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10703641 No.10703641 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when you're on a losing streak? Do you stop and leave it for another day, or do you fight the universe and play until you win?

>> No.10703642

What a terrible thread this is!

>> No.10703645

I stop. Continuing will make me angry.

>> No.10703650 [DELETED] 

A nigger, a Jew and a grossly obese Mexican walk into a gay bar. They approach a cum-gargling faggot with a 2-inch long, always flaccid penis using a laptop at a table.

"You wanna come back to our place?" the nigger asks the faggot. "You can toss my mexican friend's rancid herpes-and-shit-covered salad and jerk my Jewish friend's wart-and-pimple covered penis while I ram my giant unlubed nigger-cock into your gaping oft-fucked asshole."

"Literally nothing in the world would make me happier," says the faggot. "But first i need to start a 'What do you do when you're on a losing streak?' thread on /jp/. It will just take a moment."

>> No.10703651

I usually stop after 3 loses in row, depending on what game. More losses if the games are shorter.

>> No.10703656

Best to take a breather, relax and stop thinking about it for a while. If you keep going you just get agitated and more prone to make stupid little errors that you magnify into disasters.

It's also best to avoid the pathetic gambler's thinking. You're not bound to win just because you had a losing streak and some times reducing losses is the best you can hope for.

>> No.10703658

I get depressed because I suck at the game and stop playing the game completely

>> No.10703660

I keep playing, and I keep losing. Breaking out of Tenhou's equalizer is suffering.

>> No.10703667

Sometimes you're not entirely sure if it's happening though. Like you'll end 3rd or 4th once and think nothing of it and go on, then you look back to your last 20 games and realize you did not end 1st once, only a 2nd here and there.

>> No.10703670

Never end on a loss Anonymous.

>> No.10703677

I stop playing for a while and come back later. I get frustrated when I lose too much and it's hard for me to play mahjong when I'm frustrated or annoyed.

>> No.10703691

If you're talking about mahjong you shouldn't think like that. Everyone loses their fair share of games, the game is all about breaking out of the average, if even by just a tiny amount.

>> No.10703697

what do you prefer?

Start strong end weak. Start weak end strong.

Anyway you will never win a tournament if you start weak because you will eliminited very early.

>> No.10703729

Aren't tournaments usually decided by the average over a certain amount of games? If it were elimination, I would go on the offensive early and try to make something of what I've got while keeping points lost to a minimum. It would be similar to Tenhou style of playing, where I do whatever it takes to make other people's east rounds pass as fast as possible.

>> No.10703827

I get depressed too, but I keep playing anyway. Not like I have anything better to do, and losing in a video game is far more productive than staring at the ceiling and masturbating all day like I used to do years ago.

>> No.10703904

I take a 5 - 30 minute break and come back to it.

>> No.10703934

you can play perfectly and still lose

skill is determined by accumulated tiny victories over long periods of time. it's why you're generally supposed to play it safe when you can- in the short run, you aren't going to win many hands, but in the long run you'll do better than half of everyone else without having to do anything.

>> No.10703988
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So why do people do shit like this?
Had a good iishanten for a mentanpin dora 2 and could've gotten a reversal until kamicha decided to win a 1000 poang hand even though it's the last round and he's in fourth

>> No.10704012

because pressing buttan and receiving points, even when you still lose, is gratifying.

I know I had a group of guys I liked to play with and whenever someone fell into dead last they'd start pulling shit just to make people angry. I've actually passed on a tsumo before when I knew it'd let the guy I didn't like win as a result. Unless you're playing for money, there's no incentive not to play like that.

>> No.10704077

Personally, I don't really understand what's so gratifying about winning a shit hand like that.
Even if I was losing, I'd still aim for a haneman and get in 3rd

It's also pretty strange that someone trigger happy like that didn't call riichi the moment he was in tenpai

>> No.10704258

If I quit after a few losses, I'll play again the next day or even in a few hours. If I lose a whole bunch, I may not even play for a week or more.
