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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 631x468, 76976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10693748 No.10693748 [Reply] [Original]

There's a spider wobbling in front of the camera in Aizu Wakamatsu now.


>> No.10693774

yes, but not much else going on here lol

>> No.10693803


>> No.10693839
File: 458 KB, 1280x960, 20130126 - 0753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still haven't fucking fixed the camera. Its still fucking zoomed in.

Is there a way we can contact them and have them fix it.

>> No.10693865 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10693867 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10693867,1 [INTERNAL] 

jannie mad LOL

>> No.10693878

you guys must have buckets of fun watching this.

>> No.10693891 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 645x773, 1364861976156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannie steamed as FUCK

>> No.10693903

I would also like them to get a better camera so I can watch my trains in high definition.
contact them weebs

>> No.10693909

When you want to relax, just watch the train go.

>> No.10693913

Not watching until they fix the color, zoom, and focus.

>> No.10693919 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10693922 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10693923 [DELETED] 

Please fuck off.

>> No.10693933
File: 394 KB, 1280x960, 20130126 - 1606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10693941 [DELETED] 

LOL check out this buttdevastated WEEB


>> No.10693940

How do they fix it?
They go back and fix the settings on the camera that they messed up last week.

>> No.10693945 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10693947 [DELETED] 


>> No.10693950 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10693952 [DELETED] 

You have /b/ and now /s4s/ to do this, shitting /jp/ is not fun.

>> No.10693957
File: 504 KB, 1280x960, 20130126 - 0655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean how do we get their attention for them to do this? Email? I can't write moon.

>> No.10693957,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this particular post deleted?

>> No.10694013

Write a letter and use a professional translation service?

>> No.10694013,1 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor makes these threads.

>> No.10694013,2 [INTERNAL] 

``The community gets to dictate which threads are on-topic or not by spamming redirects, but only in threads I don't like.''
- Janitor

>> No.10694046 [DELETED] 

These threads belong on /n/.

>> No.10694048 [DELETED] 

Your post belongs on /q/

>> No.10694060 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, janiqueer.

>> No.10694060,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10694060,2 [INTERNAL] 

But the Janitor has deleted these threads outright in the past. Why isn't it being deleted now?

>> No.10694060,3 [INTERNAL] 

Stop shitposting in this thread. You could take it to (sigh) /q/ or email moot.

>> No.10694060,4 [INTERNAL] 

lol weebs getting owned

>> No.10694101 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694101,1 [INTERNAL] 

so steamed ROFLAMO

>> No.10694166 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694170 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694174 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694180 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694180,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10694183 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694188 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694191 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694191,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10694197 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694202 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694210 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694220


>> No.10694215 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694221 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694227 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694229 [DELETED] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10694241

It's hard to out-autism the train otaku and yet somehow the spammer(s) manage(s) to do it.

You guys are still creepy as hell by the way.

>> No.10694241,1 [INTERNAL] 



>You have been banned from all boards for posting >>>/jp/10694202, a violation of Global Rule 10:

>You have also been banned from all boards for posting >>>/jp/10694210, a violation of Global Rule 10:

>You have also been banned from all boards for posting >>>/jp/10694215, a violation of Global Rule 10:


>Your ban was filed on April 1st, 2013 and expires on April 4th, 2013, which is 3 days from now.

>The name you were posting with was Anonymous.

>Because of the short length of your ban, you may not appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired.

>> No.10694241,2 [INTERNAL] 

Should have been a two week ban.

>> No.10694241,3 [INTERNAL] 

You don't have the right to call anyone creepy, subhuman otaku.

>> No.10694241,4 [INTERNAL] 

gigs!bar is le mad?!??!?

>> No.10694241,5 [INTERNAL] 

>>implying I'm not mad 24/7

>> No.10694241,6 [INTERNAL] 

>implying it would have made a difference
I've already evaded it.

>> No.10694241,7 [INTERNAL] 

What a shit thread LOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.10694241,8 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit.

>> No.10694241,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10698182

Get 2ch involved

>> No.10698819

I don't understand the reasoning of these threads.

>> No.10703633 [DELETED] 


>> No.10703663

you're on /a/. reason doesn't exist here.

>> No.10703684


>> No.10703706


train otaku. what's so hard to understand???????

>> No.10706362 [DELETED] 

How come I can't make any music otaku threads?

>> No.10706425
File: 13 KB, 510x294, jan is faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this

>> No.10710338

what is up with the music

>> No.10710494
File: 90 KB, 776x426, 1289948056584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was Japanese...

>> No.10710593 [DELETED] 

When will the drain depart? Are there ever people jumpin? Man I love that wind blowing to my ears.

>> No.10710596

When will the train depart? Are there ever people jumpin? Man I love that wind blowing to my ears.

>> No.10713043 [DELETED] 


>> No.10715943

I don't understand.

When does the train come?!?!?

>> No.10716043 [DELETED] 


>> No.10716509
File: 577 KB, 661x502, train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just now.

>> No.10716540

>There's a spider wobbling in front of the camera in Aizu Wakamatsu now.

I lold

>> No.10720757

the webcam zoomed in is still killing me

>> No.10725821 [DELETED] 


>> No.10725859

It tells me to get some Micrsoft software. ;__;

I want my free daycare streams again.

>> No.10725970

>some Micrsoft software

mms://center3.ntt-fukushima.com/n-jraizu into the media player of your choice.

>> No.10726052

japanese is a nationality, anyone can become japanese.
