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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 153 KB, 600x900, really faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10692572 No.10692572[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do the Japanese even attempt comedy?

Horror, sure they're good at that. Animation, action, weird shit, these are all things they're adept at.

But why do they even bother to try make jokes? The only time I've ever laughed at them was when they were being unintentionally funny.

>> No.10692575

Not enough fart jokes like your american humor?

>> No.10692577

All I want to do is have sex with her.

>> No.10692579


>> No.10692582

Get out boke

fart jokes used to be big deal in Japan and I think those still are

>> No.10692585

Please don't shitpost with SNSD pictures especially not Yoona and Jessica it gives them a bad image to /jp/.

>> No.10692590

>bad at comedy
>good at horror
What the hell are you watching?

>> No.10692596

whats the name of the slut in the picture?
i want something to fap to

>> No.10692605 [DELETED] 


>> No.10692606

who says I like fart jokes?

What's the Japanese alternative to flatulence. making dumb faces and yelling a lot?

>> No.10692630
File: 1.35 MB, 172x200, 1362369872126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't find much fap material of her

>> No.10692653 [DELETED] 

corean pig

>> No.10692649 [DELETED] 

who are these girls?

>> No.10692664

Fug, beat me to it.

Japanese wordplay is actually quite good, but you baka gaijin wouldn't know.

>> No.10692686

so he hunps a kid

so what

>> No.10692697

The problem is that they actually do a pretty good joke, but then they drag it out and it becomes the whole sketch.

A lot of Western humour is like this (that new series of Red Dwarf had maybe four gags per episode), but the Japanese seem to do it pretty consistently in live action shows like this.

>> No.10692704

I think a lot of their live action is too slow-paced, but I think almost everything is too slow-paced.

Their slapstick is pretty decent.

>> No.10692706

Girls' Generation (SNSD).

>> No.10692708 [DELETED] 

Yes, but which ones are they?

>> No.10692709

And she is Yoona.

>> No.10692716

This is true. The Japanese have a good sense of deadpan and comic timing, except when they really, really don't.

Arino isn't bad, for the first example to come to mind. I don't think anyone can hate Cromartie.

>> No.10692720

I dunno, I think that some stuff (like Batsu Game, been watching tons of that lately) can be pretty well done. It's just that Japanese humor is a different kind of humor than American. If you watch anime expecting Seinfeld or Friends you'd be pretty disappointed too.

>> No.10692747

why do you people think I'm American

>> No.10692778
File: 63 KB, 500x600, Nana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't fap to SNSD I'm sure you can find more slutty girls around the net.

You might want to try AfterSchool they are sexy group with a graduation concept based on MoMu.

>> No.10692784 [DELETED] 

I'm not the guy who wants to fap to them. I just think they are cute.

>> No.10692798

>Horror, sure they're good at that. Animation, action, weird shit, these are all things they're adept at.
Action? That’s HK territory.

>> No.10692822

American here, and I don't speak Japanese, but isn't a lot of the humor based on multi-layer wordplay that only makes sense in Japanese?

>> No.10692828
File: 61 KB, 500x444, Jessica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good

Well my favorite one is Jessica (That makes me a Gorjess Spazzer) she is very cute

Here is the whole group profile for you


>> No.10692835

>That makes me a Gorjess Spazzer
What? What does it make me if my favorite one is Soo Young?

>> No.10692837

A pedophile.

>> No.10692838

I think her fan club is called Sooyoungster

>> No.10692840

The whole list

Taeyeon: Taeganger
Jessica: Gorjess spazzer
Hyoyeon: Hyohunnie
Yuri: Yurisistable
Tiffany: Fanytastic
SooYoung: SooYoungster
Sunny: SunShiner
Yoona: YoonAdict
SeoHyun: SeoMate

>> No.10692846

>that link
>blood type


>> No.10692850

holy shite how new r u roflmao

>> No.10692851

It's important info

>> No.10692857

She's 23.

>> No.10692866

How's that autism treating you?

>> No.10692873

It's a cultural thing. Baka gaijin will never understand unless he has a profound knowledge in the language and culture.

>> No.10692876

Are they still cool? /v/ was all about them a couple years ago but I haven't seen them mentioned in ages now

>> No.10692880


SNSD isn't related to /jp/ but Sooyoung was in a group to promote Japanese-Korean relationships when she was younger.

The Japanese girl retired after this though and Sooyoung went back to Korea.

>> No.10692883

This is the worst case of juvenile autism I've ever witnessed.

>> No.10692884


They think blood type determines personality. The Japanese make good lenses and robots but they're pretty clueless when it comes to hematology I'm afraid.

>> No.10692892

Why can't you guys ever say something is cute instead of bullying?

Anyway when SNSD first came out they had stage names with titles and were supposed to be like shoujo manga girls.

>> No.10692897

TaeYeon's stage name- Kid Leader TaeYeon (ggoggoma leader Taeyeon)

Jessica's stage name- Ice Princess Jessica (eoleum gongju Jessica)

Sunny's stage name- Energy Source Sunny (hwalryeokso Sunny)

Tiffany's stage name- Brighter Than Jewels

Tiffany (boseok boda bitnaneun Tiffany)

HyoYeon's stage name- Dancing Queen HyoYeon

Yuri's stage name- Black Pearl Yuri (heukjinjoo Yuri)

SooYoung's stage name- Lively Princess

SooYoung (myeongrang gongju Sooyoung)

Yoona's stage name- Charming Girl Yoona (maeryeok sonyuh Yoona)

SeoHyun's stage name- The Youngest One SeoHyun (maknae Seohyun)

>> No.10692898

>Link about a stupid Corean pop group
>Rants on about Japan


>> No.10692899

>Why can't you guys ever say something is cute

He's a hairy-arsed man not one of your little japanese girls

>> No.10692902

I bet they're the same

>> No.10692904

I'm not hairy but I'm male and I say things are cute all the time.

>> No.10692908

Koreans are more angular than Japanese who look squishy and soft.

(Compare MoMu to SNSD and you will see the difference)

>> No.10692917

Watching koreaboos in their natural habitat feels like hopping on a time machine back to 2006 and reading all the stupid shit Gaiafags used to post on their forums.
You're beyond embarrassing, and the worst part is that this behavior is actually enforced.
Please don't come back to peddle your shit here.

>> No.10692926

No Bully please!

>> No.10692932

I think anon is saying s/he bets they're the same with regards to attitude towards blood type.

>> No.10692939

Yeah that was my intent but his answer was pretty interesting so I left it

>> No.10692941

Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, /jp/...

Joke about cp, joke about loli, joke about murder, joke about drugs, but DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT RAPE! Rape DESTROYS a woman, it STRIPS HER OF HER HUMANITY! It is disgusting, inhumane, regressive and insane. RAPE IS OFF THE FUCKING TABLE, /jp/, NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLES CAN BE SUCH FUCKHOLES THAT YOU JOKE ABOUT A WOMAN'S WOMANHOOD BEING VIOLATED!

And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman, I was raped. My virginity was taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, I wanted to fucking kill my fucking self. IS THAT FUCKING FUNNY? FUCK NO YOU FUCKHOLES!

Go back to making wut touhou u fuq threads, /jp/, you fucking aardvarks

>> No.10692949


>> No.10692955

why do people still think copypasta is funny

>> No.10692968

>getting so drunk you pass out
>not expecting to get raped

>> No.10692977

The men should learn that their penis does not belong in certain places.

She did nothing wrong and I'm tired of hearing victim blaming directed towards rape victims.

>> No.10692985

Is this thread even legal?

>> No.10693020

Because this is an AMERICAN image board, you fat piece of shit

>> No.10693024

If he's not American how is he fat?

>> No.10693028

Why do YouTubers talk in a sine wave?

▂ we have people who
▄ think that rape
▄ they probably wouldn't find it
▂ all that funny
▄ but then

Up and down, up and down. Usually with some sort of jump cut at each trough and crest.

>> No.10693046

Two years ago my house was burgled. If the burglar had simply smashed down my door and stolen everything, I'd blame him entirely. However, he just walked in and took some stuff because I forgot to lock my door that night. So I also blame myself, because it was my fault too.

>> No.10693046,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10693046,2 [INTERNAL] 

It turned into a discussion the janitor doesn't like, and there's no possible way to delete individual posts instead of a whole thread. That feature is reserved for when people make homophobic comments in Touhou threads.

>> No.10693046,3 [INTERNAL] 

When you have a population of 300,000,000 you have a much larger pool of comedic talent. Even with our vastly larger population we still only churn out maybe 20 good comedians every generation.

>> No.10693046,4 [INTERNAL] 

Yoona and Jessica are pretty the rest of them look like typical Korean sluts

>> No.10693046,5 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you giving your threads subjects? You do know it's incredibly easy to find and delete them, right? Filthy shitposting subhuman.

>> No.10693046,6 [INTERNAL] 

Have you guys congratulated SNSD on becoming the first asian idol group to reach 100 million views on Youtube yet?

