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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 487 KB, 480x470, 313351_513737762007466_1412381523_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10672696 No.10672696 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10672699

What the hell are you doing?

>> No.10672702


>> No.10672704

japanizu, mothafucka, du yu spiku ito?

>> No.10672713

(I stand corrected)

>> No.10672714


>> No.10672727


>> No.10672738

Red: Get away from here before being killed, old man.
White: Haha, I found a chicken. It's time to cook...

>> No.10672741


>> No.10672746
File: 70 KB, 640x480, mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10672760


>> No.10672776


>> No.10672787


>> No.10672814

who the fuck says that? go back to your first year nip lang class OP

>> No.10672824

What do you expect from someone who uses a '_____ thread? _____ thread," format, and an image macro?

>> No.10672825

You guys are terrible at Japanese.

>> No.10672830


>> No.10672839

They're doing it on purpose. And Japanese people do use わ instead of は sometimes as sort of a joke.

>> No.10672845

Oh, so it's kind of like how u tk him 2da bar?

>> No.10672895
File: 17 KB, 466x350, japanese_sledgehammer-466x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese sledge?
Japanese sledge.

>> No.10672892

Though I use English on 4chan most of the time.

>> No.10672903


>> No.10672920

I'm taking Japanese classes in uni for extra credit. I can now make sentences like:

A: あなたは電車で京都へ行きますか。
B: はい(^_^)、行きます!!!
A: すごいい。京都はおもしろいです

That feel when you are learning Japanese.

>> No.10672923


>> No.10672927

This thread is a fucking trainwreck.

>> No.10672928

suigoi sugoi

>> No.10672932

Yeah, I'm going to believe you solely because you used shabereru instead of hanaseru.

>> No.10672930


>> No.10672934


>> No.10672937

Where's kuso thread award guy when you need him?

>> No.10672939


>> No.10672943


>> No.10672944

unko is bitter and delicious

>> No.10672946


>> No.10672959

ore wa nippon

>> No.10672957

Can you explain what the difference between 話せる and 喋れる is?
Actually I can't.

>> No.10672965

It's an easy way for a Japanese person to tell you're a foreigner. You never use hanaseru when asking if someone can speak in a certain language. A lot of people make this mistake.

>> No.10672968

You're an embarrassment.

>> No.10672973

But that's the kanji for speak right? All I know it from is phone: 電話

>> No.10672974


>> No.10672986

Thank you. I didn't know that.
But come to think of it, it may be true.

>> No.10672981

Think of the sentences "Can you speak English?" and "Can you talk English?". Obviously the second sentence sounds completely unnatural even though speak and talk mean practically the same thing. It's kind of similar to that.

>> No.10672992

This is the nerdiest thread I have ever seen.

>> No.10673003


>> No.10673012

How do you guys manage to learn this? And how long did it take? I'm thinking about going to Japan this summer and would like to be able to have conversation and stuff.

>> No.10673018

if you wanted to take it lightly, a month
most stuff here is pretty sumple

even less if you can already read from knowing any other asian language

>> No.10673024

I..it.it took me a year to reach this level ;_;

With daily work and reps

>> No.10673030

I don't know what level you're talking about here because everything before >>10672957 is entry-level stuff you'll learn in the first few weeks.

>> No.10673034

I have been learning since April 2010. And will take the jlpt n5 this December. How slow am I?

>> No.10673038

I meant 2012. I keep forgetting its 2013.

>> No.10673043

>And will take the jlpt n5 this December
Why. And you've been learning for almost a year already, why the HELL do you need 8 more months to do JLPT N5?

Incredibly fucking slow, dude.

>> No.10673046

You're beyond slow. I finished Tae Kim's guide and learned somewhere over 1000 kanji in about a year. I took a lot of breaks too especially in the beginning since I wasn't used to doing reps every single day.

>> No.10673051

>I finished Tae Kim's guide and learned somewhere over 1000 kanji in about a year.
... You used Heisig didn't you?

>> No.10673049


>> No.10673056

Pretty slow.
More importantly, why would you do JLPT N5 at all?
You can't speak Japanese yet, and you want a certificate to prove it?

>> No.10673054


>> No.10673057

Nope, I used the JLPT kanji shared decks. Started with 5, and worked my way up to 2. When I got to the JLPT 1 deck, I suspended all the cards instead of starting from the beginning and unsuspend the ones I want to learn (usually the ones I encounter when reading LNs/VNs).

>> No.10673066

>speak japanese

pick one

>> No.10673072

I like certificates because it feels like
I'm doing something with my life. I collect many random bullshit ones.

>> No.10673101

What about Heisig?

>> No.10673107


>> No.10673204

I'm sorry but this is complete rubbish.

>> No.10673223

Slow. I started Genki I and Heisig in summer 2009 and passed JLPT1 in summer 2011.

My Chinese friend started in 2010 and passed the same time as me.

>> No.10673229

I'm sure you did dude.

>> No.10673231

Heisig makes learning fun.

>> No.10673236


>> No.10673249

I don't know what you're implying here.

>> No.10673261


>> No.10673273

Learning how to write the Jouyou kanji is honestly like 2% of the way to native level proficiency. It's pathetic how people debate furiously about the best way to go about it. I can guarantee none of these people who get passionately involved in these arguments will ever get to any non-trivial level of ability in the language.

It's only slightly less ridiculous than arguing about the right way to learn hiragana.

>> No.10673281

> I can guarantee none of these people who

No, you can't.

>> No.10673304

What in the fuck are you even talking about you mongoloid?

>> No.10673315

The pro RTK vs anti RTK debates that always seem to crop up.

>> No.10673451

Why are you people mad that guys can learn Kanji with less work than others?

>> No.10673494

Maybe it's a superiority complex?

>> No.10673522
File: 631 KB, 800x533, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm japanese please diffuse this pict...(´;ω;`)
I'm sorry but we will need your help..(´;ω;`)
I'm not good at english..(´;ω;`)

>> No.10673610

Hang in there!

>> No.10673615


>> No.10673687


>> No.10673695

don't worry, keep studying.
