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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1066862 No.1066862 [Reply] [Original]


What the fuck happened...

>> No.1066896

I don't even post on /b/ and I have the urge to facepalm.

>> No.1066891

>Published: August 3, 2008


>> No.1066911

I just raged so fucking hard.

Goddammit I hate /b/ and all of the Internet so fucking much.

>> No.1066904

Since moot gave that interview shit is turning into even shittier shit.

>> No.1066907

7 pages about /b/? Forget that.

>> No.1066908

Remember when /b/ wasn't "trolls" but "weeaboo"

Me, neither.

>> No.1066910



>> No.1066912

/b/ ruins everything

>> No.1066916

Jesus fuck, you're not supposed to tell people about 4chan and you're always supposed to blame everything on eBaum's World, FUCKING HIDE YOUR POWER LEVEL

>> No.1066918

Are you a moron?

>> No.1066919


>> No.1066924

>rules 1 and 2 xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Kill yourself.

>> No.1066934

>“Lulz” is how trolls keep score. A corruption of “LOL” or “laugh out loud,” “lulz” means the joy of disrupting another’s emotional equilibrium.

>> No.1066941
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Soon yukkuri will make it to the old media as well.

>> No.1066943

I miss 2005

>> No.1066947

I would love to see yukkuris covered on national news.

>> No.1066948

Remember when /b/ used to be good? Back when it wasn't "cool"? I do.

>> No.1066951

>you're not supposed to tell people about 4chan and you're always supposed to blame everything on eBaum's World

That plan was doomed to fail.

>> No.1066949

Times cover: "TAKE IT EASY"

>> No.1066957


Fuck the Internet, I'm done.

>> No.1066959

I read this earlier today, it was incredibly depressing.

Though I thought the reporter did a surprisingly good job, all things considered.

>> No.1066967


I fucking hate that.

>Fuck the Internet, I'm done.

Same here.

>> No.1066969


>> No.1066974

And I still haven't visited /b/ since 2006. Awesome.

>The posts on Robot9000 one morning were indeed far more substantive than /b/.
...fuck. Brace yourself, /r9k/.

>> No.1066982

Unlikely. Most will only remember 4chan, then click the board that first interests them. This will most likely be /v/ or /a/, with most completely missing /b/ or any other board.

>> No.1066979

I read everything.

>> No.1066980

I was trying to access 4chan decades before moot even registered the domain. That point is where it went downhill.

>> No.1066984
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>“I own a gun. I have an escape route. If someone comes, I’m ready.”
Internet terrorists...

>> No.1066988

No dog though so he's defenseless.

>> No.1066990


Brace for what? /r9k/ is already /b/. Same fucking shit, just with added superiority complex. I gave it a few days when I came back and saw all the new boards, there were a few decent threads but everything else made me want to cancel my internet. The most comical part is they honestly think their gimmick makes them oh so superior to /b/, just like everyone in neo-/b/ thinks posting about their girlfriends on /b/ makes them kings of the internet. God, I wonder what 4chan would be like today if /b/ hadn't developed its stupid "hardcore" reputation. A nerd utopia? Maybe not. But it sure wouldn't be this. Ugh.

>> No.1066992

I like how /b/ and ED always get played up as HARD and DANGEROUS.

>> No.1066998


>> No.1066999

I just like how it's pre-'06 /b/ with sentence structure attached. It does wonders sometimes to see something with periods.

(...in before menstruation jokes)

>> No.1067003

All of a sudden, /jp/ doesn't seem too bad.

But don't think for a second that /jp/ is full of quality posts or anything.

>> No.1067013


>I just like how it's pre-'06 /b/


>> No.1067014

No, it's 2007 /b/ with sentence structure. It's exactly the same stupid bullshit that made me quit the shitty board that is /b/ like two years ago.

>> No.1067016

I go to SA for quality posting

>> No.1067025

How is this /jp/ related?

>> No.1067028

The girl in OP pic.

I want to lick her armpits.

Just saying....

>> No.1067030

>All of a sudden, /jp/ doesn't seem too bad.

Well, /jp/ is the last good board on 4chan. Or one of the last good boards. It's funny: the nerdier the board is the longer it can resist the inevitable downfall.

>> No.1067039

goddamn you fucking idiots this article is a big troll

>> No.1067040

well, we were once /a/, who was /b/ once.

>> No.1067043

Occasionally there's something to look at besides "LOL HERE'S MY DICK WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH IT" and that nonsense. Just like that copypasta of a priest trying to convert /b/ because of mudkips. It got me going for a moment when I first lurked on here, but then it just fell to inactivity 10 minutes later.

The whole tripfags everywhere and ronery/srs bsns threads are new.

>> No.1067044

No, that's not true, look at--

wait, that's completely true. /tg/ is the proof of that. Well, damn.

>> No.1067045

>I want to lick her armpits.

And so it begins.

>> No.1067050

Too bad /jp/'s topics are shitty (Touhou to name a few).

>> No.1067058


I would say 2008 /b/. Nothing at all different save the gimmick and the ego. And it's not like neo-/b/ doesn't have a ridiculous ego so that's not that different anyway.


/tg/ is best. In a straight up "who's nerdier?" fight we at the very least stand a fighting chance, but they weren't cursed with a horrible board name and "rules" by that troll moot, so they have won and I am jealous.

On the other hand, at least we get less furfags.

>> No.1067052

/b/ used to be made up of self-depreciating nerds who understood what they were, and laughed at it.

Now it's made up of frat boys and high school kids who think it's some secret hardcore club.

Haven't visited regularly since around 10M GET, what a waste.

>> No.1067053

Don't forget /tg/.

>> No.1067056

/jp/ is the cleanest piece of shit among a pile of shit.

>> No.1067066

>Well, /jp/ is the last good board on 4chan.

You're giving /jp/ too much credit.

>> No.1067079

Does 2ch have problems like these? Does Japan have people equivalent to /b/tards?

>> No.1067088

2chners actually kill people.

>> No.1067085

>Don't forget /tg/.

/tg/ is/was very good. But nowadays there's so many tripfags there that it resembles your average phpbb internet community. But at least threads there don't resemble youtube comments like they do on less nerdy boards.

>> No.1067086


>> No.1067090

I like how we said the exact same thing before the split, and how we said the exact opposite about /jp/ after the split.

>> No.1067094


Sometimes they hijack buses.

>> No.1067102

How's /m/ lately? I haven't browsed it since /jp/ came to be.

>> No.1067107

...The fuck?

>> No.1067114

2ch has boards for everything. It's pretty much considered as in the "in" thing in Japan right now, so I'd say the nerdier boards probably think of the "normal" boards exactly like we (/jp/, /tg/) do of /a/, /v/ and /b/.

No, they don't.

>> No.1067117
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I'll admit that /jp/'s users are good. But the board itself is a turd. Touhou, low budget Visual Novels, and my favorite "How do I learn Japenesezu."

If /a/, /v/, /r9k/, or /g/ had a less (what's the word I'm looking for) mainstream userbase, I wouldn't touch /jp/ with someone else's dick.

But I guess it's /jp/'s mediocre topics that prevents people from flocking to it.

>> No.1067116

Not very good, but it's as close as you're going to get to pre-split /a/.

>> No.1067124

>I'll admit that /jp/'s users are good.

I laughed.

>But I guess it's /jp/'s mediocre topics that prevents people from flocking to it.

More like mediocre posters.

>> No.1067127

Is all that shit about Weev true?

Could someone tell me why this braindead, vapid NYC faggot basically rubbed cocks with a guy who's essentially an international criminal?

I hate journalists so fucking much.

>> No.1067131

/m/ has always been an extension of /a/. As soon as one becomes shit, the other one follows.

/m/ is pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.1067135

>/b/ used to be made up of self-depreciating nerds who understood what they were, and laughed at it.

This is why I loved /b/ and 4chan. No e-penises, no e-hugs, no pecking orders or chest thumping, no identity. Win or fail, only what you posted mattered. It was always assumed that every poster is a fat loser who lives in his parents basement and trying to prove otherwise just made you look like an idiot.

>> No.1067145


Oh I meant NYT faggot.

NYT sucks shit.

>> No.1067154

>reads like a blog

There's your problem.

>> No.1067175

Proof that /b/ needs to die. It had a good run, I doubt the fags from it will go ruin the rest of 4chan, maybe the first few days there would be floods of /b/ shit, but they will goto 7chan/420chan's /b/.

>> No.1067179


Pretty bad, but my perspective is pretty skewed. /m/ is the one board I'm emotionally attached to. I can endure a certain level of shit on /jp/, but that same degree of shittiness on /m/ is unbearable to me.


Pre-Gurren Lagann I thought /a/ was pretty bad (at least during the day) but /m/ was still pretty good. Mostly true though, there's so much spillover. A lot of it has to do with the current popular mecha anime, which is kind of ironic since before Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, new Reideen, new Jeeg, etc. we had been complaining over the lack of new mecha anime. Then we got a good bit of it, and it had unintended consequences.

>> No.1067227


someone get back to me on this

>> No.1067231
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this was posted hear earlier today, isnt it beautiful?

>> No.1067236



>> No.1067244

What do you mean /b/ needs to die? It's long dead and buried! That wretched clone of the Gaia Online forums in its place is /b/ in name only.

>> No.1067247

I just love these "ex-trolls" who probably think they're being all badass renegade turncoats and divulging AMAZING SECRETS or some horseshit. HUHUHUH I MAEK FUN OF PEOPEL ON THE INTERNET isn't a fucking news story.

>> No.1067250


I just shed a tear.

>> No.1067254


>/g/ - Guro
>/l/ - Lolikon


>> No.1067255


>> No.1067262

Just no.

>> No.1067273

Fyad is pretty much the only place in the internet that makes me laugh :(

>> No.1067274

Fyad is pretty much the only place in the internet that makes me laugh

>> No.1067283


Can you feel my pity through the tubes?

>> No.1067276

hope you got 10bux

>> No.1067282


I used to goto /s/ when the frontpage was like this.

>> No.1067285

I do
I don't

>> No.1067286

The only board I was browsing (very casually) was /h/ at that time... then /b/ after the downtime when 4chan.net became 4chan.org

Goddamnit I wish I could go back in time.

>> No.1067289

10 bux is nothing
I can't

>> No.1067299


Sucks to be you.

>> No.1067300

The problem is that you are paying for friends (and horrible moderation).

>> No.1067313

/b/ very rarely goes any farther than posting nasty messages.

>> No.1067309

and for quality posting and the members don't act like retards attacking scientology or posting the same horrible memes over and over and over

>> No.1067310



>> No.1067328


>> No.1067329

lol, he got trolled.

>> No.1067330

Moot, if you're reading this. Please get rid of /b/. We hate what's become of 4chan. Its all /b/'s fault but you probably know that already.

>> No.1067337


because getting rid of /b/ would totally get rid of all the people there and not disperse them to other boards or anything

keep retard quarantine, mass ban shitbags who are unworthy of breathing our air

>> No.1067342


You have a valid point.

>> No.1067344


diseased man, airplane engine, etc

>> No.1067350

>quality posting
Haven't seen many in forums that non-members can see.
>members don't act like retards attacking scientology
Hiya spews.org

Oh well, have fun buying animated haruhi avatars and whatnot.

>> No.1067347


>> No.1067358

you only visit ADTRW right?

>> No.1067361

Fuck you, I'll save this board with original content. What if I poured a ton of effort into designing a visual novel, and I changed the story based on decisions that the player (the users of /jp/) makes! I'll set it in Gensyoukou, a place filled with the touhous anonymous loves so much.

>> No.1067362

Protesting Scientology was the ONLY thing /b/ ever did right.

>> No.1067363



>> No.1067365

You just made me smash my keyboard in rage. I am now typing with that shitty on screen keyboard.

>> No.1067373

I opened up my dad's issue of Maxim magazine while taking a shit the other day. What do I see first? A 7-page article about "Anonymous vs. Scientology".

Completely ruined my shit.

>> No.1067379

That would require me to visit SA at all.

>> No.1067386

Jesus fucking Christ. This is the most stupid post I've ever seen on /jp/, and that's saying A LOT. Just go back to the piece of shit where your idiotic ass came from. We don't need you here, why don't you go help out your ANONYMOUS IS LEGION XD friends in /b/?

>> No.1067388

Jesus fucking Christ. This is the most stupid post I've ever seen on /jp/, and that's saying A LOT. Just go back to the piece of shit where your idiotic ass came from. We don't need you here, why don't you go help out your ANONYMOUS IS LEGION FUCK SCIENTOLOGY XD protest friends in /b/?

>> No.1067396


you and me both. except i didnt hit it hard enough to break it, so its still usable.

>> No.1067397


10/10 I raged hard

>> No.1067409
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enough conversation
lets talk about which touhou is the softest

>> No.1067413

They're called VIPPERs and they had their own faggoty crusade against those people in the background of photos taken at the Akiba crime scene recently. Certainly not VIP QUALITY as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.1067414

The really sad thing is that I don't think this is a troll.

>> No.1067421
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>> No.1067419

How is ADTRW these days? I might consider leaving to be honest.

>> No.1067428


I've only played a few VNs and I only have SWR.

The only reason I stay here, is because, for lack of a better term, I feel at home here, there's no 'my girlfriend' dickwaving, no relationship advice, no normalfaggotry...

>> No.1067422

still shit

>> No.1067426

perhaps the saddest post I've read. ever. fucking loser.

>> No.1067438



>> No.1067440

pretty much /a/ lite and /jp/ reposts

>> No.1067444


>> No.1067453

Am I one of the few people left on /jp/ that doesn't mind /a/ that much? Take a look at it and compare it to /v/, /r9k/ and /b/.

Really, it isn't THAT bad and although there's a minority of normalfags on there, they usually keep their mouths shut.

>> No.1067458

Yeh, I think VIP has become kind of normal now, that's what I've heard anyway, their anime boards are supposed to be good though. On the whole 'elitist' thing between boards, Futaba pretty much despises 2channelers, especially the more normal ones.

>> No.1067459

Ahahaha, oh I get it. He's a loser for saying the truth, right?

Get the fuck out.

>> No.1067460


Right, but /a/ is also full of mouthbreathing retards.

>> No.1067461

Huh, seems like I need to register...
'neway, any article about 4chan is always shit.

>> No.1067472


>> No.1067466

It's somewhat okay, I still go there.

>> No.1067468

I actually enjoy Geass Sunday, and yeh - despite what /jp/ says OPs girlfriend and that kind of stuff isn't tolerated there.

>> No.1067473


>> No.1067477


>Am I one of the few people left on /jp/ that doesn't mind /a/ that much?

Yes. Take the summer of 2007, replace GL and LS with Code Geass and Naruto/Bleach, add a horde of Cirno imitators, subtract every good poster, multiply times a million. Voilà, neo-/a/. Not to mention FUCKING CAMWHORES. SERIOUSLY. Camwhores and tripfags being emo over relationships AND GETTING SERIOUS SYMPATHETIC REPLIES.

Measuring something against /b/ doesn't work. Leprosy isn't as bad as /b/ so I guess I should be jazzed that my face is rotting off. Just because it isn't /b/ doesn't mean it's good, it just means /b/ is that much worse.

>> No.1067482

I don't go there, but I don't mind it.

Yes, Code Geass truly is the biggest pile of shit ever made by Sunrise. But honestly, a lot of the people watching don't know any better; they're young and/or new to anime.

>> No.1067484

Firstly, there have never been any camwhores tolerated on /a/, except that fag trap. Secondly, the only single relationship thread I can remember was that dude who broke up with his internet girlfriend from animesuki.

And he didn't even fuck her, it was an INTERNET RELATIONSHIP.

If that isn't pure /a/ right there, I don't know what is.

>> No.1067488

i get the feeling people originally latched onto geass out of some kind of irony, but it's actually grown on /a/ as a result.

>> No.1067489

ANN i mean, not animesuki.

>> No.1067496


>Firstly, there have never been any camwhores tolerated on /a/

I saw it for myself. One of the very few times I ever set foot in neo-/a/. I could not believe the reports that were leaking into /jp/ and I had to verify it, lo and behold, camwhore. It was like /b/ all over again.

And I think the tripfag was from ANN not animesuki. That's worse, right? I think it's worse.

>> No.1067512

I'm too emotionally attached to /a/ to leave it.

>> No.1067582


If you can force yourself to take a temporary break from 4chan entirely or the internet in general, you'll never go back. It worked for me. I spent some months completely away from 4chan, then came back and was surprised by all the new boards. Gave /r9k/ a shot, was disgusted, settled on /jp/, never so much as looked at /a/ again. If I couldn't stand it the last time I was there in early January there's no way I'd be able to stand it now. But if I had been there through the whole decline I probably wouldn't have been able to extricate myself from the quagmire anymore than I can keep /jp/ from sucking up my time even when it's shitty like today.

>> No.1067592

>The only reason I stay here, is because, for lack of a better term, I feel at home here

Same here. Also, I have gradually started to like Touhou.

>> No.1067605


Hear hear.

>> No.1068567

>>1067592 I have gradually started to like Touhou.

Me too. I still haven't played it, but I've started going to Touhou threads instead of ignoring them.

>> No.1068706



>> No.1068759
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Did someone say Time-Traveling?
