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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10664165 No.10664165 [Reply] [Original]

When did you leave employment, education, or training?

>> No.10664172 [DELETED] 
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When I started fucking ur madre for dinero.

>> No.10664177

I don't really remember, it just happened over time.

>> No.10664188

only 8 months ago

I spent 3 years in uni skipping all classes before that

>> No.10664209

That's employment faglord.

>> No.10664210

I got hospitalised, and couldn't bother going back to it all.

>> No.10664213

last year summer
graduated HS and missed the enrollment for comp-sci college

>> No.10664216

I never even started.

>> No.10664217

six years three months and twelve days

>> No.10664218 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10664220

19ish. Gave up on trying to actually complete high school.

>> No.10664227 [DELETED] 


u idnt get hospitlized u fuckin goon, u got locked up

they just tell you its a real hospital even though its not, to help you believe theres no "stigma" placed on it, because its "real medicine". theres a huge stigma placed on you 4ever though unless you start redeeming your shit

they get u fooled good bro

>> No.10664234

When I dropped out of high school when I was 15.

I'm 21 now.

>> No.10664243 [DELETED] 

October of 2011.

>> No.10664274
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One year. I take academic vacation for 1 year. But my work overlapped the studding and i got expelled from the institute. My boss didn't like this and tell me to "deal with my problems". And he started to not paying me money. But really i didn't like working for money anyway, there was no enjoyment in this (i know, i know).
Two years overall.
... 3 months. My doctor forbidden me to do sports and take exercises on trainers (or how i should spell in english things, that you build your muscles with). And you know, i got
cerebral concussion 2 times in a row (i was many times beaten in school), i have chronic gastritis and chronic bronchitis. And i was forbidden not to exercise not for that, lol. But for my bad eyes, lol. I wear glasses and have -8 left eye and -5 right eye eyesight.

I cant tell my institute that i was having 2 cerebral concussions, because of that they can expel me earlier.

But what this has to do with /jp/? Yes, i love japanese stuff, lol, i watch their tv programs and have decent power level on anime and manga titles, and vn games. Now i am fat glassed and bearded man, who smells really bad. I am not fanatic of their otaku philosophy (i don't like philosophy at all), because i am christian, tough i don't go to churches, knowing that there many people who don't understand simple things in bible because they have no Spirit in them.

My soul really gets peacefully, when i see really believing by the power of Christ people. And japanese, korean and chinese people too, because their position in world is harder than mine.

But most of this stuff really doesn't concern /jp/ board, i think.

>> No.10664291

About 3 weeks ago.
I was only carrying on going to uni because I didn't want to feel like I'd wasted all that time and money, I wasn't happy with what I was doing so I thought "fuck it".

>> No.10664292
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October 2002

>> No.10664295
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>October 2002

Damn, over ten years!

>> No.10664300

About four days ago for the weekend.

>> No.10664303

You're one year older as a NEET than I am...

Is there something you can teach me..?

>> No.10664308

November 2008 was the last time I went to school I think.

>> No.10664314

3 years ago, although I had a job for a year of that. Missed out on university enrolment, so just stayed home depressed since then.

>> No.10664323
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Everyone can learn something from someone else. Do I have any magical neet wisdom? No.

>> No.10664326

After I graduated high school.

>> No.10664327

last friday

>> No.10664350

a year and a half ago after collage got too expensive

>> No.10664358
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I just started work today after 6 years of NEETing. I didn't even eat during break and people though I'm weird.

>> No.10664371

>I didn't even eat during break and people though I'm weird.
It was happened to me too. But after 6 month of hard physical work you realize, that you need to restore energy. On sit job, in other hand, eating much will result in fat.

>> No.10664383

you need to eat otherwise you'll burn out very quickly and quit it. it's probably already stressful enough doing it so don't make it harder on your body.

>> No.10664533
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This good warning post needs bump for him, not sage. I think.

>> No.10664542

What job did you get, anon?

>> No.10664577

For the first time: late 2008. I left college.

I lasted about a year in that NEET/hikki life, and during late 2009, I got employed again. And I lasted a bit over one year there too.

I left the place in late 2010, and went for... a little under another year as a NEET/hikki. But then, in about mid 2011, I started working as a freelancing programmer, from home. I own a company that employs freelancing salesmen who sell web or desktop applications around my country for commission.

I'm still a hikki, but more than a NEET I might be considered a freeter. Though I do live with my parents at 27, so that has to count for something.

>> No.10664663

Been about a year since I last attempted work, 6 years since I actually had a job that lasted longer than one week.

I really need neetbux or i'm gonna die.

>> No.10665221

21 months ago.

>> No.10665230

I graduated early at 17. So 2 years now

>> No.10665241

After I got a job I did the same thing. By the time people noticed I was scared to start bringing food because they'd be all like "oh looks like you're bringing food now."

Then I quit and got another job and ended up bringing fairly large meals to work during break and some lady asked if I make all that food myself and I mentioned no my mom did and she sort of smirked to herself.

Fuck working

>> No.10665256

youre just speaking conjecture.

The human body is very adaptable to all kinds of feeding schedules. My first meals are always around 2-3pm, and I eat something later around 10pm. Eating this late in the day means my glycogen stores are nice and full by the time I wake up the next day, and I dont need to replenish myself until much later in the day

>> No.10665279
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last year when i got fired from my job at a shit restaurant
for the first few months i used all my savings to live comfortable
Then went on E.I. for a few more months... that was awesome
Then moved to my grandmas, which was even more awesome because my grandpa cooks REALLY amazing stir fry and other wild meals
and now there is internet here, so i have no reason to go to the outside world and they pay the bills and leave me alone and pick up whatever i ask them to get when they go out

>> No.10665335
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Since age twelve or so.
I've been homeschooled all through childhood, suffered (Still suffering) with phobias and anxiety due to that, had a shitty boyfriend that fucked me up for a good while, decided that going outside just wasn't worth it so I grew up to become the shut-in NEET I am today.

>> No.10665341

About an hour ago. Went to pick up dinner and drove back home just now.

>> No.10665345

How the hell does a homeschooled person who has never entered the world end up with a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Please don't selectively remove details to make you sound more tru than you are.

>> No.10665349

Not once, not ever. I've been hard working since the day I was born. I finally finished college recently, and through my connections and charmingly good looks, I was able to land a great job.

>> No.10665352

I'd like to be home-schooled. How did you afford it? The people I'm surrounded by wouldn't allow me to drop out.

>> No.10665359

We were childhood friends, met through a homeschoolers group. I worded my sentence weird, I didn't stop going outside completely until a few years back.
Get rich parents.

>> No.10665366

Kill yourself until you're reborn with ~talent~ and a ~rich~ family.

>> No.10665380

Will you help me win the lottery anon

>> No.10665384

Sure. Cross your fingers before you kill yourself.

>> No.10665397

Are there any autists here with real talent.

Not quite savant level but still far superior to a regular joe into the same activity.

>> No.10665407

I sure play a mean pinball...

>> No.10665408
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Yes. Here's what you have to do
1. Send all your current money to me
2. I will double your money and send it back, I promise.
Let's go.

>> No.10665422

I'm an autist who sings, paints, and animates. None of those talents will help me in life though.

>> No.10665440
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I said "talent" as in being at a higher level in a subject that just comes "naturally" than someone who could just pick it up and practice. It almost comes to them like a god-given gift.

You might be good at something but that hardly makes it a talent.

>> No.10665449
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Are you a prodigy any of those and from a rich and powerful family that can sponsor you? Pic not related.

>> No.10665451

I guess, for me, that would be singing.

>> No.10665460

If you were truly a talented singer then you could make money off it.

>> No.10665468

If only I had started when I was twelve, like everyone else. "No, I won't be good enough. I'll get meself a real job like pops be sayin'."

A paramount mistake. Even if I get good, my window of opportunity is gone. They'll call me when they need me, and that'll be never. Ain't stopping me, though. I have nothing but time.

I'll be another narrowly focused, clueless lunatic with zero social capital; the kind of guy that's used as an example to motivate young hot shots.

In other words, I'm an extraordinarily talented clown. A real master gets a lot done with little effort. I don't have to waste words to amuse.

>> No.10665472

When I graduated uni in December.

I'm a well educated NEET.

>> No.10665491

I'm really excited. I talked with this boy who I met on this board last night and I had such a good time that it made my entire day today feel good!

I really like it when I can get the chance to talk to someone non-anonymously.

>> No.10665504

I've always been very technically skilled on the guitar and able to learn a song or a style perfectly in a very short time, anything from punk to classical music. I credit it to my autistic-level ability to just practice all day.

But I've lost almost all interest now and only play a few times a month. It just always feels like a performance or a chore rather than it being fun like it use to. Shit sucks.

>> No.10665519
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right afther my mom told me to kill myself

>> No.10665522
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>> No.10665531

6 years of NEETdom but I am finally starting colllege next semester. Goodbye /jp/, I loved you.

>> No.10665563

How rude.

Are you upset that you're a high school drop out and a NEET and not a glorious well educated NEET who has a STEM degree from a legitimate 4 year university?

>> No.10665587

hush little normalbaby

>> No.10665597

>Wasting thousands of dollars on higher education that you're not going to put to good use

Yeah, totally jealous.

>> No.10665602
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>> No.10665605

Maybe he's NOT from the third world. I mean, not everybody in 4chan is from america...

>> No.10665607

Please title your NEET threads otherwise it is difficult to locate

>> No.10665616

Well they should be
All of the other countries have their own chans by now.

You guys should seriously get the fuck out of here now, we're done babysitting.

>> No.10665612


A mod even said so. No idea why the janitor isn't deleting this, I guess he just hasn't lurked enough?

>> No.10665621

Stopped being a NEET for 5 months after 4 years until 3 months ago.

>> No.10665623

I hope you will be happy together!

>> No.10665633

Don't put it that way...

>> No.10665645

I just got on SSI but I still work at the local university for three hours a week. Used to be six, and then before that nine, but they kept cutting back my hours. It might be a very real possibility that I will become 100% NEET after this semester due to budget cuts.

It sort of sucks because I like my boss and I feel the need to accomplish/provide something in any case.

>> No.10665653

Even if you live in one of those countries where college/university is free you'd still be wasting money that the government has invested in you, expecting you to do something with that nice degree and education you got. Congratulations, you're the worst kind of leech.

I might be on SSI but at least the government knows theyre paying me to do nothing.

>> No.10665664

Not really no, because society is shit and everything boils down to a blind retarded faith based pseudo-religious system called money and unless you've the knowledge to manipulate people into giving you the resources you need to put your STEM degree to any use you're fucked like every other educated idiot
TLDR: intellect=/=suckcess and survival

>> No.10665681

I literally left university today when I had a mental breakdown. Tomorrow morning will be the first day of NEET since I ways 3 years old.

>> No.10665700

>mental breakdown
Did you flip out in front of your classmates and embarrass yourself?

>> No.10665707

It was on a field trip in front of my classmates. It is the third time I have broken down in front of them so I was not as embarassed as the first time

>> No.10665711

Yeah but broken down how?

>> No.10665720

I'm a different poster.

I graduated from college and I feel really terrible about it. I wasted a huge amount of time and money on it that could have gone elsewhere - I assume because it was just expected of me and my parents wanted me to. But all throughout my time at college I was still really hikki - I didn't have a single friend, only left my room to go to class, etc. Guh, the regrets.

>> No.10665724

>you'd still be wasting money that the government has invested in you
Tell me how much arranging a mass course of 100-200 students costs. Please, tell me. What kind of resources are used? University education consists mostly of reading and writing.

The Soviet system literally turned fear and cabbage soup into world-class science.

Will you get it? Do you agree to understand? Money-wrapped education systems are created politically.

>> No.10665728

I'm a technically skilled guitar player, I can play stuff like this:

>> No.10665738

4 years ago.

>> No.10665781

>I was not as embarassed as the first time
That's gewd. Try not to agonise over it.

>> No.10665809

I don't understand.

>> No.10665816

I'm about to within three months. I hope I can handle the stress of needing to do actual work at University.

I'd rather get an 80k+ a year job and save up till I'm 40 so I can be a bare minimum NEET for 40 more years guaranteed.

>> No.10667177

Call me when you can play like Guthrie Govan or Ron Jarzombek.

>> No.10667213

same. Been a neet for about 6 years now.

Going to get a job this june and start going outside and socializing.

This whole weeaboo shit is just a phase for me. Time to be a man.

>> No.10667221

Guthrie Govan needs a haircut.

NEET 4 years.

>> No.10667225

Do you think you could do it? Just "go out and socialize" after 6 years of isolation?

>> No.10667233

I quit my job at the beginning of this year and have not looked back since. It's as great as I imagined.

>> No.10667234

Don't listen to him! I believe in you.

I had trouble too, but now I have a full time job

>> No.10667246

No idea. But I'm hopeful and I need to start somewhere.

If anything the biggest detriment to socialization would be my anger issues. I'd probably have to seek management therapy for that.

I generally have no problems socializing with other people in my current state. I just can't be bothered to do so.

>> No.10667248

Never had a job, never did training, after graduating HS I attended community college from fall 09- fall 11. Currently set to go to university during fall of this year while living at home.

Any advice on applying for jobs? I want to get one soon. So far my list of places to apply includes the following: adult care facilities, various menial jobs at hospitals, airport steward (not gay), and several delivery positions which use company cars (not delivering pizza). I am also considering putting ads in local papers as a freelance travel agent or posting on Craigslist offering my services as a secretary.

>> No.10667256

I like to blog too, especially when it's off topic.

>> No.10667262

>implying I care

>> No.10667275

Are you actually this idiotic?

>> No.10667279

do you people really believe this crap or are you just pulling my leg.

i mean, it's cool to live at your mom's house and I totally do it, but just because your mother feels sorry for you and lets you stay doesn't mean you are an expert manipulator.

>> No.10667277

Are you?

>> No.10667280

Please do not respond to the /v/ tourists

>> No.10667281

Recently got my first job last September, at 22 which is a rarity in my area. Had been looking on and off since I was 17 but you need connections to get a decent job.

Quit 3~ weeks ago after around 6 months of working there, it was a shitty fast food gig and they worked me double shifts and three times as hard because they didn't want to hire more employees to even out the work load.

Near the end, they had me working money as the cashier, cleaning the restaurant plus bathrooms and working the fryers all at the same fucking time.

That's not the worst part, had this cute girl who flirted with me the entire time since I started working there. I hadn't made a definitive move on her for a reason that later became rather obvious. She's a fucking slut, I had noticed that she'd flirt with other random guys but she'd only do it while she was right next to me- I decided that she could be trying to inspire jealousy so I took my chances on the last day I had decided I'd be working there and confronted her.

Walked up to her, put my hands up to gently touch her face and asked if I could kiss her. She immediately freaks out and brushes my hands off in a way that just pisses me right off and tells me she only wanted my "respect" whatever the fuck that means. So I turn in disgust and start walking away, when I notice she goes straight for the management office. The supervisor, a buddy of mine takes off running into the office to follow her. Not one minute later he runs back out and tells me to leave immediately, apparently she was teaming up with the asshole supervisor in the office to file sexual harassment charges. Told my bud I was quitting anyways and I clocked the fuck outa' there.

Little slut missed out, in my opinion.

>> No.10667285

We all do.

I have a job and I'm studying a STEM career. I guess you could say I'm double the un-NEET.

>> No.10667290

Bro, this isn't your blog. Stop posting.

>> No.10667299
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About 4 years ago. Though I told my family I'm doing "online courses" , all I did was sign up and I haven't really done much of anything.

>> No.10667297

Hahah you deserved it you stupid beta-normal

I bet she just so happened to be nice to you and say things like good morning and the whole time you were thinking "oh my god she loves me"

>> No.10667298
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You're welcome to try and make me, "bro".

>> No.10667303

Please keep sharing your work-related anecdotes. It's always so refreshing.

>> No.10667305

Tells me I'm the best looking guy working there, several times a week. Was all bullshit though, just trying to get me to help her with her work and heavy lifting cause she's a lazy slut.

>> No.10667307

If it makes you feel better if you didn't react they would start calling you gay

I know from experience

>> No.10667316

is it related to object-oriented programming?

>> No.10667321

My co-workers were fucking 17 year old little snot nosed cock suckers, they could have called me gay all they want. We were cool though, the "bros" had each others back...even had some low power-level gentleman that would talk with me about Bebop, Berserk, etc.

>> No.10667323


>> No.10667324

it's easy! you can do it!

>> No.10667331

Yeah, I know. That's not the problem. I'm just too lazy to bother fucking around with essays and assignments. I can't take it easy like that, so I'm not doing it.

>> No.10667341
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I'm working in post production

Left college after discovering it didn't matter at all what a knew but who I knew.

I've trained myself and still learn with each passing day.

>> No.10667350

please put her away. I can't stand her

she's the reason I dropped shits;gayte

>> No.10667359

Can someone explain to me the link between being otaku and being NEET because I just don't get it.

>> No.10667364

there isn't, but if we pretend there's a link, we can blog about it on /jp/.

>> No.10667375

Because to be a true otaku and thus true /jp/ you have to forgo the world of normals and delve into truNEEThood.

Otherwise you're just living a lie.

>> No.10667493

Do NEETs eat with their family at the dinner table?

>> No.10667505
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I had a summer job last year to buy a computer.
My memory is really bad, but I think... one or two years ago?

Haven't started reeking in autismbux benefits yet, but I plan to.
Moving out ASAP as well. I can't stand being around my 3 siblings. Hell, I can't stand being around *anyone*, come to think of it.

>> No.10667510

No man thats weird
I don't like eating around people because I don't want to care about cutting my food into bites or something.

>> No.10667527

I do very rarely (MAYBE once a month) when we get pizza/fast food.

I get horribly nervous they will bring up my lack of a job again so I try to finish as fast as possible.

>> No.10667531

I eat at my computer, they don't mind

>> No.10667532
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I cook dinner for my mum as part of my daily NEET duties then we eat together and watch TV

>> No.10667573

I left school 7 years ago and never worked.

>> No.10667667

So they give you a place to stay and you don't even spend time with them? Terrible!

>> No.10667674

dropped out of college about a year and a half ago. Moved back into my dad's place about 6 months ago when my government loans ran out

>> No.10667675
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when did you leave employer equipment and training

>> No.10667679

They don't want me around them either. My mom usually eats in her room watching tv.

>> No.10667678
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I graduated from college 2 years ago.

>> No.10667683

I never had any of them

I don't understand people like this, start a fucking blog. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.10667684

18, I am now 3 months away from 26.

>> No.10667690

Aw, I'm sorry, that's so sad... I always eat with my mother, I guess some traditions are worth keeping!

>> No.10667712

Dropped out of high school last august when school started up again. Got absolutely tired of the nonstop bullshit they call "school" FUCK school. (high school at least) Went on to get my GED later that december and now I've applied to 2 different universities (hopping for the latter one to come through) Somebody once warned me about high school b4 I even started it and apparenlty It's come true.

>> No.10667716

I left that life a week ago. I was mostly in education though, never employed or trained for a long time.

>> No.10667724

Highschool was good for somebody I know. Like, really good, he wouldn't be able to cope if he hadn't done it.

I mean, I skipped the whole thing though and got a ged and a ton of those sat-2 subject exams done, and I got into a competitive university easily. So you don't actually need it to get into uni.

But it is really good for some kids (of course, seemingly it's really bad for others...)

>> No.10667727

>I don't understand people like this, start a fucking blog. Nobody gives a shit.
Why would you start a blog if nobody would give a shit?

>> No.10667730

I personally use a knife and a fork.

>> No.10667740
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Few years.
A got two months to go find a job and go flatting otherwise i'm homeless. So long NEET life I guess.

>> No.10667753

probably means /jp/ doesn't give a shit.

>> No.10667754

any 30-40+ year old NEETs here?

>> No.10667759

Well, I'll be 30 in June. Been NEETing it up since I was 19.

>> No.10667757

right well I know I don't give a shit either, it's not just /jp/

>> No.10667765

Blog for me please

>> No.10667760

Eat me.

>> No.10667762

I quit college 13 years ago, never got a job since, and I'm 34 now.

>> No.10667768

Oh wow, I just found a bunch of porno pics of the girls from lucky star having an orgy on the beach.

>> No.10667790

Sorry, not much to blog about. Graduated from highschool and after a few years of taking it easy my family forced me to get a job. One day I decided not to go anymore and went back to the NEEThood.
I applied for college three times but never went actually. And that brings me here. My family are the ones supporting me and giving me shelter but even when they love me I know that they think I'm a failure. I'm a little worried because once they're dead there's noone to help me but my brother.
Aside from that I'm actually pretty happy, not thinking too much on the future.

>> No.10667836

do you love your parents?
are you secretly excited about inheriting their fortune when they die so you never have to work a single day in your life?

>> No.10667867

Sort of. I love my mom. She always took care of me and my brother, even when suffering for illness, she's better now. On the other hand, my mom dumped my dad cause he was a prick and now he has another family (he had his second baby last night). He comes to visit sometimes, but there's not much chemistry in between us. I don't hate him, but can't say that I love him either.
As for the fortune, they have none, but at least I'm getting the house.

>> No.10667956
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I like /jp/ blogs, /jp/ has interesting people in it and I find NEET life very fascinating.

So fuck you.

>> No.10667968


show us these blogs!

>> No.10668032

Me too. I love seeing personal posts from /jp/sies.

>> No.10668057

Eating is done in private like other unsightly tasks such as fapping or shitting.

>> No.10668067


The world would be a much happier place if people sat down to masturbate together to bond after dinner.

>> No.10668088

Sometimes when I read things like this my imagination thinks of all the people who eat over at my house and I think of all my cousins.

It'd be really nice if we could masturbate with eachother.

>> No.10668097

Lewdness is a disease.

>> No.10668120

a great horror, like a second reproductive opening

>> No.10668140

>Eating is done in private like other unsightly tasks such as fapping or shitting.

Rome did all of those in public and is widely regarded as the pinnacle of civilization. Unsightly is just what the Jews want you to believe.

>> No.10668157

Are you a "Jack of all trades and master of none"

>> No.10668160

No, he's a conceited faggot who thinks he is good at something when in fact, he is good at none.

>> No.10668161

>Rome did all of those in public and is widely regarded as the pinnacle of civilization

Only you think that

>> No.10668168
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I don't believe this. Then why hermits live over 100 years of age?

pic, idk if related.

>> No.10668178

>It added medical professionals "should routinely evaluate patients' social networks, and recommend more connections with other people."

It's facebook inspection day! Line up with your smartphones everybody.

>> No.10668181

They only studied old people, not truNEETs who had spent most of their time alone since children.

Those old people never developed powers. How do you think Mokou got her fire powers? It was because the elixir allowed her to spend more time alone.

>> No.10668204

I wish NEETS would just kill themselves.

>> No.10668205

i wish i had a billion dollars

>> No.10668208

Come do it yourself
See how far you can get before I casually brush you aside like dorito dust from my keyboard

>> No.10668207

I bet you wish you weren't ugly too.

>> No.10668212

Bet you wish you weren't a fat nerd too but we don't get our wishes granted that easily

>> No.10668215

first sentence - Ordinary
second sentence - Extraordinary

>> No.10668214

Wait, what the fuck am I doing on /jp/? I thought I was on /v/.

No wonder everyone is butthurt and saging all over the place.


>> No.10668217


>> No.10668235



>> No.10668303

I miss my momma. She got a nighttime job so she always leave before dinner so we don't have that together anymore. And when she is home she sleeps all day so I still don't get to be with her ever.

>> No.10668310

I dropped out of high school, and now all I do is oddjobs around the town. It allows me to buy alcohol to drown out the depression and enjoy some games again. Really wish I hadn't dropped out, but it's too late now. Being social is too hard unless I'm under the influence of something.

>> No.10668312

get a GED

>> No.10668314

Please leave neurotyp

>> No.10668352

It makes me sad to see people not enjoying their neet life. I always have so much fun.

>> No.10668358

Alcohol is a major depressant.

>> No.10668361

How do you guys live without a job? Where is your money coming from? Do you just live with your parents?

>> No.10668364
File: 211 KB, 541x531, autism can't handle me now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism bucks

>> No.10668366

I live with my dad. He's getting older, I don't know what I'll do once he dies

>> No.10668368

still living with parents

>> No.10668376

My mother would never let me go back home, if she heard I had left Uni she'd have my head.

>> No.10668378


>>10668368 here
parents support my NEET live style and I am planning to enroll into comp sci-college next year.

>> No.10668379
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Do a good deed;
Kill a NEET.

>> No.10668383
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You'd need to find me first

>> No.10668387
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>> No.10668393
File: 69 KB, 498x624, P3 protag PERSONA!!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb Gensokyo i_i

>> No.10668398

Geh! My heart!

>> No.10668411

Playing fast isn't hard, you know very little about guitar.

>> No.10668431

If you think all they do is play fast then it's you who doesn't know anything.

>> No.10668432

>This whole weeaboo shit is just a phase for me.
As is every other phase of your life.

>> No.10668436

Hot DAMN it's baby's first music theory.
Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUGmv4mvZt0

>> No.10668438

too all you neets, how the fuck do you get money then?

>> No.10668441

My mother pays for everything; I'm going to try to get on ssi soon, as well.

>> No.10668452

This isn't a video of you playing like Guthrie Govan or Ron Jarzombek though.

>> No.10668454

I don't own a camera, and I couldn't play like either of them; our influences and styles are too dissimilar.

>> No.10668455

>When did you leave employment, education, or training?
Why on earth would I leave any of that behind?
This a rhetorical question, I don't wanna know why any of you losers have done it.

>> No.10668457

omg look at these nerds doing what they like what losesrs

>> No.10668462


because NEET life is the path to enlightenment and a healthy mind. you're just brainwashed by society to think that working for the majority of your life is in any way good for you

>> No.10668464

No, it's much more like "look at these losers being losers".
I'm a nerd, don't group me with the likes of you.

>> No.10668468

If one can be a loser, can one be a winner? What makes someone a loser?

>> No.10668470

I was abused and beaten my entire life and I'm one of the most pathetic human beings in the world. I feel like shit for leeching off of people, but interacting with them is too scary. I'm sorry that I can't live up to your standards, anon.

>> No.10668476

get help man.

i mean, being a NEET is one thing, but living in your state of absolute psychological misery is another.

>> No.10668492

2 years 3 months as NEET. I finally got help for my depression Had two long sessions with a nice nurse who surveyed my situation and today she sent a referral letter to a psychologist. Nothing has really changed but I'm so happy I could die.

I can't recommend long-term NEETing for anyone.

>> No.10668493

I know how you feel. I hate leeching off my mom, but I can't kill myself because that would make her sad.
I wish my parents hated me.

>> No.10668494

October 2007 - sometime 2014

>> No.10668501

I became neet in 2009.

>> No.10668500


2 months ago. finished my diploma in aerospace, graduated with 3.75 / 4 GPA.

currently waiting for army enlistment in june. staying at home all day and lifting weights. fuck yeah. didnt bother finding a job since i have shit tons of cash. still waiting for university acceptance

>> No.10668507

>2 months
>still waiting for university acceptance
You ain't a fuggen NEET bruv.

>> No.10668510

Around Spring 2012.

Sure, I'm just leeching off of my parents, but I'm the happiest I've ever been. It won't last, but I don't care.

>> No.10668511


b-but i wanna join the NEET club

>> No.10668515

I was getting help, until my mother decided to drag me out of state to be with some guy she met on the internet. I came back to my hometown after things didn't work out, haven't bothered getting back into therapy yet. I would have stayed at home to begin with, but with the house being foreclosed, I didn't have much of a choice. I'd rather not be homeless.

I'd be too much of a pussy to kill myself, backing out at the last minute would be terrible. I'm trying hard to become a better person through my own will, but it's really tough.

>> No.10668516

spleen, anus
pressure, shitfest

>> No.10668517

Start a NEET club at your uni.

>> No.10668548
File: 54 KB, 186x471, whokurohere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 years ago, maybe more, maybe less. I honestly can't remember.

>> No.10668563

There is no help and examples are needed. How can you not realize this?

>> No.10668581

Your a funny guy.

>> No.10668600

Why stop at masturbation?

>> No.10668603
File: 67 KB, 350x265, 1363778295109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished HighSchool, worked as a dishwasher, went travelling around the world including glorious Nippon and came back to america, spent a year or so sitting at home thinking about stuff, going to my local library to watch anime and read comics and download eroge.

Applied to Community College, I'll be leaving the NEET life in 5 months but if I strike it rich one day maybe I could fund /jp/ mansion!

What are some things on the NEET bucketlist that I should do before I go back to School?

>> No.10668607

If I strike it rich one day I won't share a buck with you guys. I'll just use it to afford my luxurious NEET life.

>> No.10668612

Yes, you can have my 'funny guy'
*grabs dick*

>> No.10668617

If I strike rich, I'll use my money to marry a one of those /cgl/ whores and make her pretend to be yuugi for the rest of her life. If she breaks character even once I'll slap that bitch and throw her into the street.

>> No.10668621

no wonder ur a virg

>> No.10668626

Imagine owning a giant mansion where fellow NEET are in their room and never go out
Free wifi, everyone has food, onaholes lying around, we'd have a small community where we could us figures as currency
Imagine /jp/ island
With enough attention we could invite Lenfried or Ushujima or some other profffessional cosplayer over and gangbang them
The possibilities are endless

>> No.10668630
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4 years ago, flunked out of college, never went to class. I have social phobia so group work or even just showing up was impossible. So I became a neet.

>> No.10668631

im not a virg tho just ask ur mum m8

>> No.10668633

Beat all the Touhou games, not including the fighters.

Watch four hentai in a day, cum at least twice for each one.

Don't bathe/shower/change clothes for one month. You must cum in your pants at least once in the first week or else it doesn't count.

Sit at your computer all day for two months, only getting up to get food. Pee in bottles. You can poop at the toilet because it's harder to clean poop.

Pray to the god Itadakimasu before eating every meal.

>> No.10668637


>> No.10668639

Not him, but I came in my pants a number of times. As a matter of fact, before I was able to afford a cumrag, I just came in my pants. Efficient.

>> No.10668641
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Just a shitty promoter job.

>> No.10668645

Thanks, m7. now come over here so i can suck dat cock dood.

>> No.10668646
File: 22 KB, 240x427, 312a2497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hired on October 23rd, 2012.

Man... the days and weeks just fly by. Time never seemed to move this swiftly when I was a NEET.

>> No.10668648

Just quit my job at a factory. Don't go work in a factory /jp/.

>> No.10668654
File: 22 KB, 500x375, dawson ga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to do the deed of blasting your fucking squid ass brains out. Come on, test me motherfucker.

>> No.10668655

All day for 2 months

Pee in Bottles

Itadakimasu before every meal

This is all I'm missing and I'm good to go

>> No.10668766
File: 1.45 MB, 1900x1600, natsukashii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had some hibernations in my bedroom
very nice
now i can posting with a full alert mind..

>> No.10668773

I dropped out of college last year because I had no motivation, was in the dumps with depression, and the cost was too much for me to handle. I picked up a job last November and resigned by December. I was kicked out of my mother's house and I'm now living with my Grandmother, who refuses to leave me out on the street even though I never asked for help.

I wish she wasn't so kind to me. I just want to be left alone and broken off from everyone so that nobody would care if I just died.

>> No.10668816 [DELETED] 

>le feelios when living the dream
>ain't no more literally pissin' on this sonny boi
>ain't no more tellin' me to learn me to be less uva tryhard

>> No.10668858
File: 260 KB, 688x688, 32387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having so many panic attacks

I feel it creep up on me every other day now, my whole body starts itching then the heart palpitations start, like I've drank 4 cups of coffee at once, the sweating, the flushes.

How do you even explain this to a doctor. Oh hi I'm stressed out about being alive. I can't be alive without feeling like I'm in an earthquake. Please help me.


Meanwhile they're still pushing me to get a job. Nevermind the only job I ever had, I spent every hour hiding from people. Eating lunch in the fucking bathroom like we were still in high school when I'm apparently an adult. Knowing they were all gossiping about "the weird guy" every time I wasn't around. Having to mentally prepare myself for 20 minutes just to walk through a door incase there was people in the room. What.

I wish I could autism bucks but how? What do you do when you have a medical condition that stops you from seeking help about your medical condition. What a stupid life.

>> No.10668884

It's almost time to visit Gensokyo.
I haven't been able to decide what day of the week though or how long until I should do it.

>> No.10668888


>> No.10668893

Sieg heil, dude.

>> No.10668904

>How do you even explain this to a doctor. Oh hi I'm stressed out about being alive. I can't be alive without feeling like I'm in an earthquake. Please help me.
Actually yes. That is exactly what you should say Adding the part below it would also help.

I don't know how effective the doctor would be though, but that's probably the way to tell them if you can manage it.

>> No.10668908
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Well kewl

>> No.10668914
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F*ch yeah!!

>> No.10668922
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>> No.10668940

That sucks dude. Doctors and nurses are usually understanding (at least where I live in). Be ready to describe your panic attacks and be honest. I know seeking help to a mental condition is very hard, but ultimately you have to do it. Might as well do it now.

>> No.10668948

>but ultimately you have to do it


>> No.10668972

s-so how exactly is being a NEET otaku culture related . . .

>> No.10668979

pity parties and histrionic personalities

>> No.10668996


>> No.10669008
File: 115 KB, 850x478, sample-6f8ad8ea7b3efee14f7db788f4f89229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obsessive interest regarding freedom from Jobs, Education or training

They are unemployment Otaku, but in the sense that olympics athletes who win medals are given the title of a medalist as opposed to just a winner
Unemployed people here are given the title of NEET

We are above the competition
We aren't just unemployed
We aren't just out of School
We aren't training
We are
Employed, in
Education or

That is what it means to be a truNEET

>> No.10669019

I've been NEET for about a year now. I'm 18.

I'm for the most part happy, but it can get lonely sometimes.

I think it would be nice if another /jp/ would live with me, that way I'd never be lonely.

>> No.10669033
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thanks for your advice
Do you think I should avoid telling them about my alcoholism? Drinking is the only thing that calms me down (of course it makes everything worse later on, but ya know)
I'm scared they won't give me medication if they think I'm some addict
Therapy and counselling will NEVER work for me, I'm 100% sure from firsthand experience. I need to be numbed not speak to some lame-o neurotypical trying to turn me into one of them



>> No.10669045 [DELETED] 


>thanks for your advice
Do you think I should avoid telling them about my alcoholism? Drinking is the only thing that calms me down (of course it makes everything worse later on, but ya know)
>I'm scared they won't give me medication if they think I'm some addict
>I need to be numbed not speak to some lame-o neurotypical trying to turn me into one of them


>> No.10669051

neet for 8 years now, I've got a shitload of mental problems including chronic depression, anxiety, ocd and panic attacks

just got prescribed meds (effexor, klonopin and ativan)

They work wonders but the downside is that it numbs you emotionally and if you miss a single dose of the effexor you will get adverse withdrawl effects.

Also it fucks with your libido. I haven't been sexually aroused or fapped for nearly a month now.

>> No.10669052
File: 347 KB, 800x614, watafuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I won't end up like your mom don't worry

>> No.10669063

I know what it's like. I have a bad case of bipolar, anxiety, OCD, and I also suffer from panic attacks.

I went to a psychiatrist about a month ago (because my parents were worried about me) and I had to talk to some lady for 2 hours. She prescribed me two medications and I've been on them for a while now.

My emotions don't run rampant anymore, which is nice. It sucks when you become infatuated with pretty much everyone you meet.

My sexual libido is down, though, I noticed that. I masturbate about 2 times a week now, rather than my normal once a day.

>> No.10669252



>> No.10669275 [DELETED] 


Nah, because you won't ever have the balls to do anything, especially not have kids. You're just a pussy who everyone kicks around, and you ARE drug addict.


They gave you klonopin and ativan at the same time? They're for all intents and purposes the same fucking drug.

Effexor withdrawals are not something you have to worry about compared to benzo withdrawals by the way. Try not taking benzos and about 3 days later you'll see.

>> No.10669379

What do you have anon?

>> No.10669410


Schizoid personality disorder.

>> No.10669789

>pity parties
Kill yourself corssboarder.

>> No.10669809

I've thought about quitting my truNEET+Hikki life to make a lot of money then live with another /jp/ neet/hikki for the rest of our days, it would be hard to find another person though..

>> No.10669839

Not until my dad dies

I'm pretty much neet, I do nothing all week but my dad is happy that I have part time work at the weekends

I long for full NEET freedom with no more feelings of shame

>> No.10669847

it's less glorious then /jp/ and Chinese games/toons make it out to be. Lots of boredom.

>> No.10669873

The only reason I spend so much time on 4chan, and thus bored, is because at least on the PC I can claim I'm doing some work

If I spent all day playing Dynasty Warriors my day would realize I am just being a useless piece of shit and tell me to get out. With my own NEETbux and government paid apartment I would fill my days with activities

>> No.10669934

>I would fill my days with activities
What kind of activities?

>> No.10669940

We're not all bored, I enjoy my day all day everyday, playing videogames and watching stuff 24/7, it's not bad, been doing it for 3years.

>> No.10669967

videogames, anime, music, books, drawing lewd art

also i would go out once a day because i like to ride my bicycle, going fast is fun

>> No.10669971

Which one kills libido?

>> No.10670021

I'm also full hikki and haven't gone outside in 3 years*

>> No.10670044

not that guy but effexor I'm guessing

source: used to take it myself

>> No.10670070

SSRIs're renowned for killing libido, though I never found they had that effect myself. My worst SSRI experience was the withdrawal. Dizziness, splitting headaches, fuzzy eyes, the bad sort of light-headedness, like a migraine in zero gravity. Awful.

>> No.10670229

I guess you could say that you're a wizard

>> No.10672915

You guys are just making fun of truNEET

I bet most of you faggots are successful students or are working to enter into some professional field

>> No.10673242

Technically 2011 but I was a nearly complete shutin for most of 2008 till then, never left my dorm, ended up being dismissed from uni for failing my classes as I never went to them.

Honestly my life and mind are much worse since then, but mostly because I live with manipulative parents who make me suicidal.

>> No.10673244

Faglord is an offensive word! Please go to /b/ for that kind of langauge

>> No.10673257

He probably won't. I told myself the same thing and went to uni and tried to socialize and all that, less than a year later I was a NEET again.

>> No.10673260

What did you do?

>> No.10673277

I'm going to start running today, and I haven't left my house in 8 years. I'm very afraid, but I have to do it. I've deleted all of my porn after last night, where I stayed up until 5AM just masturbating to every weird fetish I could find. I'm fed up with doing nothing, and it's time to change god dammit.

Wish me luck, /jp/.

>> No.10673297

good luck

>> No.10673322
File: 157 KB, 300x424, 1353958430889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if you get jumped because your white?

>> No.10673328

Running is a lot of fun! I doubt you can keep running so you should do intervals like I am right now.

>> No.10673337


Make sure that you aren't overly enthusiastic and run too much - you can injure yourself, especially after not exercising for 8 years. Make sure you run correctly, or else - injuries.

If you have the money, try buying running shoes, they're very comfortable while exercising.

Look online for a good running schedule.

>> No.10673339

I would attempt to go out at night for starters.
You'll probably end up wounding your pride after people jeer at your doubtlessly pitiful form
Maybe where you live that isn't an issue.

>> No.10674378

I feel like some of them are this way, but I'm a truNEET and mostly Hikki ( I haven't been outside or talked outside my family for years, but I do talk to people on /jp/ so I'm not sure if I'm truHikki )
Although I don't post much I like to hope that at least most of the posters claiming to be things actually are this way...

>> No.10674599

You are not alone.

>> No.10674700


>> No.10676525

Woah man you're not supposed to say the truth. What the fuck is wrong with you? Then again it makes /jp/ and anon chats more interesting. I've been able to have interesting chats with /jp/ browsers who are studying to become or already are engineers, programmers, accountants and doctors.

>> No.10676553

After I talk to a /jp/sie and he starts talking about his future job prospects or admits to being in college/work I block him immediately.

truNEETs only please

>> No.10676557 [DELETED] 

9/11, oddly enough. I was planning to sign up for night school classes for 11th grade, but when I got there I was told I had to take some day school classes as well despite what I was told previously, so I decided to just drop out. I did get my GED shortly afterwards, though.

>> No.10676572

You fuckbag you mentioned just a couple weeks ago that you dropped out because you didn't have any friends.

>> No.10676574 [DELETED] 

I did. I stopped going to day school during 10th grade for a while because I had no motivation due to lack of friends. I finished the second half in night school and was going to do 11th grade there as well but they said there was a policy change so I just quit.

>> No.10676581

Go fuck yourself in the face with a rake

>> No.10676583

Doesn't mean they're automatically outgoing, Facebook-addicted, girl fugging party animals. If they're on /jp/, chances are it's the opposite. Alot of those jobs don't require you to be a spectacular people person really. Some of them were nice enough to give /adv/ice in their fields. I just think it's about damn time /jp/ stopped demonizing everyone who isn't a truNEET.

>> No.10676588 [DELETED] 

I don't own a rake.

>> No.10676603

If he has a job, he's not NEET
this thread is for NEET's
Why would a non-NEET be in the NEET thread
You don't have to be truNEET, but at last be NEET you fucktard
They are in those, therefor, they, are, not, NEET, even remotely.

>> No.10676604
File: 15 KB, 445x299, sudo-reading-news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any life-related plans for the future? Like do you want to learn how to cook and drive or visit some places?

>> No.10676610 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck are you complaining that we dislike non-neets in the NEET thread, like what the fuck, they should stop trying to talk to us when we say "Neets only please" and stuff in our email, and then guess what non-neets still email me, like jesus christ fuck off, make a "normal-jp-loser general" and stop posting in the neet threads or something

>> No.10676615

If I come to a NEET thread and someone posts their email or something they better damn well be a NEET.

If I wanted to talk to some normie fratboy I would look up /r9k/ or something.

>> No.10676620 [DELETED] 

Nothing realistic, unfortunately. If I had the capital I'd like to start a company that localizes niche games that no one else bothers with, but I doubt I'll ever win the lottery or anything so it remains a pipe dream.

>> No.10676617

Why the fuck are you complaining that we dislike non-neets in the NEET thread, like what the fuck, they should stop trying to talk to us when we say "Neets only please" and stuff in our email posts, and then GUESS WHAT non-neets still email me, like jesus christ fuck off, make a "normal-jp-loser general" and stop posting in the neet threads or something

>> No.10676628

There's alot in NEET threads that aren't NEET specific. NEET threads aren't dedicated NEET threads anymore. Lots of general life bloggin', feels and hell even relationship and work/education advice. Those attract non-NEETs and that's fine as long as they don't throw up a /pol/-style shitstorm of leechNEETs vs. muh taxes normals. Otherwise get a Nazi jan who will live in these threads and destroy anything remotely NEET unrelated. Because there's a shitload of those. The 'NEET' tag really doesn't have weight here anymore.

>> No.10676637

NEET threads should be abolished and replaced with hikikomori threads.

Then they will die out because we don't have any of those, and everybody wins.

>> No.10676643

I'm hikki, haven't gone outside my room in 3years, only lurk /jp/, except this post. But I guess if we're all lurkers and what have you then yes the thread would be dead.

>> No.10676647

We already have fakeNEETs what makes you think we wouldn't have fakeHIKIs?

They'll swarm in from /v/ after watching welcome to the nhk

>> No.10676661

Go buy one and go fuck yourself with it. I hate you.

>> No.10676662
File: 94 KB, 600x358, neet-work-or-die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a "normal-jp-loser general" and stop posting in the neet threads or something
They tried that with the ironically named corporate NEET threads for those in education and work. The few that survived past a few minutes got dozens up dozens of actual responses. They would've flocked there instead. Unfortunately it was crazy crying truNEETs that had those shut down. A shame really. That was probably the best compromise since they won't all just leave tomorrow and it's not possible to force them to do so.

>> No.10676669 [DELETED] 

I don't really feel like buying one just for that, it seems like a waste of money.

>> No.10676677

>localizes niche games that no one else bothers with
Sounds more like you'll be running an NGO on that platform. Not your typical company aiming to wring out lots of profits.

>> No.10676694

Late 2008 when I was 16. I tried getting back into education a couple of times since then but it felt like a waste of time. I'm gonna have to get a job soon though, mom hasn't been very happy with me lately and probably wants me to leave.

>> No.10676699

Do you fap alot? Your kind has much longer orgasms after all right?

>> No.10676711
File: 106 KB, 640x480, DONTLOOKBEHINDYOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped out of highschool a year ago

It's been fucking awesome.

No homework, no embarrassing social situations, no people to deal with. Just me, my video games and lots of free time.

I could live like this forever

>> No.10676717

I didn't even do anything and now my family is back to acting like I'm going to kill myself. I've never threatened to do it or even talk about it so its annoying when they start this shit, almost like they want me to. I hate people acting fake-nice around me, always been a pet peeve.

>> No.10676718

Literally lolling me tits off, because /jp/ers in their early twenties (who pretend to be in their late twenties) will get genuinely peeved over this post, even though a lot of /jp/ers are actually in this exact same situation.

>> No.10676722

Why would I be mad? We've all been there.

That first year after making it out of highschool is the NEET time of your life.

>> No.10676725 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't really care about profits, as long as it didn't bankrupt me. It'd be as much for my enjoyment as it would for others. Also, I think it's funny that the incompetent janitor only deleted one of my posts instead of all of them. Hi, janitor!.

>> No.10676726

Nah, I started my NEET life years ago dropping out, I've been happy ever since.
Hope he's as lucky as I've been with my loving family and stuff.

>> No.10676727
File: 122 KB, 476x500, 1267966961001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and despair, emptiness and no future when you turn off your pathetic video games

>> No.10676729


I'm not adverse to working, I'm at adverse to people. I'm not against getting a job if it means I can be alone during my shift.

Right now I'll stretch this NEET thing out as far as I can go. Too bad it won't last forever

>> No.10676735

my mom gives me $20 for food every few days, i save those and buy weed from a friend who gets it from his friend etc, i might be getting ripped sometimes but i have no other choice its the only thing that helps make life a little bit of fun

dropped out of college 2 or maybe 3 times i dont even remember, my parents only buy very specific food that they eat themselves which i vomit from

i nap, fap, and smoke weed all day in my room and dont even watch anime or play video games anymore i just pretend to be a girl on omegle or in mmo to get the only nice treatment in my life otherwise its just full of rejection ever since kindergarten i cry everytim etc

i see no way out of this mess

>> No.10676738

Please I hate you so much I do t like you at all stop posting

>> No.10676742

You're cool Sudo. Fuck the haters. Why exactly is this new meido out to get you anyways? Did you pork his waifu or something?

>> No.10676747

I've been NEET for almost a year. I told my parents I was "taking a year off" before enrolling in a university on scholarship. I decided to go to a community college instead because fuck living in a dorm (even without a roommate). I really don't want to go to college or get a job but my parents are middle class and expect me to "do something" with my life.

The real kicker is that I'm such an OCD faggotron I can't even spend my time doing things I enjoy. I don't even have the willpower to play video games or watch anime. How am I going to find the willpower to get a job. I'm a pretty faggy person because when someone is relying on me I can usually pull through. I was pretty much born to be a slave for the Jews.

>> No.10676752

If you ever do acquire the capital and need a clever B4 accountant, please come and find me goy. I take good care of your financials yes?

>> No.10676793

If you go on break and you aren't in school or working, does that make you a temporary NEET? Gonna NEET it up either way after exams this summer before grad school.

>> No.10677551

You know what? My neighbor keeps making insanely loud but sluggish "OOOooOHHHhh, OOOooOHHHhhh" noises every time she get boned. It keeps happening. It happens almost every day.

It sounds extremely silly considering how seriously she takes herself.
in bagina.
N-no thankyou.

>> No.10677604

is she hot

please respond

>> No.10677770

I've never seen her but I've heard her deep friday night talks.

>> No.10678702

If you are doing it as a joke, then don't

>> No.10679853

Then get a job doing something you like and that pays pretty well sperglord.

>> No.10679853,1 [INTERNAL] 

