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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1068944 No.1068944 [Reply] [Original]

Are ronery girls more or less ronery than ronery guys?

>> No.1068947

loli loev bubblewrap

>> No.1068949

no such thing or self inflicted

>> No.1068990

A fat ugly guy with no friends can still be a comedian and make people laugh.
A fat ugly girl is loved by no one.

>> No.1068998

Ronery girls inevitably have some sort of friend they can cry to

>> No.1069001


Like bubblewrap.

>> No.1069002

Ronery girls can be not ronery if they try really hard and are not fat yaoi fan girls.

>> No.1069064

ronery is a contagious disease, especially prevelant among so-called "weeaboo"s.

If you are talking about quantity of ronery, guys of course. But girls that have it would probably get it much worse, cause they not right in the head.

>> No.1069486


>>A fat ugly guy with no friends can still be a comedian and make people laugh.

But does he have friends? I think not.

>> No.1069492

Why does ronery=fat?

>> No.1069494

Guys make much better friends than women do. Seriously, women are fucking horrific to each other on unbelievable levels.

>> No.1069498


>> No.1069500


>> No.1069516

All ronery girls are portrayed as thin and beautiful in anime/manga/etc. It's the other way around for around 102% of the cases.

>> No.1069519

ITT: Ronery (bitter) guys that have little to no understanding of, or experience with, girls expound on the lack of roneriness of girls.

4chan, and more specifically /jp/; comedy goldmine of the internets.

>> No.1069522


What bitterness?

>> No.1069524
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>> No.1069526

Girls can't be ronery, they can always get a root. If they can't, they should masturbate with a harpoon.

>> No.1069527

One doesn't post in a ronery thread unless they're bitter.

In one way or another.

>> No.1069529

You wouldn't be ronery if you had no standards.

>> No.1069531

Cry more

>> No.1069532

I don't really cry about it, I wish other people would stop crying about it. Seriously, we're ronery people because we do it to ourselves. Nothing else.

>> No.1069534


What about all the posts about people who are satisfied with their roneriness? Or people who just post for the sake of it, or even off-topic posts?


>> No.1069535


We're not ronery. We have each other.

>> No.1069537

Quite so, this person is correct.

And girls have as much capacity to fuck themselves up as guys. The only problem is ronery guys deluding themselves into thinking that their gender has anything to do with their roneriness. Lashing out to avoid facing the fact of their own responsibility. Sad, really.

>> No.1069538
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>> No.1069539

Unless we're a girl. Then we're told we can't be ronery, and to get out damned stupid whore slut.

>> No.1069541


What lashing out?

>> No.1069544


>> No.1069546

If they were truly satisfied with being alone, or didn't consider themselves roneri at all, some other defect would compell them to post in these threads. Bitterness is no doubt at least a small element in each of their make-ups.

>> No.1069547


Get out damned stupid whore slut.

>> No.1069549


Well yeah, EVERYONE'S bitter about SOMETHING, if at least a little bit.

But it's not fair to say that "IF YOU POST IN A /jp/ RONERY THREAD YOURE A BITTER FAGGOT LOSER WHOSE BITTER ABOUT BEING RONERY AND A 4CHANNER HATE RAGE FFFFF" which is sorta what I read from the undertone of various comments in here. Especially when they talk about things that may be true on /jp/ and 4chan in general, and especially most ronery threads, but I have yet to see in this thread.

>> No.1069550

At any self-proclaimed ronery female. As if to suggest that only guys can be ronery, since girls just won't accept them, almost as if it wasn't really their fault.

>> No.1069551


Isn't it normal for people on 4chan to be misogynistic?

>> No.1069552

Well, painting with broad strokes in general means one will be inaccurate in some of their statements. As would your 'quote' there.

>> No.1069554
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You will never be as happy as this.

>> No.1069555

Yes. Since the vast majority of 4channers are male, and anonymity lets them express their shittier sides without fear of reprisal.

>> No.1069556

Well, girls DID become real bitches with social evolution.
Quite the opposite effect with guys.

Oh, fuck feminism.

>> No.1069557

There is a difference between misogynistic and stupidity though.

>> No.1069558
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>> No.1069559

>anonymity lets them express their shittier sides without fear of reprisal.

So how do you explain the terrible tripfags?

>> No.1069560


>> No.1069561


Is there, now?

>> No.1069562

True, there is. However, they tend to overlap in venn diagrams, rather than not.

>> No.1069563


>> No.1069564

Egoistic narcissism.

>> No.1069567

It's worse to be ronery when you have a girlfriend. A lot worse, especially when you're laying next to her at night, staring at the ceiling. Quietly sobbing so as not to wake her up when the painful realization hits you that you will never be happy and that your feeling of despair grows only worse with every day.

>> No.1069569


Finally, true roneriness has arrived.

>> No.1069571


Anon's Nice Day: TRUE END

>> No.1069580

It was my birthday a few days ago, I didn't have a cake, hell, it was the same as every other day.

>> No.1069581

On my last birthday, I stayed on the computer the whole time and the Internet people I know actually mocked me about it.

>> No.1069584
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I read this as >whycanttheybelieve.jpg

>> No.1069586

>the Internet people I know

I don't know or talk to anyone on the internet, enjoy your unroneryness.

>> No.1069587

I hate my birthday. I don't hold it even when I have friends to invite. I told them I would be pissed off as hell if they held a birthday party for me, and I was fucking serious. I don't mind birthdays at all, just my own. Receiving presents pisses me off for some reason.

>> No.1069590

I have no friends to invite. None of my family sends me cards or gifts, or even calls, anymore. I am alone, just like any and every other day. Except, of course, that I know it isn't supposed to be, which hurts a bit.

>> No.1069591

Birthdays make me depressed. Not for the fact that I have no friends, for the fact that I am one year older, one more year that I have accomplished nothing, one more year to death.

>> No.1069592

>Receiving presents pisses me off for some reason.
It bothers me because I know I can't really give anything back for their birthday.

>> No.1069595

Birthdays depress me because it's one more year older I'll be than that cute loli. Just falling straight into the typical pedo-mold of no friends, old, and no social skills.

>> No.1069596

I don't mind my birthday. It doesn't particularly bother me I'm not doing anything really special, but I might cook something hearty for myself or something.

>> No.1069597

>None of my family sends me cards or gifts, or even calls, anymore.

Several members of my family live in the same town so it's a bit hard to avoid, only one gave anything but it was returned to sender.

>> No.1069600

I give presents often enough. I think for me it's fucked up trust issues. When somebody gives me a present I can't help but start thinking about their motivations and all that shit, becoming paranoid and all.

>> No.1069611

I send gifts, but don't recieve them, and don't accept the few I have gotten. Because I don't deserve them.

>> No.1069620

Send some over to me. What have you got?

>> No.1069626

Nothing until september at the earliest. I'll let you know then.
