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File: 445 KB, 850x1191, kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10654596 No.10654596 [Reply] [Original]

Kaguya is said to be eye-catching and beautiful.
But NEETs can't be beautiful, can they?

>> No.10654599

All of us are truly beautiful inside.

>> No.10654600

Shes not a fucking NEET you aidsburger

>> No.10654614


>> No.10654612
File: 513 KB, 850x1055, sample_088ad7902688c8295049cdcecf4b1c2ae762d9dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick says otherwise

>> No.10654617
File: 261 KB, 692x666, 1119293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She probably helps Eirin sometimes.

>> No.10654619

how does she keep her hair straight if all she ever does is rolling around in her bed?

>> No.10654624

It's a wig. She has one for every day of the week

>> No.10654629
File: 431 KB, 700x840, 42befeee6471b4c73d378bc67e7f38c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10654635

NEET Kaguya is the most epicest meme ever. Like for real.

>> No.10654639
File: 87 KB, 431x600, PMiSS_mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were an immortal NEET like Kaguya-hymie or Firedike I could lose my time doing cool stuff like throwing myself in front of running trains and cars, try to dive into the floor from skyscrapers' roofs, run down slopes holding a barrel of nitroglycerine and jump into industrial meat grinders.

>> No.10654644
File: 513 KB, 848x1200, Can you feel it in your fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still feel pain dummy.

>> No.10654642

very productive. as befitting for a NEET

>> No.10654649

Celestials are more eye-catching.

>> No.10654651

In the immensity of time and existence, for an immortal being, pain is not even a joke.

>> No.10654653

It's not a joke, you have an eternity to feel it

>> No.10654654
File: 201 KB, 900x700, 1338054212597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs are especially beautiful.

>> No.10654656
File: 686 KB, 636x1050, 1323001679699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs are the beautiful ones.

>> No.10654657

unemployment makes people gradually turn into either ape- or pig-looking creatures. it's scientifically proven.

>> No.10654659

What did kings, queens, emperors, princes and princesses do all day anyway?

>> No.10654663


Come up with new ways to boss people around

>> No.10654664

for the most part they rule over other people. they give orders all day long. the king obviously gets to make the most decisions.

>> No.10654665

Engage in diplomatics, order the armies, control the economy?... I guess... Oh, and also have dinners with other friendly royalties, I guess. It probably used to be a full-time job.

But what do people like the British royal family do all day nowadays?

And by the way, Kaguya might be a NEET, but then again, so are many youkai in Gensokyo, like Rumia, who just wanders aimlessly in search for something to eat. I don't think there are that many job openings or schools in the oriental wonderland.

I'm on the verge of NEETdom myself, but why do we have to turn such a beautiful princess into a being as vile as ourselves?

What about Mokou? Doesn't she do pretty much nothing at all during her days, and even sometimes chooses to starve to death instead of having to go and find some food?

I really want to see the "Kaguya is a NEET!" meme dead.

>> No.10654670

i don't think wandering for survival is a fitting description of being a NEET. it's like saying cavemen were all NEETs

>> No.10654684

Technically, they were, but back then there was no need for such a classification.

I suppose you are right, though, and NEETs are people who aren't, for example, homeless, and should theoretically be doing something with their lives, but have the luxury to choose not to.

>> No.10654698
File: 645 KB, 850x850, 99463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10654715 [DELETED] 

Do you know it when people start acting like they believe you're acting? When they perceive disinterest, they suddenly maximize their weird reaction like an animal? Normal respect flies to the trash bin when extortion steps into the play. It's as if they wanted to teach me something.

Why don't they just talk if they have something to say? I've never asked for poetic essays, only sane expressions. One should be constantly producing noise to keep others in good faith. It's not even about neutrality: they start actively disliking you if you don't fulfill their lust.

If bad men are brutish, bad women are paranoid. Intentionality doesn't matter - schools don't teach either of those things. Rotten tomatoes create and maintain overly simplistic subcultures where they drown everyone in their counterproductive noise. They demand you to join or die.

No, I'm not going there anymore. It's a zoo.

>> No.10654797

come back to reality. your mindset is all about emotional well being in the present, but people are usually looking at a much bigger picture when choosing their aquaintances.
it's the same reason why people avoid the homeless. if they aren't benefitial to some extent, they will just pull you down.

the same applies here.
-someone who can hold a nice conversation and express their thoughts well is better than someone who is terrible socially.
-someone who can stay upbeat even in aggression is better than a wild punk who easily turns negative

are you the type of person who can't listen to anything that isn't in your interest but insist on others to listen to your shit?
or are you the type that doesn't care either way?
in both cases, you are less worth socially than a person who is actually social. so of course most people wouldn't bother with this shit and rather just move on.
it might be a pain but there is a reason why it exists. it's also part of culture.

maybe japanese fictional culture just alienated you from how your own culture regulates things, making it more of a pain than it should be.

>> No.10654953
File: 423 KB, 1055x1513, canon beautifulest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic proves everyone who think Kaguya isn't beautiful super wrong.

>> No.10655087 [DELETED] 

>are you the type of person who can't listen to anything that isn't in your interest
I'm the type of person who wishes that people would calm down so that I could study or relax between my studies. Of course I don't present vocal demands or force myself into other people's company.

There's just this one thing: it's often necessary to attend.

> when choosing their aquaintances
As if that would actually be a thing.

>if they aren't benefitial to some extent, they will just pull you down.
Oh yes, this is what I have learned.

>someone who can stay upbeat even in aggression
Why does there have to be aggression?

>but insist on others to listen to your shit?
I don't have any shit to tell. Nada. Zilch. I'm young, I've done nothing remarkable. I'm unable to teach anyone because I'm inexperienced. I only know about things that you can learn from books.

>in both cases, you are less worth socially
I know that I'm worth nothing socially. Why does this have to be a problem? I thought the modern times relied on specialization.

>maybe japanese fictional culture just alienated you from how your own culture regulates things
I've always been the way I am. Everything related to these posts has been happening consistently throughout my entire life. People have been telling me that "life doesn't work that way" since I was a little kid, and here I am. It seems to be working.

>> No.10655376

>People have been telling me that "life doesn't work that way" since I was a little kid, and here I am. It seems to be working.
well, everyone survives one way or another. but like i said in my previous post, it's about the bigger picture, even if we don't think about it consciously.
think about what the words [society] and [social] actually mean. it's all about the GROUP.
you can probably afford to live like this because of what other people buildt and are building. now imagine if everyone in the group were to have your mentality. the group would cease to exist and everything would fall back to being everyone feeds themselves type of society.
for [society], your type of thinking is worthless, your actions are worthless and all in all you are a burden.

i'm not saying you don't have the right to exist, since even in nature there are organisms that live by feeding off larger organisms.
but it's natural for the cells of the larger being to have disdain for the "parasite/leech"

>I know that I'm worth nothing socially. Why does this have to be a problem?
there is no problem, that's the point. you just have no real right to complain is what i'm saying. like you said, "thats how the world works". so even if you do things differently, you can't fault others for acting normal.
it's like blaming other people just because you yourself can't adapt to society.

you just need to adapt and at least appear normal, and everything would be fine.
but you are actually asking for the rest of the world to change, instead of adapting because you are a irregular. it's unreasonable, know your place and learn how the world works and you'll have less of an headache.

>> No.10655498 [DELETED] 

>it's all about the GROUP.
No it isn't. It's about advancement. Everything has been built by man. Politics can ruin everything, and it's not even a rare occurence. Look at the actual numbers of the World Wars and think about the fact that they happened because people wanted them to happen.

Some things will stay. What is knowledge? How much of mathematics has been forgotten? Do you think that people will just forget that the internet existed before something better is available, something that has been derived from it or that has been insipired by it?

>learn how the world works
I already did that. It turned out that I've been right all the time.

>know your place
What if I create a new place instead of taking one? There's enough room for everyone until we run out of room. That doesn't have to happen unless you insist on listening the lies that tell you otherwise.

>> No.10655672

>No it isn't. It's about advancement. Everything has been built by man. Politics can ruin everything, and it's not even a rare occurence. Look at the actual numbers of the World Wars and think about the fact that they happened because people wanted them to happen.
well, if you want to you can also call it [advancing with your group]. but it's all with a group. i'll explain below.
and wars are conflicts between distant or different groups. humanity isn't united or anything.

>Some things will stay. What is knowledge? How much of mathematics has been forgotten? Do you think that people will just forget that the internet existed before something better is available, something that has been derived from it or that has been insipired by it?
well, guess what happens once everything falls down.
new groups are formed. new alliances, new leaders and eventually new nations will emerge. it's an inevitability that people will flock together to create a group.
because in the end that is the most efficient system to advance in.
or maybe you are one of those people that think anarchy is a great thing?

>What if I create a new place instead of taking one?
it's fine as long as you do something. nowadays, society doensn't ask anything from you (since there are too many humans). society basically just needs you to do something, ANYTHING. and have goals and dreams, people will respect you as a human being.
because whatever you do, it MAY once again accumulate new paths, markets, goods, or new knowledge.

but doing nothing but enjoy yourself objectively makes you a lowlife scumbag.
why not strive for projects?
animation, writing, making a game? music?
or is it [too hard], you have no [talent]?
it's fine if you are doing something, but if you are just whining around, shut up, you have absolutely no right to complain.

>> No.10655749 [DELETED] 

>humanity isn't united or anything.
This has a reason that deserves to be discussed. I've lived my life without pushing anyone down. I've never had enemies to be afraid of and I don't care about my personal enviability.

>once everything falls down
When is that? Why is that? Please don't tell me that you don't know or care.

>but doing nothing but enjoy yourself objectively makes you a lowlife scumbag. why not strive for projects?
I'm a student.

>it's fine if you are doing something, but if you are just whining around, shut up, you have absolutely no right to complain.
I hear this amazingly often. It's a common way of saying "do something or I will dislike you". Everyone has the right to complain about anything. Is it relevant or sensible? It's an entirely different matter and something that the recipient must figure out.

>> No.10655785 [DELETED] 

>society basically just needs you to do something, ANYTHING
This is an extremely harmful way of thinking. I'd rather die and abstain from doing damage than do whatever gets money poured on me.

>> No.10656174

>When is that? Why is that? Please don't tell me that you don't know or care.
i was referring to when i talked about what would happen if everyone stopped being "normal".

>I hear this amazingly often. It's a common way of saying "do something or I will dislike you". Everyone has the right to complain about anything. Is it relevant or sensible? It's an entirely different matter and something that the recipient must figure out.
not sure what you are saying, but do you think all the people who say that are just trying to sound wise? you'll understand once you actively start striving for something.

>I've lived my life without pushing anyone down. I've never had enemies to be afraid of and I don't care about my personal enviability.
and why do you think that's relevant? do you believe there are people who are actively trying to push people down? all of this stems from people who [want] and [do] things.
if you don't [want] or [do] anything, you won't understand why people do what they do, and why everyone acts the way they do.

people want you to [do] something since that is what living is about. you don't have to listen to anyone since you are nobodies dog, but in the end, you have to [do] something. and if you are lucky, you may be able to feed yourself with what you are doing.

all in all it sounds like you are just weak willed. you don't want others to bother you and you won't bother others. why don't you go be a cat or something, all that brain seems to be wasted on you since you're not going to do anything anyway. grow some fucking balls.
you seem to think that everything is restrictive and with rules. what you don't see is that there really aren't that many rules once you become older. you can still do whatever you want, as long as you know how you are playing withing the few rules.
there is infinite freedom in life, and since you are young, there are many paths you can go down on. you are just too indecisive and weak to follow any one.

>> No.10656183

i like how your mind instantly wanders to money.
