just been a long series of escapism dreams.

ZUN would be my hero then.

>> No.107756

"Oh it was all a dream" endings make me rage uncontrollably.

>> No.107770

Same here

>> No.107771

Oh it was just a genjutsu.

>> No.107778
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>> No.107785
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Definitely be my hero.

>> No.107881


Is that sum Emo Reimu?

>> No.107886
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>> No.108003


White Reimu from Concealed the Conclusion.
