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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10628921 No.10628921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys believe moot made a fucking board for homos?

I knew it was getting out of control a while ago when I saw "Gay & Lesbian" (they're the same for fucks sake) started to be used as a fucking genre on non-porn movie websites but shit, this is too much.

What's going to happen to us straight otaku?
How long will it be until we're branded as "repressed" or even "oppressive" for wanting a heterosexual relationship only?
I'm seriously close to killing all gays.

>> No.10628941
File: 58 KB, 200x200, 1363200690085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm seriously close to killing all gays.
With your super-fit, instant noodle-fortified body, right?

>> No.10628944

dam op is steaming cuz he couldnt get his le jap vidya board


>> No.10628953
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 637927_front200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/ one of these you fucking idiot lol

>> No.10628960

Fuck off /q/ueers

>> No.10628968


>straight otaku

This is right up there with Christian science and employed neets.

>> No.10628976

You can just invent medicine to cure gays.

>> No.10628980

I actually really don't understand why Gay & Lesbian is a film genre.

>> No.10628981

And the best part is, since the image has some jap shit in it janny won't do a thing!
He won't even read this spoiler!

>> No.10628988

Yeah, it's called a hammer lmbo

>> No.10628991
File: 43 KB, 131x225, 1226817282669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10628997

When did being gay become a requirement to enjoy Otaku Culture? Most of otaku culture is about masturbating to females not sticking your dick up a guys ass.

>> No.10629002

I blame all the /lgbt/ invasions.

>> No.10629026

It's kinda stupid complaining about homosexuality on a board where most doujins, fan art, and vn's are filled with yuri.

>> No.10629035


i detect the subtle butthurt only a female could have

>> No.10629038

I agree with him. Yuri disgusts me just as much as yaoi does. When I say I only want heterosexual relations ships, I mean I ONLY want heterosexual relationships.

>> No.10629041

i detect the samefagging of a steamy that couldn't get their jap vidya board


>> No.10629061

I think it's you who are the samefag because you keep saying that and posting that fucking link.

>> No.10629065

lmao stay steamy

i bet even if you ignore this post your still raging on the inside and that's enough for me to post it

>> No.10629076

Mate, I'm actually getting peeved @ you.

Please stop.

>> No.10629082

oh man, don't get even more steamy, it might get contagious

i don't want to spam the board with useless shit because i'm so steamy either, please don't give me it

>> No.10629093


Don't worry dude all your posts are useless shit

>> No.10629106

haha, oh man. i better stop before you get super-steamed.

>> No.10629117

i'm fucking cheesed mate. i'm going to bash a gay and pretend its you.
later homo.

>> No.10629127
File: 338 KB, 700x700, 1361599276294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thing you know, it'll be ok to be a pedophile.

>> No.10629136

Being a pedophile is a sick and wrong mental illness that only sick things like men suffer from and religious people. All pedos, Christians, and white men should be killed or castrated. Homosexuality though is a beautiful natural thing that everyone is.

>> No.10629137
File: 82 KB, 983x560, 134056319423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10629144

Would fug and sug her kawaii trap cock :3

>> No.10629161

I know you're joking but every time I see someone say that all pedophiles should be killed I feel like my heart drops. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to it.

>> No.10629160

I wonder why no pedo board was added to go along with these changes, that's rather discriminating actually. I'm not trying te sarcastic here, just make it SFW like the queer board.

>> No.10629163

Whata fug make /pedo/ already.

>> No.10629171

If moot axed /l/ for hating pedos all those years ago before he was a normalfag, it's not even in the realm of possibility now.

>> No.10629174

Being a pedo isn't a lifestyle it's something that needs to be stopped

>> No.10629177

Speaking of oppressive what happened to NEET threads?

>> No.10629180

There are people who would punch the snot out of you if they found out.

You ever been beaten up before?

>> No.10629186

It's funny that until 1990 homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder still by the World Health Organization.

>> No.10629183

Sounding pretty opressive there, OP.

>> No.10629185

No. I'm not stupid enough to actually tell anyone that I'm a pedophile.

>> No.10629198

That mentality is something that must be stopped

>> No.10629215

Pedos are the only thing that need to be stopped

>> No.10629220

Why don't you like them?

>> No.10629224

Because they go around in vans raping and sometimes murdering innocent children then kill themselves to further traumatize the children.

>> No.10629222

I think it would cause all sorts of issues but in perfect world that would work.

>> No.10629231

Those stereotypes sure are dangerous! #slaythestereotypes

>> No.10629232

You're confusing others with rapists and murderers.

>> No.10629234
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 637927_front200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your gay killing implementations itt

>> No.10629237

It's alright, anon. Even tough guys like them cn't kill you over the internet.

>> No.10629241

You can't just rotate your other picture. Go find another hammer image.

>> No.10629243

It ain't that bad, i met Alice

>> No.10629254

I'm a proud gay person and my fists are all I need to murder pedos.

>> No.10629255
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 637927_front200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you mean?

It's a different hammer.
Check this one out

>> No.10629263

Go die instead fag, I would normally be accepting of you people too.

>> No.10629265
File: 90 KB, 737x491, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread got deleted by SRS mods, but here is a pic.

>> No.10629270
File: 30 KB, 800x600, 1353620351038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much normal in this thread

>> No.10629279

Stop being 16, nobody cares.

>> No.10629276

Reported for hate speech
Get fucked pedo scum

>> No.10629282

go away /b/ circlejerk
