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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 184x184, tell me your secrets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10617816 No.10617816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats the most normal thing you have done, /jp/ ?

>> No.10617824

Only the most normal of posters will give serious replies to this thread.

>> No.10617828

That was a pretty serious reply.

>> No.10617831

Living is normal, I guess.

>> No.10617830

I sat on couch with my ass pressing against it trousers and underwear on.

>> No.10617834

I posted on /jp/.

>> No.10617836

I had sexual intercourse with a human being of the opposite gender.

>> No.10617854

I hope you are joking

Most normal, as in, things that only normals do, is that I've been to a club.

>> No.10617855

are you a girl btw?

>> No.10617858

Took e and had sex with some hot girl.

>> No.10617862

I fell in love with 3D girl, also fapped to 3D girl. Sometimes I still do the second thing, it makes me feel like I am being a bad NEETaku and that turns me on.

>> No.10617863

i reply to my own posts on /jp/ to make it seem like people care what i think

>> No.10617867

That's really retarded, dude.

>> No.10617869

I reply to my own posts on /jp/, but I nearly always reply negatively. I try to be so negative to myself that someone else will jump in to defend me from the bully. That makes me feel wanted.

>> No.10617871

sorry ``mom''

>> No.10617876

You better be sorry, nerd.

>> No.10617888

I sometimes disagree violently with people i actually agree with on the matter. It makes me have a more open mind, and if they cannot defend my argument then it is a sign i should revise my stance on said issue.

I do this because i have it is a way to keep my flawed thinking patterns in check so I don't go insane.

>> No.10617889

I want you.

>> No.10617892

I got a degree and worked in a highly ranked company for several years.

>> No.10617898

What a pathetic sperglord.

>> No.10617905

Participated in my school's talent show.

>> No.10617901

I want to throttle you until all life leaves your body.

>> No.10617903

Why do you think they're flawed?

>> No.10617906

then what happened?

do most people on /jp/ turn full neet mode by the time they leave school or does it usually happen later?

>> No.10617907
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>> No.10617910

Don't bully


>> No.10617911

I am a full bodied woman.

>> No.10617915

>i reply to my own posts

I'm replying to your post.

>> No.10617925


>> No.10617926
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Have friends.

They all came over and played magic tonight till like 4am.

>> No.10617917
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>> No.10617918

> I am a full bodied woman
Did you mean "3DPD"?

>> No.10617920

I've had sex with three women.

One of which I had sex regularly with for 6 months. I've also had girlfriends, and done everything inbetween.

I'm a NEET shutin of 4 years, I did all of this during that time.

I'm just not that socially retarded, sorry. Besides it's the duty of /jp/ to one day understand the pleasure of cumming inside.

>> No.10617921
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yes, yes you are

>> No.10617930

Yeah! I sure do.

>> No.10617931

i reported my dick into ur mum

lmao get #wrekt (:

>> No.10617936

I created this uber cool website called 4chan. I also created several memes.

>> No.10617939
File: 324 KB, 1000x640, moot and sti best friends forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up moot.

>> No.10617954

why do you do that stuff?
i hope they are cute underage japanese girls, at least..

>> No.10617955
File: 12 KB, 325x325, that zhou when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have felt tfwnogf

>> No.10617956

I want moot's white cock inside my black ass.

>> No.10617962

I'm arc btw

>> No.10617963

Well, one was a spaghetti virgin girl who browsed here, she'd stutter and had severe social anxiety, I was her first everything, took her virginity and nutted on her face while she wore a collar after she revealed she had sub tendencies.

Feels good man.

>> No.10617966

You stole my pure /jp/ 3.14 gf from me...

Why can't you keep it to one sexual partner?

>> No.10617968

I stole two actually. Two out of three were virgins.

>> No.10617969

that's horrible

how can you live with yourself after doing that to her?

i hope you didn't throw her away after that. she probably needed loving

>> No.10617971
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I'm so jealous I want to kill you.

But then I remembered it's just a fictional story.

>> No.10617975

In otherwords you fucked a hambeast

>> No.10617976

Why did you do it?

>> No.10617978

If you have the power to reign upon any number of virgin pussy, why would you stop after you've destroyed just one? In fact, you could focus on targeting solely virgins from here and steal all of them if you really put your mind to it.

>> No.10617980

No it's actually completely true. I feel pretty boss because it reads like fiction.

I also fucked her over her parents table while they were 12 minutes away, completely out of character for her when I met her.

>> No.10617981


She was 230 but quite tall, like 5'11. A little thick but who cares, she was a virgin.

>> No.10617983

But what about all the other /jp/sies who have that feel when no pure gf?

>> No.10617984

5'4, 108lbs, looked very pretty and never wore makeup, she never learned.

>> No.10617986

Is stealing panties normal or not normal?

>> No.10617987


What satisfaction do you get out of making up things online? Attention?

>> No.10617989

Because I can.

>> No.10617990
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I say it's normal, as in natural to want to do. God they smell good.

>> No.10617991

I hope he's making it up because I don't think there are many pure qt /jp/ fujoshi around.

>> No.10617993

None, that's why it's not made up.

I get a lot of satisfaction when people find it so incredible that they call it as false though.

>> No.10617994

I'm pretty great at manipulating people and I don't think I'd have trouble getting a partner if I wanted one, but there is little point.

For sex I can just masturbate, and I can cuddle with my dakis. There's no romantic hole that I can't fill in much more convenient manner than having an SO.

>> No.10617997


>> No.10617996

A little thick?!!

230lbs is monstrous!

>> No.10617998


I get a lot of satisfaction from destroying your mom's nasty NEEThole. This has actually happened and if you deny it you are just jealous.

>> No.10618001


>> No.10618003


Because it's obvious bullshit.

Don't take it as a compliment, you aren't even good at bullshitting. Nobody else on /jp/ notices because they're just too autistic, but it's very obvious.

>> No.10618004

I used to have a friend. I went to his house once and while he was downstairs I went into his sister's room and took her panties and sniffed them.

I took some home, too.

>> No.10618010

I bet you said it because you are gay and don't want anyone to know.

>> No.10618005


you can have that and i'll keep all of /jp/s qt virgins

>> No.10618006


Significant Other

It's a gender-inspecific version of 'boyfriend'/'girlfriend'

>> No.10618007

I agree, fucking epic

>> No.10618008

You shouldn't do that, a man's imouto is his own territory,

>> No.10618011

It's not though. That's what's so fantastic about your reaction. I've done something so incredible in your mind you can't actually believe it's real.

It's not that big to me and most people, but still.

>> No.10618012


You admit that he fucked your mom?

What a pussy. I'm a girl and I would never give my virginity to you. I need a strong alpha NEET to take me.

>> No.10618019


It's not incredible, I wouldn't deny something like this normally and it's not impressive, I KNOW you are just making shit up though, it's obvious.

>> No.10618015

please stop posting. exchange emails or something and continue your conversation there

>> No.10618016


I'm heterosexual, but I don't understand why I'd be ashamed if I was gay though.

>> No.10618017

ok, but just wearing panties doesn't make you a girl sorry

>> No.10618018

I don't want a girl who sounds mean like you anyway...

btw are you really a girl?

>> No.10618021


Uh, who are you to dictate what we do, kiddo?

Here's my dick. *takes dick out*

Now suck, cockroach.

>> No.10618022

/jp/sies sometimes remind me of naive children who aren't aware of how cruel the world is yet...

Alpha males will steal all your supposedly non-normal virgin girls from this board whether you like it or not. Nothing left for you.

>> No.10618027

I'm not though, and everytime you go into it you're just putting it into concrete that it impresses you to the point of disbelief.

But it really did happen and much more.

Most of the others posters don't really give a fuck now, but you still do.

>> No.10618028

don't talk like that!

non-normal virgin gurls on /jp/, back me up!

>> No.10618032

I'm right here ;^)

>> No.10618037

who wants to fuck

im a grill btw

>> No.10618033

I beat "alpha male"'s asses as a hobby.

>> No.10618034


What exactly is being stolen from me? I don't want to have sex with unclean 3d scum.

>> No.10618039


Me! Please put your skype account here and I'll add you. I will fly to your location and we can have sex. You should know that I am absolutely averse to any kind of anal play and I'm a dom.

>> No.10618038


I don't believe you. Not because it's something near-impossible. Not because it's impressive. Not because it's rare. Not because it's something that would cause me to inherently disbelieve it.

I'm saying it's bullshit because of the way YOU talked about it, I can tell. You sound like a 13 year old kid role-playing out his fantasy as if it happened, because for all intensive purposes you are.

It's just plain old obvious bullshit fiction.

>> No.10618042

Personally I don't consider it stealing because those cute and pure /jp/ girls don't like me to start with. I talked to a girl from /jp/, but slowly over time her responses had this feeling to them like she found talking to me uncomfortable. Then she stopped coming online. I was really in love with her...

Sometimes I wish I was just gay because I can't understand how these girls think and what they expect from me. I can't make them my girlfriend even when I try to

>> No.10618047

Anyone wanna fuck for real?

>> No.10618048

It's not though, that's the thing. It's completely real and every post you're making to try to disprove it just makes me realize how jealous and impressed you are. It does feel good, but it's just you and no one else right now.

I'll go easy on you: It's actually not that rare. A lot of women have a subby streak, especially the shy ones. She had some other fun fetishes too.

>> No.10618043


>> No.10618044

How come there aren't ever any alpha females who go around fucking non-normal guys and turning them into normalfags?

>> No.10618045


Dude, if you're this upset, just get into the game yourself. I only started hunting cute /jp/sie virgins a few months ago and I've already deflowered eight. All were gorgeous and we had the best sex you could imagine.

>> No.10618051

>because for all intensive purposes
Not only is this phrase completely inappropriate to use here, it's "for all intents and purposes", not intensive purposes.

Not that I disagree with what you are saying to Mr. Alpha McFucksall/jp/virginsington

>> No.10618055




>> No.10618052
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Finally you tell the truth.


I don't believe you. Not because it's something near-impossible. Not because it's impressive. Not because it's rare. Not because it's something that would cause me to inherently disbelieve it.

I'm saying it's bullshit because of the way YOU talked about it, I can tell. You sound like a 13 year old kid role-playing out his fantasy as if it happened, because for all intensive purposes you are.

It's just plain old obvious bullshit fiction.

>> No.10618053

B-but I don't have a skype.

>> No.10618060

Please advise on how to hunt cute /jp/sie virgins.

>> No.10618061

Yes, where are you at?

>> No.10618057
File: 130 KB, 390x283, Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did that on purpose.

I'm serious. I always do that on purpose. You got rused.

>> No.10618059

It isn't though, your analysis is false. It's jealousy and you're attempting to rationalize your hurt, you did say you were jelly enough to kill me after-all.

>> No.10618063


Yes I do.

I don't care how ugly you are.

>> No.10618064

Because that's not how human mating rituals turned out after evolution had its say. It doesn't really make sense when in most cases they can only get preggers with one person's child.

>> No.10618065

My smelly NEET vagina is getting all upset. Why does nobody take my virginity and blow their load on my face?

>> No.10618066


I don't believe you. Not because it's something near-impossible. Not because it's impressive. Not because it's rare. Not because it's something that would cause me to inherently disbelieve it.

I'm saying it's bullshit because of the way YOU talked about it, I can tell. You sound like a 13 year old kid role-playing out his fantasy as if it happened, because for all intensive purposes you are.

It's just plain old obvious bullshit fiction.

>> No.10618067

I can't believe this is happening to me.

>> No.10618069


Deer urine is a popular bait. I don't believe in calls because they depend so much on user skill.

>> No.10618070

>I don't care how ugly you are.
Yes you do.

>> No.10618071

Oh god he's autisming out, he's stuck in a cycle.

Everyone, get back. This is what happens when you steal and deflower qt /jp/ virgins.

>> No.10618073
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how stinkey is it?

>> No.10618074

I wonder how many people have actually met over /jp/ and had sex. There has to have been at least one couple

>> No.10618077


Nope I would fuck almost anything.

>> No.10618078

If you're pretty I will. I'll even collar you if you're a good pet.

>> No.10618080

Why is everyone here so fucking retarded?

>> No.10618083


Holy fuck, what is wrong with her body?

>> No.10618084

I don't. Do you really want to have sex?

There is nothing I want more than to have sex with a /jp/.

>> No.10618085

There's the rub.

>> No.10618086

1) anzu a shit and not a NEET
2) anatomy

>> No.10618087
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>> No.10618088


I live in Australia so it's statistically likely that you would bankrupt yourself flying here. I would unironically do it though.

>> No.10618089

Well there's me, one of my friends met his boyfriend on there, and I know of another qt who browses /jp/ but she goes to school and thinks you're all moronic and only really comes here for the 2hu.

It's really more than you think, it's just most of the bitter ones are really repulsive, so you have to approach the qts.

>> No.10618090

So are there any real /jp/ NEET girls who would like to talk? Just talk at first, I'm very lonely.

>> No.10618095


>> No.10618096

I live in new zealand.
I'm probably flying to australia half way through the year anyway. Where abouts do you live? Maybe I could fuck you on the way

>> No.10618092


>> No.10618093

I was being serious ;_;

>> No.10618094

That's a shame. You could've had a master with a silky accent.

>> No.10618099

You haven't caught onto the reality of things? Nobody is going to teach you to do it because everybody just wants a harem of cute virgin girls they can all deflower themselves. If you had that power, you wouldn't give it to anyone.

I would know.

>> No.10618097


I could probably lead one of you on for several months pretending I'm a girl. There's obviously some desperation here.

>> No.10618098

Could you post a way to contact you?

>> No.10618100

sent ;)

>> No.10618102

Why have all the blog threads on /jp/ been especially fast and the on-topic threads especially slow lately? What's happening?

>> No.10618103

So are there any real /jp/ NEET guys who would like to talk? Just talk at first, I'm very lonely.

>> No.10618104



>> No.10618105

Please don't do that.

>> No.10618109


Yes, I sent an email to sage

please respond

>> No.10618110

We can talk in this thread. I know you're just some pathetic loser. It would be a waste of my time to have extended conversations, you know?

>> No.10618111

There's at least one (probably more) girls reading this thread and laughing or derisively shaking their head

You poor, sex-starved shits. No way all of this is ironic.

>> No.10618115

you just haven't ascended to our level of irony yet
btw nice trips

>> No.10618116

It's not. Even the irony is just an accepted way of demonstrating desperation if you read through the lines.

>> No.10618117

Wow don't be a bully.

>> No.10618120

Could you at least give me some tips please?

>> No.10618118

That hurts my feelings. I wanted to have some extended conversations with a /jp/ girl. Like we would just get online and if we were both online then we would talk to each other, about anything. I've never been able to talk like that with a girl ever, so I have wanted to for a long time.

>> No.10618121

It's fun once you find it.

But you must reach out to find it, don't become the bitter/cynical/soIRONIC people all over these boards. It is okay to want and it is okay to search.

>> No.10618122
File: 39 KB, 604x453, TcKoXQC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One day If I ever see a girl like this and she laughs at me for being a vrigin, I think I'm going to snap and rape her.

Bitch has no clue what I deal with about sex.

>> No.10618124

I understand. But it doesn't work that way. Only if both parties are 14 or 15. But not in the adult world.

You will die and leave this world forever not having experienced those wonderful, innocent conversations with a pure girl. Enjoyee.

>> No.10618125

I talked to two different girls on the Internet and it was lame. Both of them started having sex with someone (and told me about it) like halfway through me knowing them. I thought I was supposed to be the one popping cherries here.

>> No.10618126


>> No.10618127

You might as well settle for cocks because that isn't going to happen.

>> No.10618128

yea, that's what alpha-kun fugged

>> No.10618130

But i've had it. I've even fugged em.

>> No.10618132

Yes. I am in the United States.

>> No.10618139

There is. Don't listen to bitter shit.

>> No.10618135

Why? I'm willing to do it, there might be a girl who is too.

>> No.10618136

Shit-tastic thread. Why do we talk about such boring things?

>> No.10618137

Me too. What area?

>> No.10618140

>Both of them started having sex with someone (and told me about it)
Why did they tell you?

>> No.10618141

Wow it totally feels like a Friday night/Saturday morning in /jp/

>> No.10618142

There's no way I'd be able to have sex with someone from /jp/. Seeing someone IRL who you've known on the Internet is Twilight Zone stuff. Crazy surreal. People are so different.

>> No.10618144

They aren't pure if you fugged them.

No there isn't you fucking homo. Stop deluding the poor soul. He's going to waste his whole life chasing shadows if he believes your words.

>> No.10618145
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good contribution, definitely not shitpost, confirmed best post ITT

great job

>> No.10618146

Thank you for the encouragement, anon. If there is still any /jp/ girl who wants to talk please leave some way of contacting you, I will download whatever is needed and add you.

>> No.10618147


I don't know, they talked about their lives a lot

>> No.10618148

West coast.
And you?

>> No.10618149

Touhou is pretty boring to us normalfags.

>> No.10618150
File: 12 KB, 345x398, yo gurl want som fuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because he's their FRIEND, keyword "friend".

They don't want some pathetic pussy like him, they want alpha dog "yo girl want som fuk" guy.

>> No.10618151

Post the non-3D one.

>> No.10618151,1 [INTERNAL] 

/ghost/bros report in!

>> No.10618151,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10618151,3 [INTERNAL] 

Janiturd confirmed for butthurt that I have amazing sex with /jp/sie virgin qts.

>> No.10618151,4 [INTERNAL] 

sup mAAAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10618151,5 [INTERNAL] 

You're not funny. Please stop.
