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10634913 No.10634913 [Reply] [Original]

Are touhou skilled in CQC or do they only know how to fight in long ranged battles with their magic?

>> No.10634924

> Youkai have stronger bodies than humans, so even if they're split into five parts, they heal right away.
> In extermination, one does not use weapons that cause physical damage. Weapons with an "origin" are more preferable.
> Youkai are more easily affected by belief than humans, and as a result spiritual damage can cause fatal wounds.

>> No.10634926

Judging from the canon fighting games, they can fight in close quarters, hand-to-hand combat.

>> No.10635004

Twilight Frontier's fan games aren't canon.

>> No.10635135

That's true, however, Twilight Frontier's Touhou fighters aren't fan games.

>> No.10635167

there's many attacks where touhous slam into you, especially in the Aya games

>> No.10635185

"Reimu, try to remember some of the basics of CQC." - Yukari at the beginning of EOSD

>> No.10635195
File: 628 KB, 800x800, kasen fight!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always pictured Kasen fighting with CQC. By that I mean silly MGS CQC.
I don't know why.

>> No.10635205

>silly MGS CQC
I'll fuck you up, nerd

>> No.10635312
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Can Reimu field strip an opponent's handgun in the blink of an eye?

>> No.10635328
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>What's a handgun?

Probably not.

>> No.10635332

Why the fuck is there not a Touhou stealth game?

>> No.10635334

who are you quoting?

>> No.10635341

If Reimu is The Boss, then who is Big Boss?

>> No.10635364

Sanae, of course.
Kanako is Zero, Suwako is Paramedic, Nitori is Sigint. It'd be great.

>> No.10635367

I'm pretty sure it says somewhere that Oni prefer to fight with their fists


>> No.10635385
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>> No.10635390
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>> No.10635424

So Wriggle is The Pain, Remilia is The Fear, Yukari is The End, Mokou is The Rage, Yuyuko is The Sorrow, Iku is Volgin, Cirno is Ocelot and Marisa is Eve?

>> No.10635454

>yukari is the end

You dun goofed

Shell probably know what a liberator handgun it is iconic with its shape

>> No.10635486

Yamame or Rumia should be The Fear.
Reisen could be The End.
Mokou is The Fury, not The Rage.
Eiki could be The Sorrow.
Sakuya should be Ocelot.

>> No.10635514

I can just see sakuya in a beret just twriling her knifes going "your pretty good"

>> No.10635527

Rage, fury, whatever, it's been a while since I played that game.

>> No.10635544

I always got that "eye'm strongest" feel from Ocelot in mgs3.
He constantly gets beaten up, gets his hat shot off, gets chased around by bees etc.
Just imagine when Volgin calls for Ocelot to help him after getting his ass beat and Ocelot would be like "who's the baka now? I'm not helping you, baka! baka!"

>> No.10635551

Eh. I liked Ocelot. He was cool.
Cirno's not dignified enough to be Ocelot.

>> No.10635565
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>> No.10635569


>> No.10635596
File: 90 KB, 600x435, CQC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10635608

what about, you know, uh, meiling

>> No.10635613

Epic image, re/b//b/it /b/rah.

>> No.10635634
File: 584 KB, 320x180, ocelotgesture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGS3 Ocelot a great

>> No.10635635

doesn't leddit hate mgs3 or something?

>> No.10635646

No one hates MGS3.

>> No.10635668

The fortress escape, Shagohod battle, and motorcycle chase sequence is probably my favorite part of any video game ever.
It's so fucking good.

>> No.10635674

wouldn't youmu win in CQC since she has a sword?

>> No.10635677
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>not Vergil3
ultra pleb

>> No.10635689
File: 23 KB, 656x949, 1361217309765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the pile of shit that is DmC
>calling others pleb

>> No.10635698

>hand to hand is the basis of all combat, only a fool trusts his life a weapon.

>> No.10635705

Well, time to replay MGS3 I guess.

>> No.10635711

God damn it I hate The Pain so fucking much.
Always forms his bee armor, backflips away, or starts an attack JUST as I line up a headshot. Every single fucking time.

>> No.10635720

Just use a smoke grenade to get his armor off.

>> No.10635729

Wha....that works?
Still sucks. I'm baaaad with grenades. Always miss or undershoot my throw. And doesn't he grab your grenades with bees and send them back?

>> No.10635739

Am I the only one that really, really likes the battle with The End?
I really gotta get my PS2 working with this new TV.

>> No.10635740

I don't know and I don't give a fuck, but they love epik animated reaction piks.

>> No.10635757

Are you insane?
One of the best boss battles in video game history.
Especially since there are so many different ways you can fight him.

>> No.10635766

>Especially since there are so many different ways you can fight him.

A well put together game has this by default, by virtue of how open the game is. If you have to program in extra gimmicks, you have failed.

>> No.10635773

>Especially since there are so many different ways you can fight him.
Not if you want his awesome gun.
I wish you could keep that on repeat playthroughs.

>> No.10635776

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.10635794

I liked the fight until I learned he could recharge all his health and stamina.

>> No.10635799
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I'm remember hearing that Reimu is actually highly skilled in hand to hand combat and martial arts and Byakuren specializes in physical strength/body enchantments or something like that.

>> No.10635826

I never figured out how to throw guys to the ground after you grab them in MGS3. So sad.

>> No.10635868 [DELETED] 

Sure is >>>/vr/ in here.

>> No.10636230

The part about Byakuren is from her official profile and SoPM article, but I don't know anything about the Reimu part. Anyone know if that's true?

Because I kind of doubt it... Reimu is the kind of person who never trains and believes that hard work won't be rewarded. Then again, it wouldn't be too surprising if her ridiculous level of "talent" covers CQC too.

>> No.10636325
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, 1344095006164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reisen was a military bunny.

So that probably means that she knows some martial arts and the ways of CQC.

>> No.10636545

But rabbits are shit military, they can't shoot well let alone fight hand to hand.

>> No.10636555

Hand to hand, it is the basis of all combat.

>> No.10636557

You won't be singing the same song after she chips you 2000 to zero.

>> No.10636562

Mima punches you in the face during her boss fight in SoEW.

ETI seems to hate it for whatever reason.

>> No.10636568

Aren't Wriggle and Meiling both gimped by being forbidden to use melee?

>> No.10636573

It says in Remilia's profile she's more skilled at hand to hand than shooting.

>> No.10636577

ZUN's fan profiles aren't canon.

>> No.10636585

If ZUN wrote it how is it a fan profile?

>> No.10636603

I imagine Meiling would be vastly more capable in hand to hand as opposed to Danmaku.

>> No.10636605

ZUN isn't canon.

>> No.10636619

What is canon?

>> No.10636621

touhou wikia

>> No.10636628

That just compiles what ZUN wrote.

>> No.10638309


>> No.10638318

Does it really matter if they are? The rules of gensokyo make it so that you are only allowed to fight using danmaku.

>> No.10638321

what if i hit a touhou with a reinforced bullet that has holy inscriptions of how touhous can't handle hot tea and they're midgets or something.

>> No.10638435

What if I just decide to beat up Raymoo with my bare hands?

>> No.10638440

I don't think you can.

>> No.10638462

Iamp, Hisouten, Hisoutensoku.

>> No.10639287

Why is it forbidden to use melee?

>> No.10639298

Then you're not following the rules, then Reimu won't either.
You do NOT want that.
