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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10629751 No.10629751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

we tumblr now

>> No.10629754

oh no a popular message board is adding things i don't like

what's that lowtax you're adding an anime forum?

i want my tenbux back waaahhhh

>> No.10629757
File: 274 KB, 707x623, 1363610037809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stranger = Old 4chan
You = Post-/lgbt/ 4chan

>> No.10629756

This is the type of person that likes the new changes.

>> No.10629758
File: 2.99 MB, 500x425, 1361692301671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey. Shut up and post more 山田.

>> No.10629759

fuck you fag
go suck some tranny cocks lel

>> No.10629766


>> No.10629767
File: 164 KB, 565x800, 1344480310566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Moot so fucking much.

So fucking much.

All of you as well.

>> No.10629768

inb4 check your privilege

>> No.10629775

No, I don't give a shit what happens outside my personal bubble.

It's like you falseNEETs who get upset that women do slut walks, or care about the Jews, or want normals to die. It's all outside of your own personal universe, so why do you give a shit?

We now have a pretty awesome >>>/out/ catchphrase, so overall I welcome the change.

>> No.10629775,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, just like /q/. Oh wait. You're fucking retarded if you don't see a pattern. If nobody says anything moot will keep on doing this kind of shit and we'll be logging into 4chan with facebook accounts in a year or so.

>> No.10629775,2 [INTERNAL] 

Then I'll just go elsewhere. 4chan isn't all that special ┐('~`;)┌

>> No.10629775,3 [INTERNAL] 

>be femnist trans hiki/neet
>only want to date other femnist trans hiki/neets

I bet I have the smallest dating pool out of all of you. :_:

>> No.10629775,4 [INTERNAL] 

But anon those are all /pol/ crossboarders... Plase leave.

>> No.10629775,5 [INTERNAL] 

Ebig troll d00d please stop.

>> No.10629775,6 [INTERNAL] 


Go back to /jp/ newfag.

>> No.10629775,7 [INTERNAL] 

>Why give a shit?
Because it still can affect you, dumbass.

>> No.10629775,8 [INTERNAL] 

Moot has a bad habit of adding boards about subjects that he doesn't give a shit about, so in the end they all end up languishing.

Because if moot doesn't give a shit, then why would anyone under him care?

>> No.10629775,9 [INTERNAL] 

I'm calling it now. By the year of 2014 or earlier, there will be a facebook login feature on 4chan.

>> No.10629775,10 [INTERNAL] 

I would like that very much.

>> No.10629775,11 [INTERNAL] 

Finland(Ylilauta) beat you handegg fags on that already.

>> No.10629775,12 [INTERNAL] 

/lgbt/ is a honeypot, you heard it here first, folks.

>> No.10629775,13 [INTERNAL] 

There's no way /lgbt/ is going to work.

>> No.10629775,14 [INTERNAL] 

Honeypot for what?

>> No.10629775,15 [INTERNAL] 

4chan is going the same way that SomethingAwful did when it turned into soccer-mom central. It will be worse than reddit eventually.

>> No.10629775,16 [INTERNAL] 

Disregarding memes, isn't Reddit less trolly/shitposty than 4chan/SA? I'm not even sure if they have a hive mind.

That's my impression after seeing the Reddit stuff linked here anyways.

>> No.10629775,17 [INTERNAL] 


Does Love Live! have that genderqueer manchild following K-ON, YY, 2hu, MLP, Lucky Star and general KyoAni have?

>> No.10629775,18 [INTERNAL] 

I would say no. It's not nearly as popular for one thing.

>> No.10629775,19 [INTERNAL] 

it's a different crowd. it's more the idolm@ster, hidamari sketch, cure, and love live type show crowd.

there's always been lots of shows similar to love live. this one really has extra cute characters. i haven't gotten into it, but it's what you expect just cute girls singing, dancing and sol

fellow, /jpol/er.

>> No.10629775,20 [INTERNAL] 

reddit tries to be "good" both morally and quality-wise. They like to feel like they're doing the world a favor by existing. There also is quite a strong JIDF presence, joking aside. Keep in mind the average redditor is 28+, college educated, and white.

If you want to see how most redditors are, just check any of the comments for any of the default subreddits.

You can also check http://www.reddit.com/r/shitredditsays which invites users to downvote and insult users whose comments may be seen by some as offensive.

>> No.10629775,21 [INTERNAL] 

/pol/ seems to think that board is attacking 4chan

>> No.10629775,22 [INTERNAL] 

Actually, you know what, reddit really reminds me of the group of people who came to /b/ during 2008. They love to act like a part of some internet activist group, love to spew memes all over the place, and have a really low tolerance for immoral/gross/offensive stuff.

I bet most of those people left 4chan for reddit. It all makes sense now.

>> No.10629775,23 [INTERNAL] 

And the worst is the people who spend a couple of hours a day on the internet (probably on an iPhone or iPad) and think they're such nerds.

You can probably understand more now.

>> No.10629775,24 [INTERNAL] 

Those retards showed up summer 2006.

>> No.10629775,25 [INTERNAL] 

srs attacking /pol/ is done by jidf who are trying to pervert jidf spotted on /pol/. if they have people talking about srs instead of jews and jidf then they think they win.

they're using retard stormfront users who think /pol/ is an echo camber for them to spam everywhere in a psychotic fit.

>> No.10629775,26 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10629775,27 [INTERNAL] 

str8 ^

>> No.10629775,28 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder what it's like, being part of a community like that. Hunting down things that hurt your feelings and then sharing them on the hurtfeelings board so that everyone can mock the poster passive-aggressively. Why do people waste their lives being miserable and angry?

>> No.10629775,29 [INTERNAL] 

They've convinced themselves that they're doing it for their social justice movement.

>> No.10629775,30 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10629775,31 [INTERNAL] 


I mean God just say what you mean. You young people always abbreviating shit.

>> No.10629775,32 [INTERNAL] 

dumb ass...u just get the interwebs today?

>> No.10629775,33 [INTERNAL] 


It can't mean "seriously". I really don't know why people have to make up shorthand abbreviations when it can mean for a number of things.

>> No.10629775,34 [INTERNAL] 

srs is a board on reddit where they link reddit posts which are politically incorrect in their view and they disagree with them and possibly say mean things.

it's a jewish internet defense force boogieman that's behind every post you don't like so think anyone who disagrees is from srs and it's a raid. everyone shares your worldview only srs can disagree cause they're from tumblr, reddit, anything you dislike.

>> No.10629775,35 [INTERNAL] 


thank you for that explanation

>> No.10629775,36 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck kind of a warosu poster is this?

>> No.10629775,37 [INTERNAL] 

Can any SA regular here shed light on ShitRedditSays? I've heard these people come from your site, so how do you deal with them?

>> No.10629775,38 [INTERNAL] 

We raided Reddit and took down their pedo boards:

>> No.10629775,39 [INTERNAL] 

dude, nobody is a reddit regular here and the damn name is shitREDDITsays. they post on REDDIT about hence the fucking name SHIT REDDIT SAYS stop being a retard goyim and believing in boogieman that are invented.

unless you plan to go to reddit then you won't have to deal with anyone.

>> No.10629775,40 [INTERNAL] 

They're from Something Awful, you stupid untermensch.

look at >>10629775,38

>mfw a subhuman was being a subhuman near me

>> No.10629775,41 [INTERNAL] 

this is SRS you retard. SHIT REDDIT SAYS abbreviated SRS.

just kidding, dumb goyimi-i mean smart gentile. SRS is whatever you decide it to be.

this is how you spot an SRS

>be a dumb goyim
>someone disagrees

JIDF SRS is the master of subterfuge.

this is how their usual posts look

>oy vey, goyim, did you hear the news? palestinians are launching rockets at us again! we're just defending ourselves. did you hear that leftwing media talking about how we killed hundreds of children? this like the holocaust all over again! remember we're your greatest ally and we share a special bond

this is another post by SRS

>wow, you guys are fucking stupid. srs doesn't have anything to do with /pol/ or 4chan. did you subhumans forget that JIDF has been trying to subvert /pol/ since the flotilla attack and has gotten this board deleted TWICE.

remember, goyim, everyone is srs and srs is everything. jidf never existed.

>> No.10629775,42 [INTERNAL] 

You have been visited by that feel! Repost this in 10 seconds or you will be visited by the feel of no gf tonight! 95% of people will not post this..... and they will become feels....

>> No.10629775,43 [INTERNAL] 

This right here is a literal subhuman. Who even let these people stick around?

>> No.10629775,44 [INTERNAL] 

>watched LOST
>18-20 male

In all seriousness, the Palestinians are the victims and it really sucks for them. They should just give up and leave. Too much brain washed lgbt trash to defend their hollywood media and overlords.

>> No.10629775,45 [INTERNAL] 

What are you even talking about?

>> No.10629775,46 [INTERNAL] 


Still, it's just reddit.This "srs" bullshit picked up very rapidly just this week and mentioned only a few times last month and I swear I kept seeing it said over and over without thinking what it meant until today.

>> No.10629775,47 [INTERNAL] 

Why does /pol/ care so much? Just ignore it and take it easy. None of this shit affects you.

>> No.10629775,48 [INTERNAL] 

Of course it does if the groups in question actually are raiding their board, and to the average /pol/ user I'm sure they completely believe this. Use your head a bit before you post.
