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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10623012 No.10623012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's not too late yet.



UnNEETization is otaku culture.

>> No.10623156

I like being a NEET, though. Please leave, normie.

>> No.10623218
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>> No.10623232

funny thing though. this is actually aimed at normals. for neets there is that obese homeless thing.

>> No.10623235
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, [Rizlim] Queen's Blade ~Rebellion~ - 02v2 [BD 1280x720 H.264 FLAC] [1E1945AA].mkv_snapshot_07.24_[2013.03.17_13.48.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you

>> No.10623265

A normie's life. jpg

>> No.10623286

you see that the real life's lesson here. is that you got to play ru-ru-russian roulette to win in this life for real.

which of course is kinda bullshit thinking from one or two perspectives.

>> No.10623308

I would, but the American public education system has killed off any desire I ever had to learn.

>> No.10623439
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Don't worry, Khan is there to help.

>> No.10623447

You guys got it easy. I don't see what is your problem. Not enough education?

>> No.10623458


Teachers aren't paid enough so they aren't going to care to teach. They need everyone to pass with at least a D so they hand out everyone study packets which contain the answers.

>> No.10623462

I'm going to study geology.
H-here I go, /jp/.

>> No.10623465

Yaa... dirty capitalist pigs. You need to get in those fancier schools then. or something.

>> No.10623467

By the way, the reason I'm starting to study again is because I realised how spoiled I was. In my country college is free and I'm not mentally challenged so I should be able to get an education, and become a useful member of society.
This is my reasoning. I can't be on /jp/ until the day and just keep doing what I was doing.

Please be responsible adults, or just keep taking it easy.

>> No.10623468

Why would they do more if they are paid more?
The education system collapsed because they let it morons and made it impossible to kick them out.

>> No.10623474

I would totally get into science again if I thought I had anything to contribute to any field.

I don't

>> No.10623491

Have you been to uni anon-kun?

>> No.10623500

I'll start with https://www.udacity.com/course/cs291 soon.

>> No.10623514

Yes, I did a business management course

>> No.10623524

Operating Systems exam tomorrow, haven't really studied. I'm at the point where I just don't give a shit about my grades anymore, I'm just trying to somehow pass.
Why the fuck did I want to get into computer science?

>> No.10623546

All /sci/ does is pat themselves on the back for being enrolled in whatever science/math program they're in and waste their time posting when they could be studying or doing something actually fun.

I tried making a /sci/ study group but no one actually contributed. It was just a bunch of useless lurkers. No one's interested in serious learning or though. Just posturing.

The average person on /sci/ seems to be at the educational level of a 17 year old anyway.

>> No.10623550

though -> thought.

>> No.10623554


I put computer science on my education plan I have to turn in next week. The adviser went over what I had to go through trying to scare me, but from what you said, maybe it really is hell. I don't know what else to pick besides art and I'm not rich nor am I putting up with art school professors.

>> No.10623558

Well there's some truth and some vitriol in there, but I don't think any great minds would keep their mind occupied by reading the inane shit that gets posted on 4chan. Even the quality of posting on a board like /sci/ is scarcely better than what we post here on /jp/.

>> No.10623565

Anyone taking courses in Coursera? Maybe someone wants to team up and find will to take something interesting together?

>> No.10623576

Start now you lazy little snot.

>> No.10623586

I wish I was rich enough to go to college. Nobody wants to hire somebody without an education.

>> No.10623587

Some lectures are decent, like the ones about algorithms and stuff (Algo1, 2 and 3 they're called here).
But then you have the extremely theoretical, inane, boring shit like complexity theory, learning how OSes work (memory management, process scheduling, ...) or project management.
Of course there are also a shit-ton of math courses. If you're not into that, don't get into CS. It's torture.
There aren't really many lectures directly related to programming, so if you're interested into that don't go with CS.

>> No.10623593

It's more like not enough money is going into education, period. America is notorious for building more prisons than schools.

>> No.10623594

Is complexity theory really boring? It always seemed interesting to me though I never got time to take it alongside my math courses.

>> No.10623610

It might be interesting for math/CS nerds. I kinda stopped attending the lecture after a few weeks when the lecture hall was still almost full (~400 people).
Then when I came again towards the end of the semester, there were like 30 people left. I'm really happy I passed that exam.

>> No.10623620

Are lectures optional in college? Wouldn't the professor fail you if you miss a certain amount of lectures?

>> No.10623640


It can vary. They seem to be optional most of the time though.

I got an email recently about attendance only because I didn't show up to a few registered sessions.

>> No.10623644

They don't take attendance at my uni. Most German universities don't.
You only have to hand in practice sheets from time to time and take the exams. Other than that, you can just stay at home and study. Most of the lectures here aren't that good, so that's what many people do.

>> No.10623704


CS student here. I have a discrete mathematics course next semester. Will that be any boring?

I regret ever getting into comp sci as well, but the math courses are alright.

>> No.10623721

>not learning electronics in order to create a robot waifu

>> No.10623749
File: 199 KB, 800x800, 2hu_PDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a good deed;
Integrate a NEET.

>> No.10623782
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Discrete is technical as fuck compared to other math courses. And the proofs will probably be incomplete because most professors don't do the runtime part right. But all in all it's interesting and you don't need to know anything about calculus or algebra (except for maybe some flow problems).

>> No.10623946

CS seems to be given in different ways?
Here it's more math, simulation, and engineering. But other places are more about software design, design patterns, current technology, and business organization.

Both seem like dead ends unless you want to go into research or some other science after. But then you need the harder variety with loads of math.

>> No.10623947
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How do I stop sucking at physics, /jp/?

Math is so much easier, I just have to use the right formula, and as long as I don't plug the wrong numbers into the calculator, there's no way to get a wrong answer. But in physics, I have to figure out how all these weird formulas and letters relate to real life stuff so I can figure out which of them to use. I have to both understand what's going on intuitively, and be able to prove my intuition with unquestionable mathematical proof. That's hard!

>> No.10623957

>ru-ru-russian roulette

Well, looks like this is stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

>> No.10623961

To be honest the electronics side of robotics is not very exciting or challenging. Actual robotics requires lots of math and a little programming otherwise you just have a toy. But then you could just go into the business of real dolls if that's all you wanted.

>> No.10623966

How are you even permitted to use a calculator in a math class?

>> No.10623977

You're scaring me, I'm thinking about majoring in Applied Physics. Is physics really hard? I was never good at mathematics.

>> No.10623982

Almost none of my classes take attendance and if they do it's usually a work group or lab session or guest lectures. Besides most of those classes are electives so I can understand why they do that because I signed up especially for those classes.

Normally when you got 50 to 200 students or so then nobody cares.

>> No.10623991

University Maths is hell, so much proofs and theorems you need to memorise.

>> No.10623992

You seem to mistake math for mere calculating.

>> No.10623998

Are some people genetically incapable of passing math/physics or can anyone do it with enough studying?

>> No.10624000

Pre-University level is like that. At University it's completely different, you start from the basics, learn some axioms, then from there start rigorously defining Mathematics.

Projective Geometry was great fun, you defined a weird space where there was a line at infinity where parallel lines would meet and then make several theorems.

>> No.10624015

It's hard for me. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's objectively hard or that it will be hard for you. But you should probably test the waters a little before you plunge into it, like watching a few physics videos on khanacademy to figure out whether you actually enjoy it.
The math I need to study is like that. I don't doubt that it's much worse when you actually major in math. I wouldn't even consider doing that, since I'm not smart enough for it.

>> No.10624045

If there were such significant genetic or biological differences in the brains of adults of the same species then there would be greater problems and complications to consider than whether anyone can pass a particular kind of test.

Physical and mental maturity plays a role. I think it's around the early 20's that things calm down. Mentally you will need to catch up to your peers if you have not practiced you don't have enough connections to make sense of anything. The good news is that catching up goes much faster for late starters than the initial curve of early learners. But you still need to start from the basics and build up.

Anyone can learn anything in theory.

>> No.10624048

no phd in math
no $300k/year lodsacash
no reckless spending on whatever you want
no way to distract self from soul smiting depression

>> No.10624104

>Math is so much easier, I just have to use the right formula, and as long as I don't plug the wrong numbers into the calculator, there's no way to get a wrong answer.

Stop relying on your calculator.

>I have to both understand what's going on intuitively, and be able to prove my intuition with unquestionable mathematical proof.
>unquestionable mathematical proof.

Ha ha ha what. Physics is much easier than math because the formulas were thought, revised and proved (at least in a "perfect" environment but some deviation is acceptable). I can think up all the primary formulas for physics in a second because they are logically acceptable. You just have to understand the concept and not just go "okay, (A-c)+(B-h)=r² what the fuck does this mean HELP"

>> No.10624113
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Why does Japanese science man remind me of Michael Winner?

>> No.10624166

I used to love learning. Preferences from that time are essentially the reason I am back at university studying Physics. I don't have motivation though, I don't study and I only turn up when required.
No one would ever supervise me for a Master's now because of my pathetic grades resulting from apathy, not that I retain the inclination anyhow. I finish this year and I'll have to earn money working at a supermarket or something.
Would it still be as disturbing for a train driver if you put your neck on the line after covering yourself with a sheet or something so that he wouldn't have to look at you?

>> No.10624182

Can't you take an extra year and do a few minors to flesh out your degree and increase your overall grades?

Not all graduate programs require high grades and minors can help you become eligible for graduate programs in other fields.

>> No.10624197

Like I say, I don't have the motivation any more. Also I think that continued education would involve more human contact than I am comfortable with.

>> No.10624224
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Well, i have bad grades too because of this shitty graduation-system where everything is determinated by exams. But i don't care much about work-life after studying. I study my subject because i'm interested in it and want to know more about it, regardless of the grades and how my chance of a good job is afterwards, because that is what studying meant to be.
Believe me, if you just study an easy subject to get good grades or something with big job chances you probably would regret it afterwards for throwing away your time for the capitalism.

>> No.10624253

Same. Quit university because of that, the crippling depression and autism.

The funny thing is that I started to learn Japanese now and sometimes grind sentences for the whole day. Learning is really tanoshii when you aren't pressured and can take your own time to do it.

Another funny thing is that if would start a bachelor in Japanese Studies or some shit, I'd probably instantly be apathetic about it again.

Fucking autism, man.

>> No.10624281

How old are you guys?
I have seen a trend where the best male students either switched after 2-3 years of failure studying other stuff or started studying much later after lots of internet self-learning.

>> No.10624299

22. I actually took two years off to live back with my parents between first and second year.

>> No.10624315

26, quit university two times and now I live off autismbux, which is probably for the best, because I haven't worked a day in my life. Nobody would hire me anyway.

>> No.10624316

Yeah the guys I'm talking about started again at 24-26.

>> No.10624373

you are doing it wrong

>> No.10624624


Can you link it please?

I'm just curious.

>> No.10624634

Scrolling past this thread keeps upsetting me, but I want to ask just so I know I have the option.

How late is too late to go back to university? As in, how old is too old to do an undergraduate degree? I get that there's no legal limitation or anything, but I don't want to be 40 in a class full of 20-year-olds.

I still feel bad though because I dropped out of university, and I believe it was in the last year before an undergraduate degree went from £9,000 to £27,000.

>> No.10624643


Hopefully the fees will go down soon enough.

I wouldn't worry about age. We have a 30 year old in our department and he gets on really well with everyone.

And if you don't like hanging out with 20 year olds then do an online course at The Open University.

>> No.10624644
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there are people who are getting degrees just for kicks in their 50s.

keep your mind flexible. meditate.

>> No.10624646

I'm 22 and do to some mistakes I made in my previous attempt at college I left with a 0.3 GPA. I'm currently back at a community college now somehow and I'm doing okay this semester. If I get my shit together how long will it take before I can go back and attend real college?

I left high school with a 3.4 if that means anything.

>> No.10624650

Just because I am neet, doesn't mean I am uneducated.

Regards 2x master of Science.

>> No.10624649

I hope this thread becomes a permanent thing like the daily VN threads, it's actually quite interesting and fun to talk to other nonNEETs that still have an interest in otaku culture

>> No.10624651


How old are you now?

Talking about job prospects, I think it really depends on what do you want to do after it.
Getting excellent grandes could compensate.

Don't worry about the rest of the class, it's not like school.
You can find people taking their second or third degree after all.

>> No.10624664

bachelors in math
working on phd
no job
no idea where to from here
no way to distract self from impending unemployment

>> No.10624667

I don't like this thread. I can't take it easy when it's up.

>> No.10624670

if you live in UK I'd hang out with you to make you feel better

>> No.10624672

Jesus fucking christ, what's this influx of normalshit?

>> No.10624673

Use the little - button to hide it

>> No.10624679

crossboarder detected

>> No.10624682
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I'm glad there is someone who appreciate it.

Two days ago a janitor deleted my other thread and banned me for 2 days.
I don't understand why NEET threads, which contribute in sucking users will and energy, are allowed while these supposedly aren't.

>> No.10624682,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's what you get for calling attention to it.

>> No.10624682,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Error: Thread specified does not exist.

I went from being a straight A AP student to a lazy non-honors 3.0 student in uni.

I was convinced I would never turn into the typical unsupervised student who partied all day instead of studying, and I didn't. I watched anime and fapped all day instead.

I wish I originally went into CS rather than biochem as a safe choice. I was scared off by the autism and didn't want to take classes with annoying script kiddies even though I really wanted to go into CS. Now I'm going back to uni for CS and will be surrounded by the new generation of completely facebook-raised script kiddies instead and will likely kill one of them or myself before I ever graduate.

>> No.10624682,3 [INTERNAL] 

You sound like you fall into that category of "facebook kiddies."

>> No.10624682,4 [INTERNAL] 

We are all poor fellows, lost upon this earth.

>> No.10624682,5 [INTERNAL] 

You sound like you're about to get your shit kicked in.

>> No.10624682,6 [INTERNAL] 

lol nerd
