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10663894 No.10663894 [Reply] [Original]

What sort of tea do you drink, /jp/? Today, I'm enjoying some nice matcha I found in an ethnic food shop near my flats.

>> No.10663899

I used to drink earl grey. I stopped when my dentist told me it's bad for my teeth.

>> No.10663908
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>> No.10663920


what the FUCK. I don't want to stop drinking earl gray.
is that why brits have shitty teeth? fuck.

>> No.10663926

I love flats when they are on girls.

>> No.10663956 [DELETED] 
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Finest sencha imported from nippon.

(My defense as to why this isn't weeaboo: There are certain things that some countries tend to be exceptionally good at. If I wanted to know about the best pasta sauces, I would ask Italy. If I wanted to know about the best taco's, I would ask Mexico. If I wanted to know about the best chocolate, I'd ask the dutch. Burgers, the US. Curry, India. Bread making, France. etc. etc. etc. etc.)

If I wanted to know about the best green tea, Japan.

>> No.10663967

I'm too lazy to heat water on the stovetop, so nothing lately.

I've been thinking about getting a hot water dispenser or an electric kettle.

>> No.10663980
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Trying out the Starbucks green tea. It's not bad, but the flavour is a little too strong for my taste.
I also bought a box of chai of the same brand, but I haven't tried it yet.

>> No.10664015

Lung Ching

A couple years ago I tried all tea sorts they sell at the asian food shop (except for some with unreasonable prices) nearby and got stuck on this one.

>> No.10664039

I love Starbucks jasmine. Another favourite brand is Teapigs.

>> No.10664105
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Whatever kind of tea PG Tips/all those are. I quite like rose tea, iced tea and bubble tea too.
No. That stereotype isn't valid anymore, just like every other one.

Also OP, your image is rather small.

>> No.10664133

Teapigs Darjeeling Earl Grey is perfect. I quite like their jasmine, too, but, then again, I like any jasmine.

>> No.10664140
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Hey guys what sort of coffee machine should I buy?

>> No.10664157

masala chai

>> No.10664169
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I currently have Sencha, Tamaryokucha, Kukicha, Lady Earl Grey in leaves.

I also keep a large box of lipton black tea bags for milk tea.

>> No.10664190

I feel guilty when I drink masala chai with all that milk, but I love it.

>> No.10664229

china has better green tea you weeaboo fagnerd

and it's belgium you want for chocolate, the dutch make decent cheese

>> No.10664293
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>china has better green tea you weeaboo fagnerd

>> No.10664298

I want to hug Brian Blessed and stroke his beard.

I loved that episode of Have I Got News For You so much. It's like he didn't care about the format of the programme and just did whatever he wanted.

>> No.10664302
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Answer my question you fucking weeaboos.

*is pretend-offensive to attract replies*

>> No.10664309


Anyone had that stuff?

>> No.10664315
File: 5 KB, 175x175, nescaf-dolce-gusto-by-krups-kp100640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have good machine. It called GUSTO, i think NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®. The only thing - you must by special "coffee chips" for it.

>> No.10664321

i mean "buy"*

>> No.10664320

1000 dollar tea, whadafug?

>> No.10664332
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Beat you plebeians don't even drink 210,000 yen bottled tea.

>> No.10664334

I hate these things.

Hurr durr buy our coffee machine. You can't put your own coffee in it, but you can buy our specialist CoffeePods™ we made in partnership with CafeCo®. But nothing else will work, so we have complete control over what you can drink and how much you pay for it! In fact our partnership with CafeCo® may expire at any moment, leaving you with a useless machine!

Fuck that noise. They've somehow made proprietary coffee for a mechanical machine I have to buy and then have right in front of me. Richard Stallman must be rolling in his grave.

>> No.10664345

Okay, i lied, i dont have this machine. I wanted to test /jp/ for knowing some simple things. I have this machine at work, and every time our manager buys for all office this coffee pods. At least they have Nesquick, that i drink, lol.

Also, is there good cocoa drink alternative to nesquick, which taste always stays on tongue in your mouth.

>> No.10665171

just some sweet green tea i made a few days ago

>> No.10667454

I mostly prefer black tea, but I've been trying all sorts of tea and tisane. I try to stick to loose leaf tea, though I occasionally receive bagged tea as gifts around holidays.

>> No.10667525

Me too. I thought it was just Starbucks at first, but then I saw them all over the place. They've somehow managed to Apple-ize coffee. It's fucking incredible. It's even more incredible that there's a market out there that consists of people too stupid to learn how make coffee.

And if they want it because they want that flavored dessert shit they shouldn't be drinking coffee to begin with.

>> No.10667660
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The only /jp/ related tea I've had recently was 抹茶入り玄米茶. It was real nice.

Apart from that, I drink black tea (common brands: yorkshire tea, earl grey, twinings etc) mostly every day. And Oolong.

Also whatever "green tea" I can find locally, because importing expensive nippon tea all the time gets a bit pricey.

Great thread OP

>> No.10667737


>Yorkshire tea

Are you from yorkshire?

>> No.10667747

that's where I live!

>> No.10667764

made some lemon flavored tea this morning and forgot about it so i drank it when it was room temp

>> No.10667769


That isn't what he asked. Please keep my autism in mind the next time you make a reply on /jp/.

>> No.10667787

That's what he meant, whether he asked it directly or not.

>> No.10667793
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I got green tea ice cream (ice cream made using matcha)

Also hibiscus (sometimes marketed as "red zinger") which while not technically tea since it's a completely different plant, is still very nice.

>> No.10667796


It's not what he asked. Please just accept that and we can move on.

>> No.10667803
File: 96 KB, 300x300, Maebara_keiichi_3031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you buy your rose tea and bubble tea? I've been meaning to try it, but have yet to see it sold anywhere nearby.

>> No.10667804

Wait. What in the world?

>> No.10667807

Whenever people ask "where are you from" on the internet, it tends to mean that they wish to know where you presently reside as opposed to where you originate. It doesn't make logical sense, but neither do most social phenomena.

>> No.10667810

It's fine for your teeth, it's just that one of the non-tea added ingredients is a carcinogen if you drink it constantly for like years

>> No.10667821


You could have answered with a simple "yes" or "no". Your choice to add ambiguity to his original question (you LIVE there? so then where are you FROM? the same place? then why did you word it differently?) was misleading and selfish.

Please just drop the issue.

>> No.10667823

lol, dongs.

>> No.10667827


>> No.10667837
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Green tea energy drinks

>> No.10667871
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The only tea.

>> No.10667880

I don't wish to tell my life story to someone on an anonymous imageboard, because it's private and neither would he be interested. I chose to answer how I did because I thought it would best suit the situation and answer the question well enough for this purpose. If he chose to follow up with more questions, I might have gone into more detail.

Why are you so autistic?

>> No.10667891

He drank "rooibos." Don't do that, never go full retard.


>> No.10667894
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I drink a lot of iced tea during summer. Iced mugicha is constantly available in my fridge, with either black or oolong depending. Occasionally I'll make some iced green tea. Nothing that gets turned into iced tea is ever amazing. The mugicha is Maeda-en, the black and oolong are from Upton, and the green tea is Ito-en's Costco tea. Today though I bought one two-liter bottle each of Ito En's jasmine tea and oolong tea so I have something to put the iced tea into in a couple of weeks.

I get so excited during summer because of iced tea. I absolutely love taking a bottle of iced tea from the fridge, a cup from the freezer, and pouring myself an ice cold up first thing when I wake up.

>> No.10667978

I got a RED tin can of RED Rocket tea from the food bank
it's BLACK!!!! tea i put a little bit of milk and 2 teaspoons in every CUP!

>> No.10668001

>RED Rocket tea
Google indicates this is from Ceylon via Canada.

At first I thought he was joking, since he's posting so strangely and "red rocket" is a euphemism for dogs' erections.

>> No.10668009


how was i talking strange!?

talking about dog erections... now that's strange!!!!!

>> No.10668023
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I've drank rooibos on several occasions, at one point I took it up habitually and I find it to be a very enjoyable tea. I'm not sure of your point.

>> No.10668034

I avoid iced tea because it gives me the shits

>> No.10668039

Earl Grey. Plain. Brewed strong. Served with little cakes or pastries.

>> No.10668043

What? How does it give you shits?

>> No.10668066

I like putting a splash of liquor in my black tea to give it a little edge.

>> No.10668070


>> No.10668811

I drink green tea from time to time or sometimes a simple black tea. Late at night some relaxation tea is good too.

>> No.10668960

I like genmaicha and darjeeling.

>> No.10668964

Please don't talk about taking shits. It makes you seem less cute.

>> No.10669585

I usually buy from http://shizuokatea.com, does /jp/ know of anywhere better for good japanese-style green tea?

>> No.10669631

your local asian market

>> No.10669655

Pirate tea. Home brewed, non of that bagged shit.

>> No.10670101
File: 121 KB, 491x350, well_thats_because_of_boku_no_shitdick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirates, arrr

>> No.10670157

I like mint tea.
I haven't tried many teas.

>> No.10670354

My favorite tea is the Turkish Tea

>> No.10672112

Green tea with hints of honey, sencha, mint and jasmine. Tasted really fantastic as usual.

>> No.10672786

This morning, Clipper green tea with lemon. Lovely.

>> No.10672803

I woke up today and it was 85F in my room. I poured myself a nice big glass of oolong while I browsed the internet and woke up. The perfect start to a warm day.
