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10649000 No.10649000 [Reply] [Original]

Insomnia thread!

Those who can't sleep, let's talk about anything here that will help us to sleep.

If you don't want to sleep give reasons why, and state how you plan to stay awake for the night.

No bullying allowed!

>> No.10649013

Only nerds and losers with depression get insomnia.

>> No.10649014
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Hoping, for: ”insanity”..?

>> No.10649020
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This thread is going to help me a lot. Thank you OP.
Triforce doubles.

>> No.10649019

Why do you have to sleep so-called "on-time"? Do you have to wake up early in the morning?


>> No.10649023

don't, do: ”that”, here... It's, forbidden.

>> No.10649035
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>> No.10649036

Anyone tried Xanax or related drugs to sleep? How does it feel, I wonder...

>> No.10649040
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>> No.10649037

You have to be pathetic to use drugs to sleep.

>> No.10649038

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10649044

otaku culture?

>> No.10649050

I am just saying just in case. Never planned to, just curious.

>> No.10649054

Holy shit I just realized that they're black and white.

>> No.10649058

I have no problem going to sleep. My problem is that I wake up 3 hours later and can't get back to sleep.

>> No.10649065

What do you do when you wake up? I heard you just need to close your eyes for a while again, doing any other things will just make thing worse

>> No.10649071

My head hurts.

>> No.10649078

I put on an hour long touhou music compilation because otherwise I start thinking I hear demons and shit inside my room and I can't sleep.

I also can't sleep well without the hum of my desktop. That month I couldn't afford to fix it was hell.

>> No.10649084

Kill yourself freak.

>> No.10649101

That sounds horrible. Any reason why all these start?

>> No.10649105
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I listen to mimikaki audio.

>> No.10649141

I wish I could eat Pocky with Homu ;_;

>> No.10649148

However I've left my computer on when I go to bed for the past 9 years so its strange to sleep in a room without that hum.

It makes me feel alone, like I just severed the umbilical cord I have with the rest of the world.

>> No.10649188

That's cute

So it's just a matter of habit?

I hope you can get over it soon.

>> No.10649267

Have some Paracetamol

>> No.10649293

I just try and sleep in 6 hour shifts so I'm always tired around the same time every night.

I've used Benadryl as a sleep aid before, it makes you sluggish and drowsy for about 12 hours so after you wake up you feel useless.

>> No.10649300

That's an undesirable side effect.. 6 hours are enough, IMO. I am doing 5hrs now.

>> No.10649314

Never tried that one drug, but a few years ago my insomnia problems got so severe that the doctor gave me some black label stuff, the kind of medication you can't buy without the proper documentation. Can't remember it's name, it was something that started with Z.

Whenever I took it I'd simply wake up 10~12 hours later with no recollection whatsoever about what happened between the time I ingested the pill and waking up. One time when I woke up and turned my computer on, a friend rushed to tell me about how I showed up in the night before after telling him I was going to sleep, completely ecstatic, and played more than an hour of MMOs with him doing completely crazy stuff before simply leaving out of the blue. And I remember nothing of that.

I guess any heavy sleep drug must have similar effects, I don't know maybe it's just me. But I'd recommend it anyway; doing crazy shit you don't remember for a while before dozing off is a small price to pray for these delicious hours of sleep.

Nowadays I don't use medication anymore (most weak drugs don't even have an effect anyway), and stuff like >>10649105 helps me a lot.

>> No.10649334

My mom got ambien from her doctor. Hopefully that will help knock me out. I might be a NEET but its kinda shitty waking up at 4pm and sleeping at 7-8am for no reason. Especially when you have to do stuff that has you having to go to places that are open until 6-8pm or that use daylight.

I've been having that issue lately. I can't sleep a full 7-9 hours. I wake up after 5-6 hours and can't go back to sleep, then I'm tired for the whole day.

>> No.10649343

I never go to sleep until the sun rises 'cause I'm afraid of darkness.

>> No.10649348

I want to fall into a coma, waking up is a pain.

>> No.10649362

You have no lamp in your room?

Why coma? Why not permanent sleep?

>> No.10649372

Yeah, but sleeping with the lights on would make me feel unmanly. Besides everyone in my family would laugh.

>> No.10649374

I drink valerian tea now. It helps a lot.

>> No.10649379

I don't like the smell. My mom got me some other herb, I think it's called passiflora or something like that. It really helps, but if I drink too much it makes me feel dizzy.

>> No.10649382
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It really isn't all that odd for adults to get night lights to avoid tripping on things in the dark. I have one right next to my stairs.

>> No.10649390

I usually get my laptop out, and lay in bed. Some say this is a bad idea, for doing anything but sleeping on your bed can lead to insomnia. But fuck that, I watch ASMR videos to help me sleep.


>> No.10649396

I like to listen to this girls voice before I sleep.
It just relaxes me for some reason.


>> No.10649399

I don't get how people like watching these

I find them irritating like a mosquito buzzing around your ear

>> No.10649400

Thanks. That sounds like a good idea, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.10649403

Passion Flower! You can get extracts too. Valerian smells and tastes awful, there are pills though. The pills gave me Valerian burps, which are disgusting. Honestly if you can get over the taste it's not bad.

The tea is great since I can brew it as strong as I need. I was actually looking at growing Scutellaria (Skullcap, not the mushroom) but I heard if you take too much it causes neurological distress.

I've got a bit of experience with RX too, Ambien always worked really well for me and they'll perscribe it to anyone. Lunesta made me feel like shit and Trazodone made me even feel worse.

I was so mad within like 5 seconds. I still remember some barbershop one coming up on /jp/ radio and just feeling like my ears would get chopped off. Different strokes.

>> No.10649404
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>Heather Feather
Her voice is so grating.

Check these out:

>> No.10649409

I like having some kind of low sound distracting me from my own thoughts. I frequently can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about whatever, so I find these people whispering about unrelated things I don't care about useful, since they stop me from thinking to hear but aren't interesting in any way to actually keep my attention. So I kind of just doze off. Sometimes I even drool.

But that's just me.

>> No.10649410

Sometimes I wonder if I sleepwalk. I occasionally get the feeling that I was standing somewhere in the house after I wake up. Sometimes I wake up with bruises on my shins too. I lock my doors though.

>> No.10649411

Obviously meant to quote the other guy.

>> No.10649416

You lock them from the outside? I would feel so safe an cosy locked in my room if I knew I was a sleepwalker.

>> No.10649417

I always drool. Do they have something for that?

>> No.10649423

That's so cute!

Will you be my Mysterious Girlfriend X?

>> No.10649424

Is it safe to drink Valerian tea every night? Or does it give you some kind of side effect in the long term?

>> No.10649426

Back off, he's my boyfriend, seriously.

>> No.10649428

No, from the inside. On second thought, sleep walkers can probably open locked doors.

>> No.10649434

Probably just gave you zopiclone you fucking nerd.

>> No.10649467

I'm fine with these until the ear cleaning FX kick in. The it bothers me.
I've never had side effects. It depends on your dosage too I suppose. I'm sure if you took enough or brewed it strong enough you could get messed up. It's very mild and can double as catnip.

Now Skullcap is more like a sedative. Since I don't get ambien anymore I mostly use Valerian and Melatonin which helps but a big part is shutting off my computer when I go to sleep so I don't wake up in the middle of the night and jack off.

>> No.10649475

I usually only take one nap but I was really tired today so I ended up taking 3 and now I can't sleep.

If you have a tv or a computer in your room you could try to sleep with it on.

>> No.10649490

I read moege.
I'm going through Kamikaze Explorer and Nanatsuiro Drops.

Sometimes I listen to Masaki Phan. Lewd or not lewd her voice soothes me.

My laptop is usually next to me so maybe that's why my circadian clock gets all wacky.

>> No.10649494
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I will fight you for him.

Yeah you should probably get a lock and key doorknob and hide the key somewhere your subconcious won't find it.

You're not truASMR unless you can get it from crinkly scratchy noises.

>> No.10649495

That's strange. Sometimes jacking off helps me to dose off a bit.

>> No.10649508

My qt drool bf would never leave me for such a violent heathen like yourself.

>> No.10649510

I used to do that. But for some reason it bothers me to sleep knowing that theres something on.

>> No.10649516

You can always set a timer. There's a sleep button for TVs and you can make an easy Windows task for shutdown. I assume if you use GNU/Linux you'll know how to do that yourself.

>> No.10649520

Same here, but for the longest time I'd wake up JUST to jerk it having the computer off makes it more likely that I'll just go back to sleep

>> No.10649532

I really feel the urge to drink when I haven't been sleeping much for some reason.

I'm still not sure why.

>> No.10649543

The PC fan really bugs me in a silent room, for whatever reason.

>> No.10649536

I did use the timer function. The problem was that knowing that it would shut down made me feel really anxious so I kept changing it for the whole night.
I know it sounds stupid, but it couldnt be helped.

>> No.10649556

Me too. And having a couple of roosters doesn't help either.

>> No.10649562

I have roosters too and they usually signal the time for me to sleep instead since they will not shut up after 5 am.

>> No.10649601

Mine too, only that they start crowing at any time of the day including midnight. And sometimes they scare each other and make a really loud and awful sound that seems to last forever.
I can't imagine my life without them though.

>> No.10649668

Normal drinks, not alcohol, right?

Masturbation do help in getting drowsy, it's due to some chemical released when you came.

>> No.10649680

It's pretty bad when I have to wake up to go to uni at 5am, since going to bed early is impossible thanks to insomnia.

>> No.10649690

My insomnia is mostly caused by my occasional afternoon / evening naps

It can't be avoided, there will be times when I am so sleepy midday.

>> No.10649702

White noise (static) is supposed to help, for people that like having some sort of sound. It never worked well for me, though. For those that might have anxiety-related insomnia, sleeping somewhere like a recliner might help. Especially when you know ahead of time that just lying in bed and hoping to fall asleep isn't going to work.

>> No.10649772

I've got about three-four sources of noise, floor fan, CPU fans, ceiling fan. Its a little quieter without my laptop fan going too, but kinda nice. The only problem with so many fans going is I wake up with a sore throat all the time from being so dry.

Touching the bed at any time during the day is instant defeat. Can't resist that nap.

>> No.10649987

When I start to nap my body will emit some amount of heat, making it a bit warm to sleep.

I even turn on the fan on winter as a result, else it will still feel hot.

The problem is the heat is external, making the bed a bit hot. Moreover I need to be wrapped in blankets to sleep. The sensation of feeling covered is the main thing, even thin blankets help.

>> No.10650040 [DELETED] 
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I just took some benadryl and am going to stroke my cock before bed.

I wish I had a cute /jp/er to play with.

>> No.10650059

Won't it make sleeping a waste?

>> No.10650064 [DELETED] 
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What do you mean? Benadryl makes sleeping feel amazing.

>> No.10650070

I mean sleeping when you have a cute /jp/er beside you

>> No.10650082 [DELETED] 
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Oh, that.

That's no problem, we'd make each other feel good and then cuddle and go to sleep together. It'd make waking up something to look forward to.

>> No.10650093
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Maybe....I could be that someone~

>> No.10650090

Good thinking!
Now I wish I have someone too.

>> No.10650097

What a bunch of nerds.

>> No.10650100

Please, both of you stop, you're just going to hurt yourselves.

>> No.10650108

I never expected it to turn this way, really...

>> No.10650114

Not him but, any idea why I have a constant hard-on when I'm sleep deprived?

>> No.10650124 [DELETED] 
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There's a first time for everything.

>> No.10650129

That chemical wants to be released, anon-kun.

>> No.10650138

We could be miles apart, you know..

>> No.10650151 [DELETED] 
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I'm with you right now in spirit!

>> No.10650160

I stay awake 24-30 hours, then instantly fall asleep for 12-16 hours waking up with a headache every "day".

Solved my insomnia issues.

>> No.10650162

Now you are starting to spout more nonsense. You know that's not possible!

>> No.10650170

I do that fairly frequently, except I've never had a headache in my entire life. I think you're all lying to me and headaches don't exist.

>> No.10650172

Isn't that just getting worse?

You shouldn't do that, it is bad for health

>> No.10650176 [DELETED] 
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If I was there, would you cuddle with me?

>> No.10650177

I do it and get head AND back pain.

>> No.10650179

I enjoy chronic headaches here

triggers whenever I sleep more than 5 hours (yes, the more I sleep, the worse the headache is and the longer it last)

wonder if I'm not breathing well when I sleep or something...

>> No.10650184

it could be your head or neck position. If you think it's breathing I'd recommend looking into sleep apnea symptoms.

>> No.10650183 [DELETED] 


I get constant headaches. They're terrible.

>> No.10650185

i can't sleep when i want to, which leads to me missing about 95% of my classes as of late. even my medication for it isn't helping anymore

>> No.10650189

Well... Cuddling won't hurt I guess.

No lewd though.

>> No.10650200

Use stronger medicines? Not that I recommend that.

>> No.10650202

well, i've tried bumping up the dosage of my current medicine, to no real change. which is somewhat strange, because before it suddenly stopped working, i would be taking 1/4th of a pill at a time because it was much more effective than it should be. it's quite strange.

>> No.10650209

You should just try staying up until 10 AM one day, 2 PM the next day, and by the third day you should have something approximating a schedule that you can attend classes with.

If it's this late in the semester you might be totally shit on already, though. I know I am.

>> No.10650211

Or maybe expense more energy, perhaps you will get a bit tired and nice enough to sleep

>> No.10650216

i've tried that before, but the schedule goes back to being horrible after i attend class for a day, then end up sleeping for 16 hours the next. hence the "not being able to sleep when i want to" part
i've thought about that too; perhaps when it gets warmer, i'll go walking around my neighborhood before i go to bed. seems pleasant enough

thanks for the responses, everyone

>> No.10650219

You can go to sleep right after you're done with classes. Just remember to set an alarm.

Also, if you don't use the computer for an hour before you go to bed, it's easier to fall asleep.

>> No.10650275

The amount of quotes in this thread is amazing, /jp/ really care for each other.

>> No.10650293

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.10650372

That's why, we are trying to find alternatives to that.

Medicines are last resort anyway
