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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10657000 No.10657000 [Reply] [Original]

New game released, probably a leak from Seiha



We tested it at erogegames.com and seems legit, links are being uploaded at the moment.

>> No.10657007

Can you fug the loli

>> No.10657017

>Sadly i wont be downloading this. ISP became an ass about Torrents and i'm not going to risk it.

>well i'm fairly sure they could figure out from how my computer is using the internet that i'm torrent which is the main problem here. It's not the content but that i don't trust my ISP

What a fucking retard. Do forums have a special kind of magnet that attracts those kind of idiots? Holy shit I'm fucking mad.

>> No.10657028

I would've preferred Himegari but okay.

>> No.10657032

Erogegames upload ready


>> No.10657064

Me too.

>> No.10657087


>> No.10657123

Wait, I'm guessing you mean this loli
because yes

and not one of the children your wives give birth to during the game like the tiny little girl on the game cover
because otherwise no

>> No.10657149


Brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department?

This looks cute. Did someone link it in the past few days? It also looks familiar.

Always nice to see ADV eroge with other gameplay.

>> No.10657159

Bummer, shes the one with the twin tails too.

>> No.10657170

>LOL That sly Aroduc. The standalone English translation of this game has just been released on torrents under a fake name.

So this was his secret project?

>> No.10657191

In before this becomes this next big /vg/ thing like Monmusu Quest, Kamidori, etc.

>> No.10657215

It's a relatively short, fun little "VN" with gameplay.

>> No.10657480

Isn't this just BBA without the Alicesoft?

>> No.10657505

Why did you make this comment?

>> No.10657514

He's a psychic.

>> No.10657529
File: 85 KB, 411x583, emiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Kamidori anyways? It was HUGE and the threads were rapidfire both there and here, but just last week someone wanted to make a Kamidori thread and were pretty much told to go away and everything has already been discussed. How come people aren't nostalgic about it at all like Monsumu and the decade of constant Type-Moon obsession?

>> No.10657544

Better yet, how are they told to go away when there's like a billion katawa shoujo threads?

>> No.10657653

This is rather peculiar.
In full screen the text often isn't rendered at first, and often won't show unless I open up and switch back and forth from another window such as the backlog or something.
But it appears to only be a problem with full screen.

>> No.10657671

Oh man I just started playing kamidori and I am enjoying it, chapter 6 serawi. I just wish Aht had a move stat of 3.

>> No.10657675

Just hold on tight. Aht will become amazing.

>> No.10657741

I did read up a bit, I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.10657782

Enjoy being entirely outclassed by a completely generic monster


>> No.10657789

Kids couldn't handle the grind

>> No.10657793

Here we had a bunch of 300+ reply threads and we pretty much exhausted the discussion.

If you want to make a thread about it, go right ahead. I might install it again and take part, but there's really not a lot I haven't said already.

>> No.10657801
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To avoid derail, I just made a Kamidori thread

>> No.10657874

Will anyone ever translate other Anastasia games like Soukai no Oujotachi?

>> No.10657888
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Monsumu and Type-Moon both have loli characters.

>> No.10657897

Then why did those !#%@#$ at TV Tropes delete Kamidori and not Type-Moon?


>> No.10657906

Why do you care?

>> No.10657912

Kagetsu Tohya was also removed:


I don't know why you would even be bothering with that site, it's basically Wikipedia with censorship.

>> No.10657924

Yeah, it's really hypocritical considering that their motto was the opposite. But old habits die hard. I can't help but constantly instinctively reading it for every piece of media I enjoy even though I want to boycott it.

Kinda like how I wanted to quit /jp/ years ago but am still here...

>> No.10657929

I'm on chapter 7 of my first NG+ and she seems to be completely useless at this point. It's a shame because she's one of my favourites.

>> No.10657949

Come discuss it at >>10657795 so this thread doesn't get derailed.

Yeah, Aht is great for the first run but like many she gets outclassed.

>> No.10657986

The mini goddess chick sounds familiar... pretty sure she has done some voices in anime but can't quite place any.

>> No.10658010

Does this game have a time limit factor like BBA and Sengoku Rance?

>> No.10658117


Still downloading this, are the extra girls included, like the Idol singer? They were originally only available through a patch.

>> No.10658211

The 3 appends are included.

>> No.10658271

cool, then I don't need to download the patch.

>> No.10658336

I will masturbate to this

>> No.10658372

This will be the first true incest game I've played in English and it includes inbreeding.


>> No.10660134

I remember stumbling across and fapping to random images from this back in 2007. Never thought I'd see it again. How weird.

>> No.10661620

Are people getting this to work properly? My text keeps skipping stuff. People are saying to run crack.exe but my antivirus detects it as malware.


>> No.10661651

It's like that with all visual novels, you either discuss it here after the translation comes out or head over to /vg/ to discuss it as most of us have nothing to add.

There's a KS General on /vg/, I haven't seen any threads here and most who attempt to will get sent that way.

>> No.10661714

I went on erogedownload and apparently several people "liked" this game on their Facebooks.

I can only imagine the disgusting person that would advertise that they like an impregnation fetish game on their Facebook.

>> No.10661724

I wouldn't use Facebook, but one should be proud of things they like, instead of hiding in the closet and pretending to only like popular normie stuff.

>> No.10663158

If I get all the love events for one girl in one playthrough, I get that girl's ending.
If I get all the love events for every girl in one playthrough, I get the harem ending.
What happens if I get, say, all the love events for two girls? Do I get a choice right before the game ends or is it randomly decided?

>> No.10663206

Wanting to be responsible and have kids is not always disgusting.

>> No.10663341
File: 182 KB, 799x600, inbreeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get to choose, even if you get them all you have to choose the harem ending.

Why does your inbred child have the best stats in the game?

Are the game makers trying to get us to tell us something?

For the strongest children please to be impregnating your family members.

>> No.10663377

What is the gameplay like?

>> No.10663395

The gameplay is bumper cars.

>> No.10663415

I love you so much

>> No.10666889

This game is incredible.
Anyone has any idea on what Aroduc's other projects are though?

>> No.10666938

_Supposedly_ Himegari, although you can never be sure.

>> No.10666975

Didn't Aroduc say that he started playing Himegari then decided he didn't like it? Seems weird he would translate it if he didn't like it.

>> No.10671829

I heard of that rumour. It always felt odd though because Aroduc had openly admitted to disliking the game and he generally translates stuff he likes.

>> No.10671836



>> No.10676044

Perhaps he just didn't like it as much?

>> No.10676180

I am just going to say that Roboko is the best girl.

>> No.10676330

Granted, he often comes to dislike games he translates due to having to pick them apart and test everything during the translation process, so maybe he was just complaining about the toll of translation. I mean, his initial posts about Kamidori and Duel Savior were about how awesome they were and then years later when he translated them he had a lot to complain about them since he's had to go through all the game's faults.

>> No.10676336

For me I can't get enough of that sexy slave elf princess, who I had been curious about since Kamidori. How are her games?

Also while I don't like to use the word slut, she does say "I am having a child with someone other than my husband...that makes me so aroused!"

>> No.10680405

How much of a difference does BP training actually do?

>> No.10681838

>This game is incredible.

I know, huh.

>> No.10682104

Barely anything. The game is easy anyway.

>> No.10682132

really? kozukuri bancho?

that boring human pinball game?

it's not even Eushully. It's Anastasia


>> No.10682142

Maybe I'm an idiot as well, but I don't understand his worries.

>> No.10682148
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well.. her purpose is her own game is to be a political hostage and child birthing machine

her children is like Lily from Himegari/Kamidori. They have 3 stages of growth

Youngest one you can see in Kozukuri Bancho
Oldest is this

>> No.10682165
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orc and elves

gee, I wonder where this is going

>> No.10682169
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Silphietta's "husband"

he's a 9 foot monstrosity with 4 arms and purple skin

he's also the protagonist of the game

>> No.10682181

Do some of the Eushully girls die in their games? I'm talking about permanent death dicatated by the plot that cannot be avoided and the girl never never ever reappears again. If possible, please avoid spoilers.

>> No.10682199

though in some cases they cheat with soul reincarnation

>> No.10682211


I can't get enough of her either. I've been waiting forever for a sequel to Meishoku no Reiki/Slave Princess

the upcoming the Madou Koukaku is the closest thing I'll get, I suppose

>> No.10682221

I've tried playing it but the system was kind of overwhelming. Any tips?

>> No.10682224

Every girl likes a strong tall dark man.

>> No.10682277
File: 97 KB, 800x600, e5ac97692d3997f1b00b735dd048a719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Rino Kawashima. She has done anime roles under the name Kei Mizusawa so it's not unheard of, but you more likely recognize her from one of her bazillion and a half other game roles.

She's like the Kevin Bacon of eroge.

>> No.10682405



it certainly is overwhelming the first time

it's kinda like Ogre Battle

but here are my personal tips

use spirits and frontline tanks. They take only 1 damage from all kinds of physical attacks

if the encounter is too hard just focus on killing the enemy squad commander

often times, only a squad commander will be able to kill another squad commander. Sometimes you will be able to do so with elites. (units that can in sets of 2 digits like 3/3 or 10/10) but you will never be able to kill a commander with foot soldiers (units that come in 1000/1000 or 100/100)

on the other hand, a squad commander will not die to an army of foot soldiers, but he will never be able to whittle through that many without AOE or magic either.

mass produce Zeobit (you daughter) ASAP. There's no limit to how many daughters you can have. She is great against everything except for archer commanders.

>> No.10682587

Anastasia is cuter than Eushully (mascots)

>> No.10683169

thanks, will try again sometime

>> No.10685772

Because it's fine and has a great atmosphere and likeable characters.

>> No.10690380

Which kid do you find the most adorable?
Not sexually attractive. Adorable.

>> No.10691304

How do you get the goddess's adult form?

>> No.10691350

Make enough babies to restore her power.

>> No.10694079

how do i into baby

>> No.10694776

Sex makes babies. Also, minigames.

>> No.10694780

Mini tsundere


>> No.10698767


>> No.10698832

How is the gameplay aspects of this?

Since the revitalized Kamidori thread, I've been dying to play a game that is similar.

>> No.10698954


No we are not kidding.

>> No.10698963

That's... well that's okay, I guess.

Does it have any element of depth to it?

>> No.10698969


The enjoyable factor of the game is its silliness

>> No.10699328

Is there a "point of no return" for the ending?
I am going for harem end on 1st playthrough, and would hate to miss it by accidently clicking something.

>> No.10699371

It's easy to get harem end. You'll know when the final stretch starts.

>> No.10699426

I only now realized that "Mirai" is "Imari" backwards in Japanese.

>> No.10699427

Screw that, it isn't. It's just an anagram instead.

>> No.10699433

Just get all the girls pregnant, you can even get them all pregnant in the last day before the final battle.

>> No.10699645

I figured Robo-ko is the Godslayer's look-alike, but what's the story with the elf? I know that she cameoed in Kamidori too, but not much else.

>> No.10699961
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>> No.10700016
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Yes! ^_^

>> No.10700060 [DELETED] 

Single-heroine endings mere weak, though. I'll just consider them as "side stories" to the harem end.

>> No.10700066

Single-heroine endings were weak, though.
I'll just consider them as "side stories" to the harem end.

>> No.10700070

This is a short 6 hour game. Amusing for a laugh.

This may actually be responsible for Kamidori revival actually. People got all hyped up ready for more hardcore Eushully action, and then finish this game in one sitting and are left reminiscing about how great Kamidori was in comparison.

>> No.10700073

Isn't Himegari patch coming out soon?

>> No.10700079

Most likely.

>> No.10704579

What ending is the best?

>> No.10704623

6 hours?
Are you exagerrating or what?

>> No.10704636

Why, how long did it take you?

>> No.10704712

He's exagerrating.
It's 5 hours long.

>> No.10704723


next to that is tsundere childhood friend.

>> No.10704725

>Length  Very long (> 50 hours)

>> No.10704766

How do you even get these endings? I've only ever gotten harem endings in my playthroughs. Do you need to avoid sex with other girls or something (and lower your income)?

>> No.10704804

You have to actually click on the ending you want. If you click on the goddess (provided you've unlocked it) you get the harem end. Click any other icon and you get that girl's ending.

Imouto is just adorable. I won't spoil it for you. Tsundere childhood friend is hilarious.

>> No.10704832

>Foolish Protagonist
I don't like this tag

>> No.10704846


>> No.10704848

I only get a family house icon and a goddess icon.

>> No.10704863

You have to do all their events, genius.

>> No.10704864

Why would anyone bother read something with these tags, even translate it?

>> No.10704871

The tutorial tells you to get all five of a heroine's events to unlock her ending.

>> No.10704880

I have 100% love for every girl.

>> No.10704929
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>> No.10704963

That's nice, dipshit.
Do their events.

>> No.10706337

Use "love" option on them for 0 BP to see remaining events. You will get a message saying that you have unlocked X's ending when you complete all 5 events.

>> No.10706341


>> No.10710880

When the premise is crazy enough as it is, you can't really have a protagonist that follows logical reasoning as it wouldn't allow for the protagonist to walk through the premise.

>> No.10715672

