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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10674109 No.10674109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any other NEETs here have a fear of driving?

I'm naturally high and constantly go into pseudo-daydreams so I can't trust myself behind the wheel, but I live in America which means if I don't drive I can't get anywhere.

>> No.10674115

how will u get food if u cant drive

>> No.10674119

Terrified, actually.
I hate driving and go to extreme measures to avoid it.

>> No.10674120

I have a bus pass. It expires when I was supposed to graduate university (lol) which is in 2014.

I can get anywhere cheaply!

I just wish it was a date I could easily change with a marker, like 2013 to 2018 or something.

>> No.10674122

I can barely tell where I am but yet I still drive.

It's what you gotta do.


>> No.10674126
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On the contrary. Driving is one of the few times I actually feel somewhat at peace.

>> No.10674129

Yes, I am very afraid of driving. Even if I don't do anything wrong some dumb shit might ram his 3 metric ton hunk of metal into my not-as-heavy hunk of metal and maim or kill me. And don't even get me started on highways...

>> No.10674132
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Is this the Drive Otaku thread?

>> No.10674135

Driving is terrifying.

>> No.10674139

I can't drive. I'm incapable of quick thinking. I don't know how normals do it, I freeze up at everything.

>> No.10674152

The only reason you guys are scared of driving is because you haven't done it enough. Your mom probably asked you to drive to the grocery store and you were scared (who isn't?) and you never wanted to do it again.

>> No.10674157

Nobody ever replies to anyone in these threads. They just post their own opinions and then leave.

>> No.10674163

I mean, what is there to say? OP just asked if others had a fear of driving, so I told him yes and why.

>> No.10674168

i drive a car because indont want to ride the bus with creepers

its also faster

>> No.10674179

My meds rule me out of driving, but I wouldn't mind giving it a try.

>> No.10674197

I hate driving.

I don't have a license because I"m too afraid to go on the freeway for the test.

>> No.10674201


How do you feel at peace driving in a giant deathtrap with dozens of other insane people driving giant metal deathtraps going 50+ MPH?

>> No.10674209

I love driving, it's the best place to listen to loud weeaboo music and smoke marijuana sticks.

>> No.10674213

Because I'm experienced? I'm always aware of my surroundings. Most of the time people die because they're busy texting their gf or eating a sandwich. I don't do that.

>> No.10674217

When you've been driving for 9 years you get over that.

>> No.10674219


Yeah and those people just so happen to hit your car while being distracted.

>> No.10674226

I am also afraid of being inside a chunk of metal going at 80km/h, that's too much momentum and a crash would be equivalent to falling from several dozen metres. But everyone tells me it's nothing once you learn how to feel in control. I am giving it a shot this summer.

>> No.10674241

Thats exactly why I'm always looking out for them.

I've been driving for 7 years and have never been in an accident. I've avoided 2.

>> No.10674237

Carrying your groceries on the bus is fucking embarrassing, though.

I throw everything in a gym bag to try to hide it but I have to do it in the parking lot. I try to do it between two cars but when somebody from one of those cars comes around when I'm doing it and realizes what I'm doing I basically shut my brain down and tell myself I'll never see that person again.

My life is literal shit.

>> No.10674248


Eh I can drive I just can't get onto the freeway and I don't have the motivation (I don't really go out much anyway) to practice to get my license.

Forever driver's permit.

>> No.10674250

It's fun to ride the bus at night on uncommon routes. I really like the lighting on te bus and the soft sounds.

>> No.10674260

My wish is to be a little girl on A big motorcycle who orgasms fromthe vibrations.

>> No.10674256

I live in a more rural area and I've never ridden a bus.

I can't imagine having to sit in a box with so many strangers.

>> No.10674258

I'd agree, but I'm not too fond of the types of people who are generally on those routes or at those times. Scary, scary.

>> No.10674262


No buses in suburban michigan. I just stay home.

>> No.10674271

Usually the bus is empty, or it picks up an absolute normie who is lost and gets off in five minutes, but this is rare. I have all the routes and a lot of times memorized so I can feel safer than they are.

>> No.10674292

Oh, I see. That's not bad then, but I've had experiences where I'd board with drunkards and psychopathic lookalikes giving me strange glares.

>> No.10674318
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Only time I've been scared was when I went here and that was mainly because my car had a lot less power than most the others so I'd have to keep waving people buy.

>> No.10674323

If you set up your test in the middle of nowhere it's possible you won't have to drive on a freeway. That's what the Chinese do.

>> No.10674345

new neet thread pls

>> No.10674359
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I'm scared of other drivers. Yesterday, someone honked their horn at me for giving way.
They want me to die.

>> No.10674361

Yeah it was me you nerd.

>> No.10674364

Every single one of my coworkers keeps pushing me to get my drivers license because "YOU NEED ONE ITS IMPORTANT!" even though 3 of them also dont have one.
Fuck, I will never get one, what if I kill people when I fucking daydream

>> No.10674379

Jokes on you, I got made note of your plates. You're going to jail for a long time.

>> No.10674381
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Ask a Drive otaku anything

>> No.10674384

>has a job
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.10674393
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I own a driver's license for 2 years, but the last time I drove was the driving test.

>> No.10674395
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I know that honking feeling. Because of that i never enter a city by car. I always park outside, where no other agressive car drivers are around. And then I take the train and bus for the remaining distance. The people in there are scary too, but it's still better than car drivers.

>> No.10674394

I thought the same before I got my license but it seems driving safely doesn't require nearly as much concentration as one would think.

>> No.10674402

On my third day of driving lessons, they forced me to go onto the I-4. I was a nervous wreck the entire time.
The worst part was that my instructor wanted me to stay on the left lane, and everyone kept honking their horn at me for going 70 instead of 90 like the rest of them (even though the speed limit is 65). I slowed down to 65 and the guy behind me got even more buttblasted. 5 minutes passes and he finally figures out he can pass me because I'm not moving over for anal nerds.
People need to take it easy, goddamn.

>> No.10674411

I never want to cause conflict in person but behind the wheel I have no qualms over honking and yelling at slow people.

Must be that /jp/ anonymity effect

>> No.10674415


Man, last time I drove on the interstate I just went 60 the whole time when the speed limit was 65 and everyone else was going 75.

Surprisingly no one honked their horn or anything for me to go faster. It could also be because my car shakes violently at 60 and above so they kept their distance but I like to think that they're just nice.

>> No.10674427

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.10674434

*stylishly adjusts fedora, adjusts monocle, crosses legs
You're too much of a pussy in real life, so you take out all your repressed anger on the road.
Please refrain from this kind of behavior. It is not the /jp/ way.

>> No.10674466

Its not my fault people go too slow.
Stay with traffic nerd

>> No.10674486

Holy shit. My dad had a friend with a old as fuck beat up car that would shake violently at anything above 40 mph, the windshield would also make noises, I honestly thought it would fall apart as we were driving in it, was scary as fuck

>> No.10674503

I have massive road rage. It sucks.

>> No.10674518

I drive regularly, but I do get really nervous. Mental images of my own mangled limbs and imagined pain keep me on edge, especially when I'm driving at night.

>> No.10674510

I assume by neet you actually mean "crazy person"

Crazy people aren't allowed to get a licence to drive anyway, enjoy your bus seat.

>> No.10674519

just stay in the right (or second from right if there are 4) lane and no one will mind. i used to be like that, but now i'm like >>10674503
and i always go 75-80. probably partly because i got a new (only 10 years old instead of 20) car and it doesn't shake.

>> No.10674529

...and YOU. >>10674486
Get your inspection sticker renewed lately? Bitch!

>> No.10674546
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I daydream all the time, worse if I don't have music going.

Aside from that I love driving but it is kind of a risk at night, I could drive across the country if it wouldn't cost hundreds of dollars in gas. Being a delivery driver would be nice if I got to use a company car or something, I could totally do that all day.

Kinda want to buy a motorcycle of some kind, something cheap and light because parking normal sized cars just to look at stuff is such a hassle.

I usually go like 5 under the limit just because i'm never in a hurry, and its cheaper in the long run.

Ahh, this looks fun. Highways are so boring. I wish normal driving took a bit more skill, so it was at least a little more interesting that i'd have to pay attention.

>> No.10674549

In my area the inspection is nothing but making sure all your lights work. My car is fairly illegal (no emissions stuff) and they're never able to tell because they don't give a fuck.

>> No.10674550

fuck you

>> No.10674555

Stop using the highway and take the backroads. Its more pleasant and the roads are curvier and more interesting.

>> No.10674560

Question: Have never driven before, possibly will start soon or at least try to get a license

Is it a bad idea to wear earbuds while driving? When I'm in a car now I always listen to music, it's become so normal that I hate going anywhere without it, but I understand that you probably have to be able to hear shit around you if you're doing the driving

what do you guys say?

>> No.10674575
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lol, I just heard them tow your car

>> No.10674580

Saving gas is a bigger priority right now, plus its like 30 minutes to get anywhere even by highway. But I know all the backroads around here anyway in case I get bored, also since they've been doing road construction a lot lately its nice not being stuck in traffic.

>Is it a bad idea to wear earbuds while driving?
I think thats illegal in most places.

>> No.10674589
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Where did you find that idiot question?

I assume the 100% answer (if anybody bothered to answer) was "yeah, no. Just use your car stereo. Plug a tape adapter into your little ipod, works great"

>> No.10674587

>not driving an electric car

This is the future

>> No.10674601
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I feel better than other people when I fill up at the special ethanol pump

>> No.10674736

Oh God, I hate driving. I'm so afraid I'll cause an accident or make other drivers angry.

>> No.10674807

just got my motorcycle license myself. Already picked my new bike with the help of /o/

shit is gonna be dope

>> No.10674831

Fuck off, rich cunt. Only NEETs allowed on /jp/.

>> No.10674837

But e85 is cheaper than regular gas

>> No.10674848

>not being an upper-middle class neet

why so poor anon

>> No.10674868

from the posts ITT I assume this is /jp/

>> No.10674916


>> No.10674938

I can barely walk without crashing into people or tripping over myself, so when my mother tried to get me to learn to drive I was like no.

>> No.10674943

But you can't use it in old cars.

>> No.10674961

I use it in mine and the one pictured is an '87
Its all about the tune and having an upgraded fuel system.

>> No.10675030
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>> No.10675041

Please do not post tryhard attentionwhores

>> No.10675048

Why don't you try to stop me?

>> No.10675278

Stop using this word.

>> No.10675824
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>ITT nobody will become awesome tofu delivery drivers.

>> No.10675832

Doesn't this belong in the NEET thread?

>> No.10675840
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>> No.10675861

I'm 20 and my mom's been trying to force me into learning to drive, which I'm terrified of.
Finally mustered up the willpower to let her teach me and ended up hitting an old lady my first time.
I hate life.

>> No.10675864

I did just fine the 3 weeks or so I had spent with a blown system. Not like I can hear shit other than the music while the system is loud anyways, so I didn't feel much of a difference.
