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10693623 No.10693623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I wash off janitor blood?

It smells like power-tripping and autism and it won't come off.

>> No.10693628

You'll turn into a thing that you hated the most. There must always be a janitor.

>> No.10693629

"dun tink feel"
-lemon key troubles

>> No.10693644

>Backlinking the OP post

Cool autism, bros. Can I have some?

>> No.10693646

whom does thou quoteth?

>> No.10693648

I backlinked your mom last night! OOH!

>> No.10693656

holy shit dude that burn was siiiiiick

>> No.10693661



>> No.10693661,1 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't know you fucked vases, faggot.

Also, why was this deleted?

>> No.10693661,2 [INTERNAL] 

Guru does not belong outside of /b/.

>> No.10693661,3 [INTERNAL] 

Blood spatters aren't guro. If it pictured the janitor being stabbed with his entrails falling out if would be different.

All I posted was a happy shitposter.

>> No.10693661,4 [INTERNAL] 

I came inside her too. LOL

>> No.10693661,5 [INTERNAL] 

How do u know what guru is in the 1st place? fucken' sick man gtfo!!

>> No.10693661,6 [INTERNAL] 

What are you talking about? Feel guru belongs on /b/.

>> No.10693661,7 [INTERNAL] 

>If it pictured the janitor being stabbed with his entrails falling out if would be different.

Just because it isn't in the picture doesn't mean it isn't implied.

It's like that man who got arrested for uploading a picture of his dog to Facebook while his daughter was being molested in the next room.

>> No.10693661,8 [INTERNAL] 

