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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10643908 No.10643908 [Reply] [Original]

H-hey! What do you think you're doing? .////.

>> No.10643910 [DELETED] 

y is ur forehead blushing O.o

>> No.10643915

What's with the stuttering?

>> No.10643935

I'm getting rid of you. Don't even fucking dare come back. Touhou is a great franchise even with your meddling.

>> No.10643933
File: 23 KB, 209x228, [honking intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna rape you, Marisa.

>> No.10643944
File: 221 KB, 500x707, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this picture...I think you know what I'm doing.

>> No.10643955

dude thats bakyuren...

>> No.10643963

Does anyone else self-insert as Marisa? I imagine most of /jp/ self inserts as Reimu cause she boring as hell.

>> No.10643966

Marisa is the self-insert tabula rasa.

>> No.10643969
File: 136 KB, 850x797, 9cdb2bb95cbb7d5cdca21cb32f101930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fuck you're waifu

>> No.10643971

Reimu's not boring. She's very interesting, actually.

>> No.10643974


If by "intersting" you mean "boring" and "poor" then yeah, I guess she is.

>> No.10643977

No, she funny as hell, Reimu doesn't even have a sense of humour

>> No.10643979

Are you picking a fight with me right now? My Touhou could kick your Touhou's ass.

>> No.10643980

I fuck you're waifu harder

>> No.10643981
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Meimu is the superior miko.

>> No.10643982

I almost want to mention that Marisa has more personality than most Touhous, but then I realize that if you people seriously are letting doujinshi twist your idea of canon that far, then there's absolutely no point in arguing with you.

>> No.10643995

that's why I self-insert as her

>> No.10644008

That doesn't mean shit if I don't like her personality one bit.

>> No.10644011
File: 102 KB, 850x953, yuyuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My favorite Touhou is Yuyko. If Reimu wasn't so important, she could think her to death.

She wouldn't even time to use her "float away from reality" bullshit.

get fukt

>> No.10644014

Plot armor beats instagib.

>> No.10644036

It is canon that Reimu is the strongest touhou.

>> No.10644045
File: 24 KB, 396x303, 1355989696486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self inserting as a female character

>> No.10644047

I'd tell you to suck my cock, dude.

>> No.10644052

It's canon that suika is the strongest.

>> No.10644055

given the number of ghosts and spirits floating around gensokyo yuyuko's power doesn't seem that great

>> No.10644064

The only thing that was said was that she has an invulnerability skill, which is completely different from an auto-win skill. It only guarantees that you'll at least get a stalemate. And she still has to eat, sleep, etc., so she probably can't keep it up forever.

Moonbitches are the strongest, ZUN already agreed don't bother him about it.

>> No.10644093

PCB Profile:
>Her main ability is manipulation of death.

She could kill you instantly if she wanted to.

>> No.10644107

Not that guy. Even though Yuyuko's my favorite character, I remember that because technically since she controls death, not life, she can't kill instantly. I think.

>> No.10644151

I had to dig through the faggy superpower wiki to find a good description of death manipulation:

>Death-Force is that which causes things to wither, rot, weaken, and eventually die. The user can sense and manipulate the essence that allows Death to exist throughout the universe,

>> No.10644163

Too obvious.

>> No.10644167 [DELETED] 


>> No.10644185

Why are you guys even arguing about this when ZUN already said that Reimu is the strongest?

Power-level discussions are stupid anyway. It always ends up being angry nerds saying their favorite Touhou character is the strongest. I'd rather talk about which Touhou you'd like to spend a hot summer day alone with. I'd spend it taking it easy with Reimu.

>> No.10644189

>Why are you guys even arguing about this when ZUN already said that Reimu is the strongest?
Did he really? I can't read moonrunes.

>> No.10644193

Death doesn't seem to be much of a hindrance in Gensokyo

(I guess if you die in gensokyo and don't become a spirit you would just end up back in the real world...)

>> No.10644203

>I'd spend it taking it easy with Reimu

She wouldn't want to come near you on a count of you being a lazy, good-for-nothing, disgusting looking NEET.

>> No.10644223

It's a fantasy. It doesn't need to be make sense, autist.

>> No.10644227


Just because somethings "fantasy" doesn't mean it shouldn't make sense

>> No.10644239

/jp/ always turns into absolute utter shit around this time of the day.

>> No.10644244

I didn't say fantasy, I said a fantasy. As in my fantasy, and likewise I was asking for the fantasies of other posters, limited to the scenario I gave them, a hot summer day with their favorite Touhou. Stop trying so hard to be an EPIC troll ftw by trying to shit on people's fantasies.

>> No.10644249


So you admit you're a lazy, good-for-nothing, disgusting looking NEET then?

>> No.10644252

But that's wrong, if a fantasy would make sense it would be boring and you mightaswell just make it come true

>> No.10644254


>> No.10644251
File: 1.25 MB, 1135x1966, tewi_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10644270

That's a game of filling in the gaps though, not a game of twisting what is already there into an unrecognizable form. And yes, most fanon things are the latter.

Of course, you're free to imagine whatever you want. But that doesn't make it Touhou.

>> No.10644266

lol you are still going on about this yung cunt

>> No.10644281

I wasn't "twisting what is already there into an unrecognizable form". I was not accepting anything that's not true as true, I was not making "Reimu likes lazy, good-for-nothing, disgusting looking NEETs" a fact. I was fantasizing about an impossible, never-to-happen situation, that I would like to happen. There is a huge difference.

>> No.10644296

Oh, I wasn't even talking about your idea of taking it easy with Reimu. I was just talking about fanon in general.

Having tea or whatever isn't annoying to me. What's annoying is all the retards who think all the Touhous are either constantly in heat or actually act like people from out here, or both.

That shit just isn't Touhou.

>> No.10644304
File: 122 KB, 700x875, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is marisa so cute!

>> No.10644321

Marisa's not cute she genki as fuck dood

>> No.10644328

But genki is Japanese for cute, anon. Trust me, i'm a Japanese expert.

>> No.10644336

why do people lie on the internet ;_;

cutest caption ever: jiji chiiga

>> No.10644350

I think once you've become as retarded as you are, everything will look cute to you. Seriously, am I being trolled? Marisa, cute?

>> No.10644368
File: 468 KB, 594x756, Kirisame Marisa 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10644389
File: 158 KB, 410x424, 1350042692647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuteness is subjective.

>> No.10644393

It reaches a point where you need a serious mental illness to consider something cute.

>> No.10644406
File: 196 KB, 565x800, 417f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that staplers aren't cute?

>> No.10644407 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10644410

Staplers can be very cute sometimes. I was talking about Marisa.

>> No.10644428

Don't be mean!

>> No.10644549
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>> No.10645489

Cute rape is the best kind.

>> No.10645739
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>> No.10645782

>no 'ze'
Get out you imposter

>> No.10645801

Get out of my way.

>> No.10645854

The only Touhou i can self insert is Alice

>> No.10645893

You murder your friends?

>> No.10645941

Please get out secondary fuck everybody here knows that touhou is very grim and dark. everybody are killing each other all the time youkais eating humans day and night in thousands, this is canon zun agreed.

>> No.10645959

If you secondary shits ever played the games enough to capture a spell card or two maybe you would have read ZUN's comment on Mokou's 「蓬莱人形」 spellcard.
> そうかあんたですか。あの時の不思議な人間は。
> そりゃ死なないはずだよ。不老不死なんだもんな。
I have never seen any Japanese spewing that kind of shit about it being Alice, because ZUN says right on Mokou's fucking spellcard comment for the spell that shares its name with the CD who it was in the story. Not to mention all the fucking holes in that shitty theory about it being Alice.

>> No.10645975

Explain the blonde girl at the end. Mokou isn't blonde.

>> No.10645978

Please read canon and don't be secondaries. Go away.

>> No.10645994

ZUN changing stuff once the character was actually introduced. Though to be really picky the story was all about dolls.
> 『そして誰もいなくなった』で人が死ぬたびに人形の数も減っていく。
> CD-R版の正直者の数はこれに相当。

>> No.10646000

So you're telling me Alice murdering the honest men was like JFK's supposed assassination?

>> No.10646011

Its a story ZUN wrote that he changed to a less violent story after selling only 40 copies then connected the story to Mokou and her spell cards. The idea that it could have been Alice is a purely Western secondary theory.

>> No.10646016

Hello Marisa I would like you to meet my little friend. Goliath! We had to order special elastic pants for him on the internet.
