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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10636657 No.10636657[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most ironic thing you did today?

>> No.10636662 [DELETED] 

Ironically browsed /jp/ for 15 hours

>> No.10636682

Watched anime.

>> No.10636693

I pretended to like Touhou for the games.

>> No.10636700

Posted in this thread.

>> No.10636702

I made up and forced a tru/jp/ trait in order to get all the wannabe tru/jp/ers to adapt it and dilute the legitimacy of /jp/'s actual posting culture.

>> No.10636710

Logged on league of legends, purchased a champion with IP, then logged off because I quit playing that game months ago.

>> No.10636709 [DELETED] 
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Grew all my hair back.

>> No.10636716

Sup T*****

>> No.10636719

I made a shitty comment in a request thread.

>> No.10636722

I don't think 2k*** has the attention span to do that.

>> No.10636730

Said Know Your Meme was a great website. The person I was talking to took me seriously though.

>> No.10636724

It was the other T.

>> No.10636751

Watch Dota 2 on youtube and browse Na Vi's achievements.

What a waste of time.

>> No.10636755

I don't understand.

>> No.10636762

you didn't do that ironically

>> No.10636759

I'll give you a hint. He's a Belmont, but only in America.

>> No.10636769

I shitposted on /jp/ for 15 hours.

>> No.10636778

went to two university classes and then told /jp/ about it

>> No.10636801

Someone told my to turn off my mic in a videogame and I taped a weight to the key I press to talk. I then proceeded to play Hatsune Miku.

>> No.10636824

Went to a club to get some pussy.

>> No.10636828

Did you get any pussy?

>> No.10636832


>to get some pussy.

Didn't work, did it?

>> No.10636872


>> No.10636937

ohohoho, that's so ironic and cool

I went to H&M and tried on MEN's clothes for once.

>> No.10637241

I try be the real chinese fat yan in the picture of poster original but he too autisticly powerful so I become poor man. Very irony.

>> No.10638165

I fapped to gay porn even though I'm not gay.
