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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10735546 No.10735546 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts are the term vocaloidist and your opinion on vocaloid in general?

>> No.10735552


Is this someone who produces songs using Vocaloid, or is it more specifically someone who uses Vocaloid in the same way a keyboardist uses a keyboard?

Either way, it might be a useful word.

But your poster sucks and cuts off the text at the bottom. It's also the wrong font. Nice colour, though.

>> No.10735556

Off-topic, but I hate those KEEP CALM AND posters for everything. It's not even clever.

Vocaloid is fine in the hands of talented producers. Don't like the fanbase around it, but I enjoy the work that goes into the good songs.

>> No.10735559

It sounds fake and robotic.
I started a fire.

>> No.10735565

I like Kai Yuuki and the others suck.

>> No.10735574

>Off-topic, but I hate those KEEP CALM AND posters for everything. It's not even clever.

The original poster was pretty straightforward and charming. I'm surprised they never used it.

Of course, it's exactly the sort of catchphrase that lends itself to being a snowclone. Plus it was an old thing that was rediscovered, and that makes it hip and vintage.

I just want to be able to have nice things again.

>> No.10735584
File: 198 KB, 683x555, voder03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robot voices are best voices.


^ American Vocaloid, from 1939.

>> No.10735590

They never used it because the attack that they predicted that was going to happen and require the propaganda campaign never happened.

>> No.10735601


Wow is this another shitty term weaboos on tumblr made up? seriously OP get out.

>> No.10735611
File: 482 KB, 1600x900, 1364632245009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real vocaloidists don't need a label to justify their interest. I like Vocaloid and think they will get more acceptance in the future.

To the point where there will be more Miku threads than 2hu on /jp/

>> No.10735613

Less than 2,000 hits in Google (mostly usernames and spam) and one of the top results is the generator page for this image.

Is this like when people tried to invent a technical-sounding term for 2D love that never caught on?

>> No.10735618

The term sounds stupid, but if it's what they're using I don't really care.

I enjoy listening to Vocaloid songs from time to time but sometimes it is very hard for me to make out what they're saying.

>> No.10735626
File: 155 KB, 900x1116, oliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do English Vocaloids work? How do you input phonemes?

>> No.10735628

Vocaloid doesnt deserve a fanbase

>> No.10735630

By 2030 almost all voice acting, music production, etc. will be done by synthesised voices.

>> No.10735636

I liked vocaloid once. Then the repetitive nature of hearing the same voices over and over drove me to hate it because all the songs just seem to run together.

>> No.10735637


>> No.10735640

The same way you do with the Japanese ones (But the phonemes are different than in Japanese if that's what you are asking)

>> No.10735646

Not...even today people have robot/machine phobia and do jobs by hand that would be better automated.

>> No.10735647

No way.

I was watching an episode of Computer Chronicles from the 80s or early 90s, and they were pretty much stuck on the same problems as today. The vocals were too perfect-sounding, and that will always be a problem. We're so used to human speech that synthesis will sound robotic for quite some time. You don't have the weird little nuances human voices have, either due to creativity or the physical aspects of singing.

What we need first is a physical larynx simulator. Get to it, MIT.

>> No.10735651

Well, I am certainly an expert in my waifu Flandre after learning the ways of Touhouism!

>> No.10735652

I hope convincing artificial voice boxes become commonplace relatively soon. I hate my voice. (I guess I should at least attempt some kind of voice training, apparently it's not outright impossible for adult males to develop proper sounding little girl voices with enough practice...)

>> No.10735655

There are pirateable voice types for that sort of thing. Train your voice with do-re-mi exercises, then watch YouTube tutorials from expert traps.

>> No.10735657


It's getting there

>> No.10735667

I want this guy's voice:

Takes some mad skill to not only write yourself into a game, but to talk to yourself as one of the female characters too.

>> No.10735672


Getting there.

>> No.10735675


Also this

>> No.10735679


Keep your toys to yourself. The professionals are talking.

>> No.10735681

Voiceroid is too monotone but they are better than most TTS programs.

>> No.10735685

It's about the realism not how much money you spend anon.


>> No.10735695

If they were real artists, they wouldn't have to invent a separate term to distinguish themselves.

>> No.10735711

"Vocalodist" is a name some fan came up (Obviously) with it not something popular users of the software call themselves so please take your talk of "real artists" somewhere else.

>> No.10735742

When you look at art of any kind, especially in the last 100 or so years, you'll see that a catchy name is more often than not a half of success already.

Or maybe you realize that and just hate modern art in its entirety.

>> No.10735757

Vocaloidist isn't even catchy. It just sounds dumb.

>> No.10735801

vocaloid is garbage.

>> No.10736436

I don't even understand why people are liking Vocaloid. They are computer generated for god sake.

>> No.10736438

So is all electronic music. The pieces, however, are arranged by humans (for now).

>> No.10736442

Electronic tracks and electronic voices are different fields to begin with, in my opinion.

>> No.10736459


If you mean Vocaloid characters, I totally agree. They are like mascots with no personality, how can ANYONE actually like them?

>> No.10736460

...here we go.

>> No.10736461


Its amazing how narrow minded /jp/ is.

>> No.10736463

that reminds me of another popular thing where most content is made by fans, but I'm not quite sure what it was

>> No.10736468

If you change the word vocaloid by AKB48 or any of the morning musume stuff you'll get the same result.

>> No.10736470


Does it begin with T?

Im trying really hard to remember.

>> No.10736471


I am not hating, I am simply asking the Vocaloid fan since it is beyond my comprehension.

>> No.10736472


Because the most important thing in music is not the music but the personality of the singer.

>> No.10736474

>beyond my comprehension

Well theres your problem

>> No.10736478

Is this a joke?

>> No.10736482

obviously >>10736472 is a sarcasm. But the Vocaloid fan seems into the character wayyy more than the music itself.
Anyway I get it now

>> No.10736714
File: 223 KB, 600x600, Hatsune.Miku.full.689464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im studying a Music Career on the university because Vocaloid.
The last month I talked with a teacher, and he get interested in the technology.
Anyways, he gives me the dvd's from Symphonic Choirs.

I think Symphonic Choirs > Vocaloid

Can we share our creations?

>> No.10736742

So, basically these people don't care about making music and are just in it because "Miku iz kawaii and Oliver and Len are kawaii shotas singing mah songs lel here's Big Al singing Levan Polkaa guise x3"?
I hate it.

>> No.10736772

Anon is always me ♥

>> No.10736784

The only good vocaloid I've heard is oster project. The rest is hobbyist shit.

>> No.10736792


>> No.10736807

Vocaloidist = Vocaloid secondary?

>> No.10736846

Oster Project is a producer. So, you mean Oster does good songs?

I think you didn't heard DECO*27 song or Jin (from Kagerou Project).

Take this song o/

>> No.10736873

OSTER's best songs are piano/keyboard instrument stuff
look up demon fire or blue rose or 13th friday or dazzling destiny

even that song they did for sengoku collection was better than most of their vocaloid stuff imo

kagerou daze is one of their best vocaloid songs though if not the best

>> No.10737024
File: 42 KB, 350x469, 87916a95ecd2be3dbe4fd2f52d5ed8e069a11cb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pieces, however, are arranged by humans (for now).


We just need some way to algorithmically generate lyrics, and we're set. Shouldn't be too difficult given how simple most pop songs are.

>> No.10739486

It's not, but thank you for your opinion.

>> No.10741009

It is. Take your shit taste and get the fuck out of here.

>> No.10741015 [DELETED] 

I bet you think that your taste is superior because you listen to some /mu/ hipster garbage.

>> No.10741381

No, I also hate ambient noise crap. Now fuck off.

>> No.10741435

It's overrated, just like Touhou. And I don't like pop music in general either way.
