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1069904 No.1069904 [Reply] [Original]

They still have the death penalty in Japan

>> No.1069907


I like how you included USA in 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.1069909

More countries should have death penalty.

>> No.1069910

I have some news for you.

>> No.1069914

Isn't it just Texas that has the death penalty?

>> No.1069916

Oh wait, I'm thinking the chair, or something.

>> No.1069923
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>1st world

>> No.1069925


I think it's debateable exactly where the US is on the scale, but I'll tell you one thing; it's no higher than China.

Both countries have about the same super rich:living in poverty ratio these days.

You might be living well, fucking about on 4chan living in some American suburb or city, and Charlie the Ching Chong Chinaman might be doing the same in brazil, but there are like 5 people living in squalor in some trailer park/communist farming plot shithole for every one of you.

>> No.1069929


ITT: We have no fucking clue what we are talking about.

>> No.1069935

Yeah I mean not like those dudes that get life in prison are helping by sucking up taxpayer money and getting buttsexed.

>> No.1069936

until most people live in homes with toilets, baths and/or showers and more than 2 rooms, Japan is NOT a first-world country

>> No.1069940
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>it's no higher than China

I'm not a US fag, but even this makes me facepalm.

>> No.1069942

until most people are white, japan is not a first world country

>> No.1069943

Well, then, Japan is a 1st world country.

>> No.1069945

Until Japan takes 6 more nukes, it's not a first world country

>> No.1069946

until Japan makes CP illegal, it's not a first-world country

until Japan makes P legal, it's not a first-world country

>> No.1069950

The other way around idiot.

>> No.1069962

Wow you guys are such stupid fuckers it amazes me.
North Korea is not a 3rd world country.
This guy should just go kill himself. With comments that stupid your just thinning our gene pool.

>> No.1069964

>North Korea is not a 3rd world country.

>> No.1069967

Also, I don't remember Malaysia being 3rd world.

>> No.1069970

We can tell: A. you arent from america B. You dont know your shit.

>> No.1069974
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>>North Korea is not a 3rd world country.

>> No.1070008

Europe is the worst 3rd world country.

>> No.1070016
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>North Korea is not a 3rd world country.

>> No.1070021

every country with a high crime rate should have death penalty.

>> No.1070028

Singapore was a 3rd world country?

>> No.1070179

We're not that awesome to be 1st world... Our minds are still 3rd

>> No.1070182


>>every country with a high nigger rate should have death penalty.


>> No.1070188

Correct, it's a 2nd world country. Commies, you know?

>> No.1070207

Nobody uses the words like that anymore.

>> No.1070235

America cannot be classed as 1st world. They don't even own their own country any more, if China and Japan call in their loans Zimbabwe will look like a bastion of economic prosperity in comparison.

>> No.1070239

>Both countries have about the same super rich:living in poverty ratio these days.

I don't think so.

Then again, it depends on how you define first world and third world. My idea of a first world country is a place where people get rewarded for their achievements, and people with potential and talent can push their abilities to the limit. If some poor sods can't cut it, they should keep trying, and if they fail, well, they were probably shit anyway. You can't win at life without somebody losing. If somebody can sit around doing nothing all day getting fat off tax money which is half your salary, he is the winner and you are the loser.

>> No.1070242

You don't know how America works do you?
The US always cancels whatever debt it has.
Basically, any country loaning money to the US for profit is getting fucked in the ass.
Enjoy giving free shit to Americans.
However, these reserves are useful for other purposes, such as buying oil, trade, pressuring the fucking US, etc.

>> No.1070245

>You can't win at life without somebody losing.

You've obviously never been to Scatman's World. beebopbopbeedibop

>> No.1070248

The living standards in China are actually fairly decent considering they have to support over a billion god damn people. I mean, just think about that for a second. If the US had 1.6 billion people I can guarantee you it'd be a hellhole the likes of which you can't imagine.

At any rate I'm surprised Japan still has the death penalty.

>> No.1070249


>Then again, it depends on how you define first world and third world. My idea of a first world country is a place where people get rewarded for their achievements, and people with potential and talent can push their abilities to the limit.

That's the definition of 3rd world.

Nah, joke aside, 3rd world is defined by life expectancy, litteracy etc.

To joke again, 1st world is where socialism has become a reality.

Once people have money, it's so easy to make them forget it's hard earning some.

>> No.1070252

How would they force the US to pay if it didn't want to? Neither country has a chance if it's army against army.

>> No.1070254

there's no social security in China.
It's easier than in the US.
But they're going to implement it soon enough, give it ten years.
It'll be rough economically for a while over there.

>> No.1070256

>>1st world is where socialism has become a reality.

Yeah, we saw how well that worked out in Cambodia. Dohoho.

>> No.1070257

>However, these reserves are useful for other purposes, such as buying oil, trade, pressuring the fucking US, etc.

>buying oil

Better start another war or two to stop them trading in Euros, the dollar is tanking bad and won't be the world currency for much longer.

If the US cancels their foreign debt then you'll get bugger all international investment, their only hope of surviving will be turning all North Korea commie like.

>> No.1070262

That's communism.
Socialism is what we have in europe.
Look sweden, finland, france, etc.
It sucks to have the result of you own work taken away from you.

>> No.1070265

Sure is /n/ in here.

>> No.1070266


I don't know. It's deeply ingrained in their culture that the elderly are to be taken care of by their children.

>> No.1070267

and what if the US calls all of its debts around the world? ball rolls both ways. not only that, if they called those debts their economies would be crushed by losing imports to our country.

Do you people even think before you start typing? Oh wait, nevermind.

>> No.1070268

I remember this thread being at least slightly less stupid the first time around.

Reposts are like a barometer for /jp/'s decline.

>> No.1070274

Well, they've already done it before.
And it didn't shitstorm much.
There was some time before Nix when you could exchange dollars legally for gold.
The US killed that.
That was basically a "fuck you" to all american debt holders, seeing as how all their money was now completely debased.
Nixon reversed the situation with that thing.

Plus, the US also kills it's debt by devaluating the dollar, they're used to it.

It's by fucking the world over the US stays the most powerful country, people don't understand they're giving free money to people who'll never pay them back.

>> No.1070276

Yeah we have such concepts like filial piety and take care of our parents, out of love and to repay them for making us what we are. Heard that old people over in the US actually sell their houses and move themselves to retirement homes to die a lonely death? The fuck are their kids doing.

>> No.1070280


Hey man, I didn't ask to be born!

>> No.1070283

Yes, that's part of their culture but a developped country NEEDS social security, there's already much social unrest in China.
People who have a hard time working are exposed to huge inflation.
And commodities take more on their budget than they take on yours and mine.

This is why China will probably using a part of it's US dollar reserve to finance the creation of it's social security plan in a near future.
That and absorbing the rising costs of commodities.

>> No.1070284

They'd be hurt in doing so, no doubt, but they'd only be hurt. The USA would be absolutely destroyed.

>> No.1070286

World economics makes my head hurt. WHY do deeply indebted countries not give a shit and keep on spending, why don't the countries that own lots of debts not ask for their money back and more confusingly, keep GIVING them money knowing they'll never get it back? Why god why.

>> No.1070288

Seriously, no, the US plays on people's stupidity, you'll always find somebody to loan you money if you're the US.
Plus, it's not like they actually say " HEY FUCK YOU ALL WE OWE YOU NOTHING", it's by doing things like , say, devaluating the $ and stuff like that that they turn their debt into nothing.

>> No.1070290

It would cause a very deep global recession, there is no reason to do it, ever. Someone mentioned holding debt to devalue the dollar so that they can leverage it to buy oil. THAT is what China is doing and it's fueled their economic growth over the last ten years. There is no doubt in my mind that the fall of the dollar due to foreign holding and the import of 73% of our required oil per day (resulting in 400+ billion dollars of money to leave our economy (more than the entire Iraq war has cost every year)) is what is pulling our dollar and our economy down.

The solution: become a net exporter of oil instead of a net importer of oil.

ITT: Solutions for the failures of American Government.

>> No.1070292

I'd say most countries don't reasonably assume that they won't get their money back.
Plus, pension funds etc.

Indebted countries keep spending more because they won't see the consequences before tens of years, and it might restart their economy following a keynesian scheme ( govt spend more = people from country get money = people spend money = demand goes up) of course, that's basic and only works in cases where people don't spend that money on foreign products.

>> No.1070297

If the dollar falls too low the oil exporters will stop accepting dollars and demand another currency, be it euros or rubles, outside of war (Iraq), you can't really do anything to stop them.

>> No.1070304

>The solution: become a net exporter of oil instead of a net importer of oil.
What are the citizens going to do when the gas prices soars to the sky because the government wants to export oil instead of using it for internal consumption? Vote for another guy and become a net importer again.

>> No.1070305

Well, the US has an argument on the middle east producers that is other than economic, they protect these countries militarily and politically.
That's why the US fears non US dependent producers, such as Iran and Russia, which has now the biggest oil reserves in the world.
Those swing producers have the powers to pressure america, a thing that the middle eastern producers didn't have till now.

>> No.1070306

/jp/ - Amateur Economics

>> No.1070309

ITT: People don't know the differences between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries (They are cold war terms). China is 2nd world and will remain so (SSSR and allies (the reds)). America by definition along with most of the EU is 1st world (US and allies (the good guys)). The 3rd world is pretty much the neutral countries that hadn't developed enough to pick a side. It has more to do with how developed the country is and not its income, thats what 4th world deals with (the really poor parts of Africa).

>> No.1070311

yes, that's always been the main problem in economics, what is good for the people on the long term, isn't what they want.
People only reason on short term.
That's why developped countries can't do shit anymore.
I, as an european, have to admire China for acting so decisively ( well, not presently because they're waiting for the end of the olympics) concerning the future of their country.
Strong governments, however good they may be for the country, can sometimes be bad for it's citizens.

>> No.1070312

Read the thread, we're done with whichever world countries.

>> No.1070318

So without the US importing practically everything from everywhere how would the other countries maintain their own economies with the US no longer being a customer?

>> No.1070323

They would slow down somewhat, perhaps even go backwards in the short term, but it would be worth it.

>> No.1070324

Actually, the US doesn't imports goods from everywhere and some countries live very well without US importation.

But, China, for example, is currently dependent on the US to fuel it's growth, it's totally right, they can't afford right now to hurt the dollar, they'd risk their own economy.

But their goal is to become independent economically from the US in the mid-long term( give it 20 to fifty years to try that) so eventually, that argument might or might not become void.

>> No.1070326

srly.... everyone GTFO of /jp/

>> No.1070328

this is what /jp/ was created to be, a permanent nightshift /a/, it's the most beautiful thing.
For once, it's interesting, so please hide it.

>> No.1070334

The gas prices will not go higher as a result of becoming a net exporter of oil, it would stay about the same, the only difference would be the huge, huge boost in GDP that we'd receive from domestic production, plus the creation of a ton of jobs.

Plus, there are oil companies in the US (Valero) who do not do any drilling at all. They simply buy oil and refine it and then sell it, they still make a profit but their profit margin is down about 80% over the last year. You already saw what happened to oil prices with President Bush taking the executive order banning offshore drilling out, now with a few democrats rumbling the same thing the price is holding steady at $120.

The only thing stopping us from moving in the right direction, crazed environmentalists and Stalinesque Nancy Pelosi, who has threatened any democrat who votes for drilling. I could have sworn that representatives and senators were supposed to vote in the direction that their constituency was more inclined toward, I'm pretty sure most Americans are ready to do something about oil.

The unfortunate thing about most Americans is that along with the laundry list of other basic things they do not understand, they certainly do not understand macroeconomics.

>> No.1070345

I'd like to add, this certainly isn't a discussion for this board but it's a fairly interesting discussion, at least.

>> No.1070348

Wouldn't America be better off holding onto it and then starting to sell when it becomes more expensive? It's unlikely that a new energy source will be found any time soon.

>> No.1070349

I love death penalties

It makes me lol


>> No.1070350

One major factor, though, is the extent of the reserves present on american soil and seas, those are limited, although quite consequent.
Then again, with the reopening of some wells due to the increase in prices, the US might seriously benefit from this.

>> No.1070354

This guy knows what he's talking about.

>> No.1070362

The prices will go down, I believe the current price of oil is due to speculation, not to it's true scarcity.
If the situation calms down, everything will become fine again.

Then again, you can't trust people to make intelligent choices, so you never know what those stupid investors will think.

>> No.1070363


>srly.... everyone GTFO of /jp/

You too, little one. You too.


This is old /n/, not old nighshift /a/. But it's by far the least awful of the many /n/ threads I've seen on /jp/, at least.

>> No.1070366

eurofags are too gay to have death penalties

>> No.1070371

Oh hi there.I happen to be an expert in this area.

Here's my report


>> No.1070372

True, /a/ lacked the international dimension.

I have to say I'm very happy to have encountered this post, as it reminds me why I like this place.

Seriously, I consider my knowledge in those fields to be quite low but, as a student, it's a pleasure discussing those matters.

>> No.1070376

Amerikkkans are too soft to have hanged, drawn and quartered people.

>> No.1070377

Not necessarily, expect in the coming years different energy sources to become market viable, such as solar. The era of the hydrocarbon is coming to a close, there's no doubt in my mind but it's still got some kick left.

According to the USGS the United States holds, in its territories and its coastal waters, at least as much oil as the Middle East. Up until now, you haven't really seen those numbers because Oil Shale wasn't profitable to exploit, now it is profitable due to the increase in price.

The United States requires 1.3 million barrels of oil per day, our oil resources are at a minimum above 50 billion barrels, some geologist types are speculating into the trillions of barrels, which I'm not so sure about. Regardless, it's plenty and if you take ANWR and the amount of land they want to drill on (2000 acres, was it?) out of millions and millions of acres, it doesn't seem like some monstrous environmental catastrophe. Hell, ANWR is a swamp in the arctic circle when it's thawed and a field of ice when it's not. Furthermore, if you remember back to the super destructive Hurricane Katrina and it's path of destruction over the gulf of mexico, do you recall any talk of oceanic oil spills? No. Because those rigs are environmentally sound, the rigs were trashed but no oil escaped into the ocean thanks to good oversight and regulation.

>> No.1070381

Would you mind telling me what are the variables taken in account to do this ranking ?
GDP per capita ?

>> No.1070389


Learn economics, son

>> No.1070390


No, nightshift /a/ occasionally had stuff about the various world mythologies, the political situation of the Balkans, and other such shit.

Not so much death penalty trolls and amateur economics.

>> No.1070391

It's not just energy oil is used for, it's used in the manufacturing process of nearly everything which isn't so easy (impossible?) to replace.

We need another space race for the helium-3 on the moon.

>> No.1070396

Old /n/? I don't recall reading any "niggers niggers niggers" here. And the conversation is too civil and the troll level is way too low for /n/ews.

>> No.1070404

It wasn't a proeminent part of it though.
I mostly remember the threads about stuff like studies.
I felt like the threads were more turned towards individuals

I do remember that we had threads about economy every so often but I don't recall them being so general.

>> No.1070406

>>1070396 troll level is too low
And most importantly, there's no Invisible Sky Magician here.

>> No.1070408


Well now you're just going to invoke him. Here comes ISM persona #32451.

>> No.1070409

Well, you're certainly right in terms of the manufacturing side of things, petroleum based products and the like but the clear leader in oil consumption is fuel. As a matter of fact, I will research the manufacturing side of things a bit, it seems like a good part of the argument that is not brought up. I love doing battle with idealist environmentalists, my favorite quote is from Jurassic Park's prologue but I think it's too wall of text for here, so I urge you to look it up and read it.

The main point of it is this: "Earth has survived everything in its time. It will certainly survive us. If all the nuclear weapons in the world went off at once and all the plants, all the animals died and the earth was sizzling hot for a hundred thousand years, life would survive, somewhere: under the soil, frozen in Arctic ice. Sooner or later, when the planet was no longer inhospitable, life would spread again. The evolutionary process would begin again."

>> No.1070412

Please, just define it a bit more.
I'm too dumb to understand a simple " competitiveness".

>> No.1070416

This is amusing, as this certainly has always been my main conviction, environnementalists seem to care so much for the earth, but I believe nothing we can do can endanger permanently the world.
At most we'd erase ourselves from the universe, nothing much more.

>> No.1070417

You know what would improve the economy? Shooting all the niggers. Or better yet, you could solve the energy crisis too if you found a way to use them as some sort of organic fuel. Oh, and we should nuke all muslims too.

Is this /n/ enough yet?

>> No.1070423

I'm surprised he doesn't post here more often (under the ISM name that is).

>> No.1070425

>I'm too dumb

You best be trolling nigger

>> No.1070427
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>> No.1070428


Actually US total oil products is more around 2mil.

>> No.1070431


>> No.1070434

Okay, except that.

Nah, It's just that I'm not really used to rankings, I'm really just a student.
We don't do that much stuff.
Sorry to bother.

>> No.1070438


>> No.1070439


I love hardworking trolls


>> No.1070440

>Oh, and we should nuke all muslims too.
You should have called them "mudslimes" instead, then it would have been perfect.

>> No.1070447


>> No.1070448

Oh well, whatever, I wouldn't want to disturb anymore, I just wanted to know competitiveness relative to what, etc, all stupid stuff, really.

>> No.1070453
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stop existing

>> No.1070457

Unfortunately it's not something that can be summarized with ease, if you are interested please read about the GCI on the interwebs, it will give you an idea of what the report is all about.

>> No.1070458
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But I love Slimes.

>> No.1070464

I'll give it a try, sorry, as it must've seemed trollish and, admittedly, quite stupid, seeing as the discussion till now was of a good enough level.

>> No.1070465

Jesus fucking Christ this thread fails so much.

You fuckers need to learn your shit because the USA doesn't even own their own fucking currency. The fucking Federal Reserve is a private owned pissfuckshithole company. They loan out the fucking Dollar to the government with interest. Those fucking terrorists need to know where the fuck to blow themselves up at.

>> No.1070466
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Everyone lurvs mudslimes!

>> No.1070475

You forgot the staple of /n/, ISM. You need some bullshit statistics and shady news proving that the chinks are the worst disease of humanity in a scientific manner. Oh and political shitstorms.

>> No.1070482
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Troll is succesful.

Congratulations OP

>> No.1070484

sorry, but is that your interpretation of what this would've been in /n/ ?

>> No.1070490

Of course it does, do you understand how money creation in this economy works? You create money by lending money, I know it's a difficult concept but I'm sure with enough study you'll figure out how compounded growth occurs and how the reserve ratio balances the economy along with the open market operations and the discount rate.

>> No.1070486


>> No.1070502

Don't some private banks actually make most of the money and use the central banks as a last chance creditor ?
I recall something like that concerning europe.

>> No.1070510

Governments aren't supposed to work that way. The gold standard was much better.

Troll harder.

>> No.1070532

The gold standard has been off since Nixon.
"Money" lost all of it's palpable sense from that moment on.

>> No.1070538

Ron Paul, /b/.

>> No.1070547

/b/ never knew shit about economics, they liked Ron Paul because they found him HARCORE.

>> No.1070549

Not insulting but I guess it's time to break down how banking works in the US, since it seems to be uncommon knowledge.

At the top is the Federal Reserve, they are the bank for banks, basically. The reserves of all the banks in our country are housed here, meaning that every day every bank in the country transfers their reserves (everything they have minus cash on hand) to the Federal Reserve. From this reserve (actual reserves) each bank has a required minimum (required reserves) the difference between the two are their excess reserves. From excess reserves banks are allowed to make loans.

When a bank lends money, say $50,000 to a business, that business owes them a interest, the business then writes checks to other institutions which deposit those amounts into their respective banks, which increases their lending power.

So say the business receiving $50,000 from bank A writes a $40,000 check to business B who deposits that amount into their bank, that bank now has an additional amount in their reserves, which after taking out the small amount of required reserves now has the ability to make another $30,000(approx) in new loans.

That is how we describe the creation of money by creating deposits.

>> No.1070561



>> No.1070566
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>> No.1070567
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>> No.1070571
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>> No.1070584

So those 50 000 actually spawned more money, because the bank loaning them still virtually has them, while the bank where business B deposited the 40 000 can also use them, right ?
Also, isn't minimum deposit around ten percent or something like that?

>> No.1070585
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>> No.1070588

Which is why the Federal Reserve needs to be fucked off the planet. They control the current economy by slightly adjusting the interest rates. The US government needs to print it's own currency.

While people jokingly say Ron Paul, etc, I would of voted for him.

>> No.1070591

erm, wrong thread.

>> No.1070602

You are correct sir, it's approximately 10% right now. I believe Bernake will lower it soon since he has to raise interest rates to stem the inflation tide but that might wait another year or two.

>> No.1070606

I'm amazed by this thread

>> No.1070611
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>> No.1070617
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>> No.1070619

Then again, the government can to some extent influence the politic of whoever the fed chairman is.
Bush' advisors assuredly knew what Bernanke was going to do and included it into their plans, speaking of the interest rates.

I still actually have a "Vote Ron Paul" panel at home.

>> No.1070623
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Not to rain on your parade, but geographers no longer use the first, second, third world classifications as they were variable depending on what country you considered the right side in the cold war.

Included is a graph of last year's human development index conclusions, the new system. It's calculated based on life expectancy, literacy rates, presence of infrastructure and whatnot.

>> No.1070627
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>> No.1070628

I find it refreshing and I get to educate people about something that not a lot understand, The More You Know.

>> No.1070632
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>> No.1070636
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>> No.1070639
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>> No.1070642
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>> No.1070646
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>> No.1070649



>> No.1070650
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>> No.1070652

getting some autosage image flood? such a nice thread though.

>> No.1070655

Right, supposedly, he's to wait after election year before he starts touching at the rates concerning inflation.
I was having a summer job in an investment bank when he talked about the inflation, last month, I still remember being surpsied at how people reacted.

Which president's reelection was ruined by fed policy during an election year? I can't seem to remember .

>> No.1070657

I don't see how anyone can actually like rehashed moemoe spiel like Little Busters.

>> No.1070658
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>> No.1070666

Damn moe lolis and taking away my will to fight...

>> No.1070669

Go Canada.

>> No.1070670
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>> No.1070671
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>> No.1070672

Yes, the IDH, it's taught in schools now.
They pair it with gdi as an indicator in classes.

>> No.1070673
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>> No.1070674
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>> No.1070675

make that "surprised".

>> No.1070677
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>> No.1070678
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>> No.1070679
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>> No.1070691
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>> No.1070693
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>> No.1070696


So, basically everything over .850 is awesome?

>> No.1070700
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>> No.1070703
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>> No.1070705


Well, I wouldn't want to live in Mexico. Or Belarus.

>> No.1070707
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>> No.1070709
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>> No.1070710
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>> No.1070714

Africa sure is a shithole, huh.

>> No.1070715
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>> No.1070716
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>> No.1070721
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>> No.1070723
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>> No.1070724

No, it's simply the developped in the sense of education, lifespan and personal liberties ( although I don't agree on that point, many of the higher ranking countries practice social politics which I consider would bite on my personal liberties, the right to dispose of one's work being the most endangered in social inclined countries. Freedom of press is also an element.)

>> No.1070730


Yes, and for reasons entirely unrelated to colonialism. They're just savages, in the end.

>> No.1070731
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>> No.1070732
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>> No.1070733

also, sweden or finland are the leaders.

>> No.1070736
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>> No.1070745
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>> No.1070748

nothing racist, really, but I really would have wanted out ancestors to have left a large piece of africa untouched just so we could see what they would've become in the end.

>> No.1070751
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>> No.1070753
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>> No.1070754


LOL at Africa

>> No.1070764
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>> No.1070770
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>> No.1070772


A few stone hewn civic buildings with the vast majority living in earthen huts, employing slash and burn agriculture and making low quality pottery. Any other questions?

>> No.1070773
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>> No.1070775
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>> No.1070782
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>> No.1070783

God damn it, stop spamming little busters. We're trying to discuss why sub-Saharan Africa has such low HDI ratings.

>> No.1070784
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>> No.1070790
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>> No.1070792

What I suspected.
I wonder, would the climate actually be to blame for the lack of development this continent has known before our arrival?
In the north, we had to make clothes, buildings and the such to be able to survive, whereas these people spread on a much larger surface seem to have much less of these worries.

>> No.1070798

holy fucking shit it's kudo


>> No.1070800

Fuck that, more Kudryavka

>> No.1070806


Northern Africa seems fairly decent. It was a part of the Roman Empire after all.

>> No.1070807
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>> No.1070808


Careful, there. Saying one race is less evolved than another is a slippery slope.

>> No.1070809
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>> No.1070810


Africans knew how to make clothes and build buildings without having to be taught by Europeans.

>> No.1070811
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>> No.1070813
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>> No.1070816
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>> No.1070819
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>> No.1070821


LOL Yeah!

Chimpabwe and South Africa are SO much better off under nigger rule!

>> No.1070823
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>> No.1070824
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>> No.1070825
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>> No.1070826
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>> No.1070835
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>> No.1070837
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>> No.1070838

not saying that they're less evolved or ignorant, I mean they had less effort probably to put in their structures.
They have clothes, of course, but I don't think they've known many harsh winters, or had to protect themselves from weather conditions by using structures as sturdy as ours.
They were also spread much farther apart, which I believe reduced the possibilities of interaction between beings, don't you think ?

>> No.1070841


Huts and loincloths, my friend.

>> No.1070842
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>> No.1070846
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>> No.1070853
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>> No.1070858


In essence, they suffer from a lack of culture. When all you know is tribal squabbling and hilariously inefficient farming methods, there's no spare time for fine art of literature.

>> No.1070865

Wow, surprised this thread hasn't gone all stormfront on me.

>> No.1070870
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>> No.1070872
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>> No.1070889
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>> No.1070893
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>> No.1070897
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>> No.1070890

Yes, but they started from the same point as us, right.
So the only thing that might have gone a different way is spread and climate.
While we had the luck of fertile ground, we could eat plentily and develop better farming methods.
Their climate probably never allowed them to access such ease, working all the time to preserve a small crop didn't give them much time for improvement.

>> No.1070910
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>> No.1070921
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>> No.1070936
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>> No.1070941
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>> No.1070946
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>> No.1070950
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>> No.1070954
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>> No.1070956
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>> No.1070968
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>> No.1070972
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>> No.1070974
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>> No.1070980
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>> No.1070986
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>> No.1070988
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>> No.1070992
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>> No.1070998
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