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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10703298 No.10703298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are tall, strong Japanese women so beautiful?

>> No.10703308

look at her skeleton arms and her non-existent butt


>> No.10703320

>non-existent butt
look closer

>> No.10703326

I find it interesting to see a short man surrounded by many tall girls.

>> No.10703331

that's not a butt dood. even men have more of a butt than her

>> No.10703332

That's a guy

>> No.10703340

Her arms and legs are beautiful!

>> No.10703351
File: 12 KB, 150x426, 150px-Skeleton2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know right

pic related, so beautiful

>> No.10703358

Take your neurotypical taste elsewhere and find yourself a fat hog.

>> No.10703362
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at least I don't like men lmbo

>> No.10703363 [DELETED] 
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>fat hog

>> No.10703365

Did you know that the opposite of neurotypical is autistic?

>> No.10703372

>non-existent butt
But where will she poop from?

>> No.10703374

Get out of here Sudo!

>> No.10703389 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 1280x853, sudodanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10703417

Because she could hug me protectively without me having to awkwardly stoop down.

>> No.10703423

Someone took a picture of me yesterday, my arms are just like hers, how do I stop being a lanky faggot?

>> No.10703432

B-but that's the point! You want a tall person to be much taller than you.
Almost to the point of intimidation...

>> No.10703438

Isn't the girl normal and the guy just really short?

>> No.10703440

fuck off

>> No.10703441

Intimidation sounds scary.

>> No.10703442

Eat properly, work on your posture and try to lift some weights or something

>> No.10703449

It can be. But it's nice if the person in friendly.

>> No.10703447

Probably a mix of both. She's very tall for a Japanese girl and he's probably slightly below average for a Japanese guy.

>> No.10703452

I shouldn't have asked such a simple question, should I?
When I stop being lanky I'll warn /jp/ about it and we can go out intimidating people.

>> No.10703454

Then why are two people of different height-castes associating? It's uncouth.

>> No.10703456

10/10 would look up again.

>> No.10703462

I always imagined /jp/ as a bunch of pathetically short, unintimidating guys.
I'm only 5'5" myself. Guess I was projecting...

>> No.10703467

>I'm only 5'5" myself. Guess I was projecting...
Maybe you were, I'm 202 cm tall (6 feet 7.5 inches according to the internet).
But hey, I'm really weird looking, so we are all on the same boat.

>> No.10703486
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Holy balls that's tall! How do you doorways!?

>> No.10703488

It's called a fetish.

>> No.10703499

Well it's not like I don't have knees you know.

>> No.10703504

Who is that girl anyway?

>> No.10703506

I'm 180+cm and look like one of those hobos who assault people for fun.
But inside I'm a gentle little butterfly~

>> No.10703509

>hobos who assault people for fun
Where are you from?

>> No.10703515
File: 70 KB, 937x534, disgusting saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being short and liking tall women
>not being tall and liking short women

get gud shortlords

>> No.10703521

This is >>10703467, really short women are the worst.

>> No.10703523

>tfw 6'6 and massive as fuck and can't go anywhere without everyone glaring at you

>> No.10703528

Learn to take advantage of that

>> No.10703530

I don't know if they actually do, I've just seen some who look like they would.
Though I may just be a little bit paranoid.

>> No.10703538

not even

>> No.10703541
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pic related: u getting laughed at your whole childhood

>> No.10703543

Well I'm 187cm and I look like a panda bear or so my friends used to call me.

But inside, I'm like that MC of Polar Bear Cafe.

>> No.10703545

Whoa I never had the chance to get a good look at those two, they are awfully ugly.

>> No.10703548

I bet he got rejected by every girl he liked. Haha!

>> No.10703555

But he's their height. Couldn't they relate to him more?

>> No.10703558
File: 127 KB, 352x243, bawKB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

199 cm here
In dancing class girls refused to dance with me, I had to pair up with a teacher

>> No.10703563

It's the opposite. A woman wants a strong and robust man. Not a puny little short nerd.

>> No.10703562

I'm 5'11", 140 lbs
I just look like a pale skinned Russki despite barely having any Slavic in my blood, mostly French

>> No.10703567

Height for women is just as important as facial features. It's the first thing they look at.

>> No.10703574

>165.1 cm
That's definitely some projection there.

>> No.10703578

What about short men who like tall women?
Do those tall women want someone even taller?

>> No.10703579

Most women won't care as long as you're taller than them.
Trust me, I'm an expert on women.

>> No.10703581

B-but you're on /jp/...

>> No.10703582

doctor professor, you must be

>> No.10703585

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10703587

I wish you could see more of her feet

>> No.10703589

As long as the guy is shorter than the girl she wont accept him.

>> No.10703595

Do tall women have large feet?

>> No.10703602

It must be lonely to be a 6.5 Japanese girl then.

>> No.10703622

It'd be cute if they did and were shy about it

>> No.10703625
File: 212 KB, 1280x800, 1364904926582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But what ethnic group are you in?

I'm also 5'5 but I'm Chinese ethnicity so I can "blame" it on that East Asian genetics. Still massively sucks though.

>> No.10703635

What if you asked a tall girl to help you cross-dress. Then, once you were in a pretty outfit, you asked her to date you...or something.
Since you're in your skirt you're not a boy anymore, so she cannot reject your proposal.
It makes perfect sense...I think.

>> No.10703637
File: 597 KB, 888x868, 1344487396633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, you are making me feel bad...
I'm a short, skinny, gentle man that just wants to be loved tenderly by a tall, strong woman.
Whatever, this is why I prefer 2D ;_;

>> No.10703643

South African. So, like, Eastern European descent...
I have nothing to blame.

>> No.10703647
File: 223 KB, 857x1200, up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only 2D was real...

>> No.10703659

Being a tall women is the equivalent of being a short man.

>> No.10703666


No its not.

>> No.10703672

Yes it is especially if you have big hands and everywhere you go you can hear people snickering and asking if you are tranny you get used to it but it hurts sometimes.

Most men don't like girls taller than them either being 5'4-5'6 is the ideal female height.

>> No.10703674
File: 573 KB, 1100x1600, 1339743302098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only...

>> No.10703679

>non-existent butt

If she had a fat booty you wouldn't be able to go as deep when doing anal.

>> No.10703699

Are there any more like this?

>> No.10703700

It would also be lewd and not cute

>> No.10703708

Tall girls are cool! I want to be hugged and protected by them.
Short girls are adorable! I want to protect them.
Girls that are around the same height are great! You can hug them without having to stoop down.

>> No.10703712


I suppose but its much easier finding someone taller than someone shorter.

>> No.10703714

I can't take it when they give the measurements and you realize the huge girl is actually way shorter than you.

>> No.10703715

You aint gettin' any!

>> No.10703723

>self inserting

>> No.10703734

Being an American is great sometimes. Actual height make no different to me as I have no idea when it comes to measurements in cm.

>> No.10703748

Normally, people wouldn't be proud of being an idiot. That's Americlaps for you.

>> No.10703753


I was thinking the same thing. Being proud of being ignorant. Seriously...

>> No.10703778

Morans go home

>> No.10703780


>> No.10703782 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.10703788 [DELETED] 

what do you think you are doing. you know this isn't allowed

>> No.10703791

I like tall girls if she's like 170-178cm. So at least it's not freakishly tall for my 184cm height.

>> No.10703799
File: 857 KB, 1100x1600, 1304623342060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she's tall to me.
The whole point kinda is tall girl with short boy.
If you're a tall guy too, it doesn't really have the same effect.

>> No.10703811
File: 385 KB, 829x1200, 1325568704193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10703842

>St. Vagooo Academy
Sounds fishy.

>> No.10703867

Playfully bullied by a tall girl who really likes you but is shy about admitting it

>> No.10703873

You know I get tired of hearing "bullys you because she likes you" do people honestly think that girls can't honestly hate a man without wanting to fuck/love him?

>> No.10703881

Girls who are genuinely repulsed by you will do best to stay away from you.

>> No.10704119

I've read these. Also there is this girl I know and she was quite taller than me. We even went to grade school, junior high, and high school together. She was a year older. Grant it that she was never interested in me, but she knew I had a soft spot for her. She use to tease me about that. She was never the one to be lovely dovey like the two doujinshi I replied to, but she use to play with my hair sometimes. If anything there was a shorter girl who was my sempi who dragged me around the school like the doujinshi. She was never serious about it, though sometimes she or other friends would tell me she was in a silly manner. She even told me to kiss her in the hallway after school with others while laughing and puckering her lips. I could never take her serious. A few times people were like "Can you guys just fuck and get it over with". I prefer tall dark haired girls that drag me around as I unwillingly look as if I am annoyed though. I have no image to match my story though.

>> No.10704218

> 5'4-5'6 is the ideal female height.

lolno. 5'4" (162cm) here and I still got picked on in school for my height. Probably because everyone here is at least 190cm. Freaks, all of them.

>> No.10704251

That's a cute story.

>> No.10704257

Objectively speaking, I think the best combination is to be tall and liking tall women. Gotta pass on the best genes.

>> No.10704261

Oedipus complex.

>> No.10704269

Tall girls are icky.

>> No.10704272

I've been taller than my mother since I was about 7.

How can you even call yourself a man if taller woman make you think of your mother?

>> No.10704275

But my mom is small.
Sometimes I bully her because she's so tiny compared to me.

>> No.10704277

Well, most people who have oedipal complexes probably developed them when they were fairly young and shorter than their mothers. Even if you outgrow the woman, the taller woman ideal still sticks around in your head. i have no training in psychology so write this off as bullshit

>> No.10704280

>Oedipus complex.
What lol. No it isn't. That's retarded. I know what you're implying, but there is no way.

>> No.10704285

Height isn't a real issue for women like it is with men.

Be under 5'9" and you're basically a second class citizen

>> No.10704304

It's even worse when you live in a country where 5'9" is below average height.

>> No.10704307

My mom's 182 and my sister is 185 and they're not even that tall compared to some women that I've seen.

>> No.10704327

Ha. Mum's are short, so it doesn't make too much sense. One could argue that you're seeking out your childhood memories of your mother in a taller woman, but your majority of your life is spent being taller than her. The theory also states that your mother stayed at home taking care of you and when your father comes home he takes all the attention away from you. My father worked from within the home, so it was always him taking care of me or if I wasn't at the babysitter's he was the one to pick me up first and then my mother would come home from work. According to that theory I should be gay, because of my mother "stealing (lmao)" my father's affection, but I am not remotely gay. Sigmund is full of shit, just like his complexes.

>> No.10704329

noice. is this because all growth hormones americans pump in their food?

>> No.10704337 [DELETED] 

manlet creepers

>> No.10704338

Not that anon, but yeah America does this and it also makes us all loo much older than we are or should look like.

>> No.10704346

Which means big girls are common in murica. Don't use that standard with jpsies pls. They are the supreme race.

>> No.10704360

Life is so unfair. If only I was a few inches taller! There's no doubt all of my dreams would have come true.

>> No.10704366

The Manlet: The True Underdog Story

>> No.10704367

American master here
I'm only 5'11" and I rarely see girls as tall as me, much less girls taller than me.

>> No.10704368

Average female height is quite low for America actually, compared to some Euro countries.

>> No.10704371

do you live on the moon or something?
i've never seen a woman over 180cm

>> No.10704374

I live in Norway..land of tall people

>> No.10704383
File: 69 KB, 682x400, grange-hill-cast_68_431574a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid it used to confuse me when I watched American teen movies and television shows. Everyone was so old, and when I hit puberty I found it strange that everyone didn't look like the twentysomethings that I saw in my American high school dramas.

Here in the UK we've generally had a tradition of casting actual teenagers in films and television programmes. I've never understood why the US seems to be against doing this.

>> No.10704388

the average female height there is 168cm, only 3cm more than in my country
you probably live with a circus freak show

>> No.10704400

How rude.

>> No.10704407

But my mom is shorter than I am.

>> No.10704409

I'm 5'3"

what are my odds of getting into one of those tall woman short man JAVs?

>> No.10704412

are you japanese?
if not, then 0%

>> No.10704426

There are JAVs like that?

>> No.10704428

My mother is a midget compared to the rest of the family. She's 166cm compared to my father who is 207cm, it must've gotten awkward between them a few times.

>> No.10704441

So regular men and women can say "omg he/she is so hot I'd fuck them" without someone flipping out because they're highschoolers.

>> No.10704446

Yeah. It's because America is run by a bunch of retards.

>> No.10704455

Are there JAVs focusing on tall women's big feet?

>> No.10704486

Is that Shiratori Akira? Care to give the link or jav name at least?

>> No.10704521

5'6 here
I'm eating more and running in hopes of getting a few more inches
I'm 19 so it's probably futile

There's always that Illegal height surgery they do in China

>> No.10704936

Height surgery is extremely costly and painful. Do you really think a few inches will automatically make your life better?

>> No.10705013

im a girl
I have large feet and it sucks
Can't find shoes and I feel weird about them
And I am not even tall

>> No.10705018

It would be easier to just find a dwarf and be tall by comparison.

>> No.10705025

Did you honestly let those shitty 'manlet' troll pics get to you?
It's just childish schoolyard bullying, nobody in the real world cares how short you are.

>> No.10705033

>nobody in the real world cares how short you are.
except they do
short people have lower wages on average

>> No.10705057

>Do you really think a few inches will automatically make your life better?
Without a single doubt.

>> No.10705166

pics pls

>> No.10705171 [SPOILER] 
File: 1016 KB, 2048x1536, neetfeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10705175

7/10 would lick

>> No.10705194

Cut your fucking nails. Long nails uncomfortable and ugly.

>> No.10705251

Why are your feet so hairy?

>> No.10705262


>> No.10705275
File: 74 KB, 609x540, sadsquid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a tall American waito piggu I will never know the feel of being a short manlet teased by a taller Japanese woman.

>> No.10705295
File: 399 KB, 1050x1500, Sasaki_pornby_Raita4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am 5'8 and I want a tall dominant girl to embrace my entire body and pin me down and love me forever.

>> No.10705297

I masturbate too much

>> No.10705305

Once again no it's not

There will always be someone that likes tall girl.

No one and I mean absolutely no one likes short guys.

Especially in this day and age where only tall and skinny guys seem to be the new hotness these days

>> No.10705329

>Everyone was so old, and when I hit puberty I found it strange that everyone didn't look like the twentysomethings that I saw in my American high school dramas.

The reason for this is american is so fucking paranoid about being pedophile that they cast 20-40 years olds for their "young" teenagers for anything.

even in voice acting you dont even hear a sliver of innocents or immaturity becuase they cast old bitches for their VA and their actors in general.

>> No.10705337


you dont realize just how much hight actually matters to people especially in men

If you are anywhere under six feet tall you can just forget about anything you wish to achieve in life.

>> No.10705339

There are girls who like guys as tall as them. There are also guys who like guys shorter than them.

>> No.10705347

I dont believe it and it is simply not true.

If anything it is only out of pity.

>> No.10705356

You mean the cute tall girls in my JAVs don't actually like short guys?

>> No.10705369

I dont know about the JAVs or the girls in the east.

But from what I gather, girls in the east dont seem to care as much about guys heights like the girls in the west do

>> No.10705404

cute strong japanese woman

Akari Mizushima featured in OPs pic

>> No.10705469

This thread is depressing ;_;

>> No.10705486

It is true. You're way of thinking is irrational.

>> No.10705555

The videos of tall Japanese women on YouTube aren't nearly long enough. It's so sad...

>> No.10705576


YES! The camera pans down to her cute feet 10 seconds in~~

>> No.10705576,1 [INTERNAL] 

nice blogshit thread

/jp/ - double standards.

This is why I don't regret taking my shits on here. It's always /jp/ telling some guy to go to /abv/, etc while posting cocksucking threads

You nerds never cease to amaze me

>> No.10705583


haha oh wow

>> No.10705583,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit get a load of this redditor, so assmad

>> No.10705606

There used to be one where they measured a really tall girl's foot. I haven't been able to find it since, but it was adorable to see her embarrassed about their size.

>> No.10705606,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10705656

Short guys are often familiar with the irrational feeling of inadequancy so they're less likely to demand silly circus tricks from me.

I hope you don't have complexes about being around unsexy people. I know I dislike being around those who are deeply concerned about their appearance when the pay isn't running. You can stop chasing one-nighters after you reach a certain point in life, you know.

>> No.10705833

What are you talking about? It took me a while to try and figure out what you are trying to get at. I dont buy hookers or anything. I havent even had sex.

I just know that the majority of girls like taller guys and those who like smaller guys are the minority if there is any.

>I hope you don't have complexes about being around unsexy people.

What do you mean? I am highly self concious becuase I know I am ugly. I have sever acne and acne scars and I am really pale. The the second part I prefer to be that way.

I dont try to fool myself that I am better than someone else by trying to surround myself with subjectively uglier people. I dont even get to that point of meeting up with another person anyways.

>> No.10705843

Surprised no one posted those tall = alpha and manlet images yet.

>> No.10705893

Think of something. Anything will do.

Got it?

It is someones fetish.

>> No.10705935

Maple-syrup covered Lego bricks?

>> No.10705948

>I havent even had sex.
Me neither.
>I have sever acne and acne scars and I am really pale.
Me too. I'm sorry for being slightly blunt. I had no idea what you might look like.
>I dont try to fool myself that I am better than someone else by trying to surround myself with subjectively uglier people.
Now we got to the point. In real life, there are many guys in their twenties who act like complete bitches: they genuinely dislike being around pussy deflectors. It's their learned reaction and it sometimes sticks with them for a long time.

Co-operation is so much more pleasant when people drop the habit of continuously regressing back to their high school jock days. Thinking about advancing the society is more creative.

>> No.10705978

my favorite <3

>> No.10706062

/cgl/ is that you

>> No.10706468

I'm a girl and I'm 5 feet tall. Every man is taller than me, I've only ever seen one man shorter than me, but he was Mexican or something and I think he had something actually wrong with him. I would prefer a man on the shorter side, because then romantic things feel less awkward to do and have less bending and standing on tip toes and such. But short men are hard to find, most men are around a foot taller than me.

There are elementary school children that are taller than me ;_;

>> No.10706488

I am having serious deja-vu. Is this one of theose ``copypasta''

>> No.10706543

Kill yourself dwarf.

>> No.10706560

Are you cute I'll date you

>> No.10706581


I'm taken, but I was just commenting to all the short men in this thread. They are hard to find. Where are you guys hiding!

>> No.10706593

fuck off slut

>> No.10706614


Actually, now that I think about it, we're probably too short to see each other to find each other. ;_;

>> No.10706624

I'm 5'7" it's ok

>> No.10706649

I'm always attracted to short girls. Someone who comes up to not even my shoulders is nice.

>> No.10706704


How tall is your boyfriend / girlfriend?

And what ethnicity are you two?

>> No.10706740


He is 5'10", we are both white.

>> No.10706782
File: 440 KB, 240x180, planetes_-_nono_splash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you have a secret pedo relationship with a tall lunarian girl that looks older than she is?

>> No.10706790


Thats like a foot difference.

>> No.10706792

All of you people should just have a massive lewd orgy. No restraints.

>> No.10706803


>> No.10706804


Like I said, it's hard to find men closer to my height. Even Asian ones.

>> No.10706807

Yes, yes I would.

>> No.10706811

Where are you located? There's a bunch here (including myself)

>> No.10706814

Ewwww, dems some ugly feet.
