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10628907 No.10628907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10628912

I hate today's youtube buggle-gum community that feels like it has to constantly share ever insignificant moment of their lives and emphasize it like it's something of great relevance, as if they themselves are the center of the god damn freaking universe.

>> No.10628917

I got banned for proving that the holohoax wasn't real, lol

>> No.10628918


>> No.10628927

I have a facebook, but I don't post anything. I pretty much just use it for the chat thing and to insult people on things that they post.

>> No.10628919

don't need, don't want

>> No.10628922


So, NEETs, how was your day?

>> No.10628926

Don't want the jews to get my info so easily.

>> No.10628928

Everyone's the center of the universe. You only live once and you're literally one in a million possibilities. There will never be anyone exactly like you, so what's wrong with reveling in that a little?

>> No.10628935

>Everyone's the center of the universe. You only live once and you're literally one in a million possibilities.

That sounds really grand and all, but then it just boils down to people taking black and white photos of their sandwiches and shit.

>> No.10628940

>There will never be anyone exactly like you
I'm pretty sure there is at least one other person out there who spends his days on 4chan, watching anime and masturbating.

>> No.10628942

That's the joke you dumpass. You have to just let go and let the absurdity of existence envelop you so that you can achieve max narcissism. It turns into a really funny joke when you become popular and idiots have nothing better to do than watch you talk about absolutely nothing. And today, you can even make a living off that! Seriously, I don't know why more people don't do it.

>> No.10628954

I feel the same way. Maybe ww feel repulsion towards their innate extroversion, who knows? Anyways, don't waste your energies and your time hating them, the healthiest thing to do is to ignore their miserable asses. Oh, and I find unpackaging videos and threats stupid too. Why share their thrill, why drool like a dog for something that you desire that is out of reach? That's what they pretend to convey.

>> No.10628962

I have two friends, but I don't want them to find out they are my only friends, so I can't have a facebook.

>> No.10629011

Rich westerners must always display their developedness. Nowadays all kinds of third worlders hang out in the internet, so it's kind of natural that Facebook exists. Millions of genuine user accounts easily override flimsy local beliefs/propaganda.

>> No.10629017

I'm an introvert, genetically. I have no need for a facebook.

>> No.10629058

My friends kept pestering me until I got one
Now I can see them post all kinds of dumb shit everyday and share rude photos and support tattoo'd rights or something.

Not to mention all the super funny meme faces

Sometimes I just wanna die

>> No.10629072

Why do you have such shitty sounding friends?

>> No.10629080

Can't afford the weekly subscription.

>> No.10629084

Yeah, what's with all the rate hikes lately?

>> No.10629097

Cause it's owned by a jew.

>> No.10629092

I'm not sure myself anymore. They just kind of pushed themselves on me my senior year of high school, and now 4 years later they are still around.

We can't really connect on anything anymore, so now they just send me "funny" imgur pictures.
Most of the time I just ignore them until I feel ready to fake amusement.

>> No.10629103

Are you me? I really have only one IRL friend that I can still connect with after all these years. I love him in an extremely heterosexual way.

>> No.10629105

I feel the same. I find this culture of individuality where everyone thinks they're a super special snowflake who needs to share their stupid life with everyone else fucking disgusting.

>> No.10629113

I'd really prefer the conformist drone approach, especially if they also decided your career and stuff as well. At least then I'd only have to hear about how the normies wish they were special snowflakes.

What's so bad about an authoritarian state?

>> No.10629118

Such is the price of `freedom'.

>> No.10629115

You're pretty lucky. Cherish that person. You will most likely never find another.

>> No.10629123

But I have one, with fake made-up info.
I go there when I'm feeling down and need to boost my own ego by observing how much more pathetic other people are. Sometimes it even works.

>> No.10629146

I live in PR. China

>> No.10629150

>What's so bad about an authoritarian state?
It's bad because normalfagglits love to gather and abuse power. If you don't believe it, think about any group of little kids. Remember your past. Kids grow up and become adults. They're the same people, only their toys change.

Besides, a big portion of the "autismal losers" on this planet are actually genuinely nasty people, intentionally or unintentionally. The world has organized itself so that it strips those individuals of responsibility and credibility.

>> No.10629164

I'd still like to give it a shot.

>> No.10629178

I'll have to add that there must always be a small portion of losers. They function as scarecrows, displaying the misery that follows if you don't conform and try your best. As we all have learned, perceivable misery is what matters. Scandi socialism will crumble because the outcasts live too comfortable lives.

>> No.10629194

Please read a shit ton of history. There's no need to stick to 'common knowledge' and keep wondering.

If you're already a suicidal hikki, no one will laugh at your academic pursuits.

>> No.10629199

I have a Facebook, but I don't use it very often.

>> No.10629247

I used to have a facebook, but after some years I figured it's kind of useless. I did like some of the applications and features. However, even if I could chat with some old classmates and people I barely knew, it just wasn't the same as actually being with them. Also I don't want the whole internet to know things about me.
