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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10642724 No.10642724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10642729

I'm white.

>> No.10642731

are slavs white

>> No.10642734


>> No.10642736

Police call me sir.

>> No.10642737
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>> No.10642740

I'm the pope.

>> No.10642742


>> No.10642752

Post 'em.

>> No.10642765

I can't dance.

>> No.10642768

slavs aren't white cause otherwise they'd have to acknowledge how poor, filthy, and inhuman whites can be. white is anything which can make them feel superior and anything bad isn't white.

>> No.10642773

forgot, you aren't white if you're not a university graduate making at least 6 figures.

>> No.10642786

nice one

>> No.10642789
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>> No.10642791

who is this faggot you keep posting about, anyway? some banned former regular here?

>> No.10642793

Post in /int/ and link it here, please.

>> No.10642801

I hate niggers.

>> No.10642796

I don't even know any white stereotypes

Which probably proves how white I am.

>> No.10642805

So they're actually white? Mind blown.

>> No.10642819

Sure thing, kike. Nobody said Whites were flawless.

>> No.10642841

i live in asia.
people stare at me when i walk on the street.
but asian men hit on me.

>> No.10642842

Are you a girl?

>> No.10642846

btw im a grill

>> No.10642847

*plays basketball*
*does it poorly*

>> No.10642851


I know how this works, Woody Harrelson. You won't fool me.

>> No.10642854

Does anyone have that image of the army with an animes poster?

>> No.10642858

i aint needa proof nuthin

>> No.10642892

No, I put down on the census that I am "other" because they didn't have an option for Slav.

I wish I was white though...then I wouldn't have to be Polish.

>> No.10642890

I'm Argentinian we're like 99.9% white

>> No.10642897
File: 56 KB, 480x360, President of Argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my white brother.
How are you on this white day?

>> No.10642895
File: 39 KB, 550x634, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related it's me

>> No.10642900

You are white, stop believing the jewish lies.

>> No.10642901


Yep, this guy's white.

>> No.10642903
File: 169 KB, 535x960, 1351273809576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling very white, pic related it's me and me white wife

>> No.10642908
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He looks like neanderthal human to me.

>> No.10642909

I'm white, but from Cuba. W-What do I do now?

>> No.10642914

Fidel please go.

>> No.10642916
File: 220 KB, 884x1187, 1332991874079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like patche

>> No.10642918

Look at that beautiful girl.
She must be of Argentinian descent.

>> No.10642925

>implying educated, well-behaved black people don't hate niggers more than anybody else

>> No.10642927

Who would do this? Mugen I bet.


>> No.10642928

Educated people tend not to "hate". They operate on their own merits.

>> No.10642930

Well-educated people are generally liberals because useless art majors usually have nowhere to turn with their lack of talent except education, and nigger still means black person, no matter how much people try to repurpose the word.

>> No.10642935

Nope, they hate. Look at the jealous cockblockery that is the peer-review process. It's like high school all over again. Try to say something worthwhile and they're all like "PFFT! SHUT UP POINDEXTER!"

>> No.10642934

Shut up nerd.

>> No.10642939

I can't play the bass

>> No.10642940

your work has to be spectacularly bad in order not to pass peer review

>> No.10642947
File: 617 KB, 899x725, jew2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well-educated people are generally liberals

>> No.10642955

It's fact. Because the entire education system is dominated by liberals, because of what I just said.

>> No.10642953

no, it has to be spectacularly unpopular. being bad is only one of the possibilities

>> No.10642964

- uses the completely local concept 'liberal' in international context [x]
- keenly participates in mindless finger pointing [x]
- manages to paraphrase something as hilarious as "lack of talent except education" [x]
- is interested in the intricacies of racial topics [x]

[ The Aryan Academy of Practically Useful Science ]

>> No.10642981

they have to come up with a reason for rejection, and while there's a lot of self-selection, if your work can't even make it into a shitty low-impact journal it's probably because it was shit

>> No.10642977

I simply mean to say that they have nothing to do with the degrees they have earned other than teach those same degrees. Self-propagating uselessness.

>> No.10642983

How is this /jp/ related, Onii-chan?

>> No.10642994

/jp/ is full of Aryan men tricked by japs into an emasculating subculture, but there are some people still working from within /jp/ to corrupt these wayward members of the white race even further. This includes both gooks and jews.

>> No.10642999

no pibe

>> No.10643002

So... What are your manly Aryan hobbies?

>> No.10643007
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>> No.10643008

i haven't seen someone get this destroyed in a while. people who live vicariously through others because they're a similar skin complexion truly are the lowest forms of life.

>> No.10643016

I respect an useless academically educated person more than an useless non-educated person. The educated person has practically proven that he is capable of dealing with difficult concepts for an extended period of time without any guarantees of impressive rewards. Having to listen to the mockery of all kinds of braindead monkeys only adds to the feat.

>> No.10643018

...or because you're obviously frickin' lying about having done it.

>> No.10643028

I kinda hate to listen to parroting wankers who think that they are the hot shit myself.

>> No.10643031

An useless academically educated person is just as useless as an useless uneducated person. The difference is the educated person can use all manner of crutches to make their mundane ignorant arguments look like more than what they are.

>> No.10643032

>an useless
You may have a point, I respect them more too.

But they are still nothing compared to people who are educated in fields that aren't offshoots of social marxism.

>> No.10643038

𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑕𝑒 𝑕𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑦 𝑝𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑦

>> No.10643042

Am I hot shit? Who am I parroting?

>> No.10643052

In what character set does 0x01D455 look like a 'w'?

>> No.10643056

shit I meant an 'h' not 'w'

>> No.10643057

please don't use that kind of foul language around me

>> No.10643058

i dunno. i don't really have read any of your shit yet. but if you can't tell who you are parroting you must be pretty damn dumb and if you can't tell if you think that you are hot shit you must have no self consciousness. which i find kinda amusing.

>> No.10643060

>an useless
guys, pls, cum on.

you don't need to be educated to understand hating others is for stupid people. it doesn't matter if there's more successful white males than black males. it only matters if you're more successful than them, and if you're that successful you look down on lesser white people as much as lesser black people. that's how we know you aren't successful and you're just living vicariously.

>> No.10643069

Five star post.

I'll never understand why americans are so obsessed with classifying people into narrow political boxes. People from every country do it to an extent but americans are world-leading in this respect.

inb4 not 'merican.

>> No.10643066

Oh frickin' A, eat me.

>> No.10643073

>inb4 not 'merican.
Why would I be afraid of being American on an American-owned site?

>> No.10643074
File: 49 KB, 331x331, 1356802426217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are non-white people allowed to lurk /jp/?

YEs/No please respong

>> No.10643075
File: 109 KB, 463x600, white_image26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10643083

No, whites only.
I sent moot an email too, expect it to become a main rule for /jp/.

>> No.10643081
File: 969 KB, 500x346, black power.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fuck?
Black power, fuck dem honkys.

>> No.10643084
File: 123 KB, 500x500, 1357718422436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10643089

The point was that you might say you were american just to invalidate my post.

>American-owned site
That's another think actually, americans are also obsessed as far as I can tell, with pointing out that 4-chin is 'merican. Strange.

>> No.10643090

Only if you don't post.

>> No.10643091

>...say you were american...
*not* american, obviously

>> No.10643095

Because of tohofaggots like you.

>> No.10643101


>> No.10643099

>An useless academically educated person is just as useless as an useless uneducated person.
You're right. Fortunately, I think that a person may have other positive qualities besides usefulness. My father was so busy being useful that he destroyed himself with work. What else could he have done? During his career, he had no word in anything because he dropped out early to start working. He still openly despises all kinds of educated faggots. Why didn't he educate himself? He had decades.

How would you as a foreman treat such a hostile person? Would you favor him over others? How do you think my father vented his frustration?

>> No.10643104

You do realize that I'm the same person who wrote >>10642964 , do you?

>> No.10643122

When you talk about self-propagating uselessness, please remember that American higher education is American higher education.

Here in Scandinavia we have hundreds of thousands of idle people on universal welfare who could enter any of our completely free universities any time. Do they do it? At least they don't talk about self-propagation because there is none. Otherwise they sound _exactly the same_ as their American counterparts.

>> No.10643132

Get out of /jp/, Touhomo scum.

>> No.10643134


look at this serial faggot haha

>> No.10643140


>> No.10643144


/jp/ is a good example of self-propagating uselessness

>> No.10643149

You had read some of my shit.

>> No.10643153


I thought only pure japanese were allowed to post here?

>> No.10643154

How so?

>> No.10643156


>without you there is no future

well now thats a little presumptuous, there is still going to be a future with or without us

/pol/fags should post the bell-curve more

>> No.10643160


this thread, my post, your post.

>> No.10643162
File: 99 KB, 912x606, 1347914197555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10643170

That totally makes up for all the slavery!

>> No.10643175

they dislike the bell curve graphics because it shows how asians are superior to them. after they post it they must talk about how asians are soulless machines right afterwards so it doesn't count.

>> No.10643181

how are you sure about that. but that was delightfully original to read though. cheers

now you just got to discover your feelings and find out if you believe that you are hot shit or not. then i guess you have all answers you wanted from me.

>> No.10643189

From what I've seen they often acknowledge they're superior, but still want racial cohesiveness.

>> No.10643195
File: 1.70 MB, 1500x997, 1328300625397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10643194

>racial cohesiveness.
What does this even mean?

>> No.10643199

I'm so white, I don't even need to prove it.

>> No.10643200

It means not having a situation where people who look completely different to one another live side-by-side causing all kinds of conflict. Pretending being the only black child in a classroom full of whites or, in future, vice-versa, isn't undesirable. It just means that things would be more harmonious if people had their own states to exist peacefully in.

>> No.10643203
File: 105 KB, 798x533, 1329480737934157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10643204

Why are the black persons also wearing the so sorry shirts?

>> No.10643206

These are brits too, right? Lmao

>sucking nigger dick because you're white

>> No.10643209


that white guy has shoes and a hat on, and the wood doesn't look properly fastened to their necks

This is barely indentured servantry.

>> No.10643216

Wouldn't want your inferior pasty sensitive skin slaves to lower their productivity by getting hurt by the mean old sun.

>> No.10643218

Hateful sentences share similar echos. If only the idlers refrained from voicing their "opinions".

If you wish to stay irrelevant, you can do it without making others wary of you. If you do not wish to resemble genuinely malicious, criminal people, don't. They can't help it - you probably can. The world isn't populated by mind-reading magicians.

>> No.10643218,1 [INTERNAL] 

why was the only good thread on /jp/ deleted? email moot please. proving you're white is otaku culture

>> No.10643218,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10643218,3 [INTERNAL] 

im slavic, but since im the last truNEET amongst /jp/sies im actually whiter
