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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 290 KB, 1600x1200, Yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10626804 No.10626804 [Reply] [Original]

Describe yourself and I'll try drawing a head shot of as a cute school girl, /jp/.
I have time for one tonight.

>> No.10626805


>> No.10626816

I do my reps and play eroge everyday
I like math and physics.
My favorite touhou is alice

>> No.10626838

eye color / hair color?

>> No.10626873

Black hair
Black eyes with bags
Fat cock

>> No.10626948

dark brown eyes and hair.
pale. i use glasses.
always quiet.
i'm obsessive-compulsive.
i like hime cuts.

>> No.10626962
File: 154 KB, 1416x1413, alicefumodisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go, friend

>> No.10626966

I guess I could do one more

>> No.10626968

thanks, friend

>> No.10626970

>Black eyes

>> No.10626978

what about milk

>> No.10627041


>> No.10627065
File: 184 KB, 1500x1342, bed time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew you in pajamas

>> No.10627093

T-thank you!! You are the best!

>> No.10627094

good night, /jp/.

>> No.10627102

Good night, Anon.

>> No.10627152
File: 15 KB, 667x352, Unmarked-Trail-Gunmetal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mid-Length dark brown hair.
Pale white skin.
Somewhere in the middle of Azure and Sapphire colored eyes.
Thin gunmetal glasses (pictured).
Sleepy and Lethargic.
Drinks a lot of water.

That's all I can think of, is it enough?

>> No.10627165

Brown hair
Green eyes
Average size
Big dick

>> No.10627184

Was that

Was that OP?

How did I miss this thread?

>> No.10627225
File: 203 KB, 1000x1000, 1351614956094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black eyes
Borderless glasses

i like cute lolis such as myself, do your best OP-chan.

>> No.10627236

brown hair that goes barely to my shoulders, I part it to the right
blue eyes
sorta big lips that look kinda dumb
somewhat slim
very pale

>> No.10627269

go to sleep

>> No.10627282

Messy hair
Blue eyes
Smiling most of the time, probably because of being drunk.
Cuts on hands due to work.

>> No.10627289

OP is GONE everyone thanks for playing.

You don't get to be the little girl today.

>> No.10627300

Brown eyes, brown hair, pasty white skin, double chin covered by a patchy neckbeard. Squinting really hard because I am too poor to get a new pair of glasses.

>> No.10627308

Fucking captcha, I am also too poor to pay for a pass.

>> No.10627322

Fuck the police, I'm still awake and I can draw
I'll do some people since OP can't hold up to his promises

>> No.10627355

do it faggot, /jp/ counts on you.

>> No.10627363
File: 211 KB, 750x1000, jpsie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try specifying hair color next time

>> No.10627381

Blue hair (from a bottle)
Green eyes
White skin
Messy mid length hair
I like dancing

>> No.10627391

dark brown eyes and hair.
pale. i use glasses.
always quiet.
i'm obsessive-compulsive.
i like hime cuts.

>> No.10627409
File: 229 KB, 750x1000, jpsie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you kinda look like a slut, dude

>> No.10627411

I have girly brown hair
I have girly blue eyes
I have a girly jawline
I live in a 10x10 closet

Draw me please.

>> No.10627412

i'll do you then go to bed

>> No.10627422

Brown hair,
green eyes with glasses,
Often in a bathrobe with a mug nearby.

>> No.10627427 [SPOILER] 
File: 488 KB, 250x139, 1322321898232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10627431
File: 147 KB, 750x1000, jpsie3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute socks, dude

>> No.10627435

okay, I'll do you too since you posted before I did

then I'll go to bed

>> No.10627446 [DELETED] 


>> No.10627487
File: 199 KB, 750x1000, jpsie4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my duty is done
goodnight /jp/

>> No.10627491

good night, friend

>> No.10627499


>> No.10627504

i like hime cuts.

>> No.10628548

Thank you.

>> No.10629453
File: 324 KB, 600x600, 1362202591294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bags under green eyes
Brown hair
Irish and like to booze

>> No.10629607
File: 309 KB, 800x770, 10629453bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I decided to do you a favor.

>> No.10629635

Slim, black long haired, brown eyes.

Cute, well groomed, tsundere.

Wearing pajamas today

>> No.10629640

greatest thread on jappy

>> No.10629668

Anyone else here that wants to be transformed?
I wanna try that, too.
I'm not OP, though.

>> No.10629669

long brown hair
brown eyes
dog collar and leash
eating from a dog dish

>> No.10629677

Awesome, could be fatter though.

>> No.10629685 [DELETED] 

Black hair
Dark brown eyes with bags
Somewhat big nose and cheeks, but skinny (125 lb)
Pale skin

>> No.10629700

Medium length black hair
Dark brown eyes with bags
Somewhat big nose and cheeks, but skinny (125 lb)
Pale skin

>> No.10629738

medium black hair
dark eyes with bags
old dirty clothes

>> No.10629747
File: 179 KB, 460x532, 6ea37a38974407155cfd7171eb9fcdab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messy short dark brown hair/eyes
light skin
cuts all over my arms
i like lifting
and animals(if you draw me as a cute inu-anon it would be great)
i never smile

>> No.10629802
File: 415 KB, 750x873, 10629635bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is my last one. Too sleepy to continue. Anon-kuns, please take over.

>> No.10629821

Very thin, with fine features, gray-green eyes, thick hair, and a tense expression.
I am irritable.

>> No.10629823

b-but I want to be drawn with /jp/ cumming on me too!!!

>> No.10629828

Me too ;;

>> No.10629830


>> No.10629843

I can't help it. When I'm around /jp/, all I can think about is being a little girl being violated by everyone who goes to this board.

>> No.10629844
File: 9 KB, 500x335, Moscot-Hyman_Tortoise_08-12f62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium messy hair
that goes up if I didn't shampoo
Brown eyes
Slightly tanned
wearing pic related but in black
And I just shaved.

>> No.10629857

very short dark brown hair
brown eyes
tired looking
1 ear pierced

>> No.10629876

Medium length, semi-messy hair, with baggy, cynical looking eyes. Both are a deep black. Thin. Expression neutral, except for a hint of arrogance.

>> No.10629879

Is this a hookup thread? Are we trying to describe ourselves without posting a picture and showing how ugly we really are?

>> No.10629889


>> No.10629939

seems you can't read. get out.

>> No.10629978

Chinese American
Short hair

>> No.10629993

in case you didn't notice nobody here is drawing you ugly fat nerds. OP left last night and the subs soon after.

>> No.10630036

I'll try to draw some of you later since I need to practice drawing anyway. Just don't let the thread die.

>> No.10630095

make sure to put cum all over us, okay?

>> No.10630197

Hello, OP here, I am back.
I said I was going to bed... jeez.
I never expected so many replies ; v ; !

>> No.10630206

Yes, this was me.

>> No.10630252

long brown curly hair
green/grey eyes

>> No.10630278

Please draw me if you have time.

long blond hair
blue sleepy eyes
short/thin and wearing clothes that are too big for me

>> No.10630333 [DELETED] 

dark brown/dark brown

>> No.10630393

C-can I be a little girl too?

Medium blond hair
Greyish turquoise eyes
Bags under eyes
A pink bow that i wear in my hair sometimes.

>> No.10630396
File: 75 KB, 1030x732, tiredshortloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10630408

dair hair
large dark eyes
cute long nose
somewhat short
modest bosom
very supple clear skin

>> No.10630530
File: 121 KB, 1302x1254, d-depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry it's taking me so long to pump out mediocre results guys...

>> No.10630535

bushy eyebrows
messy medium hair
brown hair
brown eyes
slight bags under eyes

>> No.10630537 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 1200x900, 1355871062001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shy, dependent, and lonely.
I'm a pedo, have a diaper fetish, and like ryona.
My favorite band is Animal Collective and my favorite Album is Sung Tongs.
I love Misaka Mikoto

>> No.10630547 [DELETED] 


>> No.10630543

It's alright, you might wanna close requests for now, until you're ready.

>> No.10630544

redoing this one sometime in the future... I'm unhappy with the results

>> No.10630550

take your time notOP. no need to rush.

>> No.10630551

good idea...
requests are closed for now guys

>> No.10630563

but this is OP...
some of my art just doesn't come out as good...

>> No.10630623

You made me still look like a boy there, my hair is actually even shorter than that though but keeping at short for a girl is fine.

>> No.10630634

Thanks, that was way too cute

>> No.10630635

bumpan to keep alive

>> No.10630655

I know.. I'm sorry..
I'm redoing it...
and my last one.
I'll try and make them look better

>> No.10630661

chin like Bruce Campbell
messy + wavy dark hair
grey eyes
I like hamburgers

try hard OP!

>> No.10630677

short, dark, unmanageable hair
green eyes
deathly pale
default furrowed expression
kinda tired
big headphones
I like drinking guava juice out of a mug

please do me, op.

>> No.10630682

don't do him , op.

>> No.10630685

requests are closed u shitheads

>> No.10630688
File: 24 KB, 349x199, eru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10630696

I'm tall, thin and long-haired (black hair). I'm of the silent shy type and I love elaborate lolita-style clothing. I listen to classical music and love to paint miniatures. I'm a mix between a /jp/er and a /tg/er.

Would love if you'd take a shot at this, as I'm quite curious what you'd come up with.

>> No.10630704

Don't bully!

>> No.10630713

you are bullying OP by requesting even though he stated he closed it for now, you are stressing him by making him overwork and he will not be able to satsify the insane standards and requests imposed to him and he will kill himself out of agony i hope you are happy your monsters

>> No.10630780
File: 160 KB, 1102x1739, waking up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay... here ya go.
now you start working on the ones I messed up, I'll get to you all I promise!

>> No.10630824

I need to shower, so a quick intermission

>> No.10630845

btw im a girl

>> No.10630968

thank you very much

it is very cute

>> No.10631001

That's amazing, thank you so much!

>> No.10631410
File: 109 KB, 1254x1272, tiredshortloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all done for tonight...
I have had a cold for like two weeks and I still ned rest...
I'll try again tomorrow

>> No.10631426

Please get better!

>> No.10631441

cute! hope you get better

>> No.10631452

good enough! Don't work yourself too hard.

>> No.10631607
File: 107 KB, 489x248, yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah m8, he shouldn't take it easy and work hard

Large black pompadour
Brown eyes, with a slightly lazy right eye
White/Olive skin
Baggy eyes
A naturally annoyed expression
Normally wearing a wooly grey jumper


>> No.10631689
File: 81 KB, 418x366, dans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking things hard gets things done but taking things easy is much more fun!

>> No.10632485

If that anon looked like this, I'd want put my dick inside her in a not lewd way.

>> No.10632502

It's best to balance between taking it easy and pushing yourself to work hard.

>> No.10632509
File: 151 KB, 872x685, 1360464592811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah same.

Everyone in this thread was so needy. OP doesn't have time/is too sick to deal with ALL of you sluts. Next time people with similar appearences should group together and OP can draw one picture for all the similar looking anons. Of course then everyone would lie and say they look more exciting than they actually do.

>> No.10632525


>> No.10632532

I will learn to draw and do the same thing soon!

>> No.10632542
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark brown hair that curves inwards at the tips, has a little bit sticking up at the back.
Blue eyes, kinda droopy, baggy, Medium-thick eyebrows.
Fairly pale skin.
Thin framed glasses, more on the rectangular side. Silver in color.
Navy-Blue shirt, with light grey track-pants that have a black stripe. Wearing black Aussie moccasins.

I yawn a lot.

>> No.10632589 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 300x300, kawaiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Navy-Blue shirt, with light grey track-pants that have a black stripe. Wearing black Aussie moccasins.

Here you go you greedy shit eating pig. Made sure to add in the moccs for your ass.

>> No.10632602

i wish i had opened this thread earlier so i could have had a chance of having one of these made. i cant possibly make a request with how swamped the op is.

but i did want to say i think this is.a great idea, and that you are a wonderful person for doing these. im sure youve made.a lot of jpers happy.

feel better soon and i hope to see a little more of these cute sketches.

>> No.10632609 [DELETED] 

If you make a modest request I'll draw one for you. I'm the artist behind >>10632589 by the way.

>> No.10632717
File: 44 KB, 186x103, fu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the posted images arnt even head shots though.

u r such an angrey bicthfag.

>> No.10632741 [DELETED] 

Fuck off pussy. Put your homoccasins on and get the fuck out.

>> No.10632779
File: 162 KB, 281x508, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't even me you optimum fag commander.

I was simply pointing out how fuckin' dumb you are, rofl.

>> No.10632791 [DELETED] 

If you're not him then mind your own business, shithead. Seriously where do faglords like you spawn from. Do everybody a favor and kill yourself. Nobody needs a loser like you hanging around.

>> No.10632822
File: 200 KB, 492x341, 1354774430302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naisu damage control, aniki. Laughing @ u so fucking HARD rite now.

>> No.10632829 [DELETED] 

If you can't create a proper argument without resorting to memes and strawmen, then quit wasting peoples time, kid. What a loser.

>> No.10632845

To be quite honest with you, I shouldn't have to waste my time articulating an intelligent rebuttal to counter your painfully obvious damage control. Mind my own business? On an anonymous image board where everything posted is posted publicly for everyone to see? Don't make me laugh.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm returning to my current activities, your senseless drivel gets old fairly quickly.

>> No.10632860 [DELETED] 
File: 605 KB, 1024x576, 1289782611070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I shouldn't have to waste my time articulating an intelligent rebuttal
ROFL what happened to your "pretend to be retard" act nerd? finally showed your true HOMOLORD colors like a fagpained buttshower LOSER

WOW you should really piss off before I Get Really mad and send you off Crying to Momma.






>> No.10632864

short white tiny

>> No.10632876
File: 300 KB, 547x783, 1357917853338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pretending to act retarded until you said the following:
>If you can't create a proper argument without resorting to memes and strawmen, then quit wasting peoples time, kid. What a loser.

You're both equally as retarded for even initiating that 'argument'. You should both off yourselves.

>> No.10632881

Draw someone, Tom.

>> No.10632883

B-but I never asked to be cummed on! Baka!

>> No.10632887


>> No.10632889

Whatever your heart desires, Tom.

>> No.10632897

Cute image, will you be here again later?

>> No.10632933
File: 29 KB, 716x514, bananamoonman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10633066
File: 625 KB, 750x974, 10630393bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, everyone deserves to be a little girl at least once in their life. And yes, I'll be here on and off but no promises.

>> No.10633084

blond somewhat short hair
dull, grey-green eyes
crooked smile
pale skin
a tad too skinny
bad complexion but clear skin, with bags under eyes
giving off a bit of a denpa schizoid vibe

>> No.10633086


forgot the glasses, as I wear those as well.

>> No.10633091 [DELETED] 

Make me one too. Short, black, unkempt bed head, ATH-M50S headphones, squinting, glaring hazel eyes and prominent collarbones.

>> No.10633096

long, light-brown hair
hazel eyes with dark circles underneath
pale skin
freckle above the left side of my lips
usually pouting
I like black & white stripes, stuffed animals, and being wrapped up in my blanket while browsing /jp/.
T-thanks in advance, OP.

>> No.10633109

Dark brown hair, just past shoulder length.
Grey eyes.
Wonky right eye.
Bags under eyes.
Forever wearing sweatpants, a tshirt and hoodie. Wearing a Morning Musume shirt atm.

>> No.10633112

Black long hair that reaches my butt
Amazingly white skin, scars here and there
Dark blue eyes
Short and asian looking as fuck

I am your next phase in human evolution people

>> No.10633117

Thank you, you've drawn me and I'm happy for the result.

Although my previous post said otherwise

>> No.10633139 [DELETED] 


epicly edgy m8

>> No.10633143


Please don't bully this little girl; she's obviously had a rough life, and you're not making it easier for her.

>> No.10633150

Yo dude. I can't help it. That's just the way world made me to look like. I got long ass scar going over my eye because I fell off some platform when I was 6 years old. It looks badass but when you know the backstory...

>> No.10633157 [DELETED] 

Nobody asked you for the fucking backstory you lame faggot. Besides you're probably a fugly ass dark asian and not pale at all. You're a piece of shit.

>> No.10633158

Kill yousrelf.

>> No.10633159

I am like a fucking zombiehhh

>> No.10633163 [DELETED] 

You don't look like your maplestory character, you're stupid, brown as shit and ugly as fuck.

>> No.10633169


>> No.10633172 [DELETED] 

And don't show your ugly face here ever again.

>> No.10633174

but i never did

>> No.10633178 [DELETED] 

How about I just say fuck off you shitty gook.

>> No.10633185

i would be very confused

>> No.10633195

black medium length hair in a hime cut, blue eyes. shy. my favorite color is green. i love cats and mahou should anime.

>> No.10633200

I would also like to be a little girl.

I have a fairly solid build (I'm not fat, though), blonde hair that reaches my butt.
My eyes are green and look cold. Also, my eyebrows are thick.
I would be really grateful if you made me into a little girl, Anon.

>> No.10633197


>> No.10633204

Ah, and my hair is bound to a braid.

>> No.10633221
File: 513 KB, 750x1061, 10630408bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so far up the list. I wanted to do quick ones, but I tend to get carried away. Like I said, no promises ._.

>> No.10633236


thank you for even contributing. This sort of work builds communities.

Don't you~ forget about me.

>> No.10633253 [DELETED] 


>> No.10633255

Don't bully him, he was just being polite.

>> No.10633256

That's really nice looking.
Thank you for putting so much effort into these

>> No.10633280
File: 501 KB, 858x1633, smug loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-ah! Really cute... I tried my best.

>> No.10633284

much better than my work... thank you for helping out with the requests, friend

>> No.10633289


Nice loli, although she's giving off a bit of a banchou vibe.

>> No.10633290
File: 497 KB, 858x1633, smug loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after looking at it the hair was too gray... I fixed it.

>> No.10633302

OP and the others, thanks for the hard work. I really appreciate these drawings.

>> No.10633311

Please do more, it's great seeing personalized drawings like these.

>> No.10633317
File: 70 KB, 204x408, molested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already make myself as a cute girl in Dance x Mixer.

>> No.10633360

Thank you, it made me smile.

>> No.10633375

You're super cute, will you be my girlfriend?

>> No.10633381
File: 563 KB, 750x1061, 10633195bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cats, too. But I prefer less exotic meat like beef or pork.

>> No.10633387


cute bitch, dude.

>> No.10633390

That's so adorable

>> No.10633400

Hey, don't call her a bitch!

>> No.10633403


>> No.10633404

Sorry, my bad. What's with that file name?

>> No.10633411


'tis a common theme, and perhaps the calling card, of this particular artist.

>> No.10633414

Short black hair
Brown eyes
Always nervous
Looking down to the side

>> No.10633415

Professional artist here.Will help OP taking any requests when I'm home.

>> No.10633416

Shoulder length slightly curled dark brown hair
Tired blue eyes
Sickly skinny
I hate bullies and want everyone to get along

>> No.10633418

Short hair, brushed back; neck length behind
Frameless glasses
Dwarvish features (beard, large nose, etc.)
Tall, thin
Blue eyes
Computer hacker

>> No.10633422

May I request one? I know everyone is busy and I don't want to be much of a bother to anyone.

medium black messy afro
brown eyes
tired look
quiet and shy
slightly brown skin

>> No.10633423

Way more people on /jp/ than I'd thought. It actually kind of unnerves me to see so many requests.

>> No.10633424

sex hair with short bangs
droopy eyes due to lack of sleep

>> No.10633433


/jp/ is an amalgamation of differing pursuits, but we share wanting to be the little girl as a common one.

>> No.10633435

Blonde hair in a Hime cut
Blue eyes
Pallid complexion
Life is consumed by videogames, art, and anime

>> No.10633436

Best girl, that tsundere expression is win
Can you be my gf, >>10629635 ?

>> No.10633458

Heh heh, fair point.

>> No.10633577

I suppose it's a good opportunity to get a drawing.

Dark brown, straight medium hair.
Brown eyes.
Rectangle wire-frame glasses.
Short, lithe body.
Only wears oversized shirts over underpants.

>> No.10633650
File: 355 KB, 750x1061, 10633084bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad complexion but clear skin
Not sure what that means. I tried. That's all from me today, OP and others please draw more!

>> No.10633706

Anon-chan never replied to me..

Unrequited love hurts.

>> No.10633719

Maybe she's just being tsundere about it

>> No.10633722

are those dog dicks?

>> No.10633736

looks more like horse penis. eww

>> No.10633741

That's a good point. I hope she replies soon

>> No.10633753

I can empathise with you, I'm >>10633375

>> No.10633792

I'm flattered, and can fap to this. Many thanks.

>bad complexion but clear skin
No zits, but my skin is discolored from nocturnal habits, drugs, and insomnia; thus, I have an unhealthy bluish tint.

>> No.10633793

Thanks, anon. Maybe your crush's sleeping. I am sure you have higher hopes than me.

>> No.10633829

Are you Freakazoid?

>> No.10633834

Lewdness is a disease.

>> No.10633846

In that case, I want to be a sick loli. I want pheromones to seep out of my loli body, enticing men to lust after me. I want to be raped and masturbated upon, and be covered by pig's semen.

>> No.10633842

I hope so. Hang in there too!

>> No.10633851
File: 7 KB, 328x218, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I spend an unhealthy amount of time at my computer, it's really just bags under my already deep-set eyes.

I look more like a Sith than anything.

>> No.10633914
File: 230 KB, 780x1024, jiangshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw this is pretty much how my relatives see me as

>> No.10633915

Wow! I'm a slut, aren't I?

>> No.10633995

Medium length hair, I don't take much care of it so there's lots of stray locks.
Forehead has some blackheads.
Black, square glasses.Brown eyes, pretty big eyelashes for a guy
Normal nose.
I have 3 moles around my mouth, a bigger one in the top right corner, and two smaller ones in the left, one at the bottom and other at the top.
I spent most of the time taking it easy in my pajamas and playing Smash Bros

>> No.10634023

Long middle parted brown hair
Brown eyes
Always wearing pjs
Thanks for the art you have made thus far!
If you wouldn't mind adding a collar to me and plenty of /jp/ dicks I'll love you.

>> No.10634068

Compared to the other anons, my description seriously lacks information. Guess I'll add some.

I would also like to be a little girl.

I have a fairly solid build (Not fat, it's broadness), blonde hair with a dark hue that reaches my butt and is bound to a braid.
My eyes are dark green and look cold, they give off a violent, but not aggressive impression. Also, my eyebrows are thick.
The skin on my hands is very dry, to the point it tears open at some spots.
I would be really grateful if you made me into a little girl, Anon. My body is so unwomanly.

Thanks to all you anons. We hope to see you refreshed soon. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10634076
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, wider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> (Not fat, it's broadness)

>> No.10634088

short messy black anime hair
dark brown eyes
olive/light brown skin
so basically the little brown girl
short and small but physically active (like hiking and running and shit)
wears shorts and t-shirts because it's usually fuggin hot
acts cute/dumb around normal people but secretly hates most of them (think Kigurumi from Joshiraku)
would kick >>10633995's ass at Smash Bros

>> No.10634117

Sounds stupid, I guess...
I have a broad shape, but there is just an average amount of fat. That's what I meant.

>> No.10634119

Messy, medium-long black hair with pinkish-red tips
Dark brown soulless eyes
Chapped lips
Brown skin
I like Japanese alt. fashion, art, reading, browsing the internet, gory stuff and cute things.

>> No.10634130
File: 52 KB, 473x203, laughing lunarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>olive/light brown skin
>Brown skin

>> No.10634147

die cis scum!

>> No.10634149

My skin isn't "olive/light brown" like that other Anon.
I'm just halfnigger.

>> No.10634154

is that some unchecked white privilege i'm seeing

>> No.10634157


>> No.10634165

our curse

>> No.10634282

thank you so much! this picture means a lot to me, it's so cute! I can't stop smiling

>> No.10634533

dark brown hair
light skin
blue eyes
tall at a young age
height complex and hit on by older people because of this
shy and anxious about everything
listens to music in headphones to calm down

>> No.10634574

Bags under eyes
Black hair

Please draw

>> No.10634602

You guys should probably let OP finish the ones he's already got before making more requests.

>> No.10634649

Thin, with black hair and black eyes. I look like Tohno Shiki without the glasses. I'm intelligent and handsome, and I make sure to show it.
But the truth is, I'm just a timid little bitch boy who loves to watch anime, read VNs and have fun with /jp/.

>> No.10634940 [DELETED] 

You're not funny. Kill yourself.

>> No.10635054

Fairly short
Black hair
Light blue eyes
Very pale
Negative and depressed, most of the time.

>> No.10635225

id fuck the hell out of you, you slut.

>> No.10636788

I love OP

>> No.10636802

Not OP, but I love you too.

>> No.10636809

Not OP or the person you're replying to, but I love you too.

>> No.10636975

I'm none of those people and I love you all.

>> No.10637032

I hate you and the faggots that you responded to.

>> No.10637326

This thread has caused me to have lewd thoughts for /jp/. How should I interpret this?

>> No.10637420

You can always ERP with me.

>> No.10638262

You like little girls with minds of grown men. Sick fuck.

>> No.10638441
File: 473 KB, 800x1132, 10634023bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're such a slut.

>> No.10638451

You are really good at drawing cute /jp/sie sluts.

Please keep up the good work!

>> No.10638454

Would date/10

>> No.10638455

Your art makes me want to have an orgy with everyone on /jp/.

>> No.10638459
File: 500 KB, 800x1132, 10633416bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate bullies
You what?

>> No.10638464

I'm going to masturbate right now.

>> No.10638479

Th-thats so mean... Why are you doing this to her?

>> No.10638510

Half long, dark-blonde/brownish hair; slightly curly.
Light-blue eyes.
Black (horn-rimmed) glasses.
Pale-ish skin.
Quiet, bad self esteem, slightly obsessive over some things.

T-thank you in advance, kind Anon.

>> No.10638534

me standing up

>> No.10638533

Thanks so much! I think I may have developed a new fetish.

>> No.10638536

Hey, you sound cute, wanna meet up for a fug?

>> No.10638538

but she is cute

>> No.10638539

You should upload some of these onto pixiv if you have an account there.

>> No.10638543

I want a /jp/ pet.

>> No.10638551

I-I'm not cute!

>> No.10638560


I would gently fugg you

>> No.10638563

Open shirt cumshot is a really nice touch.

>> No.10638564

I'm sure you are, honey. Come on~

>> No.10638577

Don't say silly things!

>> No.10638581

I do have a pixiv, but I'm not sure if I want to mix my lewds here with the non-lewds on pixiv. I'd like to remain anonymous for now/

>> No.10638586

Awwww, you're just shy! That makes you even cuter!

>> No.10638594

Ah I can understand that. Thank you for drawing me! Now I'm always going to set out to having myself drawn being slutty.

>> No.10638609

Am I too late for a pretty drawing?

>> No.10638614

No delicious /jp/ cum for you anon.

>> No.10638617

Now I'm sad...

>> No.10638638

Wow /jp/ is awfully hung. I want to suck one.

>> No.10638667

Thank you!
Actually I hate when other people get bullied but I'm a masochist myself.

>> No.10638724

that's cute, can i be mean and bully you like hell an then abuse you
will you show me your crying face

>> No.10638731

Its because you want all the bullies to yourself, stop it, that is bullying me! Who will bully my tiny weewee now!

>> No.10639793 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 500x171, 1353164322558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid /jp/ girls. You're all uncute impure sluts.

>> No.10640398

Long black hair.
Almond-brown eyes.
Kinda tall.
I love catgirls, big breasts, and RPGs.

>> No.10640544


I love those three things too, a lot. You have good taste.

>> No.10640616

Messy longish auburn hair.
Blue eyes.
Very pale.
Kinda nervous around people.
I'm not really intelligent, but at least I'm nice.
My favorite touhou is Youmu!

>> No.10640635

what the fuck is up with all the long hair

don't you know it looks disgusting on males?

>> No.10640643

I'm actually a girl.

>> No.10640659

ITT: >Describe yourself and I'll try drawing a head shot of as a cute school girl, /jp/.

>> No.10640713

btw im a girl

>> No.10640924

btw i have a gaping vagina

>> No.10640950
File: 94 KB, 612x612, 1309059367530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're crazy. Pic related its me.

>> No.10641578

Me on the stove

>> No.10641605

Tall, thin, black weeaboo who likes jrpgs(played some Atlier Ayesha today)
slightly tsundere
wearing shorts and a sweater

>> No.10641785

I just noticed you called me a bitch in the image name. I'm flattered. Thank you so much!

>> No.10642711

I love OP

>> No.10642744

that your qt3.14 gf?

>> No.10642746

Still waiting for replies for tsundere-chan. She hasn't even quote my post.

>> No.10642750

Would fuck.

>> No.10642760

But i have had eyes for her for days. Not in the lewd sense too.

>> No.10642763

That won't change the fact that I would fuck given the opportunity.

>> No.10642767

Can we at least share her?

>> No.10642770

I really don't like sharing girls.

>> No.10642769

If you obtained the perfect loli body, what would you do with it? Do you preserve its purity? Or do you grope and masturbate and spread your legs to any men, becoming a cum dumpster?

>> No.10642772

Try to meet up with someone from /jp/ and let them fuck me.

>> No.10642777

I'll just call you Onii-chan. No sex allowed.

>> No.10642779

But both of us love her so much!

>> No.10642780

I'd just proceed to act manly as usual. Being thing frail loli must be a new perspective. I wouldn't even have to buy as much beer and stuff. It would be wonderful.

>> No.10642782

Exactly why I wouldn't want to share her. If it had to be sharing or nothing, I would pick nothing.

>> No.10642787

You have my respect. I wish tsundere-chan will reply and let us know who she'll choose,

>> No.10642794

I'd find a /jp/ and make him marry me and treat me like a princess.

>> No.10642797

Better not let him know that you were once a /jp/.

>> No.10642808

Above average height
Brown hair, sort of a wavy/fluffy (almost like Yukari from Girls und Panzer)
Blue eyes, metal-rimmed glasses
I have a tendency to wear a black windbreaker everywhere I go, not out of any concept of style, but because I'm always cold
Shy, but not extremely so. I'm perfectly functional in a social setting.
I usually carry a paperback book with me, even when I know I'm not going to get a chance to read it. Its habit.

>> No.10642839

I'd be a pure good girl and settle for a cute /jp/sie who would love me tenderly.

>> No.10644156
File: 43 KB, 600x750, LHman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But guys with long hair are the most handsome. All men should have long hair.

>> No.10644170 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 511x571, 1362972271936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10644177

Long hair is fucking annoying to have, mine's only just past my shoulders and it's already disgustingly annoying.

>> No.10644225

He looks stupid, but he would look even worse if he had short hair.

>> No.10644253

This. More hair balances out the extra flesh on fat people, it's strange.

>> No.10644273

You'll eventually get to used it.

>> No.10644291
File: 480 KB, 474x632, fedoramemesneckbeard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10644755
File: 260 KB, 750x1061, 10634068notbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite fond of your description, anon-chan. I made a pure loli for you. Remember to moisturize your hands with lewd juices.
"I-It's not like I p-peed or anything like that!"

>> No.10644833

Is semen a good skin moisturizer?

>> No.10644836


Why do these kinds of people exist?

>> No.10644845

Because god.

>> No.10644887 [DELETED] 


They're jewish men.

>> No.10644941

i want to violate this loli so bad

>> No.10644949 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1010x810, 1343973112435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP World

>> No.10645319
File: 893 KB, 989x686, 1356241606628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feelio when you won't get drawn

>> No.10645321

I cry er tiem

>> No.10645322

Am I the only one who's having problems with loading images?

>> No.10645327

delete your cache

>> No.10645367
File: 385 KB, 750x1061, 10635054bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Negative and depressed
Just die already. You will never reborn into a pure loli form. You will be given a slutty, vulgar, disgusting body, and become /jp/'s cum dumpster.You will be covered in semen for the rest of your life. Bitch.

>> No.10645378

Why would anyone waste milk like that?

>> No.10645382

Looks pretty thick, it was probably spoiled.

>> No.10645393

So good.

>> No.10645412

I'll post in hopes that I get one, because I never do ;_;
Lean and robust
Short and Brown hair
Mugi thick eyebrows
I like hiking and fishing
Tough person demeanor

>> No.10645413

poor anon, i'd love you tenderly

>> No.10645420

I meant short/brown hair, I'm above average height.
My favorite touhou is Murasa if that affects anything

>> No.10645426

Short brown hair
wire frame glasses
flabby fat, hairy
punk rock tats
massive bags under eyes
currently debating my self worth
sober for a year and not loving it

If you get sticky fluids on the term paper I'm procrastinating on for tomorrow I swear to God I will castrate you

>> No.10645436

It's okay anon
My request was skipped over.
I'm not special enough to be the little girl

>> No.10645441
File: 40 KB, 176x263, 1354059845919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine too

>> No.10645445

I want to be a cute loli being cummed on by my fellow /jp/ers too..

Choco-Brown Bed/Sex hair, about neck length.
Cute little eyebrows, but not pencil thin.
Thin rectangular glasses.
Squishy but thin, due to no exercise.
Masturbate 8+ times a day out of boredom, kimochi.
Always smiling over nothing.

>> No.10645450

Actually, the current artist jumps back and forth requests, instead of following a linear descend. We might get a chance.

>> No.10645482

slutty growing loli body
nipple bandaids
red twintails with blonde roots
double fangs
nibbling on a chocolate bar
lewd golden eyes
red eyelashes
only loves 1 penis, her /jp/onii-san's

>> No.10645483

I really hope so.
I'm very excited to see his work drawing me as a little girl.
I don't mean to be so selfish though
He's very talented and I know he gets really into the work.

>> No.10645506
File: 44 KB, 512x512, I5lUEdD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may try to draw some of you sometime, when I can. Here is a sample of my art. I'm not very good, but I suppose something from me is better than nothing.

>> No.10645515

What is that green thing?

>> No.10645521

A cup of tea. I got bored with working on the tea after moving to the bird...

>> No.10645549

I think the point is not to flaunt the best art, but to produce something sincere for a fellow anon. I was hoping more anons would come and contribute, and get those requests fulfilled. Peace, /jp/.

>> No.10645566

Still in high school, because got held back 3 times like a retard.
Kind of spiritual
Girl-ish, faggy, lazy.

>> No.10645567

i wish the OP would still do drawings, i like the current guy stuff but his art is too lewd

>> No.10645574

I want to dress /jp/ as their favorite touhou and give them all the cum they want.

>> No.10645587

Oh yes I forgot there was more than one artist.
His pictures were sincere.

>> No.10645646

His style would be nicer if he didn't splash viscous white liquids all over unsuspecting little girls in various stages of dress.

Also bullying is verboten

>> No.10645793

OP Youre the best! Is there any chance of you continuing this in a second thread?

>> No.10645797

>getting bullied in art
Y-You're the best. I need to learn to draw so I can abuse myself

>> No.10645834

I'd be aroused to find out.
Would fuck her hard for reward.

>> No.10646519

Oh my god.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
This is so.... lovely.
I love you. I owe you my life for this.

>> No.10646552

Has the thread started autosaging?

>> No.10646557

It's a bump limit, and yes, it has been reached (300 posts).

>> No.10646627
File: 176 KB, 500x410, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it. I'm actually working on four requests now ;_;. I guess I'll take some screenshots and try to fulfill as many requests as practice and because I genuinely enjoy doing this. I'll compile and unload them on Pixiv 3 to 4 weeks from now, because I'll be in Australia without a working PC for a while. Thanks for the opportunity, and sorry if I sidetracked from OP's original intention. I'll continue to improve and whatnot. Farewell.

>> No.10646636

You are the best.
Enjoy your stay in Australia. We all hope to see you again.

>> No.10646836

Farewell friend. Keep working hard and thank you again for all your efforts so far.
Good luck and do not get eaten in Australia

>> No.10647155

I love your drawings I hope I don't miss your upcoming entries.

>> No.10647671
File: 43 KB, 1024x651, infografia_Colores-del-Vino-Tinto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black wavy hair.
Sunkissed skin.
Square glasses.
Pink eyes from THC.
Dark under the eyes feels like the color of the wine on the right.

thick black eyebrowns.
lip piercing and a brown one on the left side of the face
brown eyes
flatchested brown loli pls

>> No.10647832

Use the archive: https://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/10626804

And don't hesitate to make a new thread when this one prunes.
