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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10690201 No.10690201 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Japanese-style marriages so rare in Japanese 2D media

>> No.10690212

They're rare in general 3D too now, OP. They've all become deluded in the western dress atire. Hell Girl had a small tradtional marrige ceromoney scene.

>> No.10690213

Because no Japanese have traditional marriages

Would you want to wear a pretty dress or some boring ass stuff kimono?

>> No.10690217
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 13507225144120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're Caucasians in anime, dumbass.

>> No.10690235

But the kimono is just oh so pure and lovely.

>> No.10690239

So is a white dress

>> No.10690243

They can have just way to many frills though and no head peices. I like my head peices.

>> No.10690250

Anime is a race of its own.

>> No.10690247

>no head peices

>> No.10690261

You can weir a veil with your wedding dress.

>> No.10690272
File: 31 KB, 336x401, 1352750865336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN had a Western style wedding.

>> No.10690274

Is that a wedding or a KKK rally?

>> No.10690359
File: 81 KB, 500x328, sem_san_sev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Spanish catholic ceremony, obviously.

>> No.10690381

Why do those nazarenos looks like KKK members?

>> No.10690425

Mrs. Zun was honest enough to not wear white.
I congratulate her for her honesty.

>> No.10690440

No, you retard. Western styled weddings are CHEAPER than traditional ones.

>> No.10690445

Buy veils are full of frills, so that defeats the purpose of my head peice aesthetic crush.

>> No.10690446

Kimono are like 10 times more expensive than a western wedding dress.

>> No.10690466

I never understood why she was hidung her face from his fans. It's quite stupid. Anyone could track her down through Zun if they really wanted to know who she was. It's not that hard.

Penny pinching Japaneae like the American west. If they really weren't corruptrd by the west than they would save upvtheir money for such dresses. The more the Japanese buy their own kimono weddung dresses the less expensive they will gradually become to a wide market in Japan.

>> No.10690469

They are also more common, retard.

>> No.10690471


>> No.10690478

It's not just the weddings. Japanese go for the most dirt cheap on all necessities because they need it to maintain their materialistic lifestyle. Take for example the events last year, with the tsunami wrecking an entire town because they chose worse materials than 3rd world country lower class families.

Those "houses" were not sturdier than cardboard boxes.

>> No.10690501

so their houses are built just like american homes?

>> No.10690502

Yes, that's what I am talking about. They've all become tuaght that only money matters with the build up of matrial goods since they lost the war. Their Japanese spirit based on warrior and battle was deemed evil and wrong, so just like others in life Japan looked to fill that whole of spiritual emtyness with money and matirial goods. Thus Japan was corrupted by much of Capitalist money grubbing ideals. Note that this ussually only happens to Westerners who have no knowledge in their faiths nor those with meaningful faiths.

>> No.10690503

Bceause they are cheap, mongoloid.

>> No.10690525

Yes but >>10690212 is also correct.

>> No.10690588

>I never understood why she was hidung her face from his fans. It's quite stupid. Anyone could track her down through Zun if they really wanted to know who she was. It's not that hard

Its like a spolier tag. They didn't want to make revealing Mamizou's origin so easy.

>> No.10690940

it's more expensive to do traditional, there is many levels to traditional you need to follow
versus put on a dress and walk in a line then kiss

>> No.10691162
File: 166 KB, 1200x1600, Bride_at_meiji_shrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is traditionally worn to veil the bride's horns of jealousy, ego and selfishness. It also symbolized the bride's resolve to become a gentle and obedient wife.

>> No.10691168

You guys are forgeting Buddhist weddings.


>> No.10691768

Oh Okay. It's so inmature to me at this point though.
I like this a lot.
I can live with this.

>> No.10691777

Those costumes were used by Spanish Catholics long before the KKK ever existed.

It's ironic that the klan stole those costumes also, considering that historically they were as anti-Catholic as they were anti-Jewish and anti-black.

>> No.10691786

tfw you realize you will never get married

>> No.10691788

White people are so satanic.

>> No.10691814

That tradition was around long befor the KuKluxKlan. It's not satanic.

>> No.10691823

Only fake Japanese (mostly Tokyoites) marry pure Western style. True Japanese (from Kansai) marry the traditional way and maybe hold a small banquet afterwards.

>> No.10691828

They don't brand heretics?

>> No.10691830

>Only fake Japanese (mostly Tokyoites)
I want to slap you across the face

>> No.10691845


>> No.10691865

They do brand heretics, but I do not believe these outfits break church doctrine.

>> No.10691871

Goddamn it. I am beginning to develop white people phobia. They are all like boogeymen.

>> No.10691893

On /jp/ you are literally surrounded by whitey
How do you feel about this? Does the presence of our pale pink skin, high noses and hairy bodies disturb you?

>> No.10691906

Traditional Japanese wedding - arranged marriage

Western wedding - a symbol of true love

>> No.10691914



>> No.10691918

>a symbol of true love

A contract to join fund and get benifits.

I you honestly loved someone you wouldn't need to be married.

My grandma had 7 children by the same man without ever getting married to him and they stayed together until her died 7 years ago.

>> No.10691939

>high noses

I am not white and I have a high skinny nose so I'm sure it's not only a feature you people have.

>> No.10691944

N-no... I got at least. Seven white friends.

>> No.10691959

>Hell Girl

>> No.10691969

>They do brand heretics

[citation needed]

>> No.10691970


>> No.10691977

How else would impoverished working-class peasants have a wedding ceremony?

>> No.10692149 [DELETED] 

They were probbaly de facto married under common law, assuming they lived in the United states and that I know what I am talking about.

>> No.10692156

They were probbaly de facto married under common law, assuming they lived in the United states and that I know what I am talking about.

If they weren't then I'm sure the went through a lot of inconveniences because they weren't married. When you intend to spend your life with someone it is best to be married for the legal benefits (and not just taxes).

>> No.10692202

Madona and Lady GaGa were excomunicated.

Despite there being some blacks /jp/ is pretty white.

They don't have to penny pinch anymore though for importat things like their weddings.

>> No.10693465


>> No.10693875

Mamizou? I thought she was Aya...

>> No.10693887

/jp/ is full asians.

>> No.10693896

btw I'm a girl.

>> No.10693907


Jigoku Shojou

you happy? same fucking thing autist

>> No.10693914

I don't think that's what he meant. I believe he might have meant to criticize just your taste. Who knows...

>> No.10693916



I knew it the SLUT SANAE or was it SUWAKO?!

>> No.10693975

Kimono is better because you don't have to remove panties when you're ready to fuk.

>> No.10694033

There are NO asians on /jp/. We are all white. Okay some are mexican or BR.

>> No.10694038

The thread that led me to this image was deleted, but I might as well post it here because vaginas.

http://pikutan.com/zipdeyaruoimagelog/20091003/03/zipyaru-20091003-03-0008.jpg [possibly NSFW]

Can someone explain what that "crust" is?

>> No.10694302

Well he was criticizing me, not >>10693907
That other guy just came to my defense. I seriously just watch what ever Xfinity on Demand offers in their free Funimation selection. I watched Hell Girl the summer going into my senior year of high school. It was good I thought, for what it's worth. It ranks on the very low scale if you compare it to what else is out there.
This is not quite true. We have a Hidden Korean amongst us who actually happens to be an alright guy. We have some really nice Black Americans that I imagine are halfies, and then a few native Latinos. I'd say 80% of /jp/ is white.

>> No.10694335

Haven't you seen Lucky Star? Girls don't want to wear kimonos any more, they want wedding dresses.

>> No.10694341

One of my family members recently had a traditional wedding, I didn't realise they were an uncommon thing.

>> No.10694353

His bride is impure.
