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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10677393 No.10677393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10677397

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10677407
File: 23 KB, 208x188, 1361230080278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you get another ban for this thread

>> No.10677411

He's quoting bullshit?

>> No.10677413

And only two years overdue!

>> No.10677417

So encouraging others not to misuse the quoting feature is a bannable offense. Well that's great.

>> No.10677424

Reminder that this happened during the https://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/8776215 shitstorm

>> No.10677426

Indeed, there are no ways to "encourage others not to misuse the quoting function" other than responding with a single preset phrase. 4chan is dead.

>> No.10677430

Oh lel, I missed the year of the post. Thought it happened today.

>> No.10677433

n-no thank you

>> No.10677438

Don't use that archive.

>> No.10677439

It has more features and... well, I was going to say the ghost board was less shitty, but I just had a look and I guess that's not true.

>> No.10677445

You probably know why /jp/' ghost board on Foolz isn't as good as Warosu's.

>> No.10677449

I don't. How is that?

>> No.10677451

Because most people who actually browse /jp/ don't use Foolz.

>> No.10677452

I do.

>> No.10677453

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>> No.10677458

Warosu's ghost board is fucking awful. I was expecting foolz to be less awful but I was wrong.

>> No.10677461


>> No.10677462

I'm sure you do.

>> No.10677468

Excuse me, but your post is lacking on the content side. If you were trying to say "I agree" then you should have typed out "I agree"

>> No.10677469

warosu is garbage, 3 boards archived, 0 search functions, lack of statistics.

>> No.10677473


>> No.10677477

Shut up, woxxy. Nobody wants to put up with your pseudo-mod bullshit, nor do they want to support an attention-whore like you.

>> No.10677478

It's like those faggots that leave a reply with just a quote of someone else on that thread in a regular forum, to make themselves look cool and superior.

>> No.10677481


>> No.10677487

master ruseman

please do the same with my post

>> No.10677490

shut up bitch.

warosu is an inferior board, accept it.

>> No.10677494

>3 boards archived
>[ cgl / ck / jp / lit / q / tg ]

>> No.10677496

Wow, only three boards archived. Thank god I only browse one of those boards otherwise it'd be a horrible archive.

>> No.10677499

Just me, or is Warosu's search faster and all around just a bit snappier than anything on Foolz?

>> No.10677501

>/a/ Animu & Mango
>/co/ Comics & Cartoons
>/jp/ Otaku Culture
>/m/ Mecha
>/q/ 4chan Discussion
>/sp/ Sports
>/tg/ Traditional Games
>/tv/ Television & Film
>/v/ Video Games
>/vg/ Video Games - General
>/wsg/ Worksafe GIFs

>trying to defend an inferior archive

kill yourself

>> No.10677504

>3 boards archived
Yeah, it would be better if warosu only archived /jp/. Foolz is even worse, though.
>0 search functions
Foolz has a couple extra search functions that are useful but I rarely ever need them.
>lack of statistics

>> No.10677507

see >>10677501

>> No.10677508

No. Foolz loads really slow most of the time.

>> No.10677509

Use a reaction image next time: >>10676649.

>> No.10677512

Did you not read my post? I said more boards was a bad thing.

>> No.10677513

Why would anyone even post on a ghostboard shared with an archive of /a/ and /v/? It'd be so full of memes and other 'trolling' that any meaningful discussion would simply not happen.

>> No.10677514
File: 23 KB, 550x550, biblical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10677519


>> No.10677517

Why is sharing an archive with a bunch of other boards a good thing? Why are you using the quote function like that?

Oh, that's right. It's because you're crossboarder scum.

>> No.10677524

The only board I use is /jp/.

>> No.10677521

Why would you post on a ghost board full of all of /jp/'s finest shitposters, who shit it up so thoroughly that meaningful discussion is totally impossible? Because it's there.

How else will I image search the reaction images people use to see where they come from?

>> No.10677523

You should really just ignore posts that are mostly greentext or spoilers. No use responding to them.

>> No.10677528

>Why are you using the quote function like that?
He's quoting https://archive.foolz.us/

>> No.10677526
File: 33 KB, 550x550, biblical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LMAO GET BENCHED FAGGOTS, you showed your weakness by defending an inferior board

>> No.10677531

I'm talking about the
>>trying to defend an inferior archive

>> No.10677533

I've had lots of nice discussions on Warosu's ghostboard. It's perfect for someone like myself.

>> No.10677534

Other than missing a couple of search functions, how is warosu inferior? Warosu loads much faster than Foolz.

>> No.10677538

To the people who use Foolz I guess some needless features are more important than functionality. It's like owning a toaster that can connect to your wireless network.

>> No.10677554

A toaster that takes half a minute just to turn the heater on if you want to toast something on it.

Praise warosu as an archive, but its ghostboard is a cesspool and a shitposter hangout. Unless they all migrated to /ota/ now, I wouldn't know.

>> No.10677556

Warosu has all the CP so I go there.

>> No.10677606

ALL of it? that's a lot

>> No.10677644

I use both
