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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 664x1000, c83-day-3-cosplay-1-094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10664398 No.10664398[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do american try to cosplay as anime chara?

you are ugly you do not understand??

>> No.10664407
File: 46 KB, 435x454, 1363001501141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop making your chinese cartoon characters Caucasian.

>> No.10664405

We already have a guy with this gimmick. Except he's a genuine kook and he's been doing it for years.

Step it up.

>> No.10664440
File: 810 KB, 2048x2998, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's actually really cute imo.

Would love.

>> No.10664439

Please do not label us as cosplayers. It's insulting.

>> No.10664447
File: 37 KB, 604x402, x_b3e6ca12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, then we try to cosplay a russian.
 かわいい!!! (^_^)

>> No.10664448

Le wut?

>> No.10664451

that's the attitude an /a/ bully would have! op is trying hard to be /jp/

>> No.10664455

Also he's one of those southeast asians who almost looks black so it's hilarious he's trying to associate himself with the Japanese.

>> No.10664463


>> No.10664468
File: 25 KB, 232x308, 30b49bc1f250a2403f6d3ccc7df8c953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>southeast asians who almost looks black
When i went in capital of Russia, i've seen many of those.

>> No.10664469

Are you fucking kidding me? You must be one nip in a million because most would gladly fuck a nice pure white girl than one of their own, why do you think the population growth is so low in Japan and yet every Japanese you see abroad has a nice white partner?

>> No.10664515
File: 20 KB, 336x265, cute_anime_girl_greetings_need_of_eden_the_manga_desktop_1600x1280_wallpaper-369430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the op? /jp/ does not need japanese. Or it will be /wb/.

>> No.10664556

That’s a Turkic central Asian, you nerd.
Not South East Asia.

>> No.10664642

im op

>> No.10664648

No, I'm op.

>> No.10664653

if i was japanese i would love to fuck a white girl since white girls are used to large penises it only helps fuel my cuckold fetish

>> No.10664656
File: 185 KB, 597x1067, animuisforwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rook trorlo treado

>> No.10664661

What an ugly bitch.
Do some people not realize how ugly they are or are they just that inconsiderate?

At least the least pretty of /jp/ stay indoors.

>> No.10664664

you have something against ugly fat faceless rapists, fag?

>> No.10664666
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x720, me on the left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's cute.

I want to have sex with her.

I like her.

You're a homo.

You don't even look good.

>> No.10664689

whats going on in this thread?

>> No.10664694
File: 99 KB, 500x371, cherry-picking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10664696

>using monospace
>pretending to be jap
>fake engrish


>> No.10664701

do you think they would bother with cosplaying as animu characters if they were cute and popular?

>> No.10664705

There's no such thing as pretending to be buttmad.

>> No.10664707

I agree with those points, but please do not misuse the quoting function.

>> No.10664711

>>>/out/ is old and busted
The new hotness is >>>/出/

>> No.10664715 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 275x392, 275px-Th13Kogasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enforcing imaginary rules
What are you going to do? Call the RAF?

>> No.10664812
File: 185 KB, 454x454, 1272433934295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about?

My name isn't mentioned anywhere in that post nor is that one of my images.

>> No.10664825

Some guy is pretending to be you with the name field.

>> No.10664846

Oh right. You have forced anon don't you, Trevor?

Well some guy is tripping with your name and making you look more retarded than usual.

>> No.10664847
File: 134 KB, 1377x1078, [HorribleSubs] Kotoura-san - 06 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_23.23_[2013.02.20_09.59.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I get for using Anonymizer.

How long has this faggot been doing this? Does he even realize who he's fucking with here?

>> No.10664858

He started it as soon as the farewell thread hit the board.

>> No.10664857
File: 655 KB, 130x98, 1355294446820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making you look more retarded than usual.

I find that hard to believe.

>> No.10664860

Started today or late last night.

Make him go away.

>> No.10664871

Look more retarded? It's as blatant as mocking can be, the really condescending type.

>> No.10664877

So you're saying that he doesn't know who's he fucking with here?

>> No.10664877,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know what is going on anymore.

>> No.10664877,2 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry, nothing has changed. You're still a massive fucking faggot.

>> No.10664877,3 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.10664877,4 [INTERNAL] 

The battle for the title of "Trevor" has begun, my friends.

>> No.10664877,5 [INTERNAL] 

What's with this Trevor tripfag? It pisses me off seeing some shitty faggot claiming Trevor's name.

>> No.10664877,6 [INTERNAL] 

Agreed. He doesn't even have half my wife's wit.

>> No.10664877,7 [INTERNAL] 

                    ./ ・  ヽ
                   /   .ノ・|
                 /   ` /:::::
                /      ヽ:::::
               / ヽ    / /::::   Check these sweet triples
              / /へ ヘ/ /:::::
              / \ ヾミ  /|:::
             (__/| \___ノ/::::::
                /    /::::::::

>> No.10664877,8 [INTERNAL] 

>feel when janny up n gave me a 15 minute ban just for admitting im trevor

>> No.10664877,9 [INTERNAL] 

Just two fake Trevors in a thread is pretty weak.

>> No.10664877,10 [INTERNAL] 

Make that three.


>> No.10664877,11 [INTERNAL] 

Who gave you the right to talk to me, nerdoroid? I make the posts here. You can read them, but only on Tuesdays and Fridays. Idiot.

>> No.10664877,12 [INTERNAL] 

A quick analysis of fake Trevor (Trevor#Trevor):

- He is new (late 2012), unless he's someone else.
- He visits /a/.

- Probably lurks /g/: interested in technology and rms images.

- He seems to hold a grudge against the janitor:

- Now it starts getting interesting:

Look at 10189340. It contains an email: es50@lavabit.com. Searching for it reveals these posts:

What we can see from this:

-- He requests people pictures of their dicks.

-- Look at this post:

This is a screenshot from his email: http://i.imgur.com/5cSfhC9.png
Highlights: IRC name on Rizon (NotHomu), an email from Brad (probably coincidence, not Milk's boyfriend), and something about panties (see below).

-- He has been sent panties from some girl from /cgl/. EXIF reveals he has a HTC One V. He's also American.

It's a bit strange because he has also asked pictures of dicks before. Is he bisexual, gay and likes lingerie or just a girl? Anyway, this doesn't matter.

- Finally, this is a bit disturbing (plus Moetron images...), but I'll just leave it there.

Despite the Trevor = Tokiko thing, that thread about him smoking a pipe and UBRY posting again being a hint of that autistic FAS dipshit having returned, I think it's probably not him, unless he starts astroturfing after this post. I hope he keeps doing drugs and kills himself soon, though.

>> No.10664877,13 [INTERNAL] 

Note: I've not included posts about self-pity and overall depressed mood because that's universal to everyone I've stalked.

>> No.10664877,14 [INTERNAL] 

Stalk me, Detective-san!

>> No.10664877,15 [INTERNAL] 

>roleplays with other men
Oh so it IS the real Trevor! Thanks, dude.

>> No.10664877,16 [INTERNAL] 

trevor has the best boypussy on /jp/. he's the number 1 /jp/er you'd want to fuck according to exit polls.

>> No.10664877,17 [INTERNAL] 

>not wanting to fuck Saten anon
I guess I couldn't be part of the elite if the majority didn't have shitty taste

>> No.10664877,18 [INTERNAL] 

saten anon is used goods. trevor is pure virgin ready to have his cherry popped.

deflowing trevor and posting about it on /jp/ would be the next level of shitposting and we'd achieve singularity.

>> No.10664877,19 [INTERNAL] 

in a /jp/ completely devoid of any charismatic or remotely amusing trip users (R.I.P. sudo, ZUN!bar, Aya Shameimaru is my Girlfriend, Curry!BUTT, etc.) it would be relieving to finally get someone new that isn't an alt of some other shitty underage poster with stale gimmicks

>Trevor = T****

>> No.10664877,20 [INTERNAL] 

How new can you get. Saten anon has an untouched boypussy and S tier cock sucking skills. Have fun with your sassy fat black bro

>> No.10664877,21 [INTERNAL] 

Someone was spamming it yesterday I think, it might have been that kid. That's why I mentioned he could be the fake Trev.

>> No.10664877,22 [INTERNAL] 

I stopped reading after you used sudo in the same sentence as charismatic and amusing

elanimeface.jpg lol piggy slaughter

>> No.10664877,23 [INTERNAL] 

>believing him when he said he hasn't had his ass reamed and fucked by a big dick
nice one, really, that's so gay (HAPPY). you seem like a swell guy. are you by chance a nice guy?

ps i was bumping all those threads.

>> No.10664877,24 [INTERNAL] 

>thinking someone would admit to sucking cock and lie about getting drilled
Yes, thank you ESL-kun that makes so much sense to me.

>> No.10664877,25 [INTERNAL] 

It's a coin flip if saten anon was or was not just writing erotic fiction on /jp/ to live out his fantasy. ESL-kun? Whatever you say special ed kiddo. Your autism is showing dumb fuck. Feelings a more secure cause I used capital letters to own you bitch?

>> No.10664877,26 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10664877,27 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10664877,28 [INTERNAL] 

Don't take it to heart, I'm sure you'll blend in one day. Just don't argue about things you can barely read until then

>> No.10664877,29 [INTERNAL] 

So do you have particular people you document or do you just investigate everyone and latch onto whatever is the most interesting?

>> No.10664877,30 [INTERNAL] 

How does it feel to be this stupid and autistic? When you went to that special education class with people drooling on themselves while wear diapers and helmets did you learn capitalization?

At least you learned to capitalize the beginning letter of each sentence. The most difficult part of English. Your mum must be proud :')

Try working on writing sentences which aren't word salads written by a disabled person next.

>> No.10664877,31 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, calm down there dude I was just joking...

...psyche. By the way, I'm emailing warosuman to get your thirdworld ass banned. I'm not even upset, I just want to imagine you in your mudhut banging on your keyboard like an ape in heat because you fucked up your chance to post with the big dogs. Was that sentence too complex for you?

>> No.10664877,32 [INTERNAL] 

This is far too ironic.

Honestly, you write nothing but simple sentences like a grade schooler; you barely manage to force commas, and use it mistakenly instead of semicolon.

If I was as autistic as you then I'd say, "I peed myself, just a little, laughing [I'd omit, "so hard", since you only write simple sentences] :)". Then, I'd piss in the diaper my mother put on me this morning. Which, we both know you're wearing.

At least you mastered simple sentences and capitalization, kiddo. Don't cut yourself with pointy punctuations.

Very nice, honestly, it's quite the show, chap.

>> No.10664877,33 [INTERNAL] 

>Log onto warosu
>See this shit

Why is /jp/ so fascinated by this crap?

>> No.10664877,34 [INTERNAL] 

Feelings a more secure; cause I used a semicolon to own you bitch? Which, we both know you don't know how they work.

Keep it up please, I've got a fever and the only cure is another barrel full of laughs

>> No.10664877,35 [INTERNAL] 

>Feelings a more secure; cause I used a semicolon to own you bitch?
you're in tears right now aren't you? thanks for the laugh. that's quite the nice semicolon usage; in fact, you must be a english scholar :')

>> No.10664877,36 [INTERNAL] 

The best part is I bet you're being “ironic” and actually think that's wrong


>> No.10664877,37 [INTERNAL] 



I was waiting for this to be discovered the second I made that trip. Also very interesting to see my past history. (I am not particularly embarrassed of any of it on here though)

Got a couple of things to say though: I never actually bothered registering/using using that nick on rizon

I don't own a cell-phone or camera. That EXIF data was from the girl who sent me those pics.

Amazing though, everything else was deadon.

I have to ask though, are you actually surprised about any of what you found out tantei-san?

>> No.10664877,38 [INTERNAL] 

>not embarrassed about being outed as a crossboarder
It was fun warosubros. pz

>> No.10664877,39 [INTERNAL] 

the best part isn't being right. it's the fact you think you are! my sides, they're broken. it's okay, though. semicolons aren't used by illiterates like yourself; thus, nobody expected you to get it right. i just wanted you to write it wrong for a laugh

>> No.10664877,40 [INTERNAL] 



I browse /a/ very rarely, and get bored of it almost instantly. I browse /g/ a lot. /ck/ on occasion. /soc/ is a good one. But that's pretty much it though.


>> No.10664877,41 [INTERNAL] 

So other ESLfriends can be in on the joke, >>10664877,39 has only been taught enough to think that semicolons can only separate independent clauses.

>> No.10664877,42 [INTERNAL] 

so owned you're now astroturfing, fantastic. i think, i may, just may have committed a crime against a disabled person. i took off the gloves and bruised up a kid. i'm feeling sorry for humiliating this guy now.

shh, wipe the tears away; change your diaper.

>> No.10664877,43 [INTERNAL] 

>u mad
Now that the towel has been thrown in, I'm glad that we can announce the score

First world - 1
Third world - 0

Keep trying, “developing”friends

>> No.10664877,44 [INTERNAL] 

nice comeback, "u mad". how did someone from /v/ find this place? i'm suddenly feeling less sorry for putting you into the dumpster.

head back to your home board with your memes. by the way, it isn't pronounced maymay either. just a tip since i'm in the business of schooling retards like you.

>> No.10664877,45 [INTERNAL] 

I was quoting your post, slugger. Check it out guys, this one's so new that he doesn't even know what quotes are.

>> No.10664877,46 [INTERNAL] 

ZUN!bar = trevor = scandaroon = tar07d

>> No.10664877,47 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10664877,48 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10664877,49 [INTERNAL] 

That wig looks bad, but at least her tits seem OK I guess.

>> No.10664877,50 [INTERNAL] 

Up. It's hilarious seeing a guy new as fuck trying to imitate the site's greatest poster.

>> No.10664877,51 [INTERNAL] 

gigs isn't new

>> No.10664877,52 [INTERNAL] 

>shh, wipe the tears away; change your diaper.
>not equivalent of "u mad"

Where did you hit your head when you were a boy, Timmy?

>> No.10664877,53 [INTERNAL] 

Saber doesn't have tits like that. It's out of character.

>> No.10664877,54 [INTERNAL] 

