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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 700x525, 1358226272633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10667167 No.10667167[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please explain this image /jp/.

>> No.10667170

Fat American girl ate small Japanese girl then took her spot in Japanese highschool.

>> No.10667172


>> No.10667176

The Japanese schoolgirl in her natural habitat.

>> No.10667182

secret fbi agent sent as undercover foreign exchange student

>> No.10667197

Pitiable spawn of a military couple, forced into a life of second-rate citizenship.

>> No.10667212

living the dream

i'll never know this feel

>> No.10667216
File: 48 KB, 419x263, 1352281796766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10667219

future suicide

>> No.10667226

This is the end game of weeabooism.

>> No.10667230

no one will admit it but its true

>> No.10667240

Why would you want that? You'd be a stranger in a strange land.

>> No.10667250

The whaite piggu happens to be chubby. Go figure.

>> No.10667251


>> No.10667253
File: 33 KB, 339x450, 1358228828788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think he's a delinquent?

>> No.10667254

I already feel like a stranger in my own land

>> No.10667255

Japanese seem to believe white people are predisposed to get fat easier. I wonder if it is true, or if it is just because of our fast food culture.

>> No.10667257

Me sitting behind the girl smelling her hair

>> No.10667258


She looks so big and fat around those little schoolgirls. I wonder if she will be bullied.

>> No.10667260

also she is currently emitting a faint light for some reason

>> No.10667261

How do random black people from Uganda end up as exchange students?

>> No.10667263

A white girl, through a series of unlikely events, winds up in a japanese highschool and is bullied brutally.

>> No.10667266

She'll just eat them

She'll become the biggest bully of all, just like America is.

>> No.10667268

Does anyone have those bullying pictures taken from Japanese schools?

>> No.10667273

America is just so fat. Have you seen college age girls these days? What the hell do they feed them?

>> No.10667276

Have you seen college age girls these days?

No, actually.
But I'll take your word for it and enjoy the fat stereotype.

>> No.10667283
File: 82 KB, 800x600, 1352525238778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European gaijins.

>> No.10667293

Cute post, dude.

>> No.10667294

Yeah, just know they're mostly chubby or fat.

>> No.10667301
File: 361 KB, 1800x1205, 1358282188262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat /jp/ dream

>> No.10667306

A bunch of Japanese foreign exchange students were deployed to America. The white girl depicted was the only student in her class who was patriotic enough to not sign up for the exchange program. No she can only sit in disgust while the new students jap the whole place up.


>> No.10667326

they're ugly as HELL

>> No.10667332
File: 487 KB, 1800x1205, korean spoted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10667328

My only regret in life is that I will never be a handsome white transfer student in a Japanese high school.

>> No.10667330

I don't know how can any self respecting person can become an English language assistant.

>> No.10667333

the dream of being an ugly motherfucker?

I am already one

>> No.10667335
File: 360 KB, 1280x914, 155445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot the odd one out.

>> No.10667339 [DELETED] 


#2 is only one not smiling

>> No.10667337

>I don't know how can any self respecting person can become an English language assistant.
It's not possible. That's why only weeboos and otakus become them.

>> No.10667338

When's Emily's first porno coming out anyway?

>> No.10667343

All those nice boobs, but then we get to the far right whaite piggu.

>> No.10667344
File: 139 KB, 1053x700, 1358304094522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder that this could be you.

>> No.10667345 [DELETED] 

i mean only one smileing....sorry its very late i cant brain. i will delete this shameful display.... gomenasai /jp/...

>> No.10667347

emiri is ameripig
next to her is a filipina
the one next to america bikini is indonesian.

>> No.10667348

Is it me, or does Emily have a manjaw?

>> No.10667349

That guy is FAR from ugly, dude. He's probably at least like an 8. Could push to 9-9.5 with nice clothes.

>> No.10667353


feelio when it's the girls you want to be

>> No.10667356

that indonesian girl is qtest oone

>> No.10667360


>> No.10667361


yeah bro definitely an 8 at LEAST
*high five*
could get some chicks at da club for sure
i'm like a 7/10 and my gf is like 9 but i can totally even admit that guy is like 8
no homo

>> No.10667367

wanting to be isn't the same thing, tranny

>> No.10667370


I don't give a shit about traps. I wish to be born as a kawaii girl. No amount of crossdressing will change the shitty fate life dealt me.

>> No.10667374

Why are you shitposting?

>> No.10667380


why do birds fly

>> No.10667378

Not soon enough.

>> No.10667383

You're out of your mind if you think that guy is an 8 or will ever dream of being close to a 9.

>> No.10667384

He is ugly and looks like a total normalfag loser. He also looks fat.

I haven't showered or shaved in 3 weeks, I haven't cut my hair in 3 years and I look handsomer than that normaldouche.

>> No.10667386
File: 62 KB, 452x640, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10667387

It really sucks that I couldn't fug any school girl. I'll never know the pleasure of cumming inside as a young and much more sexual boy than i am now. ;_;

>> No.10667399

Yes, of course you are. You aren't delusional at all.

>> No.10667400
File: 40 KB, 640x480, beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.10667405

feelio when impotence.

i don't know that feelio, homo. get your dick checked

>> No.10667408
File: 170 KB, 1200x803, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10667413

he looks like every white normalfag dork out there
my balls are handsomer than him(ii just shaved them though)

>> No.10667414

No, he is most definitely an 8 just by his face. The only problem is his clothes, really. He's tall, handsome, has a nice smile and a good haircut. He's an 8.

btw I'm a girl

>> No.10667416

It took me several seconds to realize it's Miyamoto's and her original face, they fucking look the same.

>> No.10667422

Miyamoto has a beautiful daughter

>> No.10667418

I liked Remy, but her H scenes were a bit outlandish in the body proportions.

>> No.10667426

He's not a fucking 8
You're just saying that because you look like him.

>> No.10667427

Which is the real shiggy?

>> No.10667430

ahahahahhahahaahfhhahahaAHAHA muy buenisimo

i really, lold this one out!

>> No.10667433

shiggyty diggity doo xd

>> No.10667436

I googled "shiggy" and Miyamoto's google profile popped up.

>> No.10667440
File: 82 KB, 761x510, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10667450

Would you do lewd things to her? Just think you could have rough anal sex then play mario afterwards.

>> No.10667451

THIS is what an average white dork who moved to Japan looks like.

>> No.10667453

Are you being ironic?

>> No.10667459

And he fugged MIYAMOTO'S daughter. God damn, all that gaijin cocksucking.

>> No.10667462

>that half-retarded face
They must have some beautiful baby.

>> No.10667471

Good lord. How can she stomach to kiss that guy?

>> No.10667475

dat /jp/ dream

>> No.10667473

They are both ugly.

>> No.10667478

It wasn't all that, I tell you what.

>> No.10667480


don't be mean just because your life is better if he ever sees your comments he'll get really upset about being married to miyamoto shigeru's daughter

>> No.10667490

But he is crippingly so. It's like his face is melting and he is FUCKING SMILING in that photo.

>> No.10667491

Consider it moving up the genetic ladder, white pig.

>> No.10667501

He's just English.

>> No.10667503

These make me angry and hateful. My time for these things have long since passed. Fuck you.

>> No.10667504

I feel bad for the baby.

>> No.10667508

seriously, a top hat?

What is he? an 1800s millionaire?

>> No.10667511



>> No.10667517

I had cute girls fawning over me today at temple, way cuter than gross nips too.

>> No.10667524

The only thing normal here is my dick going up your mothers ass.

>> No.10667537

I had your mom fawning all over the temple that is my dick.

>> No.10667533

Well, that baby might be saved by the simple fact that White/Asian mixes are 99% of the time incredibly attractive.

>> No.10667545

Are you a professional facts guy? You inspect white and nip people's spawn throughout their lives?

>> No.10667549

laughed way harder than I should have, uproariously. Thanks /jp/, it's been a while.

>> No.10667551

Show me an unattractive mixed white/asian.

>> No.10667557

You show me one. You're the expert here.

>> No.10667565

You can still become a girl.

>> No.10667587

Any there are race mixes that aren't very attractive most of the time?

It seems like mixes always come out better than the pure breds. Maybe humans are supposed to breed between races?

>> No.10667590

Is that Shigeru Miyamoto?
