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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 365 KB, 614x802, 105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10645034 No.10645034 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread: >>10598732

>> No.10645041 [DELETED] 

>Himari with b cuppu

Magister pls.

>> No.10645102

Say, how do you guys go about lining manually? I want to get out of the vector habit since it's pretty damn gross, but I just can't seem to get that precise thickness I want when doing so manually. Maybe its because my hands are as steady as someone having a seizure during an earthquake, but I could use some sort of advice here.

>> No.10645110 [DELETED] 

One day ill contribute to this thread but not today

>> No.10645125 [DELETED] 

Magister general?

>> No.10645130 [DELETED] 

draw the serious loli one

>> No.10645133
File: 41 KB, 299x331, space merchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where people upload original stories without copyright so I can steal them? I want to make an adventure game, but I need cool characters and dialogs

>> No.10645307

built vaginas

>> No.10645329 [DELETED] 

Yet another OC thread I need to hide because it was started by Magishit.

>> No.10645352 [DELETED] 

Magister has done futa, there was actually a pretty recent picture, that was fucking amazing... it was on gelbooru and got purged. I tried finding it on exhentai, a ton of place, pixiv... where the fuck are the futa pictures of him? God damn.

>> No.10645371 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 711x507, dghdjhgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Magister the only /jp/sie left at Medical Whiskey? And since when do they have a furry artist in their group?

>> No.10645395 [DELETED] 

Doyora's a /jp/er. Shit, he's infamous for all that creepy Touhou horror art a few years back.

>> No.10645421 [DELETED] 

Oh that guy.

Also, do you have any idea why Pas left them?

>> No.10645510 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is simply another place for magister to advertise
we're his bitch
he's our master

>> No.10645552 [DELETED] 

He's our magister.

>> No.10645573
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my eye in high definition.

>> No.10645577
File: 266 KB, 1000x788, meidofuq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, repostan

>> No.10645586


They're all adorable.

>> No.10645589 [DELETED] 

Why all the hate for Magister?
I've been his bitch ever since I played his Reimu

>> No.10645591
File: 135 KB, 600x738, waifu_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, Mag.

Postan muh sahKOOrah.
I'm actually really pleased with this one

>> No.10645595
File: 1.07 MB, 1570x803, cockpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made in firealpaca

>> No.10645597

I wud fuq dem all

>> No.10645601

Hmm, it seems that every post mentioning you know who got deleted. I'm curious though, what are the rules for these kinds of threads, and who are the people we should be looking for?

>> No.10645628

There's already a draw thread

Janitor even lets them post dicks in it.

>> No.10645634


That's not a real proper OC thread though.

>> No.10645639

Really cute image, dude. I saved it.

>> No.10645644
File: 278 KB, 1632x1224, 20130321_234228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has been a while since I worked on it last but I am continuing sword

>> No.10645649


Sign your stuff anon


>> No.10645653

Thats pretty cool! How long did it take you to get that far?

>> No.10645662

Hm, I'm not sure, exactly. Cutting out the tsuba (you can't really see it but it's got a design too) took about an hour with a CNC, with roughly an hour and a half of design time. Cutting the curve of the blade, putting it together, and sharpening it was a fair amount of time... Hazard a guess for 5 hours? Including the scabbard in that too. Sanding and putting on gesso (and sanding the hilt again) was an hour or so, and what remains is mostly finishing the hilt engraving with a small triangle file that I don't have right now and then painting it.

>> No.10645665

Actually I'm probably lowballing each of those times, but oh well. It's hard to say for sure since I didn't count hours or anything, and I've been working on the longer sword at the same time too.

>> No.10645665,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny sure seems to like Magishit.

>> No.10645668
File: 100 KB, 600x738, waifu_044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this Sayaka, too.

>> No.10645669
File: 140 KB, 600x734, waifu_039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Elizabeth.

>> No.10645671
File: 768 KB, 1040x803, GameEngine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a game engine I've been building from scratch.
The foundations are built on the bodies of an old Touhou Racing Game.

>> No.10645670

jp meido has a longer skirt and is the most pure.

>> No.10645672
File: 17 KB, 250x184, rambo thumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10645674


get back to work dan

>> No.10645675

So you're going to call it Hatate Land?

>> No.10645678

Your stuff is lovely mate.

>> No.10645680

I'm working. ;-;

>> No.10645681

Why does Hatate Land come to mind?

>> No.10645685

Hatate's color scheme is the same as your missing textures.

>> No.10645691

Oh, haha I see!
The textures are missing because the old model used some 70 or so materials, and the level is going to be scrapped in the long run.
You can see the full stage on Youtube anyways.

>> No.10645692

Cirno Racing engine converted to a game about hunting witches?

>> No.10645696


>> No.10645699

Not quite, but I built a different racing engine with the help of an artist and a programmer from /jp/ a couple years ago.

Witch hunting eventually, but not this particular game.

>> No.10645708

I'll take one request before I head to bed if it's quick and not too over the top.

>> No.10645713

A pic that commemorates the end of Psycho-Pass today.

>> No.10645718

Okuu please. Anything cute is fine.

>> No.10645719

Iku staring with a confused look at the Core Drill

>> No.10645735

What happened to her chest? I-it's... normal size.

>> No.10645738 [DELETED] 

that feelio when you can't draw

How do you deal with the crushing realization?

>> No.10645741

Realize that to get to a quality where people are willing to pay you for your work would only take you 4 years of real effort.

>> No.10645748

And if that fails, just draw commissions for furries or make how2draw manga books.

Or consolidate it and make a how2draw furries book.

>> No.10645751

Is there something I could do for anons as a program? I want to code something but no idea what to do yet. I'll feel motivated if it's for /jp/, too.

>> No.10645753

Perhaps you could do a flash game?

>> No.10645755

I'm sure the idea guys will show up sooner or later.

>> No.10645757
File: 264 KB, 900x600, 13s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished that maiden in black. Got a bit lazy with the background this time.

>> No.10645759

make a /jp/ simulator

>> No.10645760
File: 176 KB, 900x600, 4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a wip. After so many serious drawings i decided i wanted to do something cute again, it almost feels cathartic.

>> No.10645761

Four fucking years of effort? I could spend that time doing something I actually liked.

>> No.10645762
File: 46 KB, 445x442, Scan03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I condensed your requests. It's late now but I'll color it tomorrow. Didn't pick the psycho pass request because I'm still torrenting the latter half of the show and don't wanna get spoiled.


If you're serious about this and fine with me as an artist, we can talk. I'm tired of having projects dying on me though.

>> No.10645763

Don't worry, I bet she grew a penis to compensate. Magister behaves like a lewd high-eccentricity comet that orbits around a binary complex of oppai loli and futanari loli stars, I think he's leaving the gigantic tits territory and will soon start drawing girls with horse dicks again.

Sometimes his orbit takes him to the fetish equivalent of the Kuiper belt, where he draws under the gravitational influence of numerous minor fetishes before returning to his native system.

>> No.10645765


>> No.10645769

Overwhelmingly cute, dude. Thanks a lot.

>> No.10645772

Some more music

This one played on the radio recently

This one is is just some silly beat boxing

>> No.10645774

Dunno if its my imagination or not but Okuu looks kind of more sad than confused.

>> No.10645827

Well, I could work with Flash I guess, but that's less code and more art.

Might make an interesting proposition, an AI that learns from posts in /jp/ and simulates a similar environment. Although it doesn't sound very useful, it would be interesting to write up.

Sure. I think your art is cute. I was taking requests because, since I am not that great of a programmer, the only way to get better is to challenge myself. Working for someone just shifts my brain into work mode, so that's why I asked for a request.

>> No.10645833

I drew this for you /jp/:

>> No.10645839
File: 910 KB, 1024x1980, 1280278543361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a Cornelia chatbot. Have a few cute pictures of her with random colored square backgrounds and she replies to your typing to her by pulling a random post from /jp/.

>> No.10645840

Gotta draw fast

>> No.10645846

Now that you mention it, that did sound a bit like her. I can try that.

>> No.10645847


You know, it wouldn't be half bad to code a little Cornelia app like this one:


>> No.10646366

Then why do you lament that you can't draw if you don't like it, fool?

>> No.10646417

Didn't the Cornelia source code get released? >>10645751 should make a chatbot that uses the same algorithm for generating responses.

>> No.10646427

Quick google found the code in question:


Even without the code itself, just reading the comments should give a good idea on how to make a bot that speaks in the same manner as Cornelia did.

>> No.10646484


OI!, do Yuko next

>> No.10646489
File: 58 KB, 369x450, 1363861847853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10646491


Time to touch the demon...

>> No.10646504

Whatever happened to that guy that was carving a walking stick?

>> No.10646505

dan did a super good job with my waifu he's a top dude!

>> No.10646524

I would like to contribute but I am a programmer, not an artist.

What OC can I do?

>> No.10646619



>> No.10646670

I could try but I don't understand who/what Cornelia is.

Could someone explain it to me please?

>> No.10646690

Too lazy to explain so just follow this link.


Yeah it's ED but who cares.

>> No.10646721 [DELETED] 

>Dan Kim+Maginigger
yeah okay. farewell /jp/

>> No.10646746

I'm not trying to call you a newfag or anything, but I wouldn't want any Cornelia OC to be created by someone who wasn't there for the original incident. As cliche as it sounds, "you had to be there."

>> No.10646879

Go kill yourself.

>> No.10646885

Who gives a fuck about a bot that ruined 4chan for days and brought forth all kinds of retarded enjoyment and captcha codes?

>> No.10646901

What other OC could I contribute in that case?

>> No.10646921

gimme money richfag or I'll report you.

>> No.10646955


I see two coders in this thread, which one are you? If you are the guy who agreed to work with me, don't worry about the haters saying you had to be there, since i was. It all depends on what kind of game you wanna make though.

>> No.10646974

I'm >>10646524

If you like I could make a game with you.

>> No.10647034


Oh, okay. I'm asking this because if you weren't there when Cornelia happened you probably fail to see the appeal. This is important because while listening to suggestions here is fine, making something because other people felt was a good idea will eventually leave us with another dead project when interest dwindles.

What kind of game do you feel like creating?

>> No.10647150

Something cute, maybe some kind of puzzle game?

I don't really know much about designing a video game.

>> No.10647304

Only because I want to draw pretty girls, dude.

>> No.10647385


Well, my love lies in 2D games, specially platformers. I threw out the idea of a platformer/dating sim hybrid with simple gameplay elements like boss battles about 4 years ago.

If you don't want to deal with stuff like physics and enemy AI that a decent platformer would require we can just make a short turn based RPG like the emblem series /luminous arc/FFT. I imagine code-wise that would't be much more difficult than coding a decent puzzle game, but i don't much about code myself so yeah, it's just an idea.

>> No.10647395

>/jp/ shmup still unfinished
>talking about making a new game

you fucking slutwhores

>> No.10647403

I wouldn't mind trying to make a platformer if you had an idea. Tell me about the one you mentioned if you're still interested in making it.

>> No.10647425

Someday I want to contribute something to one of these OC threads. But not today.

>> No.10647486 [DELETED] 
File: 755 KB, 853x1327, intuosテスト.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a recent sketch I made. I've had my intuos3 tablet for a few years now, and a friend of mine has informed me that I haven't had any of the tablet drivers installed. After installing the drivers, this feels like a completely new tablet. I'm still trying to get used to the pressure sensitivity.

>> No.10647567


Here's the first thread:


old easymodo didn't save full images back then and these are ancient anyway. I'm at work posting from my phone right now, i should be able to elaborate some more when i get home.

>> No.10647590

I really like the idea of it being like river city ransom, at least the open world aspect of it.

I don't know much about that other game you mentioned but I looked up some videos and I'm not so sure how I feel about it.

Waiting warmly until later so you can elaborate on it.

>> No.10647633

Since the topic of conversation is interesting game design ideas, should I drop a link again for the games I've made in the past? I've never been fond of the idea-guy method of game design, where it's basically "X genre with Y twist and Z too", so I've tried to make my games somewhat novel. Maybe it would serve as inspiration or something, I dunno.

>> No.10647651

That sounds nice. Personally, I'd like to see whatever anybody from /jp/ can create. I'm also severely lacking any inspiration, so that might help.

>> No.10647680

Those eyes are too huge.

>> No.10647694

Okay, here's two of them.

There's one more that I can upload later tonight, if I can find it on my computer somewhere.

Unfortunately I can't upload all of them, I've done I think 5-6 games in total, but a lot of them were group projects that also have our names associated with them, so I don't feel comfortable putting them here.

>> No.10647931

May I have some source code?

>> No.10647958 [DELETED] 
File: 2.30 MB, 2476x1759, touhou_halloween_maid_night_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ next neet after this who want it get a free copy of guns of icarus online via steam. Being semi-hikki don't have enough friends to play with four players, but the 4pack was like $1 difference from two single copies, so I got that.

Sage for offtopic crap.
Also have a wallpaper for my interruption.

>> No.10647961

see your works just made me get more drepessed
I'm still working to make fine draws, but no wonder how many I practice, I'll never get at your level

>> No.10647963

Get the fuck out.

>> No.10647973 [DELETED] 

fine then don't have free stuff.

>> No.10647983

Where can I find all of majester's stuff? Even the futa nsfw etc.

>> No.10647992


>> No.10648009

Needs moar /jp/-made VNs.

>> No.10648035

There's none of the good futa I've once seen...

>> No.10648107

He plays it really safe now. You're lucky to get boobies from him.

>> No.10648124

I was wondering, how do you find/make a brush that outlines like that in ps6?

>> No.10648135

But the old pictures, where are they?

>> No.10648344

Oi don't post my art on the AGDG, doods.

>> No.10648429

He's a fucking professional now, 4chan is a and his stupid fetishes are dirty secrets that he needs to hide

>> No.10648452
File: 105 KB, 686x711, 1320811314407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The knights hand looks bit weird, but other than that its pretty nice! Maiden in black is sugoi.
Set free was niice. I really really loved the previous EP. Need mooooore!

>> No.10648503


Aw man I never bothered to save them, anybody cares to set up a zip or something?

>> No.10648799

Same here. You think he lurks on like, IRC or something? I could ask him privately or something?

>> No.10648884

He's a pretty prolific IRC-er, he goes by Magister on rizon.

>> No.10648884,1 [INTERNAL] 

>>Dan Kim+Maginigger
>yeah okay. farewell /jp/

But Dan's been on /jp/ since 2008

>> No.10648986

How do I learn to draw?
I want to try my hand at it.

>> No.10648998



>> No.10648999

Trace for a bit and learn the strokes n' shit.
Reference a bit and become a little more original n' shit.
Voila! You can begin to draw things out of thin air!

Keep in mind, tutorials are never helpful.

>> No.10649017

...and how long would it take for me to get good with that method?

>> No.10649034

Guess some people aren't born with the TALENT to draw.

>> No.10649029

Read Loomis, and study from life.
Do keep in mind drawing takes a lot of practice, so don't get discouraged if it takes a while.

>> No.10649045

Give up. If you didn't start at a young age, there's not much point in you starting now.

>> No.10649047

>tutorials are never helpful.
are you sure? that's really unexpected.

>> No.10649048

I discovered that, and took up writing. Too bad moe is 100% harder to express in writing.

>> No.10649068

That's absolute bullshit if you're still under 50.

>> No.10649097

Not really. If you don't LIKE doing something, you'll never get anywhere. I'm shit at drawing, always have and always will be, because I despise it.

>> No.10649112

So you can't come to like something after getting older?

>> No.10649113

Whether or not you like something is completely unrelated to how old you are.

>> No.10649118
File: 478 KB, 1200x800, db7abb42174859097a3ce4c5ced4e6ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah mon.

>> No.10649121

Never said that, I'm just saying you can't get good at something if you don't like it at all.


>> No.10649180

Ah, ye olde talent x effort argument.

I've met kids who rocked better than anyone before they reached 15, people who didn't start drawing until their 40s and still manage to reach professional level, people who learned to draw in months and people who took decades to reach the same level.

It all boils down to what you wanna do, how much effort you're willing to put into it, and how much enjoyment you get out it. Don't look for the right answer to the "how do I learn to draw" question because there is none.

I'm sorry to sound cheesy but that's all there is to it.

>> No.10649200

no such thing as talent.
if you can't draw at all, what you should do is just copy your favorite artists work. just try to recreate it.
and read books about art and try to watch other artists draw to get the idea of how it's done and what mindset you need to have/the terminology you have to know etc.

manga and especially moe is not that hard to learn, you just have to try.
some people think you need to always start from the ground up and need to get eerything done by yourself but it's just bullshit. especially STYLES are always just a mixture of other styles and influences. if you just try to be aware of what kind of style you want to go for you will eventually get close to it just by observing.

but if you draw without knowing what the fuck you are even trying to draw you will be shit forever.
you need to have an clear image in mind, and then just try to recreate it. that's how it started for me.

>> No.10649220

TLDR you are not supposed to just "try" to draw some random bullshit and expect it to look good.

1. you imagine what you want. (help yourself by looking at other peoples art)
2. you try to do draw it as you imagined
3. you look at the result and compare to what you wanted to create.
in drawing from imagination, the "reference" is always in your imagination. with experience you will be able to draw freely from imagination through construction. but for a start you just need to bring what you want to the paper.

seriously, look at other peoples art. this is incredibly important for starting animu.

>> No.10649246

What do people see in this artist? I honestly want to know because I find her style generic, dull, and lifeless. I must admit her improvement is amazing to the untrained eye, but it gets discouraging once you see here current work. Which by the way hasn't remotely changed since 2009.

>> No.10649282

Oh my fucking god, why people discuss this fucking shit every single thread? Holy fucking crap.

>> No.10649319

some people want to draw and some people complain way too much instead of taking action.

>> No.10649320

You answered your own question, dood.

>> No.10649365
File: 270 KB, 768x601, uynuuLOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i hope you don't mind if I add one here, haven't done Okuu for a while

>> No.10649563

It's lovely. : 3

>> No.10649687

Looking at this chart, it seems to prove my point that it takes only 4 years to go from shit to professional quality...

>> No.10649728

If anyone is still wondering. I did lose a bit of time when i started drawing by just thinking that if i put x amount of time in drawing my cute anime girls i will eventual become better at it. Which is not the case. Mindlessly drawing and copying anime will get you nowhere, maybe you will become a bit better but nothing major. You have to practice strategical and manage the time you put in drawing, start by learning how to copy a drawing by analyzing its shape so you can learn it, you have to see what you lack so you can study that thing, fist you will lack a lot of things but little by little you will become better. Find vilppus lessons and watch them he will teach you the basics, then read drawing from the right side of the brain if you want. And dont forget that its a long way to become good so if you dont really love every minute of it it will be alot more difficult. I hope i helped someone.

>> No.10650319

Please respond.

>> No.10650566
File: 195 KB, 1920x1029, 2013-03-23_13.33.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


updated this thing to 1.5.1. now it requires minecraft forge to work (but on the plus side, there are no more id mismatch/conflicts with vanilla or other mods, nor any crashes if you join modded servers).

added remilia and flandre, and also mistral from shining hearts/blade.

some characters can now hold items in their hand (so far only lenneth and eirin do that).

>> No.10650633
File: 187 KB, 423x417, psket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing for a few years, but I never thought about doing it seriously, I've always been drawing just for simple fun. I still don't want to make much out of it, but I'd like to see what I could create if I actually put myself to it and actually did some proper studies.
I don't know where to start though.
Just saying something like ''study anatomy'' leaves me kind of clueless.

Does anyone have something like a really concrete step by step way to progress in drawing?
Sorry if I'm just being bold.

>> No.10650651
File: 109 KB, 576x576, how2draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this helps

>> No.10650658

You spend 4 years constantly doing a single thing and you're gonna get good at it.

>> No.10651753


>> No.10653422
File: 440 KB, 900x506, ss1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crap. Sorry, this took a lot longer than I expected. I had these lying on my disk for a while but never found the willpower to finish them. I was going to make this for a lame april fools prank but I guess I can use it to show you what I have in mind.

Nevermind the /jp/ characters, we can just use original characters or something instead, but I guess this is how I would want the game to look like.

>> No.10653426
File: 438 KB, 900x506, ss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has been raided by PUDDI
Are you a maddo enough meido to rescue /jp/?

>> No.10653430 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 900x506, MeidogameSS3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10653434


wonderful stuff! The only glaring issue I see at a first glance is that they're a little too thin, especially Elizabeth; make sure you include room for their organs, Anon!

>> No.10653436
File: 550 KB, 900x506, ss3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell

>> No.10653451

Have you done any sprites for it? It'd be interesting to see some animated gifs.

>> No.10653467


You should stop drawing for a little while and learn how to handwrite.

>> No.10653477


Make it a fame, GO.

>> No.10653552
File: 125 KB, 900x649, tumblr_mawzehlqBf1rhc5u7o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homuha boss/cameo please.

>> No.10653578

Some various /jp/verse characters to include (copied from elsewhere):

/jp/ Meido - Strict but loving and will use her last breath to save her home

/ota/ Meido - Fun loving girl who doesn't waste her time cleaning unless she spots dangerous material

/bun/ Meido - A quiet girl who spends her days waiting for the day she will get to delete new posts

Cornelia - A bot that gained a soul but was locked away because of her destructive nature

O-tan - A silly little girl that loves freedom and hates rules

Oc-tan - A lethargic little girl that loves creativity and hates when people half asses their work.

NSJ - Meido's replacement when she get's too tired to work he has an ego as big as the sun.

Russian federation bot, Capcha-tan, various incarnations of Anonymous, other cameos

>> No.10653587

Is Mugen gonna be in it?

>> No.10653603

Who knows, maybe as a cameo.

>> No.10653613 [DELETED] 


Mugen sidequest

Objective: find the hidden stash of smuggled onions and deliver them to the interpol.

>> No.10653614


Mugen sidequest

Objective: procure the hidden stash of smuggled onions and deliver them to the interpol

>> No.10653629

You just broke my fucking heart, gj!

>> No.10653696

But who's the pink haired scientist supposed to be? moot?

>> No.10653719
File: 99 KB, 900x720, 1363988761604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's Eksi-tan. NOt a lot of art about her was made and the concept never caught on. Add that to the fact that easymodo is ded now.

moot is the final boss

>> No.10653838
File: 200 KB, 490x634, 1236211358419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study form. What I mean is, draw lots of cubes, cylinders and other basic forms (Make sure it's correct with respect to perspective, grab a book on perspective or something).

Then use references, and try to apply construction to those. If you can, do still lives as well. Build everything out of simple forms (forms, not shapes), then add on detail afterwards. Make sure you're doing imaginative stuff with the things that you've learned, otherwise you'll become a glorified xerox machine.

But the truth is, there's no real concrete path. Just focus on what you think is your weakest point.

If you spend four years doing the wrong thing, you're gonna get good at doing things wrong.

>> No.10653914

Oh, I see.

Also, cool mug.

>> No.10654334
File: 148 KB, 500x500, get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dan Kim Original Content Thread #105

>> No.10654387

That looks very pretty. How are we supposed to make it together?

>> No.10654710
File: 1.70 MB, 4961x2126, 1346157208396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same artist that did this mug too?

>> No.10654723


>> No.10654754
File: 57 KB, 599x720, 1360590373092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what will this be made in?
This looks pretty as hell.

>> No.10654845
File: 312 KB, 800x871, Scan02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Um, you know, we discuss things like the story, the script, the mechanics, etc, reach agreements, you pick an existing engine (or code one from scratch if you're crazy) and start coding and I start drawing actual sprites and tiles for it. We go testing shit up, fixing shit up, and making progress slowly.

If you really agree with the idea of a platformer like this, don't expect it to be finished in less than 2~3 years. This is something that's gonna require some commitment.

We are alredy discussing this on /ota/, so maybe we could just move this discussion there entirely? I'm using a trip there so it's easy to spot my replies.
...is this guy really Dan Kim? Doesn't look like his style.

>> No.10654861
File: 492 KB, 935x952, otachaneru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

File photo

>> No.10654862

I'd say make a prototype in something quick and easy to use like game maker or Flash for starters, it won't be hard to do and will garner interest.

If it feels fun, you could move it to something better or stick to it if you know its limits and how best to work with it.

I feel silly, but where is that?

>> No.10654889 [DELETED] 


>> No.10654894

>We are alredy discussing this on /ota/
Then why don't you just go back there?

>> No.10654895

Looking forward to seeing this colored!

>> No.10654901

Thank you.

>> No.10654898

why don't you return to wherever you're from if all you're gonna do here is shitpost?

>> No.10654905

/ota/ is a dead board. There's no need for another /jp/.
If you're going to make a /jp/-related project, do it on /jp/ or fuck off.

>> No.10654908

God forbid people use other websites to organize things.

>> No.10654909

>..is this guy really Dan Kim?
is referring to:

Which are some of Dan Kim's shitty waifu art for donators or whatever the fuck.

>> No.10654915


You sound mad, bro, please calm down.

>> No.10654916

That's what KS did. And we all know how that turned out.

>> No.10654923

KS used deviantart fags.
This is using a /jp/-lite image board.

>> No.10654933

/jp/-lite boards are only created and used by shitposters mad at the mods constantly deleting their shitposts.

>> No.10654934

And in what way is /ota/ better than DA?
The only reason why people would leave /jp/ for /ota/ is because they think /jp/ isn't good enough for them anymore. I'm not sure if I want those people to work on a /jp/ project.

>> No.10654937

>/jp/ isn't good enough for them anymore.
/jp/ is _pretty fucking shitty_. I don't blame anyone for leaving if that's what they think.

>> No.10654941

I go on both. I like both. /ota/ is at least somewhat /jp/ related, compared to how KS completely left 4chan at one point.

>> No.10654947


4chan doesn't really work for this kind of discussion, specially with how hectic things have been for the past two years, with all the shitposters.

I suggested /ota/ for no particular reason other than it already being there, but we would have to choose another place for organization eventually, wether you like it or not.

Or would you rather have /JP/ GAME DISCUSSION GENERAL #686 up all the time on the front page?

>> No.10654945

so who is this dan kim guy.

>> No.10654954

usually people would use irc

>> No.10654960

No. Seriously. IRC promotes circlejerking.

>> No.10654961

Cartoon artist who made a bunch of comics about Elfinlied, and then a bunch of comics about Card Captor Sakura, and then some boring comic about Red Riding Hood where half the pages were just black with nothing on them.

He hasn't done anything of worth since then and keeps starting new comic ideas for like 10 pages and then dropping them to write about what a moe loving waste of sperm and egg he is.

He used to be a common poster on /jp/ and make silly threads with his art.

>> No.10654966

>And we all know how that turned out.
Wildly successful?

>> No.10654968

I have nothing to add. Enjoy your stay on /ota/.

>> No.10654974

Say what you may about its quality in relation to other VNs, but it was very clearly well-liked by a very large number of people.

>> No.10654975
File: 1.47 MB, 1258x1138, small moco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10654977

Code bro, we're all waiting for you at /ota/

I'm dropping this subject, it adds nothing to the matter and if people really this mad that others use boards other than /jp/ chances are they're just shitposters anyway.

>> No.10654979

Oh yeah, let's add references from other boards in the /jp/ game. That makes a lot of sense.

>> No.10654994

Because a bunch of idiots that never touched an actual VN before liked it.

>> No.10655002


>> No.10655000

Pretty nice I guess

>> No.10655007

I am quite relaxed already.

>> No.10655032

Where is the thread on /ota/? I can't find it, sorry.

>> No.10655051


>> No.10655047

I went through all pages to find out it was actually on the first page..

>> No.10655057
File: 10 KB, 530x387, 1363623550325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The discussion doesn't actually begin until pretty far down in the thread (18684), pic related is O-tan.

>> No.10655060

So it's the Madoka of VNs?

>> No.10655085

Thank you.

>> No.10655099

I don't get it

what's so special about those places?

>> No.10655106

Fruits of a clusterfuck of drama and internal struggle between circlejerks.

>> No.10655137

>internal struggle between circlejerks
If it's between circlejerks how could it be an internal struggle?

>> No.10655239

Ah, my bad for typing like a retard, but it's actually both since people fought each other and founded their own circles.

>> No.10655390
File: 1.52 MB, 2400x2500, littlerumia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to cute

>> No.10655402

I think I remember you

you usually post at the 'roll and draw a 2hu' right?

>> No.10655501


Yeah. I got Letty but I don't want to draw her, so I drew Rumia and posted it here instead.

>> No.10655739

Repost from /ota/ for anyone else who's interested:

Okay so I took some time to write about possible options you can use for gamedev.

I've worked with pretty much all of these, and for a 2D game, it mostly comes down to preference since they're usually not that demanding of your hardware.

Pick any of these and make a game!


>> No.10655791

Pretty sure people that are interested on that are already there.

>> No.10655798
File: 247 KB, 569x794, girl in swimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10655828

Just for future reference; fully downwards extended arms usually go past the crotch area.

>> No.10655851

I see. Thanks.

>> No.10655878
File: 235 KB, 1230x1700, parseeguitar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Disclaimer: I don't even pretend to know how to play gypsy jazz

The drawing is nothing special, just a pic I abandoned half a year ago and only now touched up a bit so it doesn't look completely awful.

>> No.10655894

Also, forgot to mention, but I fucked up and recorded everything super-quiet so frankly it sounds pretty bad. I should almost add some kind of radio or record player static to hide it.

>> No.10655999 [DELETED] 

Is there an active thread about this on /jp/? If so, could you point it to me? I would like to watch how this goes.

>> No.10656012 [DELETED] 

Nevermind, I AM on /jp/, please ignore that post. I should be named king of spaghetti

>> No.10656330 [DELETED] 

/bun/ was created in a /jp/ thread back 2009. /ota/ is new, but is probably one of the most active /jp/ spin-offs we've had.

Both boards share the same users as /jp/, you can just think of them as extensions to /jp/ where you can post nsfw content or discuss things that are not allowed on the real /jp/.

The only thing on that list that doesn't belong is Capcha-tan, who was made by /a/ in their draw threads.

>> No.10656338

/bun/ was created in a /jp/ thread back in 2009. /ota/ is new, but is probably one of the most active /jp/ spin-offs we've had.

Both boards share the same users as /jp/, you can just think of them as extensions to /jp/ where you can post nsfw content or discuss things that are not allowed on the real /jp/.

The only thing on that list that doesn't belong is Capcha-tan, who was made by /a/ in their draw threads.

>> No.10656368

That's not really how those two boards are. But I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.10656890

Its not really the hands that are too short but the pelvis is too long. Well not exactly the whole pelvis because the crotch clearly ends where the legs begin but you seem to have filled the gap with more swimsuit. I think that the end of the crotch should be around where the hands are.

>> No.10656960
File: 45 KB, 700x794, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I could do with a trackpad, you made the crotch area wayy too long.

The red circle is shown in the picture on the left

Your rendering is nice though, keep it up. Try to draw from life often.

>> No.10657332
File: 70 KB, 359x598, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on it...

>> No.10657354

Make sure to work hard on the hands. Looking forward to it.

>> No.10657652

B-but the way I draw hands is so QUALITY that it's practically a hallmark trait of my artwork. I can't change them...!

>> No.10657765
File: 19 KB, 160x120, aaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made this animatoon

it represents my feeling when i try to get close to ppl

>> No.10658500

Maybe you can make him go different directions

>> No.10658977
File: 145 KB, 776x950, adone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how many different things this drawing became until I just gave up and stuck with this.

>> No.10659011

That's deep dude.

>> No.10659103


how did you do that gradient?

>> No.10659167

Really good lineart. Everything is neat and symmetrical. But when i looked it closely i noticed something with the eyes that i also used to do alot. The curve of eye that is going away from us is too exaggerated that it starts to seem that its more open than the other so it looks like that wink thing. It can also be intentional thought and even if not it took me a bit of close observation so its fine.

>> No.10659185
File: 243 KB, 569x794, girl in swimsuit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

>> No.10659188
File: 304 KB, 956x1280, sanicthrowsawayhishumanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so I'm still learning how to draw so excuse the shit-like quality.

Not sure if its lack of /jp/-related will piss off people but posting anyway.

>> No.10659206

That looks a lot nicer, good job.
I'm neither of those anons~

>> No.10659254
File: 173 KB, 458x523, 032513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn anything at all in around a month and it shows. Feels awful.

Ah well. Onward and upward.

Ahh, your lineart's so neat and clean, I'm really jealous!

>> No.10659699
File: 665 KB, 2480x1400, Pokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a lot of crap I will never finish so I might as well just upload some.

>> No.10659709
File: 146 KB, 512x512, Surprise!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is traced of course.

>> No.10659725

That's the same person from Pixiv, dumbass.

>> No.10659722


Hey I can steal from Pixiv too

>> No.10659730

Judging by the fact that many of the artist's tags/titles are in English, I'm gonna go ahead and say it's their own Pixiv account.

>> No.10659912

this is awful in concept even more than in excecution

>> No.10659931

The slight shift in colour is done by airbrushing using a lighter shade of the base colour on a different layer very roughly, then changing the blending mode to illuminosity.

Thanks, took me a second or two to fully grasp what you meant but I definitely see it now. I'll try to keep it in mind next time.

>> No.10659952
File: 1.32 MB, 3000x1533, Basics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

studying basics!

>> No.10660156
File: 441 KB, 980x740, mikoisdedsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawn out of satisfactory after clearing TD on Normal

>> No.10660243
File: 2.28 MB, 2800x4500, ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.10660250

Use more contrast. Don' be afraid to use dark dark colors for cast shadows.

>> No.10660479
File: 2.35 MB, 2400x1920, flonne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawthread request.

>> No.10660583

Don't expect it to be done for years at best. Also, it's hardly a /jp/ project anymore.

>> No.10661032


>> No.10661131

What do you need source for?

>> No.10661167


What is this /ota/ and where can i find it?

>> No.10661215

Nice Flonne, yo. Good shit.

>> No.10661265
File: 187 KB, 800x800, 1360492335129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10661269


>> No.10661535

Wasn't there another board that used to be spammed, like tohno chan or something? or was that not a spinoff of /jp/?

>> No.10663400
File: 171 KB, 2000x1500, remilianewstyleWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying out a different style of drawing. I usually do more cutesy sort of stuff, but after playing Koumajou Densetsu for the first time, I felt like I should try something badass. So I thought about starting off with Remilia.

Right now, I don't think it looks cool enough, but I'm still playing around with eyes and whatnot.

>> No.10663406

really cute

>> No.10663411

Looks like a great start to me.

>> No.10663592
File: 50 KB, 193x193, SoundCloud LOGO 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK: give me your worst...


>> No.10663600

Remember when futa was common in these threads?

>> No.10663630

I could try bringing it back, but all I have is writing.

>> No.10663648

Don't want to. Hopefully the oversize bosoms are gone forever too. Get better fetishes. (not feet or piss)

>> No.10663651

How do you guys feel about brown girls?

>> No.10663659

10/10, would post them in threads completely unwarranted.

>> No.10663670

As long as they aren't just photoshops, especially not those ganguro slut ones.

>> No.10663676

I kinda like it, it's soothing and the melody reminds me of the underwater level in Mario 64.

>> No.10663678
File: 2.32 MB, 1446x2046, 9f96c4e5ece301f8170b4b59b9872b37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm talking about the 23 kind of brown, pic related

>> No.10663720

This is actually pretty nice. I like the second half of the song more than the first.

>> No.10663730
File: 152 KB, 500x375, Madotsuki49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Dreamers

>> No.10663732


Forgot link


>> No.10663743

that's red, not brown

>> No.10663906
File: 389 KB, 970x844, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this as consolation?
it's OC.

>> No.10663913


>> No.10663916

Since it's a full band rock arrangement, I little depth in the equalizer would boost it. But it's rather good and respectful as it is.

>> No.10663935

I guess the high pitch really does the trick.

>Mario 64
lol. well, it's a vals, after all; the stereotypical soundtrack for sea waves.

Thank you both.

>> No.10664261

They suck. And people overrating them piss me off.

>> No.10664263

Doesn't need the dick IMO.

>> No.10664387

Little brown girls are the best.

>> No.10665957 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 358x507, Lil 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all shades of tan in
girls. I mean: what do you think you are, ladies? careless tomboys? working class men-surrogates? 3rd world hookers? cover yourselves, dammit.

>> No.10665973 [DELETED] 
File: 734 KB, 900x713, pilky10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut this out today 4u.

>> No.10665979 [DELETED] 
File: 743 KB, 594x713, milky0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was the improperly cropped one oh well.

>> No.10666014
File: 158 KB, 358x507, Lil 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all sorts of tan in girls. I mean: what do you think you are, young ladies? careless tomboys? working class men-surrogates coming back through poisonous landscapes from the fields or the factory? full-time hookers?... cover yourselves, dammit.

>> No.10666086

>Pale girls are gross
no, they aren't anon

>> No.10666077

Pale girls are gross. They remind me of goths and other nerdy types that stay inside all day.

Also this is 2013, working class types stay inside in their cubicles all day while the rich go on luxurious vacations to sunny regions where they can get their cocaine fresh.

>> No.10666093

Pale girls are pure.

>> No.10666217
File: 23 KB, 358x507, Lil 0 (base).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working class types stay inside in their cubicles all day while the rich go on luxurious vacations to sunny regions
That's exactly my point: tanned skin as a symbol of status is a very late european fashion that reveals nothing but the vulgarity of the new rich, and which exportation delivers abominations like guidos and ganguro. Pale and fair skin, on the other hand, has always been a sign of true aristocracy and delicacy all around the globe...

But it' just a matter of taste, of course. You like what you like for whatever reasons (it's just always good to know which they are).

>> No.10666348

Good to see someone fighting the good fight with me here. I too hate all sorts of tan, and I find this new trend of being tanned simply disgusting.

Some characters actually look really good with dark skin, but like I said before: it's the exaggeration that irritates me. The stereotypes circling around it are also a problem.

>> No.10666398

>Pale and fair skin, on the other hand, has always been a sign of true aristocracy all around the globe...
So has being fat. Enjoy your fat weeaboo goth women.

>> No.10666433

Painttool Sai has a great stablizer with any of the brushes.

>> No.10666462

I really just want to draw guro but I'm afraid I'll scare people away if I do.

>> No.10666478

You're not allowed to post guro anyway.

>> No.10666648
File: 320 KB, 519x705, (Asuka) Kouros - Kore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non sequitur, my friend.

>> No.10666656

For men. Being a fat man showed that you had money for extra food. Women were expected to not overeat.

>> No.10666741

Little Rumia is the best. Is it going to get coloured?

>> No.10666802

To play around with it and see how you did everything. I like that kind of thing.

>> No.10666828

Not the other guy, but he's 100% right and you need to look up the definition of "non-sequitur". Pale skin is just as "aristocratic" as a overweight people, because it's merely association. If you want facts then know that pale skin is biologically inferior because it lacks melanin, and there are practical downsides to it even for sedentary people.

>> No.10666831

This is coming on well. Will you render it?

>> No.10666846

This looks great.

>> No.10666859

Any chance /tc/ gets some little part as well?
I don't expect anything flattering...

>> No.10666870

Oh gosh, how did you do this? What engine and language?

>> No.10666912

I think those are just drawn images, anon.

>> No.10666987

Hope you enjoy your melanin when your skin gets damaged.

No one NEEDS to get tanned, they simply should keep their regular skin color instead of thinking they must sunbath or else people will think they are ugly.

This world fucking sucks when people love niggers and dirt-colored people.

>> No.10667017

>is biologically inferior because it lacks melanin
Inferior to what? Pale skin lacks melanin because there's less sun where those people come from.

People who are inferior are the ones who can't make delicious tan lines but instead just get sunburnt.

>> No.10667023 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 465x573, niño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No: he's wrong and I ain't gotta look for shit. The non sequitur was his implying that I'd should celebrate fatness for its association with rich people's sedentarism, AS IF being a fat ass (rich or not) could possibly be taken as an aristocratic feature at all (hence the greek illustration in my answer: the cult of the body was part of the aretai=virtues that constituded greek paideia).

You, btw, are damned wrong as well. For starters, "biologically inferior" is such a term that only someone with an erroneously teleological notion of evolution would use (as it implys the discredited theory of a "scale" of being): there's not such thing as "superior/improved" or "inferior/primitive" characters or species in biology, Speceroid, but merely "conserved" or "novel" in terms of emergence during geological time. You see: darker skin is an adaptation for warmer climates, to reject sun's radiation and avoid skin burn; but, conversely, pale skin is another adaptation for colder climates to get enough sunlight for metabolizing the necessary vitamin-D to absob calcium and avoid rickets... i.e. neither phenotype is biologically better or worst than the other, but simply apropriatte for the very ambiental pressures that made it express itself at all.

In any case, the fair skin I commend it's clearly not related with biology or pseudo-evolutionary crap but as a part of a cultural understanding of beauty, hence an aesthetic problem, not an epistemic one. Please learn your categories well and inform yourself better before attempting to debunk someone with common folk so called "facts".

>> No.10667047
File: 116 KB, 465x573, niño.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No: he's wrong and I ain't gotta look for shit. The non sequitur was his implying that I'd should celebrate fatness for its association with rich people's sedentarism, AS IF being a fat ass (rich or not) could possibly be taken as an aristocratic feature at all (hence the greek illustration in my answer: the cult of the body was part of the aretai=virtues that constituded greek paideia).

You, btw, are damned wrong as well. For starters, "biologically inferior" is such a term that only someone with an erroneously teleological notion of evolution would use (as it implies the discredited theory of a "scale" of being): there's not such thing as "superior/improved" or "inferior/primitive" characters or species in biology, Spenceroid, but merely "conserved" or "novel" in terms of emergence during geological time. You see: darker skin is an adaptation for warmer climates, to reject sun's radiation and avoid skin burn; but, conversely, pale skin is another adaptation for colder climates to get enough sunlight for metabolizing the necessary vitamin-D to absob calcium and avoid rickets... i.e. neither phenotype is biologically better or worst than the other, but simply apropriatte for the very ambiental pressures that made it express itself at all.

In any case, the fair skin I commend it's clearly not related with biology or pseudo-evolutionary crap but as a part of a cultural understanding of beauty, hence an aesthetic problem, not an epistemic one. Please learn your categories well and inform yourself better before attempting to debunk someone with common folk so called "facts".

>> No.10667050
File: 10 KB, 522x460, 10666987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original content. It's a portrait of you.

>> No.10667072

Did I just wander into /pol/?

>> No.10667077

nope. Welcome to /sci/.

>> No.10667082

Can someone draw me a Caren from F/HA as a dominatrix, dominating sissified Shirou?

>> No.10667120


Does /tc/ even have a meido?

In b4 hisui and kohaku

>> No.10667138

It's none of your business... but: it had several moderators, since it has several boards; but they all come and go and neither of them ever had a -tan avatar.

>> No.10667151

Someone of your intelligence level is better suited at >>>/b/

>The non sequitur was his implying that I'd should celebrate fatness for its association with rich people's sedentarism, AS IF being a fat ass (rich or not) could possibly be taken as an aristocratic feature at all

It's not a non-sequitur, because you're specifically celebrating paleness as an aristocratic feature of sedentarism when fatness is equally relevant. Culture is irrelevant, because cultures differ, so in the end we have solely your opinion on traits of sedentarism; this is why logically speaking his comment is not non-sequitur.

>You see: darker skin is an adaptation for warmer climates, to reject sun's radiation and avoid skin burn; but, conversely, pale skin is another adaptation for colder climates to get enough sunlight for metabolizing the necessary vitamin-D to absob calcium and avoid rickets... i.e. neither phenotype is biologically better or worst than the other, but simply apropriatte for the very ambiental pressures that made it express itself at all.

Completely false. Some people claim that lighter skin evolved because of lesser sunlight and colder climates, but the Aleuts, Eskimos, and Maori all disprove that theory; all live in climates colder than, or at least as cold as Europe and none have evolved as albinos like Europeans have.

The simple fact is that skin without melanin is inferior from a comparative relative standpoint, and the reason that it exists is not because of climate or environment. As far we know inbreeding is the only consistent method whereby offsprings show a deficiency in pigment of the skin, hair, and eyes — the more you know. Not that I really care; it's just in ill-taste to leave incorrect statements unaddressed.

>> No.10667159

Oh, in that case I'm probably not the best person to learn from, as there are a lot of game programming books out there. I can field any questions that you have, about any part of a game engine though.

>> No.10667164

link to /tc/. Please. Surely there has to be old /jp/ refuges

>> No.10667169

What are you using for the graphical part of the engine? OpenGL? Or some premade engine?

>> No.10667181


Just google Tohno-chan. Out of all the /jp/-lites, it's the one that has less to do with /jp/. They seem to hate /jp/ and 4chan in general there. You'll probably get banned if you mention you're from here.


There is no engine yet, this is just concept art. There are like 2 or 3 coders working on this and they'll just use whatever language they feel like, but there's nothing to show right now.

>> No.10667188


Aw fuck it, ignore the second part of the message, you're talking to someone else.

>> No.10667242

Any other /jp/s?

>> No.10667259

C++ and DirectX 9.0c for the graphics. I'm not a big fan of OpenGL and building the engine has taught me a ton of things that I didn't learn from using an engine like Unity.

>> No.10667423 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 638x476, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No; once again: to live in such way and with such values that you carefully protect your skin from the sun as a cosmetic value, does NOT logically imply in any way to be a fat slob; that's a separate thing we weren't talking about at all. What he wanted was to catch me on a false contradiction/absurd under the fallacy of presenting my mentioning of aristocracy as some equivalent for dirty wealth and its vices, even though I was talking precisely against such misconception in the very one post he answered to (>>10666217). So: read carefully and don't hallucinate.

>Completely false. Some people claim...
>The simple fact is that skin without melanin is inferior from a comparative relative standpoint...
There's a lot of moot/crap points on what you said there. Albino is not a race or an evolutionary clade, but a syndrome present in several species. Skimos get the vitamins from seal's liver, so don't relly on sun exposure. Pale eyes, as derivative from blue (no melanine) ones, have nothing to do with pale skin or climate but sprung from random mutations that somehow persevered (probably by sexual selection), and I wasn't talking about eye or hair color at all. The problems of racial origins are related but not reductible to racial distribution and viceversa...


So please, please, don't bounce at me the same shit like a fucking fronton court. I won't endure it no more.

Also notice that I have stayed on topic, posting OC.

>> No.10667441
File: 27 KB, 638x476, room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No; once again: to live in such way and with such values that you carefully protect your skin from the sun as a cosmetic value, does NOT logically imply in any way to be a fat slob; that's a separate thing we weren't talking about at all. What he wanted was to catch me on a false contradiction/absurd under the fallacy of presenting my mentioning of aristocracy as some equivalent for dirty wealth and its vices, even though I was talking precisely against such misconception in the very one post he answered to (>>10666217). So: read carefully and don't hallucinate.

>Completely false. Some people claim...
>The simple fact is that skin without melanin is inferior from a comparative relative standpoint...
There's a lot of moot/crap points on what you said there. Albino is not a race or an evolutionary clade, but a syndrome present in several species. Skimos get the vitamins from seal's liver, so don't relly on sun exposure. Pale eyes, as derivative from blue (no melanine) ones, have nothing to do with pale skin or climate but sprung from random mutations that somehow persevered (probably by sexual selection), and I wasn't talking about eye or hair color at all. The problems of racial origins are related but not reductible to racial distribution and viceversa...


So please, please, don't bounce at me the same shit like a fucking fronton court. I won't endure it no more.

Also notice that I have stayed on topic, posting OC.

>> No.10667601


What about outside of yurop and asia?

>> No.10667692 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 250x188, 250px-Lira_038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are examples as well. I remember about a certain oceanic tribe with "white virgin" rituals, in which maidens where kept from the sunlight some time before marriage to become dignified. Among native americans, I could quote the mexica legend of Popocatepetl, a warrior who became lovers with Iztaccihuatl, an exotic white skinned princess that many men loved; her father, a sorcierer, found out and turned her into a mountain; that mountain is a famous volcan that resembles the profile of a lying woman; her white skin being symbolized by the snow...

However, I was very excesive indeed: of course several cultures will escape to this (with virtually all the african native people, to start with). What interest me, in any case, it's the cultures that fit, and that it's doubtlesly not an eurocentric phenomenon; if anything, the traditional japanese take (with the Yamato Nadeshiko type, which ganguro is like the total reverse of) is the one that I currently find one of the most appealing.

>> No.10667986

Hello /jp/, this is my first post here, so I'm not all familiar with everything here. Hopefully my sage will work.

I've been working on music, so if you would like, check out my SoundCloud, since i can't post music.


It's mainly self compositions for video game ideas that I've had. Also if anyone needs music composed or wants a remix of a Touhou song, you can go ahead and ask. I'll try my best either way.

>> No.10667992

>No; once again: to live in such way and with such values that you carefully protect your skin from the sun as a cosmetic value

There is no cosmetic value outside of opinion. It's a non-sequitur regardless of your personal interpretation of said sedentary trait, and sooner or later you're going to have to deal with this; the objective value of something has no fundamental correlative to any subjective value it might have by a person or a group of people in a culture. Citing subjective "cultural" value is worthless, because there is a culture of people out there that also values the fat side of being sedentary.

>There's a lot of

Please know that you excessive hyperbole and caps lock rage doesn't constitute a replacement for a proper rebuttal; facts are facts, and you're going to have to handle them. These recessive traits are objectively inferior from a genetic standpoint for several sourced reasons. I've understood from the beginning that you weren't trying to be "eulogizing" these matters, but I'm simply pointing out that your opinion is simply your opinion, and when it comes down to the facts pale skin is actually inferior. Culture is irrelevant, because there are different cultures, and not all of them value the same things. You've more or less spewed a post of subjective opinionated rage filled with confirmation bias that hasn't refuted any of the facts I've laid out for you.

And no posting your terrible fucking art doesn't make you own topic.

>> No.10668014


It varies. Most of these cultures have preceded European dominated times, as in the world we live in European influence extends far beyond Europe because of all of the "colonization" (massacre and invasion) that happened during the last 1000 years, though in the scheme of things this period is quite short (Ancient African Egypt ruled a large majority of the world for longer than all of AD on our calender, and despite most of the biased and incorrect representations you will find online Egyptian royalty was all very dark). Personally I think paleness is regarded as more attractive in females (and not males) is because it indicates vulnerability (attractive trait in a female to males), while tan and darker tones for men indicate traits that are attractive to females such as having a life, and being able to kill the lion.

>> No.10668072 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 174x205, asuka profile oo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts are facts, and you're going to have to handle them.
Disregard you provided with no facts and that I did address all your points, your main problem seems to be that you're currently here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na%C3%AFve_realism
-and you call ME opinion guided...

Educate yourself, epistemologically at least (go ask Moritz Schlick or Paul Feyerabend where are your facts, now) and see you later, Mr. facts.

I liked the first 2 tracks.

>> No.10668080
File: 17 KB, 174x205, asuka profile oo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facts are facts, and you're going to have to handle them.
Disregard you provided with no facts and that I did address most of your points, your main problem seems to be that you're currently here:
-and you call ME opinion guided...

Educate yourself, epistemologically at least (go ask Moritz Schlick or Paul Feyerabend where are your facts, now) and see you later, Mr. facts.

I liked the first 2 tracks.

>> No.10668089


>> No.10668139
File: 225 KB, 2000x1500, remilianewstylewip3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10668155

I like the hair, but I don't like what you're doing with her left eye. Just makes me think of the days when people used lens flare meta-ironically.

>> No.10668165

>left eye
I tried drawing it, but could never get it right, so I got lazy and got that. Might just remove the flare and keep the blood.

>> No.10668320


Her right eye is too far away from the centre of her face. The distance between the two eyes is approximately of one eye width.

I also don't like the excessive pointiness of the hair, but that's probably just me.

>> No.10668886
File: 136 KB, 1111x666, pp;l'kjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz ca dn c

its a self portrat

>> No.10669163

Don't you mean still life?

>> No.10669261

no need to sage we're past the bump limit

>> No.10669284

Complaining about sage. Hahaha.

>> No.10669292

not complaining, just thought I might save you the trouble...

>> No.10670139

well, I'm saving it.

>> No.10670632

All this fucking babble. I though you were a cool guy.
I was very wrong

>> No.10670797

/jp/ is the purest, wd genuflect

>> No.10670823

I think he's cool.

>> No.10671017

Actually, I like it: it's like a parody of a Schiele (albeit I first thought you had drawn yourself shitting). Did you went for the good old 'draw yourself as a girl' trick or you do have man-tits? nice pantsu, btw.

>> No.10671034

how can one tell?

>> No.10671037

It's a basic power and it comes with wizardry.

>> No.10671460

Just another song


>> No.10671560
File: 5 KB, 20x20, box.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this for you, /jp/

>> No.10671955
File: 488 KB, 510x718, (Asuka) Kóre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the other one in a rush, so I made a few corrections and stuff.

It's pretty decent, actually.
