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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1069663 No.1069663 [Reply] [Original]

I went to see fireworks last night here in Japan, and the thing that bothers me is the why they all run around saying "AH! SUGOI!!!" Its like they have NEVER seen fucking fireworks before. And they will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS say that "Japanese fireworks" are the best!!

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! What, they are the best just because the fireworks are Japanese?? Or because the Japanese are so full of them selves that no matter what it is, it's only "sugoi" if it's Jap. Fucking make me sick listening to them go on about it. Even my fucking wife said it! She said "I think Japanese fireworks are the best in the world" and as soon as she said that I thought to my self how warped these people are over here.

They are brought up to believe that theres no where else like Japan, and thats just pathetic. Making them selves out to be more special than anybody else on the fucking planet just tears away on my faith towards humanity...

Im not American but I know for a fucking FACT that the firework shows in America are the biggest and would certainly be better than what these people are making them out to be. Fireworks exploding in the shape of hearts and faces and they think that THEY came up with that idea!

>> No.1069681


>> No.1069682

Having seen the senso temple fireworks last week, I'd agree to say they're great.
Heart shaped fireworks are lame.
Things that make you wonder if it's day already are awesome.
Also, loltroll.

>> No.1069683

Japanese fire works are the best

>> No.1069686

its just fireworks calm down troll

>> No.1069689
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>> No.1069691


The irony in this pasta is that the origins of fireworks are actually China, and the UK is the holder of most of the records regarding fireworks shows.

>> No.1069693


Jesus christ, shut the fuck up

>> No.1069698

I think you meant doveroll.

>> No.1069699

I need fucking counseling!! I dont know if I can live here any more. Everyone thinks that they are above me and no matter what I say is weird and I ALWAYS get discriminated against.

I need to talk to someone about this place, a free phone number that I can call with skype as I have no fucking credit left! I have tried looking but Im not sure if they deal with these things...

>> No.1069700

>my fucking wife
Your troll is showing.

>> No.1069703


New Year's fireworks display in London would make those nips shit so many bricks the land would begin to sink from the weight.

>> No.1069704

>I went to see fireworks last night here in Japan
>Even my fucking wife said it
Sure, I believe you...

>> No.1069710

Look, shut the fuck up! You have NO idea what its like living here. NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT-SO-EVER!!!! So shut the fuck up and continue about dreaming of coming to Japan as you are gonna get a serious wake up call of what its really like here.

I think I will head home as soon as possible as I cant fucking take how they build themselves up and think that theres no one better than the people of Japan.

>> No.1069721

Ah but heres the thing. They would turn around and say "Japanese fireworks are still the best in the world" What would you say them about that one?

>> No.1069729

I'm in japan right now.
This place is awesome, lol.
Your troll-fu is weak.

>> No.1069734

if true, have you thought about just being an indifferent asshole to everyone?

>> No.1069740

How much of this thread consists of pasta?

I can tell the trolls from the pasta from the genuine responses.

>> No.1069741


No fucking idea, huh?

I've probably been here fucking 10x as much as you, Whether or not you want to believe that.

just because you're butthurt because some cunt probably cut in front of you in line or some low-lying shit like that, you call it discrimination. GET THE FUCK OVER IT, what the fuck did you expect? The Japanese as a people have a reputation of being too proud to even admit their mistakes. You put yourself in that position.

They fucking say "Sugoi" at everything, just like a stoner in any other part of the world says "holy shit." It won't take much to make them say that. So just because their looking at something IN JAPAN while saying that doesn't mean they wouldn't say the same fucking thing in any other country.

>> No.1069745

>>1069710 i'm pretty sure that's probably the better for you to do. by the way, if the people living in their country can't be a bit cocky and proud of their own stuff not to the point of being totalitarian ethnic cleansing what are they suppose to do? just be so called politically correct all the time and say there's a world out there that's always better than them selves and remind them selves that they're loser or something? i'm pretty sure your own country have absolutely no white superiority ideology or hail the best government in the world called communist dictatorship run by best race in the world or where ever you're from.

>> No.1069773

Ah for fuck sake! "some cunt probably cut in front of you" This happens all the fucking time and doesnt bother me at all, if it did then that would just be pathetic. So you say you have been here 10x more than I have? So I take it you realise that the "friends" you have here in Japan are "true" friends? Your fucking "friends" here in fucking JAP land here are not YOUR friends. They only see you as someone who they can learn engrish flom.

As for learning the fucking language, NO ONE wants to help YOU! Its always "You are in Japan now, so you better learn and use Japanese" And they will NEVER help you with that process! They WANT you to use Japanese, but when it comes time for asking them for help they will always give you some vague fucking answer which leaves you clueless and makes no sense!

And dont give me that "you put your self in that position" SHIT as we both fucking know that when THEY come over to OUR house they get all these fucking "rights" When we get none! Getting harassed by the fucking cops which if happened to a JAP they would have someone to report that to because it's a fucking crime to do that, but OH NO! not fucking over here! You make me fucking sick!

>> No.1069779

Jap fireworks are SUGOI SUGOI

>> No.1069780

OP reminds me of this Canadianfag I go to school with. Calm the hell down.

>> No.1069785


You are fat, ugly and smelly. So much so, that people cannot bear to be around you for more than a few seconds.

>> No.1069790

Take it easy...

>> No.1069791


>> No.1069793
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I'm pretty sure you can find people like him anywhere, especially amongst immigrants. Some of them are extremely paranoid.

>> No.1069797

Finally something close to a decent discussion about Japan on this board that isn't Touhou or vidyagames and all /jp/ can do is be filled with evious RAGE at the most inconsequential points of the OP's post.

Is this summer's fault, /jp/? Tell me this is because of summer.

>> No.1069800

No, it always was that way, because japanese fireworks are SUGOI.

>> No.1069801

shut the f**k up tripfag

>> No.1069802

It's tripf*g to you.

>> No.1069803

>Finally something close to a decent discussion

Your definition of decent is extremely weak.

>> No.1069812


It doesn't fucking matter how they get treated whenever they go to another country, it doesn't change the fact that YOU went THERE. You mean to tell me that they don't get trouble outside of Japan, but all foreigners do when they go TO Japan? Bullshit.

And I'm somebody they can learn English from? Most of my friends don't even bother speaking english to me, and the only time I find myself speaking English in the first place is when speaking to foreigners. The only people I ever need to help with language skills are those who need things translated INTO Japanese, not into English. How the hell would you know about Japanese people when you obviously can't even communicate properly with them?

Sure, some dumb faggots here treat every foreigner like shit, but that'll happen anywhere you go. There's also those who WANT to represent Japan well and are respectful to foreigners. I don't know where you're staying, but I've never had the problem of them not at least trying to help when I didn't know how to say something. Hell, a waiter once ran around and FOUND an English ->Japanese dictionary for me when I asked him how to say something.

>> No.1069813

>Finally something close to a decent discussion
Really!? All I see is OP's blog post and subsequent rage filled rants.

>and all /jp/ can do is be filled with evious RAGE
Envious huh? I doubt there's ONE person who has posted in this thread is in any way envious.

>> No.1069830


>Hell, a waiter once ran around and FOUND an English ->Japanese dictionary for me when I asked him how to say something.

D'awww, I hope you tipped him generously.

>> No.1069833


They actually don't accept tips in Japanese culture. That same waiter came and gave me the money I put on the table before I left the restaraunt >_>;

>> No.1069853

I'm always astounded at how nice these people are.
I had forgotten my map on a table and the waiter ran out to bring it to me.

>> No.1069865

Look, listen. I didnt expect to come here and get any special treatment or ANYTHING like that. But all I fucking hear is "GAIJIN DA!!" thats an every day occurrence. And when I was talking about learning Japanese is that people say that they want YOU to speak just BECAUSE you are in Japan, now, I understand that people MUST speak the language in the country where they are staying, but FORCING people to learn it AND NOT HELPING, STILL doesnt make them RIGHT.

Like can the fucking Japanese people not think of me as a HUMAN BEING?? Instead of a "gaijin"?? I know a guy who I worked for only FOUR days due to his snooty and snobbish attitude towards Japan. HE said that he REFUSES to use chopsticks, WILL NOT eat ANY Japanese food. Now which one of us should leave? HIM, who doesnt want to respect ANY of the Japanese culture or ME, who WANTS to be able to speak Japanese and respects the culture, unlike him?

I bet you will just say that IM the dick when every fucking day I go on the internet looking for an answer trying to learn this language! Everybody is very vague when it comes to learning Japanese, and thats VERY awkward and doesnt want to make anyone learning the damn language WANT to continue doing so. Im not expecting everyone to understand or EVEN speak english. I just want to be able to learn the language because I live here as it is a must.

>> No.1069867


I LIKE the WAY you RANDOMLY capitalize WORDS!

>> No.1069870

Stop putting EMPHASIS in your SENTENCES like THAT. It's FUCKING annoying.

>> No.1069876


>> No.1069877

Well maybe you should read what Im saying instead of skipping through the stuff you font want to listen to. Which is what you're fucking doing, don't deny it.

>> No.1069880

People are calling you a foreigner? Jesus Christ, we need to lock them up, that's verbal harassment.

>> No.1069886

You know for a fucking fact that if we called them Jap in our house they would have someone to report that to. Now dont fucking sit there and tell me thats not true.

>> No.1069891

ITT: munch munch

>> No.1069894

No, no. tripfag is fine uncensored. The only thing you *have* to do is the uc in f**k

>> No.1069898

Theres your hypocrisy right there in front of you.

>> No.1069902
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Oh, Anonymous!

>> No.1069948


Well, I've noticed that the general population has mixed feelings about foreigners, some like them and some don't... I've noticed that in Tokyo, they're a lot less tolerant for some reason, when in Osaka & Kobe it's quite common for foreigners to blend in easily. I've lived in both towns, and I can honestly say that Kobe was easy while Tokyo took some time to adjust.

I agree with you about the cop issue, all I can say is DO NOT get into a fight no matter how much the racism gets to you. I would know, that gets you in deep shit.

It's good that you're trying to learn, that's great... I think they already do see you as a "human being," but it's still hard for them not to see you as "gaijin."

Let me put it this way: My buddy, who is 100% Japanese but born & raised in America (4th generation) looks like a citizen, and speaks with almost no accent... but still gets referred to as a foreigner from time to time, especially when he goes to Tokyo.

I mean, since it even happens to him, I guess there's little hope for those who don't look Japanese? It's hard to get used to, but once you do, it'll be like nothing. Just do what you can about the culture barrier - but if it still sucks, I don't know what to tell ya :/

>> No.1069978


So, in Japan, you are one big ass nigger amongst a whole lot of whites. You stand out like a sore thumb, and no one fucking likes you.

This begs the question: Why the fuck would you want to live in Japan? I can imagine it being an extremely miserable life -- much like the kind of life OP has.

>> No.1069986


>I would know, that gets you in deep shit.

What exactly happened? Did you beat up some nips and then get beaten up by the nip cops for being a baka gaijin?

>> No.1069990


You over-exaggerate. And why live there?

Gee, I don't know... Maybe because the job opportunities are fucking amazing for native English speakers? They may not respect us as much, but hey... we laugh all the way to the bank.

>> No.1070002


>> No.1069999

National pride?

>> No.1070020

It's like I clicked on /trv/ by mistake

>> No.1070045

Well I was really angry about that guy who I worked for not even bothering to use chop sticks and not even trying to taste or get used to Japanese food. I mean, I dont like natto but I dont go around screaming about not being able to get the food that I ate back home, Im not like that at all.

My wife really wants a baby and I just dont know how this is going to work out as if the baby comes out white of "foreign" looking then its gonna get bullied more than the other kids. And thats something my wife doesnt realise. She doesnt even see the fact that when the baby comes out its gonna be looked on as "dirty" and "not from around here"

Im probably gonna head out of this place as soon as possible, as soon as I can get my head around it and figure out how I can do it. Theres no doubt the people are really nice and are the most friendly in the entire world I would say, but alot of them have been brought up the wrong way thinking that only good things come from Japan and all the bad comes from the people outside it.

I was very into Japan and Japanese culture when I first came over and even way before that, but not now. I even went around thinking that the Japanese were the best at most things and they really arent. I would never stoop to the level of that guy who I mentioned earlier about not eating Japanese food or not even bothering to use chopsticks.Never, I wanted to be open to the Japanese way of life but after all this, I just dont wanna know. They want me out so I will go and never come back.

>> No.1070065

>I even went around thinking that the Japanese were the best at most things and they really arent

In other words, you found out that Elevens are just regular people like everyone else and are chucking a little hissy fit about it.

>> No.1070079

it's like i'm really in /b/

>> No.1070086

And so what YOU'RE saying is that I found out that Japanese people are just like any body else and I got pissed off about it? Thats the dumbest statement Ive ever heard from anybody in the entire world. Fuck, you truly are pathetic....

>> No.1070107

Sorry, people are racist fucks everywhere. Japan is no exception. (If anything, since their culture is ridiculously homogeneous, it just magnifies the reactions.)

>I even went around thinking that the Japanese were the best at most things
No offense, but that was kind of dumb. If you hadn't had preconceptions like that (i.e. if you'd realized Japanese people were normal people, too, and that Japan has lots of silly nationalistic idiots) your experience would probably have been a lot less shitty.

>> No.1070123


>> No.1070129

Yeah, it's like going to China and getting angry that everyone wasn't flying around and fighting each other with swords, or going to Spain and being surprised that someone there isn't into bullfighting.

>> No.1070140

Wait wait... There's someone in Spain that's not into bullfighting? Anon, you've just crushed my dreams...

>> No.1070163

At least my fucking head is not up in the clouds about the entire country like most of the people coming on here and not having lived one day of their lives here. At least I didn't come here moaning about the place not having the food I was eating back home or moaning about having to take my shoes off! And yes, I did fucking know that everywhere has its dickheads, but I never in my wildest dreams expected the level to be as high as it is over here. Cant get an apartment(and yes I do know how people come over and think they can have loud parties every night), getting looked at as if your gonna steal something every time you fucking walk into the shop, not having any culture of our own when they got all the stuff that they are so proud of and think of as unique and their own from the west.

Are you saying that this is normal? What other countries treat people like this? America? England? Not a hope in hell! And DONT tell me thats not true as we both fucking know it is! And I wasnt expecting everybody to be nice all the time, thats not what Im going on about here and if you cant see past that then you are a fucking dunce!

>> No.1070170

Enoshima fireworks this Tuesday I'm going to go and be like sugoi sugoi saaaaaaiiiikooooo. Japan fireworks FTW.

>> No.1070194

You sound like a white guy who has only ever lived around other white people, and never imagined that any discrimination would (or even could) happen to you.

>> No.1070319
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>like going to China and getting angry that everyone wasn't flying around and fighting each other with swords
Well we have a wide range of melee and projectile weapons with funny shapes, so swords are not always used. Some masters can project pure energy from their palms, so they have no need of weapons. Also sometimes we don't fly, as it is very tiring. I feel it's easier to climb a sheer wall by running up, and it's usual to just leap on a roof and have a good swordfight.

>> No.1070320

