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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 423 KB, 1024x641, 遂にザ・ベスト・テインクル登場.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10695426 No.10695426 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10681205

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10695445

Eden no Ringo, it doesn’t seem as bad as some said it was on /jp/
Maybe I’m easily satisfied

>> No.10695448

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2013年04月版)

>> No.10695468 [DELETED] 

Maybe I'm losing my autism powers, but I can't focus on these games anymore. I used to be able to play and forget about everything else. Hours would pass by and I wouldn't even be hungry. I'm not even interested in the girls anymore.

How do I more immersed in my erogames? ;_;

>> No.10695472

Maybe some lobotomy would help. I know this Russian doctor...

>> No.10695477


>> No.10695486

Very witty.

>> No.10695666
File: 105 KB, 1278x720, kotone-dorm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like the position of the couch in relation to the bed much. Kotone should rearrange her dorm.

>> No.10695717

cause eroge is shit nowadays.

>> No.10695726

Says who

>> No.10695781

Says good taste. You're probably not acquainted.

>> No.10695789

Sounds more like an unwarranted case of nostalgia, to me.

>> No.10695798

Did I say the older shit was better?

>> No.10695805

I wanna eroge like fallout. Or about psychodelic trips.

>> No.10695806

so you admit you're just here to shitpost

>> No.10695809

The “nowadays” bit of “cause eroge is shit nowadays.” heavily implies that, yes.

>> No.10695829

Pray tell, what eroge do you consider to be good?

>> No.10695833

Muramasa xD

>> No.10695836
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Waiting with a raging boner.

>> No.10695870
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Bishoujo Mangekyou.

>> No.10695881

Vampire lolis are still vampires
Too spooky for me

>> No.10695885

『咎狗の血』 is a rare masterpiece.

>> No.10695889
File: 260 KB, 1036x616, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you playing?
Strawberry pantsu, osananajimi ftw
>What are you looking forward to?
Himegari translation ;_; (my kanji is still weak), I know it was april fools joke.
>What have you finished?
Uso to Makoto ni Oshioki o, I love the character design.

>> No.10695892


>> No.10695893

haha april's fool was yesterday.

>> No.10695900
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>> No.10695911

I know you're just being a prick, but seriously, what's wrong with windows8?

>> No.10695919
File: 312 KB, 800x735, 1336038063113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaben said it was shit so it must be true

>> No.10695927


>> No.10695940

Not >>10695900 but,

Aside from the start screen, Windows 8's internal improvements are nice. It's just the fiasco at launch, combined with all the burnt out partners and developers accumulated from Microsoft's reputation over years.

I'm glad I left Windows development and administration many years ago.

>> No.10695942

That's a famous video game guy.. Head honcho of Steam, game delivery platform, and Valve, game maker.

>> No.10695945
File: 99 KB, 1278x720, shoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she doesn’t have a route

>> No.10695972
File: 799 KB, 800x600, Lickin_goodness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you playing?
What else?

>> No.10695973

He sounds like a nerd

>> No.10695991
File: 146 KB, 802x601, sakuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only BL shit worth playing.

>> No.10695997

I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty excited for Bunny Black 3.

Waiting warmly for the trial.

>> No.10696045

I'm pretty interested too but I don't know how you could combine Dungeon Crawling with City Management SLG.

>> No.10696064
File: 144 KB, 1278x720, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a feeling this would happen
At this point I am convinced all girls schools are 30% traps, blame Japan

>> No.10696069

Where the heck is オレは少女漫画家R's torrent? ;_;

>> No.10696103

Are Nukige VNs?

Because these days I only play Nukige.

>> No.10696106


>> No.10696107

Back to >>10689071 you horny teenager.

>> No.10696175

He's not me guys.

>> No.10696179
File: 315 KB, 1024x641, OTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Twinkle Crusaders. Azel's route was certainly more interesting than most but the ending lacked some punch.
I might have been expecting too much but just recycling Misa route's final battle was bit of a letdown for me, especially since he's one of the easier bosses, made even easier by abusing the huge number of assist characters for infinite stun. The finale itself also wasn't as emotional as f.ex. Lolotte's was. At least the battle OST was pretty rad

Another peeve I had was that the overall humor relied way too much on the same running gags. Start a drinking game, take one sip whenever a character makes soba, MISA LOSE or 私は天使じゃありません! etc. joke and you're bound to die of alcohol poisoning. Azel also suffered from similar problems but since she had almost no characterization (or screen time for that matter) outside her own route it didn't get as annoying. I also haven't gotten this much proper one true pairing vibe in a while.

Is PSS worth playing? I assume it takes all routes as canon similar to Grisaia?

>> No.10696184
File: 176 KB, 429x600, 1358884894622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...you are 20 or 30 years old? What a shame..

>> No.10696191

If you are young you should be out enjoying your youth with some lass, not sitting inside and reading nerdy books by yourself.

>> No.10696198

I think it'll probably just be the new mechanism for acquiring equipment/units, but your guess is as good as mine.

Hope it's good though. I was really disappointed with Softhouse Chara's last game.

>> No.10696204

So now you are my father? STEP UP NEET!

>> No.10696237

Best thing about it was the Princess Witches crossover but that'll just make you remember how much better Princess Witches was

>> No.10696291

PW also had the advantage of being shorter, so the reused jokes didn't become so dull.

>> No.10696317 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 1278x720, luna-kissu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the cousin route in eden no ringo.
I kind of expected to see her on stage playing the prince, weird that they didn’t show that scene. Also needed more trapped sex scenes
Kotone next up.

>> No.10696741

ok so I don't feel like reading the rest of daiosho and I just want one thins cleared up

is the blue haired btich just gay for maho or is she evil, I have no desire to read any more but I just want come clarification on this

>> No.10696821

Are you avin' a giggle mate.

>> No.10696832

>The only translated BL shit worth playing.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.10697202
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Agreed, but that's only like 10% of all BL's that are actually decent.

>> No.10697287
File: 102 KB, 640x909, negima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing this because I saw it being discussed favorably on futaba. I wasn't aware of the manga or anime series or how the story seems to have a reputation on par with Naruto / DBZ / etc.

The game is mostly a school-life/harem sim. It's pretty cute.

>> No.10697401
File: 93 KB, 1024x768, 7witches 2013-04-03 06-49-39-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished 7 Witches. Story was meh (by the time the last route is unlocked basically all the mystery is gone) but great fapping sessions were had so it's all good. Some of the bad end ntr was also pretty vicious.

>> No.10697413

Negima is like DBZ and Love Hina had a love child and Harry Potter is the uncle. I do hope Akamatsu decides to give it a better ending eventually, instead of that copout ending that seemed incredibly rushed.

>> No.10697409

Is that game for real? Cero 18?

>> No.10697430


Yeah. There are several in the series, although the later ones got shitty from what I read. I've completed it twice but 18+ seems a little excessive; it's pretty typical light fanservice.

>> No.10697460

Does it have specific routes/endings for the heroines or is it just harem stuff?

>> No.10697484


There are two main story arcs: one for an athletic competition, and another skippable one that encapsulates most of the dumb shounen stuff.

The rest of the game is a free-play sandbox type thing where you run around and converse with and cast spells on girls to change their personal stats. Interacting with them sometimes makes minor scenes happen and the more you pay attention to them more unique events occasionally appear, and the most favored heroine gets worked in to the competition arc.

I don't know about heroine-specific endings because I've managed to cock up the training management sim repeatedly and I haven't seen the true ending. That's why I'm playing it for a third time. The game seems to strongly lean that way toward the end, though.

>> No.10697524

Where'd you download it from?

>> No.10697535


I bought it from an exporter on Amazon. It doesn't work well on PCSX2 yet so I'm playing it on a Japanese PS2.

>> No.10697548

I liked Misa's ending over Azel's ending. Bylous (and the other 7th Generals) can be pretty bro when he's/they're taking it easy with the others. Lolotte's route was cute too, but mainly because Lolotte herself is best Kurukuru until Illear comes around.

It's been a while and I skimmed a bunch because I can't moon, so I don't remember/care enough of Nanaka/Ria's route, except that Ria had that godawfully annoying battle against Melilot, I think.

Azel's route was okay, though I remember thinking it was odd how, IIRC, Pasta and Arden got "killed off"?

>> No.10697551

Well shit.

>> No.10697564


Yeah, I know. I'd hoped PS2 emulation was further along but I had enough hard copy jap games to rationalize buying another used console when I found out I couldn't play it.

>> No.10697596

As for PSS...

Depending on what you're looking for, Venus Embryo is *probably* worse.

Synn is ten times more hetare, Lullshare turns emo for a good third of the story, the original five heroines take a back-seat to the goddesses, and a few scenes, particularly the ones following the final battle/h-scene can be kinda asdf (for reasons I'm not even sure about).

That said, and I might be biased in saying this, but if you're like me and prefer Illear, she remains pretty fun throughout even for the short time she goes berserk. Both goddesses have some pretty great ichaicha moments, except Lullshare's date (from unlocking ten trophies), which was pretty lame compared to Illear's, I thought. Overall, I liked Illear's antics moreso.

The Queen of Witches is great on either side, though spoils abound for PW, of course. While the Kurukuru side did a good job of putting both universes in perspective with each other (it ends up taking place before the others find out that Synn is the maou or Melilot is a 7th General), I thought the Pricchi side had better moments of character interaction. For example, Synn becomes pretty good friends with both Masaki and Kururu in either side, but he's fleshed out more when you aren't playing as him, so it's more apparent in Pricchi side. Ringo and Karen get more screentime in Pricchi side too, of course with Karen getting a small h-scene as well. Basically, it's a good idea to start with Kurukuru side, then finish up with Pricchi side here. There's a fair amount of differences between each side, but the outcome ends up coming together nicely either way.

I haven't dabbled much in the other side stories, though the To-Love-Ru parody is pretty fun for what it is, and Shel herself is a great party member in SBX. The onsen trip with the 7th Generals is also quite hilarious.

>> No.10697607

So how many chinks do we actually have in this thread?

>In one of the April Fool's videos when Asahi got really close to the screen I actually got embarrassed.

My little Anon can't be this beta.

>> No.10697622

>My little Anon can't be this beta.
Please stop talking like this.
It annoys me.

>> No.10697633

I also have to look away from the screen during confession scenes or other intimate moments.

>> No.10697653

I sometimes save and quit to calm down.

That’s rude, twice

>> No.10697658

Also, all the Chinese scrots in this thread are from the same game and posted by me. I'm sorry.

>> No.10697665

If you have a PS2 you can soft mod it and play it still, I think. I'm going to try it anyway since mines softmodded and hooked up with a HDD.

I'm downloading the first one now.

>> No.10697668

tl;dr: Yes, PSS is worth checking out. It has more than enough shit to offer, whether it's the abundance of different stories or the improved battle system. Even though the quality can vary as expected, and the most important of them, Venus Embryo, falls short at times, the goddesses themselves are great, as are the PW characters' return.

Although, I forgot to answer your other question earlier. Venus Embryo is the canon finale (and the drama CD, Eternal Memories, is the epilogue), though everything prior to that seems to be a "sixth" ending where Synn chose no one in the original (hence why he is even more hetare than usual). That said, Nanaka still awakens to her mazoku powers and Azel ended up becoming a member of the group and everything. I'm not sure how the rest ends up fitting... Macaroon and the 7th Generals don't reappear, for example (though Macaroon is fully present in the drama CD), and fuck if I know how much of Starlit Brave is actually "canon". Yes, I know SB is a crossover, but Illear actually makes a brief cameo in the ending.

Anyway, those are the important parts.

>> No.10697824

I have a PS2 lying around somewhere on my floor. But unfortunately my monitor only has HDMI input. I can use a converter I have, but it stretches the image to 16:9. Also I just remembered I don't have a DVD drive to burn the game.

How does it not work on PCSX2? I had figured the emulator was pretty solid by now.

>> No.10697888


It just runs unexplainably slow, taking minutes to even get to the title screen. It took so long to get to the Konami logo the first time I thought the ISO I ripped had failed to start altogether. I'm not really an expert on tweaking PCSX2 so I wouldn't discount the idea I might have something configured wrong, but it's the only game I've had that specific problem with.

>I had figured the emulator was pretty solid by now.

I've had minor graphical glitches on other games, and their compatibility database still looks pretty spotty to me.

>> No.10697976


>> No.10697997
File: 136 KB, 1278x720, nanami-dorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanami has the cutest dorm with most personality (of the three I’ve seen) in this game so far.
Luna and Kotone had pretty sterile dorms.

>> No.10698014

Well if I can find a download for the game I will give it a shot.

>> No.10698072

I am reading Hatsuyuki Sakura right now

Hatsuyuki is really pissing me off, I like how he has his personality but he still irritates me.

>> No.10698079
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, capture_012_06022013_181753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a pretty fun personality though.

The main thing that pissed me off was that Kubo doesn't even have a joke homo route.

>> No.10698122

I like that he is playful in way and it is rare for a protagonist to have a personality. It is just he pisses me off, it is my bad for getting upset though because he isn't responding the I am used to protagonists responding.

Also I am a little sad because I am sure that I won't be able to give Ran the dick.

>> No.10698130

>I am sure that I won't be able to give Ran the dick.
You would be wrong then.

It doesn't exist because it would be better than half the routes.

>> No.10698133 [SPOILER] 
File: 255 KB, 1280x720, capture_026_02042013_181531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure about that?

>> No.10698170

I sometimes complain about boring/hetare/etc. protagonists, but I would much rather have them be like that than for them to have a personality that pisses me off.

>> No.10698187

Is that a piece of shit lodged in her vagina...?

>> No.10698197

Are you blind? It's obviously a chou à la crème.

>> No.10698391


Time to save up, if you know what I mean.

He is cool sometimes, I am just bitching. Dokkan and hetare protagonists are awful in anything other than moege/charage/nukige.

>> No.10698438

Hetare doesn't count as a personality that pisses you off?

>> No.10698457

Not really, maybe because I'm used to it so much. Also it depends on how hetare they are and what type of VN it is. It's hard to describe, but if a hetare protagonist does something that annoys me, I won't dwell on it much because it's something that happens often. Once I realize that's the type of person that he is, I almost expect him to be annoying. But if a protagonist with an unusual personality does something that I don't like, it will make more of an impression on me because he sticks out more. I don't know if that makes any sense.
Hetare still isn't exactly a trait I like to see though.

>> No.10698597
File: 348 KB, 1280x720, 32165136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they confirm/deny Luna as a heroine yet? I assume she's going to show up at some point, but I get the feeling she's going to be a minor character completely.

The only reason I'd play it is Luna. And Imouto.

>> No.10698616

I don't think the old characters will make any major appearance. It looks like this game focuses entirely on the new characters.

>> No.10698636

I think she's just going to be a minor character along with the other old heroines. The site has them listed so I'm expecting at least a side role. Honestly I'm kind of disappointed, I was hoping it'd be more like a fandisc, with routes for all the old heroines and maybe a subcharacter or two. I'm happy about Risona don't get me wrong, but I'd rather have Luna and Ursule routes over new characters.

>> No.10698648

Isn't Luna the reason why the game is popular in the first place? What a stupid decision.

>> No.10698715

Yeah, I don't really know what they're thinking. I think in the last April Fools video they said something like they wanted to expand on the setting/world. Speaking of which, thanks to those videos I now want some sort of Ion miniroute. I mean, the protagonist is a trap after all.

>> No.10698932

I am fine with it since imouto got a route.
Anyway, I think there's going to be a fandisc released afterwards.
This is Navel we're talking about, they're going to milk the series to its last drop.

Luna's route isn't even completely finished, they left her family circumstances completely unresolved.

>> No.10698947

How many chapters are in Hatsuyuki Sakura? They seem to be going by pretty fast.

>> No.10698989

Does it even NEED to be resolved? I figured she just didn't care and managed to become independent...The End.

I don't remember exactly, but it's a pretty long game.

>> No.10699083

I'm guessing Luna will replace Ion as the main conflict and at the end of the route the protagonist will have to choose between going back to Luna or staying with the new heroine.

Just my delusions.

>> No.10699187

I just wish they address the issue with Yuusei's family, and make some kind of true route for him.
That beautifully written prologue is a waste if they just gonna leave it there.

I'm really interested in seeing what kind of person is Yuusei's mom. Based on the April's Fool video I get the impression that Ion had affection for Yuusei's mom but was too tsundere to admit it.

>> No.10699454

I'm trying to finish White Album 2. I'm getting really pissed off just reading it. It's really hard for me to keep trudging through this. I can only go a few lines before Haruki does something stupid and I just want to punch things. Makes me wish I had a punching bag. Then again, I suppose getting emotions out of me means that they've done their job.

>> No.10699554

If Luna doesn't get a proper role in the game my interest in it would basically be next to zero. Well I'd still probably get it for the voice patch and Resona's route though.

>> No.10699708
File: 487 KB, 1024x641, capture_011_01042013_210202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Azel's route was okay, though I remember thinking it was odd how, IIRC, Pasta and Arden got "killed off"?
None of the mazoku actually die, just get sent back to Makai and it would take too long for them to gather enough power for another human world trip before Re-Crea ends. Pasta got caught up in Soltia's attack when fighting Merilot and Arden fights Bylous after realizing he got tricked by him.

Thank you very much. I'll be sure to read PW before jumping to PSS then.

>> No.10699736

29 iirc

>> No.10699768

Had a feeling that was the case, though I couldn't tell what was going on with the scene with Pasta. Didn't even realize Soltia was there.

>> No.10700532
File: 57 KB, 800x600, Properly introducing your game's protagonist 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10700536

Currently playing rewrite, have just installed Dramatical Murder and will read it later with ITH.

>> No.10700774

>Currently playing rewrite, have just installed shit and will read it later with ITH.
Why would you read shit, Anon?

>> No.10700799

Not him, but there were a couple funny jokes in Rewrite. That doesn't mean it was actually good by any means. I can't really say anything about Dramatical Murder because I've never played any yaoi games. No bully.

>> No.10701044
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x768, polyphonica1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Ocelot is all ages again.

>> No.10701051

It can't be anything else after that last game they released, and how their staff is also Catwalk.

>> No.10701054

>never played any yaoi games

Out of curiosity, why did you choose Dramatical Murder to be your first? Its popularity really isn't any indication of its quality.

>> No.10701062

I said I wasn't him, and my not having played any yaoi games, that is included. I do feel bad about not having played any, but I would rather start with something that looks a little better.

>> No.10701079
File: 357 KB, 1286x745, ss (2013-04-02 at 05.46.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too tired to type right now.

I should just go to bed or read more himanatsu.

>> No.10701182

>a couple funny jokes in Rewrite
A couple of funny jokes won't help a long ass boring game.

>> No.10701440

I don't know shit about yaoi games either. Are they similar to traps games?

I have never played any otomege either so I don't know the good ones or the tropes.

>> No.10701616

What game are you the farthest into and just can't seem to finish? I am about 95% done with Aiyoku no Eustia but I haven't touched it since Christmas 2011.

>> No.10701732

Midori no Umi probably. Accidentally got into true route and ended up spoiling few of the heroine routes for myself, so I don't really feel like finishing it.

Also stuck with Nemu's route in euphoria and dropped ef during Yuuko's flashback chapter. Decided to watch the latter's anime adaption with my brother a few months ago.

>> No.10701750

>watching the ef anime
My condolences.

>> No.10701776

Eh, I thought it was better than the source material.

>> No.10701772

Rewrite. I'm probably halfway or so through Terra but I can't work up the motivation to finish it.

Also Tasogare no Sinsemilla, but I actually like that one and do intend to finish it at some point.

>> No.10701778

I didn't find it that bad to be honest. The "artsy scenes" did get on my nerves a few times (especially during the second season) but overall it managed to be rather faithful to the original, unless they dramatically changed the ending ala Phantom of Inferno's newer adaption.

>> No.10701786

I got up to the last route of Flyable Heart and haven't touched it in over two years. Actually, I'm not sure if I even have it installed anymore.

>> No.10701860

What are some decent VNs with closed room, murder mystery style scenarios? I read the trial of Lilac-soft's end sleep recently and it made me want to bash my head repeatedly against the nearest hard surface.

>> No.10701938

Was it really that bad? It's a damn shame because I really like the type of atmosphere those games usually have.

>> No.10701984

How was the LOVELY×CATION2 trial?

>> No.10702033

Kara no Shoujo?

>> No.10702045
File: 939 KB, 1040x658, kimiita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played KimiIta? Is it decent?

I just downloaded it for 告白, but I'm not sure whether I should just ignore the game (rating for 1999ver seem mediocre), and play 告白 or to play through at least common route before trying.

>> No.10702056
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1200, 60d67f2918d42ff4d7010f06809462ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It wouldn't kill you to try.

>> No.10702099

I suppose so. It looks like 告白 alludes to KamiIta anyway.

>> No.10702163
File: 168 KB, 1024x600, juicebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, yeah. A big part of the appeal is getting to know more about a few characters we loved so much from Muv Luv (yes, this is a remake of a game that predates it but still).

>> No.10702290

>closed room

>> No.10702298

The only thing I am interested in this month is the new game by Lass and maybe 百花繚乱エリクシル. Both games don't have a trial as far as I can tell, which is odd.

The new AsaPro game might be cool too but I don't see myself playing it unless people start raving.

>> No.10702320

KimiIta '99 and '11 are so different that they're not really useful as a comparison.
Personally, I enjoyed KimiIta '11's common route quite a bit, routes less so as the drama felt retarded at points. Not quite as retarded as some of the drama in '99, but still.

>> No.10702519

It's been a while since I last played one. I need a good, take it easy iyashi-kei charage (i.e. not exclusively or explicitly a moege). Could I get some recommendations?

I've already played Parfait, Curio, NG, Asairo, HaruUru, Rakuen, most popular and well known games frequently discussed here, so something more abstract (like, something with <250 votes on EGS) would be appreciated.

>> No.10702537

Cosmos no Sora ni
Tekoire Princess

>> No.10702557

God, why does every Type-Moon work have to involve rape in some way? I just want to enjoy a nice magic realism story.

>> No.10702585

Because you said you had played Parfait, Curio and NG, you should try Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o and Mama Love as well.

For a feel-good non-Maruto game, I will recommend Maple Colors 2 (very funny), SarararaR and Sugar+Spice 2.

>> No.10702662

I've read that they were different, but I didn't realize the difference was so large. I guess I'll give it a fair shake, then.

>> No.10702710



>> No.10702727

I still don't get the differene between moege and charage. Is a charage just a moege where the character's aren't moe type?

>> No.10702748

I always figured moege was a subset of charage, with minimal drama and a "cute girls doing cute things" type focus. Like Hooksoft titles, for example.

>> No.10702794

I also see moege as a subset of charage. Whereas charage place the emphasis of the whole work on developing the characters no matter what genre in particular it is, be it a flimsy thriller or a dystopic world, but the emphasis is on them and their interactions, as opposed to their interactions with their worldly circumstances.

This is easier to separate when you have "common slice-of-life" like school-based stories, since the world is nothing out of the ordinary, and the focus can shift to the people in it quite easily. Since this is eroge, there is no shortage of girls being cute in these types of games for the sake of the reader, going as far as fitting various common moe archetypes we are all familiar with and can easily grasp characterization. Thus the moege "difference".

It's a really blurry line in my opinion though, so usually I don't give it that much thought and don't care about exclusively marking them as chara/moege, but if I absolutely had to divide it it would be like that.

>> No.10702799

Caucasus will probably also make him bash his head against hard surfaces.

>> No.10702831

>This is easier to separate when you have "common slice-of-life" like school-based stories, since the world is nothing out of the ordinary, and the focus can shift to the people in it quite easily. Since this is eroge, there is no shortage of girls being cute in these types of games for the sake of the reader, going as far as fitting various common moe archetypes we are all familiar with and can easily grasp characterization. Thus the moege "difference".

Damekoi and White Album 2 fit your description of a "moege" perfectly.

"common slice of life"... checked
"school-based"... checked
"nothing out of the ordinary"... checked
"no shortage of girls being cute"... checked (Koharu, Chiaki, Setsuna/Kazusa in IC)
"going as far as fitting various common moe archetypes we are all familiar with and can easily grasp characterization"... Koharu is a tsundere kouhai, Mari is the mature senpai/onee-chan, Chiaki is the genki kouhai, Kazusa is a kuudere/tsundere and Setsuna is the school idol in IC.

Yet I don't believe that those two titles are moege. ' 3'

>> No.10702839
File: 69 KB, 874x488, 12121221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody noticed that yesterday was her birthday?

Even Helena is better Twinkle that Ria.

>> No.10702842

"moege" implies there is no serious plot or drama that interferes with the routes. It also implies that all girls have a happy ending. It is a type of charage.

>> No.10702926
File: 504 KB, 1024x641, Helena is /v/.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did.

>> No.10703047
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, oh sheeeeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, he was here too?

I stand corrected. He's not just the Hannibal Lecter of this series - Lecter only wishes he could emotionally manipulate so many people and to such an extent as this guy.

>> No.10703083 [DELETED] 

Also, Ayako and spoiler]Masaki's daughter is spoiler]Michiru, right?

>> No.10703085

Also, Ayako and Masaki's daughter is Michiru, right?

>> No.10703324


>> No.10703686

You forgot to include the charage superset characteristics though, where there is a lack of plot or drama as mentioned in >>10702842

Those other characteristics are more to differentiate from charage to moege.

>> No.10703971

If you're going to spoiler like 3 different words, why not just spoiler the whole sentence?

>> No.10703974

Fuck moe

>> No.10703993

Slut moe?

>> No.10704000

No such thing, all sluts are gross.

>> No.10704112

五人五色 in the oretsuba afterstory was pretty fun

>> No.10704282

on a scale of 1 to 10 how hard is the japanese in 創刻のアテリアル?

>> No.10704294

It's not that difficult though I did think it had some rare words when i read it. Maybe around 5-6

>> No.10704320 [DELETED] 

I'm playing Higurashi because I saw a few episodes of the anime and liked it. It's a pretty fun game.... for a horror-ish game, I can't believe how cute the characters can be! It kind of bums me out that you can't really date them but the story's pretty good anyway.

>> No.10704364

Spoiler: Mion is actually Satoshi

>> No.10704390
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1200, 1364142588782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit late to the party here. There is a Maia end in Hapymaher, right? Please? Bad end is okay as long as there's some kind of story/leadup to it since by all accounts it'd be a bad end no matter what.

I dunno if I can finish it if they railroad me into a Saki end.

>> No.10704436

Alice is the main route, not Saki. And you get not much more than an additional H-scene in Maia's end.

>> No.10704465

All I needed to know, thanks. The writing style grates on my nerves but it's worth it just for Maia.

>> No.10704770

Lass just released a trial for it today.

>> No.10704799

Thanks for the heads up. I will give it a read sunday and I might post my impressions. The story sounds like it could be interesting.

It is 1.9 GB for anyone interested, these trials nowadays are getting ridiculously big.

>> No.10705242
File: 329 KB, 1280x720, 15304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I’ll add 『失われた未来を求め』 to my backlog, can anyone comment on it?

>> No.10705249

Be careful, it has ntr.

>> No.10705261

Is this very minor or is it the kind that will make me angry?

>> No.10705383

I was reading VN. But I am bored. Have you interesting VN? (I am read Majikoi. I am new begin VN. I want most fasting read VN.

>> No.10705399

Well, nothing really explicit - no h-scenes, etc. If you're fine with one of the heroines getting married to someone else if you don't pick her route, then go ahead and play it

>> No.10705407

Oh, that’s hardly NTR, then, unless there’s actually any sort of buildup/tension with her even if you dont choose her

>> No.10705468

I don't remember anything like that, well if you're fine with that then go ahead and play it then. I did like the game for its art and soundtrack.

>> No.10705527

Yeah the art is what’s attracting me to it.

>> No.10705531

>The new AsaPro game
The setup is different in a way but I can't help but think you will want the non-heroines more than the actual heroines.

>> No.10705553


>> No.10705565
File: 176 KB, 800x600, capture_035_04042013_171603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10705575

Someday I will work up the courage to try this.

>> No.10705621
File: 144 KB, 800x600, kuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I decided to try reading the trial once, but it was a little more than I was really able to handle at the time, so I'm probably going to wait a while before I try reading it again.

That being said, Kuro was really cute.

>> No.10705671

It's already April and オレは少女漫画家R is still not out. orz

>> No.10705706

It's the only March thing I wanted to read. I'll be a little more patient then I'll just read the PSP version.

>> No.10706029 [DELETED] 

It was probably the worst thing I've read in a while. The characters are painfully 2D and all so thoroughly unlikable that you can't bring yourself to care when one of them dies[.spoiler]. Same of them living. The protagonist is an idiot, the terms for working in the mansion are suspicious as HELL yet he still stays. In terms of telling the story, it's cripplingly hamfisted. You can tell the writers are trying to push at something eerie happening but it's all so ridiculous, with the butler glaring at the protagonist telling him not to enter certain rooms. It's unnatural, and not in the way murder mysteries are supposed to be.

There probably isn't a single positive thing I could say about it, and that's bad. Another anon praised it in a recent thread, so maybe you might still like it. It might still be worth taking a chance on.

That said, thank you. I've already read it, though.

Yeah, I've seen people get pretty frustrated over this before, so I think I'll give it a miss.

>> No.10706044

>>10701938 #
It was probably the worst thing I've read in a while. The characters are painfully 2D and all so thoroughly unlikable that you can't bring yourself to care when one of them dies. Same of them living. The protagonist is an idiot, the terms for working in the mansion are suspicious as HELL yet he still stays. In terms of telling the story, it's cripplingly hamfisted. You can tell the writers are trying to push at something eerie happening but it's all so ridiculous, with the butler glaring at the protagonist telling him not to enter certain rooms. It's unnatural, and not in the way murder mysteries are supposed to be.

There probably isn't a single positive thing I could say about it, and that's bad. Another anon praised it in a recent thread, so maybe you might still like it. It might still be worth taking a chance on.

>>10702033 #
>>10702290 #
That said, thank you. I've already read it, though.

>>10702799 #
Yeah, I've seen people get pretty frustrated over this before, so I think I'll give it a miss.

>> No.10706582

I'll just wait for the ero version.

>> No.10706679

Thanks guys, I'll look into these.

I generally agree with the dialogue here as accurately depicting the distinction between the two. About 99% of the time I say not a moege, what I'm really saying is "acknowledging that moe elements are unavoidable, I'd like to play a game that isn't like Shuffle, Noble Works, Alcor's works, Alcot's stuff, and so forth (not really versed in the field)".

>> No.10706818
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, yuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started the 少女神域∽少女天獄 trail. This game seems like it will be story and setting driven. The train scenes in the beginning drag for awhile though but they build the world nicely enough but I would prefer if we were let in on things gradually rather than blocks of exposition.

Two things that bother me, a) art isn't that good, b) there is furigana over every proper noun and it doesn't stop.

>> No.10706831

Is anyone actually bothered by this? I mean, what are we supposed to think of all the non-canon heroines? They all turn into nuns?

>> No.10706838 [DELETED] 

It's a pretty bitchy move. Heroines should be completely devoted to the protagonist, even if they have to wait their entire lives.

>> No.10706853

Who married Kenny? I think Airi is the only candidate.

>> No.10706920

I am. I can think of some situations where it might not bother me much (like if the guy is a total bro, or it was a nearly netori type situation in the first place), but in general unless there is a really good reason behind it, I don't want to see that in my games.

Even Kappei's route in Clannad bothered me a bit.

>> No.10706970

I actually like it if the guy's a decent person. As long as it's something that happens after the route branching, i.e. she clearly wasn't after him from the start. Especially if she's one of those heroines that needs saving, it's nice to know even if Protag-kun isn't around she can still be happy.

>> No.10707008

Actually, I don't think I've ever ran into this. I'm not sure if I'd be okay with it or not. Sometimes I like the male friend character and I think then I'd be fine with one of the heroines getting together with him. Or if I didn't like the girl in the first place I wouldn't care. But if I did like the girl, even if I wasn't on her route, I might feel a bit uncomfortable.
But I remember in Ren'ai Kilo in Nokia's route, I liked how they introduced a completely new girl to be the little brother's girlfriend.

>> No.10707243

Yes, I'm bothered by it. It doesn't matter if the non-canon heroines marry someone else later on, but I'd like them doing it without it being implied in the game. Another reason why it bothered me is because I really liked the heroine who got married. This made the ntr feel to it even worse.Also, I never did likeplots involving 政略結婚, especially if it's with another guy.

It wasn't Airi. Kenny has a fiancee which was also one of the running jokes in the game.

>> No.10707826
File: 155 KB, 517x578, 1365121718141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I‘m ready

>> No.10707832

So is there any way to rip character sprites from a visual novel? I really want Rin and Ilya from F/SN but I suck at both Japanese and computer stuff.

>> No.10707838 [DELETED] 

They've no doubt been ripped for a long time, anon. Look around.

>> No.10707860

That's so gay.

>> No.10707864

It makes me happy, too.

>> No.10707866

I have looked literally everywhere and the best I could find was this: http://spritedatabase.net/game/766

>> No.10707871

Okay for whatever reason the text I wrote with that link didn't post, but I meant to include that that's all I've been able to find, and it has quite literally all but the characters I'm looking for.

>> No.10707966
File: 106 KB, 816x638, tsundere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went off track with my current VN and started this - more pleasant than I expected, Captain Tylor's big breast adventure

>> No.10707991

If you're having fun reading it, you should play the FD and Kyonyuu 2 later on. They were as good as the first one.

Also, I can't wait for Kyonyuu 2's FD.

>> No.10708050

Started My Merry May on psp, it was in my backlog for a while.
The psp version contain both the first game and the sequel and the sequel itself is supposed to have a really good plot so I'm expecting good things.

>> No.10708069

Has it been announced or is it just based off the first getting a FD?

>> No.10708079
File: 667 KB, 1635x1619, 1365164757708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dies Irae is a ExE rip-off, discuss

>> No.10708082

To be honest, it's just wishful thinking. But I do remember the author mentioning in his twitter that he's writing something related to it. I'm not sure if it's a direct sequel or just the novel version of the game.

>> No.10708086
File: 284 KB, 800x600, マキナ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After ten years, he still can't overcome sadness. But he somehow enjoys his life with Makina, his younger sister

>> No.10708090

I haven't played ExE so I can't comment on the plot, but those are pretty generic action poses and powers. Also, doesn't a game take way more than six months to make?
Unless it's one of those comparisons that are forced on purpose to try to be funny

>> No.10708092


I need a new chuuni-ge

>> No.10708099
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read 蟲ノ目, it even has a powerlevel chart.

>> No.10708274

Character Popularity Poll results are up for Hapy Maher. Much to the surprise of absolutely no one, Maia won. The update that published the results only says that they'll announce whatever original goods they're going to make for her, no mention of a fan disc.

>> No.10708304
File: 102 KB, 599x437, give me an feeling so complicated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on you, Japan. A fandisk would be nice though.

>> No.10708311

>Saki 2nd
I knew I wasn't alone in liking her.

>> No.10708314

I never did understand the hate for her.

>> No.10708317

Decent character, terrible voice acting, decent route. Her route content falls behind Alice (of course, not like that could be helped) and Yayoi. I am really surprised that she scored so high though, maybe she's a really great imouto character, and I don't know it because I'm not into the type.

>> No.10708327

I liked her voice.

>> No.10708328


>> No.10708333

Mostly the voice.

>> No.10708464
File: 580 KB, 960x540, vt_rs02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First in my heart

>> No.10708508

Second in mine. Yayoi is great, but Maia is just too good. My bais in favor of lolis helps, too.

Fandisc confirmed! Don't crush my hopes. ;_;

>> No.10708518

Let's hope the writer will actually learn to write by then

>> No.10708527

He just needs someone to stand behind him when he writes and give him a good hard slap across the face every time he puts in another かしら.

>> No.10708562

So guys, do you think Madou Koukaku will end up as a landmine like Daiteikoku did?

I really hope not but the trial doesn't really instill confidence.
I hope they at least added an attack command in RTS part.

>> No.10708568

He had some annoying habits, but I didn't think he was all that bad.

>> No.10708571

It's been a while since the writing of an eroge annoyed me that much honestly.

>> No.10708583

I don't think it will be good, no, not really.

>> No.10708650

if they fix the clunkiness of the system with the user-suggested fixes like they said, I think it'll be at least decent, no masterpiece but nowhere near release Daiteikoku level trainwreck
I like the setting so I'll probably do a playthrough of it anyways

>> No.10708682

I just wish they'd go back to Ikusa Megami. Couldn't manage to finish a single one of their games since Verita. At least Madou Koukaku looks way more interesting than the shitty Meister games.

>> No.10708702

If we go by the trend that soukoku no arterial was awful then it can only get worse...

>> No.10708723

The writing seemed better this time around, by this I mean Ikusa-tier.

>> No.10708726
File: 118 KB, 640x360, eu14_cg15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it will end up Daiteikoku level, only real big problem with the trial was the RTS controls, imo, everything else ranged from decent to good.

Yeah lets just hope the next game after Madou Koukau will be the IM Remake already. Also Madokou is still loosely related to IM, much more than the other ones have been considering it happens at Melkia and has atleast one IM character appearing and one descendant of side-character. Haisherra also making cameo

>> No.10709257

Is it worth playing the side routes in Kyonyuu fantasy or can I stop after the harem route? It looks like the harem route is the true route and unlocks most of the hscenes already so I'm not sure if it's worth bothering with the other routes.

>> No.10709269

You will miss many individual sex scenes.

>> No.10709359
File: 112 KB, 1041x627, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mink Ego's new game, what do you think? Sister NTR again? Luckily this one doesn't have fat guy like their previous one

>> No.10709385

I'd recommend the Isis side route since it's one of the longer ones and Isis honestly doesn't get that much focus outside of it. Also might as well do Sham's while you're at it since the branch for it is close.

She doesn't really get much focus in the fandisk either. Kind of a shame since I liked her.

>> No.10709394

While at it I might as well ask, what about Kyonyuu Fantasy 2?

>> No.10709401

The side routes in KF2 were improved a lot from KF1. They're definitely worth it.

>> No.10709434

Art looks pretty good, I just hope it's better than their last one. At least there's no hideously ugly fatty this time. And there's multiple girls instead of one which I always like. I know the last game had a few scenes with the mother too but most of them were the little sister.

>> No.10709445

The slightly overweight glasses guy could get all the scenes, you know.

>> No.10709489

Yeah that's what I'm expecting. But maybe they'll at least have the normal-looking guy actually put it in this time.

>> No.10709496

I doubt it. I think the writer is fat.

>> No.10709529

Looks like egs works again for me

>> No.10709545

For me too, it won't last long, but it's nice.

>> No.10709553

Same here. Is there nothing that mirrors it?

>> No.10709555

A mix of netori (for your stepmother) and netorare (between your friend/father and your mom/sister) would be the best for me.

Works for me too. Hope it lasts long enough.

>> No.10709557

I think getchu connects faster now, that's about it.

>> No.10710168
File: 212 KB, 1040x614, yhgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole skit was hilarious. Yuuji sure is terrible at giving nicknames

>> No.10710192 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 1278x718, opening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started UshiMirai, first scene I see.
This is going to be a good, deep read

>> No.10710363

i loved her voice, but the voice acting itself was not good
for the longest time i thought it was a part of her character and it would be revealed why she spoke like she did
but nothing

either way, i still loved her very much, second to Maia.
Anyone else actually purchase Happy Maher? Aside from buying the game itself, I'll be buying anything Maia and even Saki/Yayoi related.

>> No.10710398

I don't generally buy games because I'm poor and they can be pirated, but I'd buy a Maia dakimakura in a heartbeat.

>> No.10710513


That's one of my favorite comedic scenes in the game. The heroin party, fanny pack, and Michiru's hair dye scenes are also pretty memorable.

>> No.10710556 [DELETED] 

katawa shoujo
i want rin end :3

>> No.10710615

I usually drop games that do this.

>> No.10710618

You would have to drop it pretty early then since it is literally the first thing you see. Followed by a judo fight.

>> No.10710620 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 1278x720, nanami-santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst outfit of the VN

>> No.10710621

I think they meant they usually drop games that do that sort of thing for the first scene...

>> No.10710623

Right, that... makes sense. Still, what a waste!

>> No.10710626

Yeah, some games can get really good even though they have the really obvious fanservice immediately.

>> No.10710730

The writing and plot was so mind numbingly dull in this game that I found myself often just staring at the girls while clicking ahead without reading the text. Why can't Misaki Kurehito pair up with a good writer, or at the very least an above average one?

>> No.10710740

I always wondered why people found Santa outfits attractive. Like, is a costume we usually associate with a fat bearded man supposed to be a turn on?

>> No.10710743

Monobeno FD homepage:


>> No.10710752

That's a good question actually. Maybe it’s just because santa is a common theme so sexualising that is `naughty`?

>> No.10710768
File: 102 KB, 158x565, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your daughter with Sumi.

>> No.10710767
File: 136 KB, 1278x720, nanami-dorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a shame because the school uniform is plenty cute.

>> No.10710775

Would dote on and protect from bloody perverts like /jp/.

>> No.10710779

Would have 3P with.

>> No.10710781

damn, i want to live in her room

>> No.10710792
File: 109 KB, 1278x720, yukino-dorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In comparison, Luna and Kotone have clean as fuck no fun allowed dorms. Yukino’s is still clean but it has character. And a gun.
I don’t know about Karens dorm... yet.

>> No.10710835

Is this even NTR? The description doesn't hint at it.

>> No.10710983

WA2 getting an anime

>> No.10710986

oh boy
queue the angryposters

>> No.10711016

How was Lovesick Puppies according to you, /jp/?

>> No.10711037
File: 72 KB, 374x465, kazusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10711060

Source? If it's true, it's gonna be either very good or very bad and it's all going to depend on how they handle Haruki's character.

>> No.10711073 [DELETED] 

As long as they don't turn him into a Touya

>> No.10711081

Is the other white album anime is an indication I will just hang myself now to save the trouble of doing it later.

>> No.10711087

There have been good adaptations of visual novels before. Like Steins;Gate and... uh... just Steins;Gate then?

>> No.10711094

Even Steins;Gate is terrible compared to the amazing VN

>> No.10711103

"Terrible" is probably overstating it, but I agree it wasn't as good. It's about as good as VN adaptations come, though.

I've heard good things about the Nanatsuiro Drops adaptation. I should try watching it one of these days.

>> No.10711111

Shits getting real

2063 名前:売りスレ民@オリコン転載一切禁止[sage] 投稿日:2013/04/06(土) 14:15:36 ID:JBEsCPW.O [6/7] (携帯)
シリーズ構成 脚本 丸戸

音楽 下川

>> No.10711123

Warmly waiting for the Setsuna vs Kazusa flamewars.

>> No.10711131

Satelite??? I dont know what to expect
But Maruto writing the script is good

>> No.10711140

How long is Pandora no Yume? I was thinking about playing it too offset my string of charage I've played before getting to Masaru next.

>> No.10711142


Okay, where's the dude getting his information from? How do we know it's not a troll?


An adaptation doesn't mean copy everything to the tee. See Game of Thrones.

>> No.10711152

There's several sources. Here's just one.

Satelite, eh? All hope is lost.

>> No.10711237

Shit, I guess WA2 is my next read. Gotta read it before /a/ spoils it.

>> No.10711265

Setsuna dies.
Just kidding

>> No.10711267

He's kidding because it's actually Kazusa that dies. Takuya kills her with a frying pan.

>> No.10711284

I can't remember loathing a character who was supposed to be sympathetic more than Setsuna. She is literally the worst. I will not even watch this anime until it's over and someone spoils the ending, in case she doesn't end up suffering horribly

>> No.10711293

Setsuna is a very weird character for me. I liked her in every route except her own. When it was her own route she rubbed me the wrong way.

>> No.10711298

setsuna really is such a huge cunt and i just know that /a/ idiots will drool all over her

>> No.10711852

Calling the other idiots and forcing your opinion on them indicate that you are a huge idiots yourself.

Regarding WA2, I hate Kazusa with a passion. Selfish woman who took everything for granted and destroyed the others' happiness again and again.

>> No.10711901

Someone once summed up WA2 really appropriately here. The main cast of characters consists of a compulsive liar, a manipulative bitch, and an impossibly selfish child.

I did like the game quite a bit, but I'm hard pressed to disagree with that synopsis. I'm part of the Setsuna supporters myself though, really interesting and very fleshed out character. The extra episode in the PS3 version really did trump her actual route imo. At least, I can recognize Touma's route as being very thematically consistent even if I don't like her very much because of that impossible infancy and selfishness.

>> No.10711900

Hello guys
well,i am kinda new to the VN stuff,played only several games.Is there any "essential" list of games for me to check on?Im interested in exploring that subject

>> No.10711906

What's wrong with Satelite?

>> No.10711912

If you only speak english then Sharin no Kuni, Fate//Stay, YU-NO, and Muv-Luv series are good entry titles.

If you speak Japanese, then in addition to the above Himawari, Ayakashibito, Baldr Sky, Oretsuba, Muramasa, and Parfait are some very good beginner titles for people with normal tastes (note that all of the action titles up there do however have rape, not really a spoiler but in Muramasa there's some parts that might be a bit too intense for people who haven't been exposed to it in eroge before.

>> No.10711920

Unfortunately I dont speak Japanese:(
the titles i've so far played are Discipline,Katawa Shoujo,Bible Black and some 2 other games that names I dont remember.Also tried to play Kamidori Alchemy Meister but had some problems with the installation.

>> No.10711933

I would add G-senjou no Maou, Tsukihime and famous Key's works (Clannad, Little Busters! and Rewrite) on that list.

Most translated VNs can be found from fuwanovel or erogedownloads.

>> No.10711941

I spend more time looking for the actual titles than playing them,just didnt know what to pick.
I usually download stuff either from erogedownload or CraneAnime so thats not a problem for me

Thanks for the recommendations

>> No.10711939

Oh and Cross Channel too. After you've tried all of those, come back.

>> No.10711943

Cross Channel's translation is really really hard to recommend. I replayed the game when the reprint came out, and the lack of quality really shows.

But one quintessential work I forgot to mentioned was Symphonic Rain. That is imo one of the most definitive entry titles (it's all ages, and really good)

>> No.10712016

Maybe I am not expert enough to criticize translation but I liked Cross Channel. SR is good too, but first routes you have to play are pretty boring tho.

>> No.10712029
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Finished, it was longer than I thought it would be. Probably about 2mb or so.

Anyways it was very good but completely different from basically every other VNs out there.
To compare it, it's more like a western novel, both in its mood and the way it was written, the soundtrack also helps (most of the tracks are voiced which is surprising for a doujin game).

Hard to talk about it without spoiling but the plot managed to surprise me a few times which is quite a feat, the game itself being divided into 3 big part that really help in building up the plot and its twists. But above all Fata morgana is an epic (in the true sense of the term) love story across the ages.

So yeah definitely recommended though due to its western novel mood it's probably not for everyone.
I didn't think it was perfect either, I actually have a few complains about it but I would still put in the 85-90 range.

>> No.10712049

HALP, Amagami, HALP

So I am trying Nanasaki route with my broken Japanese after completing Kaoru route.
From my experience of the Kaoru route, apparently the game just requires me to follow the "!" whenever the "number of possible branches" appear next to the icon of the girls right?
And so, I was just following Nanasaki's "!", and then I got to a point where I am talking to the teacher Takahashi, (wtf?)
And all dialogues give me BADEND. (wtf????)

wat do?

>> No.10712149
File: 115 KB, 600x703, 754645786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you preorder it yet?

>> No.10712384
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>> No.10712385

I guess we need a new thread

>> No.10712391

New thread

>> No.10712558

How is the Muv-Luv series a good entry title? In my opinion, it is far from it.
