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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10700850 No.10700850[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ hate girls that have the same interests as us?

>> No.10700853

Why don't you go back to watching their live feeds and reading their kawaii blogs, fag.

>> No.10700855
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>> No.10700860

On women liking anme:

- Attention seeking posers.
- Genuinly interested but hideously deformed/fat.
- Yaoi loving fujoshi.

Pick one.

>> No.10700866

Women are invaders of male space. Even with good intentions they can disrupt the harmony and balance in the male relationship equilibrium.

Look at what they are doing to video games. We don't need them here.

>> No.10700869

don't project your opinions onto the whole board turggyfag

>> No.10700871

Sexism is wrong.

>> No.10700878


Western videogames were always shit.

>> No.10700882
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My mom is making an arranged marriage for me and I hate it. She needs me to have children to keep the family business.

Can anyone please pretend to be girlfriend? Just for a week I need to convince her that I'm not a loser.

>> No.10700883

You were born too late.

>> No.10700887

Can I have one of your daughters?

>> No.10700889

You can only fool so many /jp/sies into your torture dungeon with these made-up stories.

>> No.10700890

Where's that collage of all the girls that have posted on /jp/.

We don't mind them as much as they mind us. /jp/ isn't even that misogynist but they hate our ilk.

>> No.10700892

I don't want to have kids, just fool her into thinking that I will.

I'm not scheming anything I swear.

>> No.10700893

I don't hate them, I hate the obsessive, annoying ones.
I find girl with a decent powerlevel but not super obsessive to be fairly cute/charming.

>> No.10700896

If you're posting on /jp/ and you're putting pictures of yourself up on /jp/, then you are an attention whore, by default. I understand all of you are too new and underage to understand why that is a bad thing, but please attempt to reason out the solution in that peanut you call a brain.

>> No.10700900

Why are you lecturing them about attention whoring?

Knock it off

>> No.10700903

Not to mention Tokikes squad has women in it.. Think about them and the girls in the collage for a minute.

Now ask yourself, why is such a minority of /jp/'s userbase (and this site in general) so invested in destroying it? Because they are subversives who do not belong here.

>> No.10700904

how do two porcupines mate?

>> No.10700905

Very carefully.

>> No.10700906

piss off guys i'm minding my own business

>> No.10700907

Because usually they're not actually interested in what they claim to be interested in. Girls often just pretend to like things so they can have an excuse to be a part of communities and fandoms that they can be an attention whore in. Girls are much more likely to be incapable of enjoying anything more than receiving attention than men are.

>> No.10700908

>attention whore tripfag lecturing others on attention whoring

>> No.10700909

milk responded to my tweets guys

>> No.10700913

Girls are much more likely to be incapable of enjoying anything more than receiving attention than men are.

>> No.10700915

And when it comes down to it, /jp/ is 2D, not 3D. If you want to do 3D stuff, go somewhere else. Idolfriends are the only exception, because they don't believe in 3D women, but imaginary ideas.

>> No.10700916
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Because they keep trying to take my virginity away.

>> No.10700917

If you're going to start a thread about girls, at least have one in the picture you post.

>> No.10700918

hye heres my steam account add me pls dude ;)

>> No.10700920

idolfags are not friends


>> No.10700922

Mad bleed slit detected and obviously so new that she don't even know about the White Ren syndicate.

>> No.10700923

i dont talk to faggots

>> No.10700931

What about lesbians that have /jp/ hobbies?

>> No.10700932 [DELETED] 

lmao at getting sensitive over greentext, you got mindfucked kid

>> No.10700933

They like them if they're 2D.

>> No.10700937 [DELETED] 

btw you got fucking owned

>> No.10700938 [DELETED] 

so u dont talck to yourseLF? LMAO OWNED

>> No.10700947 [DELETED] 


>> No.10700948

I'm not a misogynist or a virgin nerd, I just want a boy's club type deal to get away from them.

You want to know what girls bring? Go to rebbit, tumblr, or imgur. Check out what they talk about. Those are majority female places and they're shit.

What is wrong with having a place primarily male? Just leave and go somewhere else if you're a girl.

>> No.10700948,1 [INTERNAL] 

Lol he did it right before deleting the thread. This janitor is headed for burn out soon.

>> No.10700948,2 [INTERNAL] 

Same thing happened to SA. You let a bunch of cunts in and they feminize and destroy the place. They're like jews except there's more of them and individually they are much weaker.

>> No.10700948,3 [INTERNAL] 

Unfortunately perfectly reasonable logic like this ends up causing them to want to join the club even more.

>> No.10700948,4 [INTERNAL] 

They always show the same signs.

>> No.10700948,5 [INTERNAL] 


It's happening.
