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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 16 KB, 336x258, worldfriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10709995 No.10709995 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone tried this site?

I made an account a few nights back and got a smile from a q.t 3.14 j girl

>> No.10709998


>> No.10710003


>> No.10710004

I avoid stuff like that because I don't like taking pictures of myself.

These days everyone wants a facebook with 200 pictures of yourself and a skype so they can hear your voice before they will even consider talking to you.

>> No.10710013

If I wanted a smile form a qt3.14 I would pop down to the convini and buy some milk tea. The girl always smiles at me. I should ask her out...

>> No.10710016

these sites are full of organ traders

>> No.10710037

there is a lot of qts who like anime and games on here

you guys are missing out

>> No.10710045

I'll send you ¥2000 if you ask her out.

>> No.10710048

Can I trade the organs that I've gathered in my freezer for some higher level ones?

>> No.10710072

hell for $20 I'll ask out almost anyone

>> No.10710097

I don't even know what that site is, how the HELL would a jp qtpie know about it?

Japan-guide and mixi are good enough for me, dude.

>> No.10710116


its been around for 10 years, im sure they share their database with the main .jp dating sites

>> No.10710124

"WorldFriends powers online dating for Yahoo! in Japan, as well as for major media partners in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Korea"

Perfect for yellow fever then

>> No.10710132

Show me some profiles

>> No.10710196


its best with skype, who wants to talk to someone online for days or weeks only to find out its some lonely neck beard from the next state

>> No.10710211
File: 5 KB, 206x244, kago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell me you guys are so depressed to use dating sites....

>> No.10710220
File: 179 KB, 1027x628, geek otaku party girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10710225


now board relevant

>> No.10710223

what the fuck

this is a straight rip of japan-guide

>> No.10710231
File: 89 KB, 470x370, 1313019465194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who organ market here?

>> No.10710234
File: 21 KB, 271x234, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will always be alone

>> No.10710238

I am but I don't have the balls to use such sites.
Also I guess if they would visit me here, they would laugh at me because my room is full with figurines and touhou posters and I can't even speak japanese.

What do I do /jp/? Be honest... ;_;

>> No.10710239
File: 46 KB, 426x640, kawaiicoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped jacking off about 2 or 3 weeks ago so that's the main reason I signed up

so much kawaii

>> No.10710243

dirty corean

no longer board relevant

>> No.10710246


>> No.10710249

Be a proud /jp/sie who don't need no partner.

>> No.10710252


there is a jgirl with a room the exact same

>> No.10710255

Being a /jp/sie can be so sad sometimes...

>> No.10710256

Learn japanese

go visit them

also they're usually learning english too so your japanese doesn't need to be perfect

>> No.10710277

a lot will just want to practice english with you, and be friends.

if you stay in glorious nippon you could hook up with the countless bored housewives who just want the great gaijin d while their salary man husband is away for 12 hours a day

>> No.10710291

Well where can I find one like that?

Should I really travel alone there without having any plans and not knowing japanese?

>> No.10710292

I've got no idea what you even do with a gf besides have sex with her

And I'm not even 100% on how that works

>> No.10710298

>Should I really travel alone there without having any plans and not knowing japanese?
I said ``go visit them,'' not ``wander aimlessly in Japan''.

>> No.10710299

benis in vagiina

>> No.10710301

You eat and sleep together. And take baths together. You can also watch TV together as long as you like the same shows.

>> No.10710302

u might watch a movie with her, cuddle, go to a restaurant, talk with her and gay shiet like that

>> No.10710308

search for jgirls traveling to your city, offer to show them the easy tourists spots and as long as you are not hideously deformed theres a good chance you will get laid or she will offer to show you around japan in exchange

>> No.10710310

or you will lose your kidney

>> No.10710317

>watching the electric jew

Would a cute japanese girl want to go hunting?

>> No.10710322


if your too weak to fight off a 60kg girl you deserve to lose one

besides, we have two - stop being greedy

>> No.10710325

who the hell is still scared of meeting internet people in real life?

what is this, the 90s?

>> No.10710331

That sounds scary
I don't want someone in my business all the time finding out just how hardcore I am.

>> No.10710335

I'm scared of meeting real people in real life. One of them literally urinated on me for shits and giggles in 2008.

>> No.10710347
File: 15 KB, 300x168, Hikikomorigirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japan is full of qt hikikomori with more games and manga than you

>> No.10710382

>not knowing japanese
you should get out of /jp/

>> No.10710392

The catch 22 is that there is no way to meet hikikomori

>> No.10710399

but you can meet them on internet

>> No.10710411


>> No.10710415


>> No.10710416

Probably. If it's fun, then it's fun. Unless you take too long before you even get to the prairie.

>> No.10710438

duh you use her dildo on your anohole

>> No.10710499

I'm surprised /jp/ could tell Minah is Korean usually it would have gone unnoticed for a few hours.

I'm proud of you guys~

>> No.10710506

I think my ideal relationship would be one where we both shut ourselves in two separate rooms and communicate over email or some sort of post-it note system. Then if we both agreed on a time and date, we'd have a sort of neutral no man's land like a living room or a kitchen where we could meet to watch movies and maybe hold hands.

>> No.10712352

We're here for you.

>> No.10713880

a lot of hot women in their 30s and up

truly they have the best genes
